1 Useless Fact About EVERY League of Legends Champion! (ft. NickyBoi, Dumbs, HappyChimeNoises)

everyone here is one fun fact about every 
League of Legends champion you might even   see some familiar faces in this video too also 
this video took literally weeks to research and   throw together and most of you who watch are 
unsubscribed so if you enjoyed please consider   taking a second to help me reach my goal of 
hitting 200k subs thank you guys and with   that let's get into the video aatrox was the only 
Champion to have a 100 presence rate at the world   championships this year being picked 22 times and 
banned 58 times and even in play-ins he still had   a 96 presence did you know that Ari almost 
didn't have ears or Tails as you can see her   original published splashar on the left has no 
fox ears and the tail is just part of her dress   instead of actually being a part of her body and 
the reason they didn't go with the first concept   is because they were concerned if they could make 
Ari's tail connect to her dress in game in a way   that looked natural additionally they wanted 
to differentiate her from the myths that she   was built on luckily though the community decided 
to speak up and they decided to modify her after   all let's call guys close call Kali is made by 
1.5 percent of the League of Legends Community   which is actually kind of a lot in the lore 
auction was actually beaten up to the brink of   death when he was young but a woman named shadia 
saved him Alistar used to have four fingers in   his old splasher even though he never actually 
had four fingers in game and he still only has   three fingers today this is the very first drawing 
of a Mumu and what his original art concept looked   like it almost seems like he had a tippers of his 
own back then this is what the old anivia's voice   sounded like no Polly does not want a cracker I am 
Eternal are you Annie's full name is Annie Haster   also read it backwards spells Tibbers just so you 
know it guys really quick I wanted to talk about   one of my personal favorite free games out there 
and that is War Thunder and I'm really excited   that they're the sponsor for today's video I've 
personally always loved vehicle fighting games   and I can vouch that War Thunder is insanely fun 
and addicting for those who don't know War Thunder   is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever 
made and in the game you can play more than 2 000   tanks planes helicopters and ships in some insane 
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and shooting planes down is oddly entertaining   but the nice thing is that there's also a more 
competitive setting too if you're into that also   the detail that goes into these vehicles is crazy 
and they're even modeled all the way down to their   individual dual components where Thunder of course 
has incredible graphics with 4K resolution and the   sound effects and music are just as good plus 
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for yourself you seriously won't regret it and if   you use my link below you'll even get a large free 
bonus pack for registering which include multiple   premium Vehicles a premium account boosters and a 
ton more alright thanks guys and back to the video   filios was originally supposed to be a wizard with 
an arsenal of spells but the gameplay wasn't quite   unique enough compared to already existing Mages 
with that being said I won't be surprised if Ryan   introduces a full-on wizard-like champion in the 
future because they specifically said this while   making Affiliates even after almost 150 Champions 
League of Legends doesn't have a wizard it has a   shirtless blue guy seven versions of him in fact 
but still no wizard when you think about it it's   kind of dumb that Ash is from froyord and she has 
no pants on in fact she even has a voice line when   she runs in a Brom where she comments on it so 
Brown no shirt huh and I don't have pants yay   fell yard when aurelian Soul buys a Guardians 
orb and Aram he has a voice line where he says   perfect for my collection to destroy you 
destroy you now believe it or not azir is   going to have an ability that allowed him to 
summon a turret and on top of that the turret   would shoot out a laser beam of light that would 
rotate it was given the title Windmills of death   and rightfully so hey everyone happy Chinese 
is here did you know that Bard actually has   a secret voice over script with real lines 
they used to inspire The Sounds he makes in   game unfortunately these were never released 
to the public but we do know they exist and   even though Bard himself doesn't have a voice 
actor his meeps actually do and it's done by   Riot utorrah one of Bart's audio designers 
if this name sounds familiar that's because   it's one of the noises that meeps make when 
they spawn occasionally they whisper utora   yeah also another fact before I go snow day Bard 
is the best skin there's no debate when a bell vet   scrapped abilities was that she used to be able to 
