Why Bitcoin Matters & Why You Should Care | Economical, Ethical And Technological Perspective

Subtitles start after the intro. in this video i want to explain to you what 
bitcoin is and why it matters from an economical   technological and ethical standpoint note that 
almost none of what i present are ideas formed   by myself it's mostly what i picked up from 
books countless podcasts and articles that i   read throughout the years a quick disclaimer 
before we start this video is long and still   very information dense if you feel 
like you don't understand something   fully feel free to pause and think 
for yourself before continuing the   video description is absolutely packed with 
sources for further reading and watching   i want to start with a quote by vijay boyapati 
he is the author of the bullish case for bitcoin   the ramifications of the creation of bitcoin 
are so profound for both economics and computer   science that nakamoto should rightly be the 
first person to qualify for both a nobel prize   in economics and the touring award this is the 
thesis that i want to reinforce in this video   the first part of this video will cover most 
of the why by looking at bitcoin's economical   properties what is money and its history inflation 
and deflation bitcoin's value proposition   in that context velocity of money and a few 
foundations of the austrian school of economics   the second part is about how how is bitcoin 
actually able to fulfill its value proposition   we will look at it from more of a computer science 
perspective here however i try to keep it simple   yet complete we will look at the byzantine's 
generals problem or double spending problem the   buzzwords blockchain and bitcoin mining as well 
as cryptography and the proof-of-work algorithm to finish off the video i'll end with a section 
where i'll try to explain more of what's happening   in the landscape where i think bitcoin 
will be going and end with some final notes to understand what bitcoin is there is no way 
around its economical properties and the history   of money bitcoin can look quite complex and even 
the anonymous creator satoshi nakamoto knew that   writing a description for this thing for a general 
audience is bloody hard there's nothing to relate   it to so to understand why it's not just a weird 
digital token used by nerds we need to do some   sort of history lesson look where money came 
from and how it changed through time when we   think of money today we think of dollar bills or 
credit cards while those mediums of exchange were   not existent in the early stages of society 
the properties of money have actually been   pretty consistent throughout history initially 
money was not necessary the community was small   and people bothered this is by the way the key 
differentiator between humans and every other   animal we understood that everyone is better 
off through division of labor and free trade   with the growth of the community the accounting 
of barter deals and taxation became too complex so   money was invented which in its essence is a good 
that's widely accepted as a medium of exchange   i buy something from you and give you money you 
use that money in a future transaction to buy   another good from someone else so you can actually 
store value inside of money to purchase something   from someone else in the future everything could 
be used as money as long as we all decide to use   and accept it as our medium of exchange but not 
every money is good money some early examples of   better money were seashells animal teeth and beads 
these stay the same over longer periods of time   so they have the property of durability staying 
with the example of shells they are also portable   so you can bring them with you to buy what you 
need however the problem with shells is they are   not scarce when you have a boat you can ride to 
a beach and pick up a ton of shells you inflate   the supply of shells in the community which makes 
them less precious so they lose purchasing power   to make this more engaging here's what i just said 
in rap form she sells seashells on a seashore but   the value of these shells will fall due to the 
laws of supply and demand no one wants to buy   shells because there's loads on the sand step one 
must create a sense of scarcity shelter will sound   much better if the people think they're rare 
you see bear with me take as many shows as you   can find and hide them on an island stockpile i'm 
high until they're rather than a diamond stat too   so scarcity is key for any sort of store of 
value i mean think about first edition cards   from trading card games they rise in value 
because there's a very limited supply of them   they will never be printed again because they are 
first additions so that's why they go up in value   throughout history humans continued to move to 
better monies that are more scarce divisible   portable and durable the final frontier 
were precious metals and finally gold   think about why gold is a great store of value 
its scarce divisible through melting portable   and really durable but we didn't stop at gold 
next up paper money which is even more portable it appears to be the superior money at first 
sight initially all paper money was back with   a one-to-one ratio by gold so a 10 bill equals 
a 10 gold coin so you could change paper money   back and forth with the actual gold this 
is known as the gold standard or la belle   epoque in which humanity and technological 
advancement flourished however greed and   the concentration of power changed things banks 
