1000 kg Salt Vs Water Experiment | Got Shocking Result | Mad Brothers

Now we have 1000 Kg of Salt And 5000 litres of pure water We are going to make
unsinkable water ready today That is we are going to prepare
unsinkable water and float in it Can we do it? Yes we can do it First we are going to soak
one one object that is with us And check if it is
sinking in pure water Yes yes Let us check First put that lemon inside Shall I put the lemon inside? Yes put the first lemon in Has it sunk? Yes it has Shall I drop the next lemon? Yes Look it sinks well Next drop the potato Dropping the potato inside Oie! This has also sunk well Next drop another potato Another potato Hey! It has also sunk well Pa is dropping it as if
he is feeding the fish Can we drop this one
litre water can and see? Drop it pa Throw it inside Has it sunk? Yes it has sunk Hey! It has sunk It hasn’t come up right We have swiped
all the things inside Now we are dropping
a 5 litre fat water can Is not the water full? Fill it up then Yes it has sunk Yes it has Heyyyyyyy! It has sunk It is surfacing One came bouncing up But it has gone in again Yes it has gone in We are going to check
with a stainless steel plate We are dropping it backwards Or it will not sink If you keep it facing
upwards it will float Drop it in Let us see Drop it It went really smooth inside Finally let us check if we
humans will float or sink? Let us see Pa! lie down
Shall I lie down? Yes you lie down Is he floating? No he isn’t He has sat down He couldn’t float Pa is an expert in this So let us check
if we are floating? Pa is a little heavy too Let me check This is another heavy build After a point of
time we cannot float Now the lean boy
Navin is going to lie down You lie backwards Backwards Haaan! Yes lie down backwards Yes lie down lie down He has sunk Why are you getting up? You should lie still You should float like this You have to float
like this on top Ya like that Can you float? He is not found He is swimming inside He is not lying inside the water Why can’t we & objects
float in pure water? Is that it’s density
will be very very less Yes We are going to mix salt
to increase the density And do you know how
much we are going to mix? 1000 kgs of salt
we are going to mix If we mix 1000 kg of salt Then the density will
increase and we will float Yes This phenomenon is
found in a real place Where is this place? The Dead Sea If you go there You can float and
do whatever you like You can eat, drink and
do whatever you like Yes you can even
read the newspaper Yes Can we check it out? Can we mix the
entire 100 kg of salt? We can dissolve Guys come let us go We can start mixing the salt Inaudible chatter It is very salty So much of salt It is a different level We are getting ready
water better than the real one It is more salty
than the sea water Now itself the water has become white
as if mixed with white rangoli powder We have made it colour water We have changed colourless
water as pure white water What are you doing pa? We are breaking the salt
packets and dropping it in the water You are taking the salt packets Where are you
putting it in the water? I am taking it to put
it in the water only Oh you are taking it
for putting in only right Yes Now if we squeeze 1000 kg of lemons
then it will become lemon juice right Yes we can add sugar too Yes it will become lemon juice I drank this water that time But the salt is still
lingering in my mouth It is too salty Now you drink and see Drink now [He spits it out] Hahahhah How is it? Is it sweet? Hah! I need water I feel weird Hahahah Open your mouth He didn’t drink He is a person with no taste No taste Pour it in your brother’s mouth It is very very weird Ouch! Your uncle is calling you We have more salts left We will definitely float We are going to fly than float That is true So much salt Omg! Still so much salt Different level pour some into his mouth,
I'm on silence fasting today Show your mouth [Spitting] Hahhah How is it? It is very sweet Hey! It is sweet it seems Pour some more Pour some more Pour some more BGM These two school students
have to go for their exam So they cannot stay Yes they are going
to score centum Hahha Because they have studied more So we will send them off Go and do your exams well BGM We have mixed 1000 kg of salt
and made the dead pool ready Yes now the density is higher So shall we test the density by dropping
all the objects that we dropped earlier Yes let us see Come come come First we are going
to drop the lemon We shall start it
auspiciously with yellow Yes Shall we put it Yes throw it Has it gone inside? Heyyyyyy!!!!!! Success!!!!!! Lemon has floated Yes the lemon has floated But lemon floating
is not a big matter Yes it is a simple one Human floating is
only a great thing Yes! If Thiyagu floats
then it is a huge matter Then there is no choice Then only it is a success OK OK Shall we drop the next one? Yes we can Next we are dropping the potato Yes we can It is the
smaller version of Thiyagu Small version Shall we drop it? Yes we can Hey!!!! Has it gone inside? Heyyyyyy!!! It has surfaced up Yes it has If you are watching now We are performing
magic show right Yes we are making
potato to float If you want to see like this
you subscribe in mad brothers OK We are going to
make Thiyagu float Now we are going to
drop one litre bottle inside Yes we are going to drop it Throw it Excited shouting It is floating in the
water’s surface itself right Look closely There is no air lock in this We have not
allowed any air space We have filled it to the brim Yes we have filled it fully It is like it was already But first time it
sank now it is floating 1 litre water can has floated Shall we try it with
5 litre water can? Yes we can Can I drop it? Yes drop it drop it Heyyyyy!!!! Excited shouting It is really amazing There is no air Only few spaces But that is not a problem So 5 litre water can has floated Next we have with us
a stainless steel plate OK This sunk last time Can we drop it
and see this time? Yes we can Where is it? It has disappeared Come up come up It has sunk like the titanic I will search it and come It is inside only Search it and come Search it and come Hey it is coming up bro Is it? Yes bro Hey are you all cheating us? You kept the hand below
and you are telling it is floating Actually it did not work out
for the Stainless steel plate You are telling it did not work
for Stainless steel plate itself But we are planning
to throw Thiyagu inside Hahha Thaiyagu will float It will work out for him He will float So will he? Yes It didn’t float as it is a metal So this is not metal is it? Hahahah OK now Venkatesh
is going to float Come shall we see if
this magic can happen? Yes we shall see Venkat ready Hey keep your hands
and feet together Hey he is floating All excitedly shouting My eyes are burning My eyes are burning He has not gone in at all Hey you have floated excellently Wait and say an opinion My eyes are burning My eyes are only burning How was it inside? It was good to float It was fun We have left Venkatesh
alone in the pool OK Yes then you may tell that
we have lifted him with our legs So we will check
if he floats alone Shall we? We shall see Yes we can check Yes ready Lie down Lie backwards Hey hey!!!! Excited shouting Wow it is amazing! Can you see how he is floating? His t-shirt has
become like a balloon His balloon turned t-shirt See how he is sitting! Heyyyyyyy!! If Venkatesh is not there We cannot save
Mad Brothers I think Yes Running on water
or floating on water We use Venkatesh
for all our experiments In all water based videos
Venkatesh is the hero My eyes are burning Tell your dialogues later Just save me now Next Adi is getting in We have increased the weight Shall we float? Yes Float float What is your weight Adi? He is 68 kgs Get in now Now we can float Hey! He is floating!!!!! Heyyyy!!!! It is a different level He is floating superbly! Can you float? Yes I can Super experience More than our excitement Adi is super excited Floater Look here Even my legs are up only Do you want to come to land? I am not going to He won’t as he cannot circle
in water like this if he steps out It is superb And you cannot lie down
in water like this right Definitely he cannot I thought I will not float Even I thought he won’t
float as he is 68 kgs Hey I am just 73 kgs Then I will float Look look here We will take a snap Like this Be straight Venkatesh was 35
kgs, next Adi was 68 kgs Now how much does Siva weigh? 72 kgs 72 kgs is going to float Can we float? Yes we can Lie down Lie down OK I will Lie down Lift your legs Hey it’s a wow feeling Excited shouts He is floating so coolly Hey it’s a wow feeling Excited shouts He is floating so coolly If he himself is floating will
not my leader Thiyagu float? Hey why are you
comparing me with Thiyagu? He is heavier than me It is a different
level of experience Indistinct chatter Shall we take a snap with Siva? OK stand stand Since I am 72 kgs I
thought I will definitely sink Even I am of the same
weight in fact lesser So let us see if I
am going to float? I am only less He is more He is lying Next Maya Bro is going to float Can I fall in? Yes you can fall Hey bro it is amazing bro I have floated bro Lift your hands up Lift your hands up Super Look here It is of a different level Wow! It is amazing! It is of a different level Wow! It is amazing! It is of a different level Omg! He has swallowed the water How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling this water? Is it dead pool or not? Hey! Water is in my nose, mouth So it is definitely
dead pool only I need water water Hey! Give him water Bring water immediately Come faster We are waiting
for your experience If it enters the eyes
it is burning too much It will burn surely No one thrust their face inside Nose is burning,
mouth feels weird Eyes are burning Actually it is burning
on the skin itself He has got it in his
eyes, nose, and mouth It will burn only Yes yes And if there is soreness or
scratch it is burning like hell Since it is Iodine right Do not try this at home OK Yes Since we are
experts we are doing it Hahaha We are professionals
so we are doing it Yes we are professionals Do not try this at home If we look finally, maya
bro was floated well So we are going to
increase the weight Not increase alone we are
going to increase multi-fold Another level Who? Thiyagu Thiyagu come in come in Now we are going to make
200 kgs thiyagu to float Is he 200 kgs or 1000 kgs? He is 158 kgs If we weigh him using
a weighing machine The machine gets burnt So we couldn’t calculate Hahahah We will ask him to get in Let us see Are you ready? Hold my hands Now fall back
Be safe..