make a ton of permanent long-range void portals as   the game went on and in the late game you would 
have an endless supply of portals that allow you   to go pretty much anywhere you wanted however 
they thought it was too similar to wreck size   kit so they got rid of it let's crank is voiced 
by Duncan watt who surprisingly also does the   voice for ranus according to the lore before brand 
became brand he was actually a human named Keegan   Road he was a mage Apprentice to rise but after 
seeing a fragment of the world Rune greed overtook   him and he lost all his Humanity becoming brand 
ROM's e ability unbreakable was originally called   a movable object and even made it to the PBE 
being called that the name was eventually changed   because Brom can technically still move during the 
ability so it wasn't exactly immovable in fact it   was very movable after Arcane was released in 
November 2021 Kaelyn's pick rate skyrocketed   almost 20 percent within the month during the 
awakened cinematic you can see Camille's eyes   turn orange for a second as an allusion to 
her passive in the game where she gains a   shield based on if they're doing ad or AAP damage 
according to the Lord not only is Cass obviously   poisonous but she's also crazy strong there were 
descriptions of her splitting Stone in half like   it was glass did you know cho'gath has no lore 
at all no short stories no Canon cinematics and   two-thirds of his bio is just explaining what the 
void is he basically doesn't exist and let's be   honest here if he actually did exist in the state 
he's described as that's it dude room Terrace lost   it's over Porgy Corky's butt wiggle animation was 
inspired by this video of quirky shaking his butt has a voice line referring to garen's 
spin to win strategy where he says oh how's he doing and [Applause] dizzy the new 
winter blessed Diana skin has a special visual   effect that goes off whenever you get a pentakill 
on her turns the entire summoner's Rift into a   winter map for a few seconds it's a really cool 
effect but it's almost taunting us that Riot never   added the real one back in did you know that Dr 
Mundo is actually immune to time shifts and still   retains memories when they happen which is also 
the reason that Echo can't beat Mundo in a fight   this was confirmed in his new lore released after 
his rework when the two encountered each other in   a short story called Do no harm the phrase 
welcome to the league of Draven was actually   just something one of the writers jokingly wrote 
on a whiteboard to Kickstart brainstorming for   the champion but eventually it just caught on so 
they ended up keeping it in in the non-canon the   path of the Champions Adventure one of echo's 
after images named Ozzy actually started acting   on its own and even desired to not be reset and 
remain as an individual kind of gives me Echo Age   of Ultron Vibes did you know when playing Elise 
you can repel from the other side of the wall to   the wolves on the blue side of the map without 
Vision but when you try it on the red side of   the map you can't actually see the a camp in 
other words one side of the map is kind of   rigged for Elise players Eve is voiced by Mara 
junett who voiced Lisa from gentian Impact and   she actually needed a few characters in Arcane 
too like Jules and Shula and it came to making   pulse fire Ezreal the designers were struggling to 
brainstorm concepts for the skin that didn't look   weird for example originally he had a vacuum 
cleaner looking thing on his back but one day   one of the animators shoe walked by with his hard 
plastic motorcycle backpack and when the designer   saw him they knew that that was the look so 
they had him posed for them which is where   they got the basic idea biddlestix's voice actor 
is Kellen Goff and surprisingly there was almost   no editing done to the voice just some touch-ups 
but that's pretty much it I mean listen to this your's old ultimate used to be entirely different 
than it is today it was called blade Waltz and   it was almost like Yee's q but on steroids it 
made her untargetable and also slapped someone   around five times right used to actually sell 80 
Fizz onesies and in the description they wrote   warning wearing this may create random urges 
to hop everywhere in jail shark my question is   where's the ergot onesie not gonna lie I really 
couldn't find anything good about galio besides   him being freakishly massive in the lore which we 
already knew so here's Patrick galio when it came   to gangplank's development they weren't really 
sure what his last ability should be and then   right Caldwell suggested that he should have an 
orange to ward off scurvy in case you didn't know   scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency 
hence the orange here in steel Legion recall is a   reference to Thundercats nar's placeholder during 
development was a mini golden Nautilus that threw   out boomerangs and turned into Warwick when he 
got big reagus has his own beer brand called   Greggy ice and he uses froyordian ice to brew 