started to print more money than they have gold   this is troublesome because when too many people 
want to change their paper money back into gold   the bank doesn't have enough gold to serve 
its customers which is exactly what happened   because the us for the second time had committed 
a fraud and created more receipts for gold than   there was gold it's it's that simple then finally 
the markets sort of sense this and nixon was   forced to take us off the gold standard because if 
he had paid out gold until it got to zero once we   couldn't pay on some of those dollars the entire 
worldwide monetary system would have collapsed   in 1971 the u.s government made the decision that 
no paper money can be exchanged back into gold   that decision combined with the establishment of 
central banks led us to the fiat standard which   is still in place today the dollar and other 
currencies are not backed by gold anymore in   fact they are backed by nothing besides our trust 
in the government and on august 15 1971 all the   world's currencies became fiat currency i don't 
know why the rest of the world didn't rush out   and hang him but but they didn't they just all 
went along with this so since 1971 governments   have a monopoly on money creation since they 
can print money and we will explore why that   is unethical and also uneconomical ending the gold 
standard resulted in an explosion of public debt growing income inequality currency 
crashes and of course inflation there is actually a website with the very fitting 
name what the [ __ ] happened in 1971.com with   lots of data and graphs check it out there are two 
problems here that can best be explained at once   one is inflation and the other one is the 
monopoly of who controls the inflation   inflation means expanding the money supply and 
thereby the devaluation of money because it   becomes less scarce inflation by authorities 
is not a new phenomenon it happened with   the debasement of metal coins when kings added 
less precious metals like tin to the gold coin   to put the rest of the gold into their own 
pockets and it still happens today through   printing of paper money paper money clearly lacks 
scarcity which makes it useless as a store of   value if it's not backed by something like gold 
printing of money first leads to mild inflation   which always leads to outright inflation 
as austrian economist friedrich hayek noted   since 1971 almost 50 years have passed in this 
experiment of easy money printing and worldwide   fiat currencies when you look at the graph of 
the money supply of the us dollar for example   it doesn't look like the experiment 
we live in will last another 50 years a paradigm shift to a new monetary 
policy will inevitably occur   bitcoin is one idea here but we will look at 
a more governmental solution here later on   but now here's an interesting thing the central 
banks of the world printed trillions worth of   dollars during the pandemic and yet we don't feel 
any inflationary effects prices didn't go up so   far the reason for that is that the pandemic is 
a deflationary force people cut down on expenses   and save their money because they are uncertain 
and scared of the future this is displayed by   the velocity of money which is really low right 
now the velocity of money displays how often it   moves from one entity to another a good economy 
has a high velocity of money as you can see the   velocity of money is not going upwards even though 
the supply of money is getting increasingly larger there is a very dangerous potential cycle playing 
out right now because when the pandemic is over   and the economy is great again at some point 
the velocity of money will pick up as people   don't cut down on expenses anymore the 
money supply doesn't suddenly vanish   so at some point there is a way higher 
supply of money circulating on the market   this is the real inflationary impact even 
economists that believe in controlling the   money supply know that a contraction of the 
money supply is necessary after expanding it   the problem is the contraction never happens 
when you look at history inflating more to fight   deflationary forces is the same as taking more 
drugs to stay on your high until you're overdosing   governments having a monopoly of money 
production is deficient and history has   shown that governments will inevitably succumb 
to the temptation of inflating the money supply   austrian economics which builds the 
foundations for bitcoin is even clearer here   once there is enough supply of a metal to 
permit the market to choose it as money   no increase in supply can improve its monetary 
function an increase in money supply will then   merely dilute the effectiveness of each ounce 
of the money without helping the economy   inflation being a fraudulent invasion of 
property could not take place on the free market   in some freedom can run a monetary system as 
superbly as it runs the rest of the economy the endgame of exponential growth of the money 
supply can also head us into hyperinflation which   is not a pretty sight as witnessed countless 
times throughout history around the world and to be frank none of the thousands of fiat 
currencies that exist throughout history have   survived okay so to recap inflation reduces 
the money's capacity as a store of value   that's not all though inflation is a great 
accelerator for inequality through something   called the cantillon effect it's a wealth shift 
