What is Bitcoin? | Shall I invest? | CA Rachana Ranade


Wondering why I'm shopping so much? hey folks CA Rachana Ranade here and i welcome 
you all to another interesting video on   cryptocurrencies i'm sure many of you might have 
seen this chart on how bitcoin has performed   in the past few months just after looking at 
this amazing moment there are so many people   who believe that a mera bhi 25 din mein paisa 
double hoga don't go behind this first learn   once you are clear with the concepts then only 
decide whether you're going to invest or not  a very very very important disclaimer you can 
see so many comments which try to impersonate   me try to impersonate my channel and they will 
ask you to follow them for some advice some   numbers will also be given in these comments 
and they will ask you to follow them on some   telegram channel or Instagram channel or on any 
other platform please be 100% sure that I don't   give advice on any sort of cryptocurrencies 
on any sort of stocks also for that matter   i don't have an advisory please ensure that 
don't you don't fall for all these fraudsters   so let's understand what is the meaning of 
cryptocurrency in the most simplified manner   so cryptocurrency is divided into two parts one is 
cryptography and one is currency first let's try   to understand what is cryptography cryptography is 
associated with the process of converting ordinary   plain text into unintelligible text and vice versa 
unintelligible means which can't be understood   so it is the process of converting plain text 
into text which can't be easily understood okay   it is a method of storing and transmitting 
data in a particular form so that only those   for whom it is intended can read and process it 
okay see the moment when you read this that it   is it is done in a particular way so that only 
that person to whom it is intended can read and   understand it remember the movie Razzi in which 
Alia Bhatt used to make certain noises like this   okay from Pakistan and then in India there 
is a person who is listening to this voice   and then he understands oh 
she's communicating this to me   okay now anyone else on earth if he would have 
heard that noise he would not have understood that   but the sender knows what he means to say and 
the receiver also knows what he or she needs to   understand from it that is actually cryptography 
okay now let's understand the combined term what   is cryptocurrency cryptocurrency in simple 
words is nothing but digital form of cash   okay now let's take this example here we have A 
let us say any person A and here we have A is in   India and there is one more person B who is from 
USA now if A wants to send dollars to B in USA   can that person directly send dollars no 
he or she will have to first go to a bank   okay then bank is a third party who is involved 
who will actually convert the rupees into dollars   and then verify who is the sender okay who is the 
receiver okay we'll match certain things we'll   charge some money and then transfer the funds 
to B okay so this transaction was possible only   with the help of an intermediary which was 
the bank here now let's try to understand if   there was something like a digital form 
of currency which knows no barriers okay   something like that a currency it's nothing but 
a digital form of cash right so what could have   happened that Mr.