it also if you look at Olaf's broloff skin you   can actually see his axes are made out of 
the Greggy ice logo Braves was originally   in ADC before his rework mainly because his Autos 
were single shot instead of spread making it much   more viable in Lane since his Autos couldn't get 
blocked like they do now and the lore Gwen has   the power to change her scissors and any size 
she wants ekram was originally going to be a   ghost of a dead Knight that was able to summon 
an undead horse as well but by the time he was   approved to become a champion he had already 
become the centaur-like creature he is today   on a similar note Heimer Dem wasn't actually 
going to be a yortle but they figured he was   closest to looking like a yard already so they 
just threw on a pink nose and turned his weird   brain into hair instead also old Heimerdinger 
was nicknamed broccoli head just because of   the way his brain looked in development olawi 
had a somewhat problematic bug where tentacles   would spawn at an unusual rate after leaving the 
vessel Circle I mean I could see why this might   cause a few problems I don't know Rayleigh has a 
voice line where she says somewhere a forest is   missing its idiot whenever she's playing against 
ivern did you know that by technicality ivern is   lilia's Grandfather back when he was a freljordian 
barbarian he chopped down the legendary god Willow   Tree infused with it a piece of the god Willow 
then sprouted the mother tree which would later   go on to spawn Lilia so yeah if I already didn't 
like Iver enough he's also a kooky Grandpa and the   old Laura Janna's full name was Jana windforce 
and she was actually just a girl who grew up   in the slums of Zona but eventually rose up to 
power thanks to her magic also at one point her   nudes basically got leaked kind of did you know 
that there was an entire conspiracy theory that   Jarvan 4 is actually LeBlanc it all started with 
this photo showing a huge fight between demacia   and noxus and in the photo you can see Swain 
and j4 going at it but in Swain's breastplate   you can see a reflection but it's not jarvan's 
reflection instead is still blocked because of   this it was believed Jarvan is actually LeBlanc 
in Disguise as a spy to add to this Theory too   LeBlanc was the leader of the Black Rose a 
massive power behind the nazian throne but   it somehow vanished overnight did you know that 
they knew reworked Jax is going to have a hidden   passive where if you sit in the river and don't 
move you'll start getting fish every few seconds   for each fish you get you'll also get one extra 
gold it's also worth mentioning that the passive   icon is his current passive icon but now it'll 
actually make sense now imagine how broken this   would be if he had a real fishing pole did you 
know Jace almost had an ultimate where he would   slam his hammer down creating a Shockwave knocking 
up enemies this actually sounds crazy familiar to   reinhardt's Ultimate from OverWatch and also just 
would have been an insane team fight ability it   was confirmed by Riot a long time ago that Jin 
shaves his balls yup that's it jinx's title is   jinx the Loose Cannon but unfortunately this got 
translated to jinx the floozy Cannon ear in one of   the regions by accident Tyson's Wings on her suit 
were almost instead separate void creatures that   were taken along on her shoulders later on they 
decide to make them a part of her suit or to be   more specific the creature that is her suit tease 
the release of kalista seven of the Champions   back then had their Champion Pages shrouded with 
black mist to mark their betrayal Casper betraying   sivir hecarim for betraying kalista lissandro for 
betraying froyard TF for betraying Graves xerith   for betraying azir and Zed for betraying Shen 
and his order also kalista's voice actress is   named Misty you get it it's funny because kalista 
has missed and mistied her name okay never mind   Karma surprisingly has a positive win rate in the 
mid lane at 53.5 percent but a losing win rate as   a support at 49.1 percent parthus had a passive 
way back in the day where he was immune to sleeps   polymorphs and one other CC type as well but as 
broken as this sounds it actually wasn't too bad   back then because there just wasn't as many 
abilities that dealt those CC types there's a   guy in Bulgaria who has a massive kassadin statue 
guarding his garage and on top of that the sign   says hit level 16 R is fully stacked to enter at 
your own risk it might have made that last part up   there was a little Easter egg with the old League 
of Legends client where if you went to Katarina's   old champion page selected abilities and hit 
control 1 it would play a video where she said   this killing is my duty fun is yelling surprise 
kills basic attacks are the second fastest in the   game at 5000 speed among all ranged basic attacks 
only falling behind ophelios's severum gum which   has a speed of 92 400 reference the slowest basic 
range attack in the game is soraka's banana at a   thousand speed and the average in the game is 
between 1500 and 2000.

