Why You Need To Start Accepting Bitcoin For Your Brand and Business

there's been a lot of bees buzzing around bitcoin 
over the last few weeks and you may be wondering   should you start accepting bitcoin for your brand 
of business I've always wondered how do you even   get started in this game well in this video i'm 
going to give you guys my take on why you should   start accepting bitcoin and show you how you can 
start accepting over 300 plus cryptocurrencies   that are currently on the market now as a huge 
disclaimer what i'm about to tell you is not   investment advice but my personal opinion so 
you should always consider consulting your cpa   or tax attorney before putting any money into any 
investment or risky asset all right now for those   of you who don't know what bitcoin is or how it 
works let's break it down into a super simple way   for you to understand bitcoin is a type of digital 
currency in which a record of transactions is   maintained and new units of currency are generated 
by computational solution of mathematical problems   and which operate independently of a central 
bank so unlike the us dollar which is run by a   central bank that dictates how often the money 
is printed with bitcoin there's only a certain   number of coins that are created and the user 
of those coins can decide the value based on   the trades and transactions now i know for 
real guys all jokes aside this isn't a video   explaining to you guys how cryptocurrency the 
technology or the mechanics of it works this isn't   that video but there is a video that's pretty cool 
and i highly recommend that you guys watch linus   and this team over at linus Media Group created it 
and they show you how bitcoin actually functions   so you can know all the technology and the 
mechanics that go behind it so now you may   be wondering why should you start accepting 
bitcoin now for one some of the biggest brands   in the world have adopted this currency to pay for 
products and services brands such as paypal stripe   and most recently tesla have publicly stated their 
investment and the support for bitcoin and payment   providers such as paypal and cash app have made it 
even easier for everyday people like you and i to   start buying bitcoin and if you're a subscriber to 
this channel you know that a platform that we use   to sell products is shopify and shopify since 2018 
has allowed the use of bitcoin in exchange of your   products and services so the ability to easily buy 
and sell bitcoin today in addition to the market   acceptance of large brands and businesses gives 
credibility to bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a   method of payment and gives everyone including 
yourself a new way to start making money   so right now what i want to do is show you 
guys how you can start accepting bitcoin and   over 300 other cryptocurrencies through shopify 
and if you guys haven't already established your   shopify store make sure you get started with the 
free 14-day trial that's located right down below   and let's jump into this little mini tutorial to 
show you guys how this thing works so right now   we're in the backend of our streetwearapparel.com 
our ecommerce store where we sell quality face   masks and custom wholesale garments so if you're 
a new visitor looking for a way to support this   channel be sure to check out the site down 
below and also be sure to hit that like button   as it's free for you it helps us grow now 
that you have your shopify account set up   the first thing you're going to need to do is 
to create an account with either one of these   crypto payment processors there's coinbase 
commerce bitpay go coin or coinpayments.net   for the purpose of this video i will show you how 
the process for coinbase commerce works however   all four of these have a similar signup process 
and there are pros and cons to each one guys   if you think i should make a video comparing 
each one of these leave a comment down below   now once you create an account and finish 
registration the next thing you'll receive   is an api key you will then head back to your 
shopify and under the payment provider settings   scroll down to alternative payments go ahead 
and search coinbase commerce and insert your   email you used to create the account and that 
api key that you received once that's complete   you select activate coinbase commerce and you 
are all done pretty straightforward right now   you're able to receive bitcoin another all coins 
when selling your products now i highly suggest   that you guys read up on each of these payment 
providers that we talked about so you can make   a decision on which one works best for your site 
the catches are all free but each one differs in   what coins they can accept and the fees they 
charge to accept those coins so it's important   that you guys read up on that now one thing to 
consider when receiving crypto payments is that   you have the ability to hold on to the coin or 
transfer it immediately and create cash money   off of it again i'm not a cpa but what this means 
is that you have the ability to claim it as a loss   if the price of the coin drops below the price 
that you got it at or a profit if it rises above   that now this is actually something that tesla 
explained in their filing with the sec when they   announced that they would be investing 1.5 billion 
dollars into bitcoin having the ability to do such   a thing can be a win-win if you need to report a 
loss or if you need to inject the cash back into   the business for operations and growth now do you 
feel like you've missed out on the bitcoin ride to   the moon i know i was beating myself up when a 
neighbor told me about bitcoin 10 years ago he   actually offered to buy me some as he had access 
to people who sold it online and back then it   was a crazy system because it wasn't that easy to 
actually purchase or to mine or to get a hold of   it and i didn't understand how it worked or how it 
would actually grow into something in the future   but he told me dude this is the most secure 
investment you could ever make we can go 50   50 on it you give me the thousand bucks i'll 
make sure that we buy it and then we keep it   and within a few years it'll be worth millions of 
dollars i laughed at him and i said good luck man   that thousand dollar investment today would 
have been worth 288 million dollars i wouldn't   be making this youtube video if i had 288 million 
dollars but coulda shoulda woulda right but what   i'm trying to say here guys is don't just buy into 
it because of fear of missing out trust me i had   a chance to buy it again a few years after when 
it was valued at a couple hundred bucks and then   again when it was valued at around five thousand 
dollars at the time of this video bitcoin is   trading at around forty five thousand dollars and 
people are speculating it can go as high as five   hundred thousand if the right investment firms 
begin to expand their portfolio into it again this   is all speculation guys so the best thing you can 
do as a business owner is to begin to accept it   market that you accept it and gain some notoriety 
as a brand who is the first to the game and if   you decide to keep the bitcoin instead of cash out 
who knows what it can be worth five years from now   only time will tell but regardless of what 
happens with bitcoin the only true thing that   you can control is the way that you adapt to the 
times that continue to change as always continue   to grow on a personal level and your business will 
go to the moon i'll see you guys on the next one

As found on YouTube

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