Caffeine Overdose… How Much Is “Too Much” Coffee???

Coffee has been praised and ridiculed for centuries. It has been accused of causing impotence and insanity, as well as curing laziness or "a gift from heaven." This is heavy stuff. But what are the actual, scientifically proven downsides and downsides of coffee that we realize today? Let's take a look at my list: 1. Low-quality coffee can be toxic Low-quality coffee can contain a lot of impurities that can cause illness, headaches, or just a bad feeling in general. This can happen if your coffee is made from beans that are too ripe or otherwise damaged. Even a spoiled bean can contaminate your cup. 2. Coffee can kill you, yes, you heard that right! If you drink 80-100 cups (23 liters) in a short period of time.

This dose is lethal, with 10-13 grams of caffeine in your body . 3Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness. Again, here's the caffeine… The maximum recommended amount of caffeine is 400 mg, which is roughly equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. If coffee is reducing your sleep quality, try quitting coffee later in the day, such as after 2:00 pm . 4. If you're pregnant, say goodbye to coffee! Research on the effects of coffee on the fetus has been controversial, but one thing is for sure: if you drink coffee while pregnant, caffeine is also ingesting the fetus, and your baby is highly sensitive to caffeine. 5. Pee at night Research has shown that caffeine intake in children aged 5-7 may increase enuresis, or bedwetting.

6. Coffee may affect pregnancy Caffeine intake increases the risk of miscarriage when trying to conceive, so people trying to start a family should exercise caution and monitor their caffeine intake. 7. Coffee is bad for cholesterol Given the certain compounds in coffee, too much coffee can lead to elevated LDL cholesterol levels. Too much LDL cholesterol can lead to hardening of the arteries, which in turn inhibits blood flow to the heart and deprives it of oxygen. 8. Caffeine May Cause Anxiety Disorders Consuming too much caffeine can cause jitters, anxiety , heartbreak, and even worsen panic attacks. If you are sensitive to caffeine and prone to overstimulation, you should avoid coffee altogether. 9. Caffeine Addiction Here I talk to all coffee drinkers…when people quit caffeine they experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches, exhaustion, brain fog and restlessness. This may last a few days. 10. Caffeine can cause indigestion. Drinkers of caffeinated beverages often complain of upset stomach or indigestion. This is most often the case when the beverage is consumed on an empty stomach. Caffeine is a drug that, like any other substance, can affect different people differently.

In terms of personal health history, we must understand how caffeine interacts with our bodies . For some people, switching from coffee to ginger or other natural energy drinks may be a better option..

As found on YouTube

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