Did you know that Kane's   Scythe was almost going to be retractable even 
though it probably wouldn't work as well in the   game it was still a pretty cool animation it's 
estimated that Kennen is around 60 years old   according to the lore but it was never really 
specified also back in the day Riot took the   somewhat lazy route when making his deadly Canon 
skin Splash art as well as his swamp masterkin   Splash art because they were both just rip-offs 
of his old Splash art on patch 12.10 there was   a small somewhat problemsome glitch that allowed 
kha'zix to unalive himself off the map last year   during the LCS summer split there was a game 
where fly quests ADC and top laner completely   denied their own Kindred free Stacks it was 
kind of hard to watch are you [ __ ] joking well you're actually recorded that's so gross what 
is the most distinguished military person to   ever live however most of his titles are 
made up or self-proclaimed also draculops   the creature clad rides is actually 
a female even though the posters that   they used to tease him were a bit misleading 
if you have Silent Night Sona and reindeer   kogma both play their joke together kog'maw 
will actually start singing Deck the Halls la la [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no also 
for some reason Wright even includes this in   cassiopeia's Champion Spotlight cosante's 
weapons are called nutofos and in the lore   they can actually regenerate which both happens 
in Game after he alts but also in the Cinematic   as well switching from the more attacking style 
to the more defensive one in the Lord LeBlanc is   actually capable of creating multiple clones of 
herself to assist her in doing tasks and in the   Legends of runetera there were some hints that 
implied that a lot of her clones actually went   rogue over the years Lee sin started off as a 
champion called chi-zun and was a Blind Monk   with a straw hat if you look really closely at 
Leona's Shield using the pool party Leona skin   you can see a lunari Insignia hidden at the bottom 
right inner side also the Insignia was originally   meant to be a tattoo did you know lilia's name 
in development was cute jungler did you know that   Lilia used a 70 scale down version of science 
model during play testing instead of maybe like   I don't know hecarim because I like horses deers 
kind of same thing did you know did you know there   was in Maxwell damage passive originally wasn't 
capped a good solo bear at level 1.

In light of   her completely balanced kit one of the playtesters 
Gabriel created this temporary loading screens   plus art which was actually used up until her 
release did you know that mating season for deer   takes place from September to December typically 
peaking in October and this is usually referred to   as the rot in other words there's still time while 
making this video in with the release of casante   also found out that Lilia is now the 69th Champion 
alphabetically so there's that too I guess did you   know that lissandra possesses telepathic abilities 
that allow her to walk through people's dreams   including her own additionally every time she 
dies in someone else's dream she loses a part   of her spirit lucian's ultimate used to directly 
scale with attack speed and was actually the first   ability in the game to do so it was changed back 
in patch 5.22 did you know that Lulu's polymorph   was originally going to turn you into a ladybug 
they even messed with her turning you into a pig   as well but there were some cultural concerns 
so it got cut the senior designer Gumpy monkey   did mention though that they pitched the idea of 
a flying pig named Pegasus that farted rainbows   but unfortunately it was a no-go Cosmic Lux in 
dark make lux's dance animation as a reference   to beat saber also a fun fact with her e honor 
Cosmic luck skin is that they made it actually   somewhat scientifically accurate two orbs in the 
middle are depictions of neutron stars orbiting   each other and as they orbit they slowly drift 
closer orbiting faster and faster until they   eventually Collide this ultimately leads to 
creating one of the highest energy explosions   possible in the universe or in this case slux 
is e malphite actually has a son named chip the chip is possibly a little chunk of rock that   came off a malphite nevertheless 
they have a father-son dynamic what there was an old Journal of justice issue 
that talked about how malzahar was sacrificing   kassadin's daughter in the middle of zon which 
caused a city-wide blackout when casting an   approached to stop him malzahar's dagger 
reacted with him opening up a portal the   void ended up sucking kassadin's daughter in 
needless to say your boy kassadin wasn't too   happy about that maokai's toe to make maokai 
skin splasher was actually inspired by Moana   I'll know how I never noticed this but he has 