from the lower and middle class to the upper class   the arithmetic makes it plain 
that inflation is a far more   devastating tax than anything that 
has been enacted by our legislators the cantillon effect works as follows banks and 
financial institutions receive newly printed money   first that means they can buy services and assets 
while the prices are still lower and not affected   by the new inflation because the new money did 
not circulate on the market so far after that it   benefits ceos and other top tier shareholders 
through higher market caps of companies   at the end of the road are the middle and lower 
class that don't benefit from inflation at all   but just have to cope with higher consumer prices   paper money is also not natural money that 
came into use voluntarily through its intrinsic   superiority because in many regards it's simply 
not whenever and wherever paper money came into   being it existed only because of the courts and 
the police suppressed the natural alternatives   remember when i said that banks were committing 
fraud when they gave out more paper money than   they have gold in the vault well actually this 
is common practice today it's called fractional   reserve banking governments give banks the license 
to essentially cheat by letting them hand out more   money than they actually have when people suddenly 
do a run on the banks and want their cash like in   the 2008 financial crisis the bank fails and gets 
bailed out by the government through more money   printing this is an incredibly unfair advantage 
and one of the reasons for why capitalism has got   a bad reputation what do you say to the people 
that don't believe that there is such a thing   of ethical as ethical or compassionate capitalism 
and there's many people today that are espousing   marxism and they're espousing some sort of 
a socialist society where they believe that   capitalism has screwed people over and eliminated 
the middle class and there are absolute problems   with capitalism i think monopolies are a 
problem i think that crony capitalism is   a problem with the government you know kind of 
gets in bed with them and sort of forces things   uh i think the bankers have really you know 
raped society and the rest of us are suffering   for it yeah they've essentially taken huge risks 
where they privatize the gains and they socialize   the losses so when it fails they basically 
get bailed out and bankrupt everybody else   the only long-term solution out of the money 
printing mass is denationalization of money   to make it a free market not controlled by a 
government or any company or anyone else this is a   task that was pretty much not possible for a long 
time how did money come about and what's happened   today to to mess up things so much see the great 
trouble is the money wasn't allowed to develop   further after two or three hundred years of 
coins all governments put their hands and stopped   any further developments we are not allowed to 
experiment on it money has been improved money   has rather become worse in the course of time 
government said it must not develop any further   and what we have had since in development where 
matters of government inventions mostly around   mostly abuses of money and i have come to the 
position of asking has monetary policy ever   done any good i don't think it has i think it has 
done only harm and that's why i am now pleading   for what i've called denationalization of 
money but i don't believe that we should   ever have a good money again before we take 
the thing out of the hands of government   because we can't take them violently 
out of the hands of government all we   can do is by some sly roundabout way 
introduce something they can't stop that was austrian economist friedrich hayek 
pretty much predicting bitcoin in 1984   an open public permissionless borderless neutral   decentralized censorship-resistant 
alternative to central banking the best form of money in history has been 
gold so bitcoin's natural rival is not the   us dollar or any other fiat currency but gold 
instead let's compare the two and see why the   necessary characteristics of money are plenty but 
the most important ones are scarcity divisibility   portability durability and recognizability 
yes gold is scarce but bitcoin is actually   programmatically scarce there will never be more 
than 21 million bitcoins this rule is part of the   code and no one can change it the distribution 
rate of bitcoin is also fixed you can look up   how many bitcoins will exist at any date in the 
future it's hard to argue against mathematics   with gold however you only have a vague idea of 
how big its supply is and with fiat currencies   like the dollar well you don't know at all 
how much money will be printed next year   and you also have no vote on this decision 
either second characteristic divisibility   gold is divisible through melting bitcoin is 
really divisible one bitcoin equals 100 million   satoshis which is the smallest unit just like 
hundred pennies make up for one dollar gold is   also sort of portable which is good but only in 
small sizes it's very hard to move like millions   worth of gold this would be very costly because of 
the security that would be necessary you can send   millions worth of bitcoins to the other end of 
the world pretty much instantly for a few dollars   in fact bitcoin is so portable that if you 
remember your seed phrase which is something   like your password to your bitcoins you don't 
need anything you can just go wherever you want   you have it in your hat you just need an internet 
