Bagging Green Coffee – Specialty Coffee Series, Part 9

just so you guys know who this is this is my beautiful mother marta lorena and this was the fighter without my mother i wouldn't have we wouldn't have our farm so i honor my mother on every bag on every burlap bag of our coffee so this means a lot to me very very important for me to honor her all the time on these burlap bags is where we bag our beans but another layer of protection that we apply to our beans it's called a hermetic bag in this case made by grain pro bags inside these burlap bags we have these things called hermetic bags what they do is they preserve the moisture content in our coffee beans this is vital for a coffee it it has to have our coffee cannot go stale in the burlap bags if we were just to keep them in the burlap bags after a couple of months we would lose all of our moisture and that's really really bad for coffee so these bags here they play a very special role in our specialty coffee again specialty coffee what makes a specialty coffee all these different things that we have been covering in all of our videos so keep tuning in we will have more of these amazing videos in the future thank you very much click the link below hit that like button and subscribe to our channel thank you again

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