swords on his boots for some reason I just know   I'm gonna get a lot of crap at the comments for 
not knowing that anyways even Nunu has a quote   mocking him about it watch out he has sword boots 
his fortune was given the name Misfortune due to   an old sailor myth that women on ships brought 
Misfortune mordekaiser was going to have a voice   sign when he first interacted with kled where he 
said what is a taco but unfortunately it got cut   this was a reference to someone on the forums 
a while back asking if more knew what a taco   was when Morgana was first being developed 
they were exploring the idea of giving her   an electric whip as her main weapon but it was 
eventually scrapped did you know that nami's   ultimate was originally going to be a vector 
Global skill shot that covered the entire map   it's crazy how they come up with this stuff 
sometimes this is what Susan's first piece   of concept art looked like in his second piece of 
concept art looked like he was on a keto diet this   is some of nautilus's first concept art and it's 
crazy to think that they almost had a cracking   coming out of him when people ask right if Nico 
lays eggs Wright's response was stop asking no LOL   also apparently Nico's favorite food is cheese 
bread if nidalee dies twice in the first 10   minutes her win rate plummets to 27.5 percent hey 
guys I hope you're enjoying don't forget to sub in   here's a puppy thanks guys apparently Nila has 
the highest win rate when a Teemo top is on the   team with her kind of interesting if Nocturne is 
hit by graves's smoke screen graves will say one   of these voice lines I got you Darkness who's in 
the dark now one of the spells that was tested for   Nunu and willemp involved using climbing rope to 
lasso other Champions and successfully lastowing   the champion would make it so they couldn't 
move a certain distance away from Nunu did   you know Olaf received a prophecy from an elder 
Shaman that he would live a long prosperous life   and die a peaceful death in his sleep and that 
this was also the worst possible outcome for a   life his tribe could imagine so he said from the 
failure to die a glorious death in battle and defy   the Shaman's Vision he traveled all over runeterra 
fighting the mightiest foes he could even fighting   bilgewater sea monsters during the harrowing which 
is why he and Lucian knew each other during the   ruination event funny thing is the prophecy is 
true and Olaf will die peacefully in his sleep   so by technicality as long as Olaf keeps fighting 
he's Immortal did you know you can see pool party   orianna in the background of pool party Lee sin 
but when she was released as her own skin she   looks nothing like it this is mainly because 
it was deemed to be too simple of a design now   we're an almost had an ability that allowed him 
to upgrade his own Hammer into different kinds   of weapons and each weapon had a unique attack 
for example the upgraded Hammer would do AOE   damage and the blade would do piercing damage 
Pantheon spear is named Skyfall The Shield is   named Aegis his clock is named Solstice and his 
helmet is named Nova according to Riot Pantheon is   also 5 feet 9 inches tall I don't know how I never 
noticed this either but there are actually poppies   as in poppy the flower in Poppy's Splash art 
kind of a fun Easter egg originally had a fishy   net Cape that would cause his e to leave behind 
the hooks of his neck so did you know that Pike   was almost going to be an undead yortle did you 
know when it comes to Kiana one of her original   visual directions of her was for her to be from 
a race of metal people from a new continent but   they didn't have the time to make an entirely 
new continent so they changed her to be in a   faction instead Quinn was originally called 
Falconer and even before that the idea of her   came from a champion concept known as Eagle Rider 
which was basically Quinn and Olaf mixed together   when he comes to rakan and Zaya Riot tested two 
crazy abilities that were eventually scrapped one   was the ability to fire a beam-like bell causes 
all but if they did it together they can make   it into a mega beam the other was the ability to 
create a storm cloud with ziya that would follow   him around and strike people with lightning that 
were in the same area there was also a version of   this where the cloud would just knock the enemies 
back according to ramus's lore there are festivals   where people celebrate him by rolling around 
and here are some actual footage from the lore needless to say ramus was very pleased this day 
in development kha'zix was used as a placeholder   for rek'sai additionally rexai originally had 
a separate ultimate with separate cooldowns for   her broad form and her unbroken form for example 
