Avoid Sodium if You Want to Detox Your Kidneys [HERE’S WHY?]

if you want to improve your overall health 
you must take good care of your kidneys   one simple but effective way to do 
so is to limit your sodium intake   and that is the topic of this video 
so if you're ready let's get into it it goes without saying that the kidneys are one 
of the most essential organs in the human body   they help remove waste maintain fluid balance 
and filter minerals and toxins in the blood   this is why we must focus on taking good care 
of our kidneys and urinary system and one way   to do so is to avoid taking in too much sodium 
if you eat a diet that is high in sodium you   are most definitely not alone on average americans 
consume around 3 400 milligrams of sodium per day   which exceeds the recommended intake by more than 
1 000 consuming too much sodium is not good at   all for your kidneys because first a high sodium 
diet increases the amount of calcium in your urine   which increases the risk of forming kidney stones 
also sodium can cause high blood pressure which   has negative effects on the kidneys as well by 
damaging the arteries that carry blood to the   kidneys which over time can ultimately result in 
kidney failure if you want to reduce sodium intake   one easy way to do so is to limit the amount 
of processed foods that you eat in your diet   instead try to eat natural unadulterated food that 
is in its whole form and your kidneys will greatly   appreciate it over time not to mention some other 
ways to boost the health of your kidneys include   try to stay hydrated eat a diet that supports the 
kidneys take the right vitamins and supplements   try apple cider vinegar avoid too much caffeine 
and avoid artificial sweeteners take advantage   of the benefits of lemon juice try herbal teas 
and consider trying a two day kidney cleanse   with that said just a quick reminder we are 
not doctors this video is for informational   purposes only but real quick if you don't mind do 
me a huge favor and hit the like button it really   helps support the channel and i greatly greatly 
appreciate it and you might as well go ahead and   subscribe for more videos like this hopefully 
what you learned in this video was useful and   can help you improve your overall health over 
time if so be sure to let us know down in the   comment section below and if you want to dive 
even deeper we do have a full guide on our website   i'll drop a link to it right below this 
video down in the description thank you so   much for watching all the way to the end have a 
blessed day and as always pretty easy my friend you

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