connection there and you have access to your funds   gold is also very durable it gets slightly 
compromised through use as a currency but has   proven its durability throughout history bitcoin 
is not prone to physical harm as its digital so it   cannot be destroyed but it can be lost if you own 
bitcoin and lose access to your private key your   coins are lost forever a clear downside on gold 
is that it's not that easily recognizable you   either need an expert that you then need to trust 
or some sort of special equipment to find out if   your gold really is 100% gold and not some sort 
of mixture bitcoin is verifiable the system works   without trust we will see how the system works 
in the next section the only real argument that   speaks for gold is that it's proven throughout 
history however in an increasingly digital world   i don't believe that kids born today want to 
deal with a metal when they become financially   responsible so the winner bitcoin i could go way 
deeper here into the economics of bitcoin but   i don't want to make this video like an hour long 
and there's a lot of interesting things like it's   underlying game theoretics psychological elements 
like us having the desire of scarce collectibles   or laying out how functions like lending work with 
a disinflationary currency but this is outside of   the scope for this video so let's continue 
with the technological aspects of bitcoin first things first yes bitcoin is complex but 
actually many things are and you don't really   need to understand them fully to use them i mean 
you don't need to understand how the TCP/IP stack   or the hypertext transfer protocol works in order 
to use the internet how the banking system works   in order to use it that said getting the technical 
premises of bitcoin gives you the confidence that   it actually works and it underlines the 
understanding of the different narratives   like censorship resistance decentralization etc 
the technical details are very hard to explain   in a few minutes i'm going to be honest here 
i try my best but also check out the resources   in the description in its essence bitcoin is the 
solution to the digital double spending problem or   byzantine's generals problem one of the greatest 
attributes of digital files is that they are   infinitely copyable at pretty much zero cost if 
i have a funny video on my phone that i want to   share with you i can send it to you and you have 
the video as well i don't lose it on my phone   but this would make a currency completely 
useless if you send 10 digital dollars to   my phone but keep them on yours as well 
well this is known as double spending   to solve double spending you usually would need 
a central authority which is a bank in most cases   that holds all accounts in a central database and 
whenever someone sends you 10 to your bank account   you trust the bank that they subtract the 10 
from the sender and add them to your bank account bitcoin solved this problem without a third party 
that you need to trust instead of a centralized   database with bitcoin you have a decentralized 
database that everyone can access and verify   it's not stored in one place it's stored 
all over the world on everyone's devices   who decide they want to store it so instead of 
a bank there is not a server and several clients   that interact with the server instead the bitcoin 
protocol runs on a flat network with no hierarchy   everyone is seen as peers a peer-to-peer network 
that no one can turn off because there is no   central point no single point of failure that 
you can shut down peers can enter and leave   the network whenever they want without permission 
from anyone bitcoin is not a company it's a stack   of protocols just like the internet is a stake of 
protocols bitcoin uses blockchain technology which   became quite a buzzword a few years ago it's 
a distributed ledger or database that everyone   can access with the key feature that everyone can 
trust the state of the database or output of the   database without the need to trust anyone in the 
network so the blockchain is integral to bitcoin's   value proposition no third party like a bank is 
necessary to see that all transactions are valid   okay so blockchain why block and white chain the 
blockchain consists of blocks that are linked   one after another each block contains a list 
of transactions a block hash a random number   and the hash of the previous block which acts 
as a reference of the order of the blocks   this means that bitcoin actually doesn't exist 
physically and also not on anyone's device   bitcoin as a currency is the transaction history 
recorded in the blockchain that everyone is saving   because with the transaction history you can 
always retrace which account or in bitcoin   terms which address owns how many bitcoins 
we need to look at the blocks themselves and   understand what's happening here what is a 
hash and why do they contain a random number   but before that let's reason from the ground up 
and follow the course of a single transaction   so how do transactions get added to 
this ledger called the blockchain   a transaction consists of three elements the 
address of the sender the address of the receiver   and the amount these weird looking strings of 
characters and numbers are bitcoin addresses they   are 256 bit numbers with some format restrictions 
they are 2 to the power of 160 possible addresses   this is a huge number this is done so that the 