her terrifying burrow form would go underground   for a few seconds and pop up stunning the enemy 
instead of knocking them up Rel is only 16 years   old in the lore and according to Riot shapes her 
mouth as a horse instead of a basilisk as a form   of rebellion against the noxus military system 
Zone's faction symbol is based on Renata's family   logo even further solidifying the fact that she 
was a big deal in Zahn reactin is a crocodile not   an alligator which is also confirmed not only 
in the Legends of runetera but also by Riot it   was also apparently mentioned that Top Lane has 
a large volume of salt sure why not rengars kind   believe that Cena yordo during a hunt is a good 
omen that the hunt will be successful bandages   that Riven wears are to cover up the permanent 
scars from zonite chemtech explosions during   the invasion of Ionia Rumble hates Heimerdinger 
because Heimerdinger allowed non-jordal's access   to his inventions also he is desperately crying 
for a VGA rework of his original skin because   let's be honest this thing looks terrible since 
ryze's release he has gone through six different   reworks he's just one of those Champions that's 
so hard to nail down because he's so good in Pro   play but sucks so bad in solo queue Tamir is 
now the champion most likely to get a pen to   kill with a two percent chance when you play 
her which is actually pretty freaking High did   you know sejuani currently wears the seeker's arm 
guard item and it originally belonged to lissandra   also did you know that the traditional sejuani 
skin uses her old voiceovers which is pretty   cool Senna used to actually have two pistols 
like Lucian among a lot of other things Senate   used to have two pistols she used to be super 
mobile she had ezreal's model and her ultimate   was after every attack she could teleport about 
as far as an Ezreal e and her passive was every   attack had infinitely stacking percent max Health 
damage basically what she'd do is she turn on her   ultimate and she basically kite circles around you 
will eventually killing you because she just do   more and more and more and more and more and more 
and more damage until he eventually died when it   comes to seraphine right tested an ability that 
allowed her to mind control her enemies in other   words she could Mesmerize a single Target and gain 
control of their actions for a few seconds kind of   crazy set was inspired by silas's initial concept 
so much that he actually took one of his scrapped   abilities Silas was originally supposed to have 
said's W as confirmed by this Reddit post here but   what I find more amusing is the comment below in 
it and saying thank you for not adding that oops   did you know Shaka was almost in the same boat 
of having pretty much no lore except for one   key detail we do know that he is canonically the 
smallest champion in League of Legends because he   is a literal toy a while back they actually tried 
updating Shen to make him look more tankier since   he's a tank and all but apparently big buff 
Shen looked super weird so they scrapped it   all together according to the lore ezrael likes 
to kiss shyvana's leg you can't make this stuff up   and the lore singed is responsible for creating 
the poisons that destroyed riven's warband in   master Yi's Village seems like a great guy the 
League of Legends was still in development this   is what science shopscreen looked like also 
worth noting back then is you can improve   intelligence this is anything but useless 
but the Brazilian voice actress for sivir   Christian Louise was tragically murdered in 2021 
in which he passed everyone used Mercy's slogan   Heroes never die in homage tour it seriously 
is such a tragic story but I hope she rests in   peace extech gemstones are actually The Souls 
of skarner's people or more specifically the   Bracken basically their Essence is poured into 
the crystals that make up their bodies and emit   powerful energy sona's passive is called power 
cord and if you listen to the sound carefully   the sound they use when sona's password goes off 
is actually a power chord which is pretty cool   did you know the form Soraka takes that we've 
seen League of Legends is not what she actually   looks like much like Bart is a Celestial she 
needed to take a mortal form to interact with   roomtera so she took a form similar to that of 
the atrani vestaya tribes that reside on Mount   targon since you know she wants to make them feel 
at ease however containing this Mortal form is   Agony for her and is in constant pain to do so 
just another sacrifice she makes to help people   apparently rioter James static Bach would walk 
around with a coat on his shoulders during Swain's   development in order to promote the idea of his 
visual update when Silas was being developed and   they had to refactor 97 of the other Champions 
