The ONLY Bitcoin Explanation You’ll Need | LQwD Stock Interview | Deal Night

Yeah. Great to have you. So I'm not sure if you wanted to touch on this. Let's kick it off. But yeah. A little bit of my background. So I've…

Netflix’s New Crypto Documentary 10/10? [ September 27, 2021 ]

have you got the Monday blues well we've got  news for you i'm your host Connor and this is   coin market cap's daily roundup on the 27th of  september and…

Step Aside Bitcoin….This Altcoin Could Become #1 (Google & Paypal Partner!?)

Have you ever watched the movie  Varsity Blues!? Well if not there   is a scene I like to quote all the time…stick  to the basics my friends. What does that…

Key & Peele – Office Homophobe

[rhythmic bass beat, sensual moans] ♪ ♪ – LATRELL? – WHAT'S UP, BABY GIRL? – CAN YOU PLEASE TURN THAT OFF? – WHY, YOU DON'T LIKE MY MUSIC? – IS…

How Bitcoin Wallets Work (Public & Private Key Explained)

In the past, I’ve made quite a few Simply Explained videos on how blockchains and cryptocurrencies work. And there are a few questions that keep coming, like: how do wallets…

Bitcoin Transactions – from “Send” to “Receive”

Hello guys and gals, I'm Nate from 99Bitcoins, and welcome to Bitcoin Whiteboard Tuesday! Every few weeks we’re going to send you a cool new video, just like this one,…

XRP to $500 Ripple XRP News Global Takeover Starts NOW | XRP Explosion

it has been a long time since we saw an update in the lawsuit between ripple and the sec in today's video we will look into the recent updates and…

Bitcoin Halving Explained Simple – Does it Affect Bitcoin’s Price?

What is Halving Bitcoin… No, not having bitcoin… halving Bitcoin. What does it mean? When does it happen? What happens to the value of bitcoin when it does happen? Well,…

How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood | Deep Look

This is the deadliest animal in the world. Mosquitoes kill hundreds of thousands of people each year… the most vulnerable people: children, pregnant women… No other bite kills more humans……

Bitcoin Halving Explained Simple – Does it Affect Bitcoin’s Price?

What is Halving Bitcoin… No, not having bitcoin… halving Bitcoin. What does it mean? When does it happen? What happens to the value of bitcoin when it does happen? Well,…