chance you create an address that someone already   uses is near zero every bitcoin address has 
a public key and a private key the public key   is what's displayed here you can compare it to an 
email address everyone who has your email address   can send you an email so everyone who has your 
public key can send you bitcoin but just by having   your email address it doesn't mean the person can 
send from this email address or read your emails   they can only send to the address the same 
applies to bitcoin to send transactions you need   the private key of the address which acts like a 
password only difference private keys are way more   secure than your email password but the idea is 
that it should be completely infeasible to find   a valid signature if you don't know the secret key 
specifically there's no strategy better than just   guessing and checking random signatures which you 
can check using the public key that everyone knows   now think about how many signatures there are with 
a length of 256 bits that's 2 to the power of 256.   this is a stupidly large number to call it 
astronomically large would be giving way too much   credit to astronomy so back to our transaction to 
confirm it the sender needs to sign it with his   private key the great part here is that everyone 
else can verify that the transaction is valid   by seeing the signature and the public key the 
verification checks if the signature was used by   the private key that belongs to the public key 
asymmetric cryptography makes this verification   possible without knowing the private key now that 
all parameters for the transactions are filled and   it's signed by the sender it's time to broadcast 
it to the network the network participants verify   if the transaction is correct and add them to the 
memory pool here all transactions are stored that   didn't get bundled into blocks yet and added to 
the blockchain at this point the transaction is   already part of the bitcoin network but it's 
unconfirmed the next step is called bitcoin   mining bitcoin miners take transactions out 
of the memory pool and put them into a block   as we learn the block contains the list of 
transactions the hash of the previous block   a new hash and a random number one of the most 
important aspects of bitcoin comes into place here   the sha 256 hash function or secure hash 
algorithm what does it do it takes data like   a string of text or file and outputs a unique 
256-bit number called a hash it was developed   by the nsa and is widely used for security miners 
take the transactions of the block and the hash of   the previous block and apply the hash function 
to get the new hash of the current block there   is one limitation though they need to find a hash 
with a predefined number of zeros at the beginning   this is the algorithmic problem they need to 
solve to find that special hash they add a   random number and increment that number over and 
over and over again until the solution was found the finder of the correct solution gets the 
block reward which is newly created bitcoin   that flows into his account this is the incentive 
to take part in the process of guessing numbers   which gives the whole process the name mining 
because similar with gold mining you earn a reward   once it was found the block is complete and 
gets added to the blockchain at this point   every other miner needs to discard the block 
it's currently working on and start again   here another core principle comes into play 
called proof of work it takes work to find the   right number by guessing but it's very easy to 
verify if it is the correct number once it was   found if someone cheats and broadcasts the wrong 
solution everyone else will be able to see that   it's wrong and don't accept it another important 
question who defines with how many zeros the hash   needs to start and why does it matter this is 
defined by the protocol and adjusted dynamically   in an automatic way the number of zeros reflect 
the difficulty of the problem the more zeros the   more difficult if the network gets more and more 
computing power through better hardware and more   miners the solution to the problem would be found 
faster and faster but this is not desired behavior   instead a solution should be found on average 
every 10 minutes this has two reasons first   very fast confirmations would lead to some miners 
finding solutions simultaneously this would fork   the blockchain in all sorts of ways and no one 
knows what's the right order of blocks anymore   the order of blocks is really important though 
as it describes the exact transaction history   that's also why the blocks need to 
contain the hash of the previous block   it's a design feature that makes it really 
costly to change the transaction history   if a transaction in one block would be changed 
the hash will also change so all next blocks   have a new input so the hash also needs to 
change all the work needs to be redone this   gives confidence that the transaction history 
is indeed correct and not manipulated by someone   if a cheater tries to broadcast a transaction 
to someone else but not the whole network   therefore trying to double spend this will get 
spotted rather sooner than later here's a great   explanation on how this rod would not work out and 
just cost the attacker electricity maybe alice is   trying to fool bob with a fraudulent block namely 
she tries to send him one that includes her   paying him a hundred ledger dollars but without 
broadcasting that block to the rest of the network   that way everyone else still thinks that she has 