ultimates to make Silas stealing their ultimate   possible long time ago Center could actually use 
other syndra's balls when they're in a one for   all which as you can imagine made things pretty 
chaotic I mean look at this this is just insane   just a bunch of balls flying all over the place 
this person made a modded gromp Tom kench skin   that works surprisingly well almost a little too 
well according to Riot talia's favorite hobbies   are singing and making art basically anything 
creative also her favorite color is indigo did   you know that Talon is the one who gave Katarina 
that big scar on her face when he attempted to   assassinate her but failed Nina social concept 
of Tariq actually ended up splitting into both   Ezreal and Tariq femo's Q range is exactly 
36 longer than his Auto attacks also this is   a terrifying drawing of what Teemo might look 
like without hair I someone feel like I need to   apologize after showing you this when thresh was 
released back in 2013 his base Health at level 18   was also 2013 HP as a little Easter egg also the 
name thresh originated from the word harvesting   since thresh means to harvest a seed and thresh 
Harvest well Souls christana's weapon is called   a boomer which is why ramus and Tristana get an 
aging debuff in the bot lane together after his   release trundle actually managed to go two years 
without any balance changes which is actually   pretty dang impressive trinitybear's sword is 
passed down to him by his father and has been   passed down for generations and his father-in-lore 
had a quote where he said most using it and you   can off this which is a reference to the original 
Legends of Zelda game Twisted Fate's name for his   hat is Envy also the cards that Twisted Fate used 
to have in his original concept art were freaking   massive which was voiced by Doug Boyd who also 
sadly passed away in 2021 besides twitch Douglas   probably best known for voicing Mr Frog from 
LeapFrog Udyr was actually the first Champion   released after the official launch of League 
of Legends back in 2009 also before his rework   the Scuttle actually had more animations than him 
someone a few years ago created a website called   Praise ergot that was made to send people after 
beating someone with ergot saying things like   time for crab and Show an example of what a crab 
expert is capable of there's also a link to get   started and if you click on it it just says get 
good people will play varus on average get 0.986   double kills per match also varus's Q piercing 
arrow is actually a rework of tristana's old cue   draw a beat ability apparently if it's early 
enough in the game and respawn timers are low   enough you can condemn science passive and it will 
follow them all the way back to the Fountain and   still hit them which is what happened here and it 
actually canceled Scion's teleport in the process   that's gotta be one of the unluckiest things I've 
ever seen in Lake did you know that event horizon   or vagar's e used to deal one point of true damage 
to every unit inside of the cage and sometimes it   could even kill them when the unit was at one HP 
no cause and Draven and share the same voice actor   Eric bra crazy enough he started his voice actor 
Journey from just doing voices in a cubicle and   producers overheard him so they gave him a shot 
one of vex's scrapped spells was the ability to   slow down enemy missile speeds like Ash's all or 
even misfortunes ultimate which actually would   have been pretty cool but they said there were too 
many technical challenges when VI went on sale way   back in 2013 it was stated that VI weighed in 
at 8 140 pounds with her glove things might have   changed a bit since then this is probably one of 
the most accurate looking vehicle cosplays I've   ever seen I mean this guy literally looks like 
the real life Diego and when you add in editing   on the photos it looks almost uncanny like this 
guy could just become the new splashard if he   wanted to and no one would even notice Victor in 
Arcane was voiced by Harry Lloyd who was also the   same voice actor who played viserys Targaryen in 
other words Daenerys targaryen's brother Patrick   Vlad did you know that volley bear is one of the 
Fairly Odin demigods who helped form the landscape   mountains apparently exist because Oren got 
into a fist fight with the Earth but volleyball   is responsible for the first River and rumor has 
it he pissed the first River this isn't actually   true though as in Lawrence clearly stated that 
it was actually made from blood but the rumor of   volley pissing the first River came from both this 
quote from Oren molar bear made the first River quote from volley bear the first River was a river 
of blood what has my brother been telling you   so you can probably see with a touch of wacky 
interpretation how this rumor started did you   know in work's second lore work was actually an 