A could have directly sent 
funds to B without any third party and that   is an example of cryptocurrency so what are the 
advantages no intermediary required number one   number two no geographical barrier number three 
because there is no intermediary as such charges   are also very less who is going to charge what 
that we are going to cover in the subsequent   part of the video but charges are going to be very 
less and number four it's very fast on an average   of course different cryptocurrencies will have 
different timings but it ranges as low as four   seconds to as as high for popular coins like 10 
minutes okay these are the advantages what are   the disadvantages then number one disadvantage is 
that if if a wrong transfer is made okay then this   person A cannot ask for the money back why I'll 
tell you because let us say the account to whom   the money was to be transferred was account 
number 645 and by mistake the person said 654   now he does not know who is 654 that person 
does not know who is 654 no one knows who is   654 so once money is gone it can't you can't 
get it back if it is a wrong transfer this   could have happened if bank was there in between 
because bank knows who is 654 right that is a   disadvantage number one and number two because the 
senders and the receivers identity is not unveiled   unfortunately it is used for a lot of illegal 
activities through internet which is many times   a part of internet which is known as dark web 
but if you want to know more about this what   technology is used behind all these things we are 
going to cover that in the next part of the video.  Well now let's understand whether cryptocurrency 
is really legal or illegal there are two different   things one cryptocurrency being legal and one 
cryptocurrency being allowed as a legal tender   in India let's tackle both the problems number one 
is it legal answer is yes why on 6th April 2018   RBI imposed a banking ban on Indian banks to have 
a relationship with crypto companies but the same   banking ban was lifted in 2018 by a supreme 
court decision and because of which the Indian   banks were allowed to have business relationships 
and banking services with an exchange so what's   the conclusion trading in cryptocurrencies as 
on date is absolutely legal then what is the   problem problem is that cryptocurrency is still 
an illegal tender of money means what tomorrow   if I want to go to a shop and buy a refrigerator 
I go to the shop I tell the shopkeeper okay give   me this refrigerator and I'll say that okay 
I'll give you bit some xyz amount of bitcoins   in return or xyz or some other cryptocurrency 
in return is that allowed no it's not a legal   tender I will have to pay in INR I'll have to pay 
Indian rupees but then you will say but illegal   no wait you can compare it with something 
like this even if I go to the same shop   I tell that okay pack that fridge for me 
and I say I don't have rupees right now   do one thing I'll give you 10 reliance industry 
stocks in return is that allowed no because   even stocks are not a legal tender I hope 
you have understood the difference between   cryptocurrency being legal and cryptocurrency 
not being allowed as a legal tender in India   now let's try and understand what is a blockchain 
in simple words blockchain is nothing but   comprised of two words and one is block and 
another one is chain right now what's a block   block is nothing but a database which stores a lot 
of information what kind of information now let's   take the original example that A was sending some 
cryptocurrency to B okay now what will that block   store block will store information like who is the 
sender who is the receiver when was the money sent   and so much more information will be stored in 
that block right now one more transaction takes   place let's say X sends another cryptocurrency 
to Y now again that information will be stored   in this block that who sent to whom at what player 
whatever then M sends to N, A sends to X whatever   so much information goes on filling in this block 
okay now this block is full another block comes   into picture okay but when this block starts it 
will point out to the last transaction actually   there are concepts like hash rate or hashing 
we are not going to go into details of that   let's try and understand the essence of what is 
a blockchain right so the second block basically   will just point out to the last transaction there 
that we are carrying forward we are continuing   basically from here right again this block will 
start filling up with a lot of information correct   once this block is filled let's say now the third 
block starts but third block will also again point   out to the last transaction of the second block 
now all these blocks will be linked will be will   be uh you know tied together with the help of a 
chain and that is why this is called as a block   chain now the big question if i were to delete 
the data from one of the blocks is that possible   no why because a third block was pointing out 
to the end of the second block if that second   block goes away it will be clearly understood 
that something is missing so this cannot happen   and that is why it is said 
that blockchain is immutable.

Now let's try and understand what is bitcoin well 
bitcoin is nothing but a type of cryptocurrency   bitcoin was founded in 2008 and it was launched 
in 2009 by Mr Satoshi Nakamoto like I am sure no   one knows who Binod is similarly no one knows who 
Mr Satoshi Nakamoto is well what is the advantage   I'll tell you I can just compare it something 
like this that we have promoters for a company   similarly the promoter of this bitcoin is like 
Mr Satoshi Nakamoto now I can imagine that if   something happens to the promoter of the company 
then what will happen to the share prices of that   company they want to go down drastically similarly 
if something happens to Mr Satoshi then what   but we don't know whether he's alive or not 
also so that danger is anyways away right today   bitcoin is one of the most popular coins among the 
cryptocurrency spaces all over the world wondering   how a bitcoin looks like that's how it looks 
like okay i'll just show it to you one minute. Oh well it can't be held physically in 
your hand why it's a digital currency.

Well I hope you have understood what is bitcoin 
very nicely now one or two more fun facts about   bitcoin what do you think how is the supply of 
Indian rupee is it limited or unlimited correct   answer is it's unlimited whenever government 
wants it can print more and more Indian rupees   what about bitcoins is the supply limited 
or unlimited the supply is limited there are   exactly 21 million bitcoin all over the world 
okay but out of that in circulation there are   18.6 million approximately bitcoins which are in 
circulation right now now let us move on with how   a bitcoin transaction actually takes place right 
so let us say our old example where A transfers   bitcoins to B that's where a new transaction 
will be entered now what happens this transaction   will have to be verified by someone like you 
remember the bank example if A sends money to B   then there'll be a bank in between that bank will 
verify this transaction but in bitcoins in crypto   do we have any intermediary no no intermediaries 
there then who will verify this transaction   now you can imagine there are thousands of people 
all over the world who are there who are wanting   to verify this transaction these people are called 
as miners okay now what happens is that whenever   A person sends bitcoin to B no one will say 
that in plain English that will be written   in some cryptic language okay now you can 
imagine this is like some mathematical problem   which someone can see something like that okay now 
these miners who are all over the world thousands   of people who are all over the world they will 
try to solve this math problem okay when this now   big question how will they solve this using pen 
and paper no using a normal laptop no all these   are very like very high very powerful computers 
that they'll require super computers very high   computing power computers will be required 
to actually solve these mathematical problems   now once they solve this problem what will happen 
is they will have to come get something in return   as a reward that is where we say that they 
are mining the Bitcoin okay so in simple   words someone is verifying the transaction or 
free of cost okay some reward will have to be   given to that person at that reward is in the 
nature of giving him more bitcoins but these   bitcoins are mined no one will 
transfer bitcoin to them as such right.

