What is Bitcoin and how does it work, explanation | CEX.IO Tutorial

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and 
publicly-available blockchain network   designed to facilitate payments without the 
need of a third-party. Made with a fixed supply,   there will never be more than 21 
billion bitcoins in existence. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by the pseudonymous 
Satoshi Nakamoto. The Bitcoin network is an open   ledger that records all bitcoin (cryptocurrency) 
transactions. It is distributed, or stored across   a network of tens of thousands of computers 
running the open-source Bitcoin protocol.  In order to update the blockchain ledger, 
Bitcoin relies on a consensus algorithm known   as proof of work. To add new blocks to the 
chain, users compete to solve computational   puzzles while validating, confirming, and 
consolidating the latest transactions.

The first miner to solve the puzzle and add the 
latest block to the chain receives a predetermined   bitcoin reward. This is known as mining bitcoin. 
For the economic incentive of bitcoin rewards,   miners are willing to expend energy, computational 
power, and time to achieve consensus — and   preserve the fidelity of Bitcoin’s ledger. 
This keeps it decentralized and trustless.  As of May 2020,  Bitcoin miners 
receive 6.25 bitcoins per block. But how can people who aren’t miners get Bitcoin? 
Simply — you can buy them.

There are several   options for purchasing Bitcoin: crypto exchanges 
such as CEX.IO, Bitcoin ATMs, peer-to-peer trades,   and payments with fintech companies.  
    Looking to own bitcoin without mining? Head 
to the CEX.IO Exchange to buy some today.       Want to learn more about trading cryptocurrencies? 
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watching, and may the markets trend in your favor!.

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