alchemist who was known as the death marker by   ionians and Soraka sacrificed her Divinity to 
transform him into a wolf as punishment for his   war crimes Wukong was picked the most out of any 
champion in Pro play last season being grabbed   1651 times and the next closest was Nara at 1389 
picks Wukong also had a 57 win rate too which is   pretty freaking good considering how much he was 
played did you know when Zaya and rakan dance near   each other at the same time they'll do a unique 
dance animation you have to get the timing just   right but if you do it actually looks pretty 
cool because you know zarath is not an ascended   like azir Nazis or Renekton but technically is 
classified as a bakai human animal hybrids that   underwent the essential ritual and failed most 
of these happened before the big Sunday went up   so they don't really exist anymore they still have 
the immortality of the true ascended but lack the   god-like powers size and didn't exactly keep their 
minds intact zareth is a weird exception since he   absorbs so much of the sun disk's power he became 
your Arcane energy but as Ascension rituals still   technically failed and as such he is technically 
a bakai shinzao has the highest AFK rate out of   any champion on the any server leaving point 
seven percent of the time player's perception   of Yasuo changes drastically depending on the 
region you're in for example in terms of fear   to play against players in the n a server rated 
him 137 out of 140 Champions available at the time   but in China they rated him 23 inappropriately 
so because the Chinese nickname for him also   translates to happy windman the idea of yone as 
a champion was pitched because they thought it   was cool he had two swords in the Legends of 
runeterra the work was the first Champion to   be released before his Champion Spotlight due to 
freak's flight being delayed on the way back from   dreamhack in Sweden also it's possible that these 
two are best friends because York takes Graves   did you know that yumi's ultimate almost gave her 
the ability to attack enemies while also knocking   them back until they ran into terrain kind of like 
casante's all but she was actually attached to you   in the lore Zach actually got the nickname The 
Returning pool because kids from Zahn with their   rocks at him and in response Zach would throw 
them back Zed is by far the most favored assassin   champion in the game a while back there was a 
poll for those who selected assassin as their   favorite class and out of them Zed was picked 
the most being rated 27 higher than any other   assassin zary's splashart was actually changed 
upon release after a few days it was edited to   show a darker skin tone and this was the before 
and after ziggs's Japanese voice actor is natsuki   Hane who actually also voices Heimerdinger and 
vigor as well he's an extremely well-known voice   actor probably best known for his role as Tundra 
from Demon Slayer in the lore during the Battle   of Acadia zillion saved his people by freezing 
the entire city in time but he doesn't know how   he did it or how to undo it did you know Zoe did 
not actually earn her powers and as a large reason   why she uses them so irresponsibly becoming 
an aspect requires a person to climb to the   peak of Mount targon where they are chosen by a 
Celestial to act as a projection of themselves   on runeterra there aren't many aspects because 99 
of people trying to make this climb die but not   Zoe because she didn't even climb the mountain at 
all the celestial God of Twilight found Zoe to be   such a perfect match that she was just given 
the powers on the spot I don't know whether   that makes her character better or somehow even 
more annoying definitely more annoying Zyra was   initially intended to be a mid laner also as 
a side note one of zyra's teaser Graphics was   borderline nudity so I'm not going to show the 
full image here but if you want to see it I'll   leave a link in the description and hey while 
you're in the description don't forget to claim   your free large Bonus Pack by downloading War 
Thunder using my link again the pack includes   premium Vehicles a premium account boosters and 
a ton more it's actually a crazy good deal and an   insanely fun free game again one of my personal 
favorites so make sure to check it out anyways   guys thank you so freaking much for watching 
if you want to watch more videos like this go   check out my four other videos exactly like this 
here don't forget to sub if you enjoyed and happy   holidays everyone a huge shout out to my tier 3 
patreon Stephen knockick and James and a massive   shout out to my two or four Patron set right thank 
you so pretty much to all manner patrons too I

As found on YouTube

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