Now the big question should one invest or not 
wait first you have to understand how volatile   bitcoin has been in the past and also in 
the present just to give you a few stats   in December 2017 it had touched the then high 
around 19,000 for one Bitcoin then it went down   and down and down entered into a bear market 
and it touched a low of almost 4000 dollars per   bitcoin in March 2020 and since then like stocks 
have rallied like anything even bitcoin rallied   a long way to believe it or not roughly 42,000 
per bitcoin currently as I am shooting the video   the bitcoin is trading around 36,000 for one 
bitcoin so I hope by now you might have understood   that it is a very volatile cryptocurrency now 
the big question that are you are you spelling it   properly are you saying it properly 36,000 for one 
Bitcoin how on earth will I be able to invest even   for one Bitcoin it is possible wait you you need 
not buy one Bitcoin can you buy it in fractions   yes so for example can you buy 0.1 share of 
reliance industries no you can't but can you buy   0.1 Bitcoin answer is yes so buying in fractions 
is allowed okay wait but then the big question is   that whether I should buy uh Bitcoin or Ethereum 
or any other cryptocurrency for that matter out of   all this which should I choose I think that like 
I say in stock market don't go for small caps   go for large caps which are comparatively known 
which have a proven track record similarly if   I'm talking about cryptocurrencies bitcoin is a 
cryptocurrency which has the largest market cap   and alone bitcoin has more than 65 percent 
of the total market capitalization of all   cryptocurrencies put together but then if you 
ask me my personal opinion i would want to invest   a small amount of money which I always call as 
a party fund uh that will depend on everyone's   risk appetite so for me it can be 5000 rupees 
for you it can be 10,000 for someone else it   could be 500 rupees also so that depends on how 
much risk you are ready to take that can be a   small amount with which you may start your 
journey in investing in cryptocurrencies I would like to thank Coin dcx for helping 
me to make this video about cryptocurrencies   if you are in India and if you want to invest 
in cryptocurrencies then you can surely check   out their app which is coin dcx go by coin 
dcx which is India's largest and safest   cryptocurrency exchange well if you want to still 
learn more about cryptocurrencies they have a free   learning platform which is dcx learn if you are 
a beginner in cryptocurrencies and if you want to   try then you can surely check out their app which 
is coin dcx go app which makes investing easy   quick and seamless using Indian rupees to download 
the coin dcx go app follow the link in the pinned   comment and if you're a pro then you can surely 
check out coin dcx which is helpful for investing   in more complicated products like margin, 
trading, futures, contracts, lending staking etc Well few key features of coin dcx 
app are instant order settlement,   high liquidity, low risk why 
because you can start investing with   as low as 10 rupees and you can start 
depositing with as low as 100 rupees It's KYC is fast and safe because it 
is AI enabled it has multiple layers   of security to ensure fund safety and 
it is also backed by Bitgo custodian now the grand finale question where do you store 
these cryptocurrencies possibility number one   you can store it with the exchange wherein you 
can also earn some interest on that possibility   number two you can store them in hardware wallets 
they look something like this like a pen drive   but this is password protected there's an amazing 
fun fact that there is a US programmer who has   actually forgotten his password to his hardware 
wallet and he has only two attempts left to access   his 300 million dollar bitcoin fortune I hope you 
have understood and enjoyed this small session on   cryptocurrencies if you have liked it don't forget 
to share it with your friends if you want to learn   more from me do let me know in the comment 
section till then take care Jai Hind and bye   bye

As found on YouTube

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