those hundred ledger dollars to do this she would   have to find a valid proof of work before all of 
the other miners each working on their own block   and that could definitely happen maybe alice 
just happens to win this miniature lottery   before everyone else but bob is still going to 
be hearing the broadcasts made by other miners   so to keep him believing this fraudulent block 
alice would have to do all of the work herself   to keep adding blocks on this special fork in 
bob's blockchain that's different from what   he's hearing from the rest of the miners remember 
as per the protocol bob always trusts the longest   chain that he knows about alice might be able to 
keep this up for a few blocks if just by chance   she happens to find blocks more quickly than the 
rest of the miners on the network all combined   but unless she has close to 50 of the computing 
resources among all of the miners the probability   becomes overwhelming that the blockchain 
that all of the other miners are working on   grows faster than the single fraudulent 
blockchain that alice is feeding to bob   so after enough time bob's just going 
to reject what he's hearing from alice   in favor of the longer chain that everyone 
else is working on notice that means that   you shouldn't necessarily trust a new block 
that you hear immediately instead you should   wait for several new blocks to be added on top 
of it if you still haven't heard of any longer   blockchains you can trust that this block is part 
of the same chain that everyone else is using   second reason why the difficulty of the problem 
gets adjusted the blocks contain a reward of newly   created bitcoin these should not be distributed 
faster and faster but instead on the prescribed   10-minute schedule but hold on a second the 
block reward means issuance of new coins   that sounds like plain inflation all 
over again but it's very different   first of all no matter how many miners there are 
a new block gets created every 10 minutes this   means that the inflation rate is programmatically 
fixed you can look up yourself how many bitcoins   exactly are in circulation and how many there will 
be 10 years from now no one can change this rate   the other great thing every four years 
an event called the happening takes place   which cuts the block reward in half again this is 
part of the rules and can't be changed by anyone   so the rate of newly created bitcoins gets lower 
and lower capping out at 21 million never ever   will there be more than 21 million bitcoins and 
no one can change this fact this true scarcity   plays a huge role in bitcoin's narrative to become 
digital gold miners also collect transaction fees   when you send funds to someone else so even when 
all 21 million bitcoins are mined they will still   have a financial incentive to secure the network 
to summarize how incredibly well the technology   comes together here and why bitcoin definitely 
matters from a technological standpoint first   the blockchain as a distributed ledger combined 
with asymmetric cryptography to create a system   that works without trust in any actors or third 
party second mining as a financial incentive to   secure the network third proof of work preventing 
double spending and other fraudulent activities   fourth dynamic difficulty adjustments to keep the 
confirmation of blocks and creation of new coins   steady no matter how advanced computing becomes 
and fifth halving the issuance of new coins every   four years to create deflationary properties 
and make bitcoin work as a store of value how does a commodity such as gold or silver 
turn into money this happens through a gradual   process in the course of which more and 
more market participants each for himself   decide to use gold and silver rather than 
other commodities in the indirect exchanges   thus the history selection of gold silver and 
copper was not made through some sort of social   contract or convention rather it resulted from the 
spontaneous convergence of many individual choices   a convergence that was prompted through the 
objective physical characteristics of the   precious metals every money evolves in four stages 
from collectible to store of value to medium of   exchange to unit of account with bitcoin we 
are somewhere between the status 1 and 2.   the narrative that bitcoin becomes a store value 
gets increasingly stronger as the dollar gets   devalued bitcoin is not really suitable as a 
medium of exchange right now because of high   transaction fees and very limited scalability 
this could change in the future through a second   layer that builds upon the bitcoin protocol the 
lightning network is the contender in that area   but even if that would never happen and bitcoin 
never reaches further than the second stage   it has the greatest store value properties that 
will ever exist which is big enough of a value   proposition to own some already governments 
won't be able to stop bitcoin at this point   as the internet or the world's electricity would 
need to be shut down when they tried banning gold   in 1933 the value and demand of gold went up and 
not down and the ban was lifted 30 years later   good luck bending a global decentralized network 
when the financial incentive is as big as it is   it also makes no sense to ban bitcoin 
from an economical point of view   if one country bans bitcoin and another one 
doesn't the second one will profit massively   through human and monetary capital and of course 