Fall fall It should not get in your eyes Careful What happened? Emergency Emergency Hahha Emergency Emergency Hahha What Thiyagu I
thought you will float? But you have fallen He thought it is swimming
pool and must have jumped Huh! Thiyagu Fall slowly Slowly Huh! Slowly Just lower yourself Lift your neck Heyyy!!!! Thiyagu you have floated Success The experiment is over Inaudible chatter He himself is surprised I am floating & I'm happy Hey are you going to? Hey hey hey!!!! Super super Our salt pool has borne a
huge person like Thiyagu Do you know why
he is floating so well? Because his
surface area is large So he is floating really well Surface area is huge His surface area on
the water is really vast See how big a surface area Now our father is going to float Appa be careful Get in slowly Get in slowly Pa will float with ease That’s it Pa that’s it That’s all Pa Lift your hands Look father is floating too He has floated Isn’t it amazing? Do we have
something in the water? Nothing If we have, he
cannot rotate like this So our dead pool has
become very successful If you want to see many
experiments like this Subscribe to Mad Brothers We are Mad Brothers OK at last we have
Vicky bro to float Yes he is going to float Excited shouting Hey bro The experience is mind blowing He has come to the surface area That’s all He has come to the surface area Yes that’s it The effect of the salt
pushes anything upwards Yes it does It is making everything float The density is highly increased In this density
any one can float Yes yes yes Even if you come you can float When you come subscribe to
Mad brothers and then come

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