it also makes no sense from an ethical standpoint   either bitcoin is code which is speech as 
long as we agree that freedom of speech is   a good thing you can't ban bitcoin for ethical 
reasons and last but not least i believe that if   the state tries to ban bitcoin this is dealt in 
the government even more the harder you try to   restrict it the more obvious it becomes that its 
entire value comes from not being restrictable   the fear that another cryptocurrency comes up and 
crushes bitcoin just like facebook crushed myspace   is also pretty unfounded myspace had a market cap 
of 12 billion dollars bitcoin is already more than   20 times as big as a 250 billion dollar asset that 
has all sorts of network effects going for itself   bitcoin also profited from path dependence and 
an anonymous creator that left the project 9   years ago other cryptocurrencies either 
have a central face or are not big enough   to be stopped by governments so the 
order of how things played out matters   to be honest almost no bitcoin critic gets it 
while this sounds incredibly ignorant i'm serious   every critic just points out things that have 
been refuted before whether that's energy   deficiency missing scalability bitcoin not 
having intrinsic value government regulations   other new cryptos coming up as competitors 
quantum computing destroying mining bitcoin   getting heck bitcoin being too volatile as a store 
value and the list goes on and on with nonsense   also bitcoin has been announced that for over 400 
times already and still it's here up and running   in my opinion bitcoin's three biggest problems are 
one concentration of mining pools in china which   gets lower over time as it seems two people not 
getting it to hold adoption but fraud gets exposed   over time so the current system will not stay 
forever and three a buck in the code that wasn't   found within the last 11 years while bitcoin 
can still go to zero i give it a low probability   i believe we are going to see lots of 
institutional investments in the future   like microstrategy adopting bitcoin 
as their treasury with a 425 million   dollar investment square also followed 
with a 50 million dollar investment   paypal announced crypto wallet so 
there's lots of things going on right now   the conclusion there is increasing demand with 
decreasing new supply paypal and square alone   are buying more than the new supply and 
they are still new players in the scene   bitcoin is on its way to new all-time highs as 
i produce this video and yet people increasingly   move their coins off of exchanges into cold 
storage because they are not willing to sell it's the self-fulfilling prophecy 
that satoshi nakamoto described another very interesting factor in the landscape 
will be central bank digital currencies which   will probably arrive as the next monetary 
system the e-dollar and e-euro or whatever   they will be called will just drive adoption 
of digital currencies though they don't compete   with bitcoin because they are still centralized 
someone is in control of the supply so they are   useless as a store of value inflation will be 
even cheaper compared to printing paper bills   because it's completely digital so yeah the 
incentive to on bitcoin won't be lower at all   once central bank digital currencies are here 
so where will bitcoin go looking at the stock   to flow model or logarithmic regression bitcoin is 
still well in the logarithmic regression bands and   on pace to add another zero in the next one to two 
years being worth 100k plus at this point another   theory describes lengthening of cycles which 
would mean it still takes a few more years to   reach that milestone by the way don't consider 
this investment advice it's an educational   video i'm not here to tell you what you should 
spend your money on or how to plan your future   my advice is that you dig down the rabbit hole 
yourself and start to understand what's going on   otherwise you will just have weak hands anyway 
and sell whenever bitcoin crashes which will   happen more than once down the line in the end 
no one knows where bitcoin will go what the value   will be and when that happens i believe bitcoin 
is still the most convex bet of my lifetime an   investment with way higher potential upside 
than potential downside the longer the time   frame the better the chances that it will be 
up by a lot and if not at least i followed the   most liberating peaceful trial of a revolution of 
the 21st century that tries to defeat the moral   hazard of the current system bitcoin is the most 
fascinating and intellectually challenging thing   i ever came across and this video is just 
a small summary and totally not complete   we could still talk about game theory gardener 
hype cycles miracle trees multi six segwit forks   smart contracts second layer applications full 
nodes versus light nodes wallets etc etc etc   the bitcoin ecosystem attracts some of 
the smartest people in the world from   the best first principle thinkers to cypherpunks 
polymaths and a new generation of entrepreneurs   and still as jameson lopp stated no one has 
found the bottom of the bitcoin rabbit hole   also please consider subscribing to the channel 
for more video essays leave a comment if you have   any questions i'm glad to help you and like the 
video if it helped you out to conclude this video   i'll end on an often repeated quote bitcoin is not 
the bubble it's the pin thank you for watching you

As found on YouTube

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