US in DEEP TROUBLE 👇 (Something Bad Will Happen) PREDICTION! Bitcoin & Chainlink BIG NEWS!

I will be stunned if we don't have a recession in 
23 I will not be surprised if it's not larger than   the so-called average Garden variety and I don't 
rule out but I don't rule out something really bad   billionaire investor hedge fund manager and 
philanthropist Stanley druckenmiller largely   considered one of the most successful investors 
in modern history has just put himself on record   in a long-form interview on CNBC he says he 
would be stunned if a recession doesn't happen   in 2023 a recession larger than average and 
he just has this feeling that something bad   is going to happen listen to this I will be 
stunned if we don't have a recession in 23   don't know the timing but certainly by the end 
of 23 I will not be surprised if it's not larger   than the so-called average Garden variety and I 
don't rule out not my forecast but I don't rule   out something really bad why because if you look 
at the liquidity situation that has driven this   um we're going to go from all this QE to QT we're 
following an asset bubble we've been doing all   this running down on the SBR which is now that's 
the Strategic petroleum Reserve it's now below 84   levels even though obviously oil consumption is 
much higher we've had a bunch of myopic policies   that have actually delayed the liquidity shrinkage 
QT has been almost entirely offset by Janet Yellen   running down the treasury savings account by the 
way pretty amazing policy she could have sold 10   years for under one percent during this time and 
said she runs down the treasury savings account so   all that has mass the liquidity shrinkage but it 
really comes into full gear and she can continue   this for a while we can do the SBR for a while 
stimulative stuff but by the first quarter of 23   it kind of goes the other way so our Central 
case is a hard Landing by the end of 23 but I   don't know the I've been wrong on a lot of 
things I could be wrong on this but since I   do it for a living that's our forecast which 
is a recession in 23.

A larger than average   recession is not all that Stanley druckenmiller 
went on to predict in that interview welcome   back everybody to altcoin daily you subscribe 
for daily videos keeping you informed on the   entire cryptocurrency Market hit the Subscribe 
button join our team cryptocurrency could enjoy   a Renaissance As trust in Banks fade macro Legend 
Stanley drucken Miller has called for a possible   crypto Renaissance even as the global economy 
extends its suffering let's talk about this   druckenmiller said that he thinks that the 
U.S economy could suffer from a hard Landing   in the medium-term future adding that he would be 
stunned if we don't have a recession in 2023 Duke   agree with this do you disagree with this 
druckenmiller chose not to mince his words   as he discussed the Bleak macro picture he said 
that the U.S was in quote deep trouble and shared   an ominous warning that something really bad could 
happen due to the worsening state of the economy   however although druckenmiller's commentary may 
be enough to scare investors worldwide given   his phenomenal track record in playing Market 
Cycles he hinted there could be a silver lining   for crypto enthusiasts druckenmiller posited the 
idea of crypto Renaissance if people start to lose   trust in central banks do you think that Stanley 
druckenmiller's argument that cryptocurrency is   orders of magnitude greater from an adoption and 
acceptance a development and integration point of   view that if the US and the world has a greater 
than average recession the cryptocurrency could   see a new to Renaissance well you have to ask 
yourself is cryptocurrency orders of magnitude   ahead as far as acceptance adoption and stuff 
like this I'd argue yes chain link is building   a token infrastructure for Swift this is huge a 
collaborative proof of concept will allow Swift   messages to instruct token transfers if you're 
unfamiliar with swift they are the standard in   cross-border international payments the xrp Army 
has always been talking about Swift working with   them bitcoiners have always been talking about 
how Bitcoin will make Swift obsolete well Swift   is still very much part of the conversation and 
the fact that chain link that they're adopting   crypto they're adopting chain link rather than 
just Fall Into Obscurity this is huge chain link   and Swift have announced a proof of concept that 
will allow the International Bank Cooperative   to transfer cryptocurrencies across almost all 
blockchains meaning Swift could soon interact with   blockchain assets in a press release blockchain 
Oracle Network chain link revealed that a   collaborative proof of concept would allow Swift 
to instruct token transfers across nearly every   blockchain environment chain link added that 
this would allow financial institutions to   become blockchain capable without confronting 
High upfront costs and development challenges   the upcoming proof of concept will use chain 
Link's cross-chain interoperability protocol   ccip a global standard for cross-chain messaging 
data and token transfers that was announced in   August of 2021.

Listen to the announcement 
yourself at smartcon 2022 Sergey Nazareth   the founder of chain link with a representative 
from Swift talk about this partnership listen to   announce that we are working on an initial proof 
of concept together with Swift on the use of ccip in the capital markets to enable the 
communications and movement of tokens between   you know a number of different institutions in 
a way that'll accelerate the adoption of DLT   blockchains and benefit various institutions all 
over the um Capital markets not everybody is aware   about Swift but I will I will try to explain 
it very quickly so Swift is a comparative is   an international Cooperative we run perhaps the 
biggest Network in financial services today for   Capital markets for payments for effects for trade 
we are headquartered in Belgium although we have   a sort of operations everywhere we have around 
11 000 banks that are connected to Swift today   they exchange financial information in the most 
secure reliable and scalable way all right so   that's that's one just to frame it that the second 
piece is that the the the POC that we're doing   it's it's it's it's the end of a long story right 
I think five or seven years ago was the first time   uh Swift and chain link started working together 
you were actually one of the first startups that   we bet on you want the startup challenge that 
we used to have a long time ago and then even   before blockchain was something that at Financial 
Services had in their minds I don't think at the   time nobody was doing anything on blockchain on 
Financial Services Swift and chain link worked   together on the first POC that we did on bond 
issuance and Redemption it was quite successful   and that that was maybe the uh the first steps 
of this sort of Love Story between Swift and   chain link which continues today cryptocurrency 
adoption acceptance integration Partnerships is   without a doubt orders of magnitude bigger than 
it ever has been another one open C partners with   Warner Music Group on music nft what does this 
mean Well nft Marketplace open C partnering with   the U.S record label Warner Music Group means that 
artists who signed under Warner Music Group will   have their own drop pages on openc in an attempt 
to bolster fan engagement and build community   according to a Warner Music Group release quote 
from opencv president as a massive music fan   myself I'm thrilled to work with a partner who 
understands the significance of this technology   and wants to use it for good to empower artists 
to own their fan connections directly musical   artists and companies all over are adopting this 
technology you'll recall in February Universal   Music Group partnered with the entertainment 
nft platform curio to drop digital assets for   the record label and music streaming giant Spotify 
announced in May that it will begin trialing nfts   on its platform Spotify nfts are here to stay as 
you know Instagram has adopted nft technology you   can now connect your wallet to Instagram and 
post your quote digital Collectibles or nfts   on your insta timeline these are the wallets that 
they are compatible with what it would look like   for Instagram Mobley coinbase dapper metamask 
rainbow trust awesome to see so what are your   thoughts Instagram now advertising nfts or as 
they call them digital Collectibles but they're   working with ethereum and other blockchains it's 
great to see cardano edges closer to a make or   break point cardano is moving closer to the Apex 
of a descending triangle formation which is not   a bullish chart pattern that's not what I want to 
focus on what I want to focus on is Happy Birthday   cardano the cardano blockchain has officially 
turned five years old today since the Genesis   block five years ago cardano has grown rapidly to 
become one of the largest blockchain networks by   market cap with an expanding Global community in 
other news and again this is big if you realize   the potential future of this space Circle expands 
its usdc stablecoin support from ethereum to five   new blockchains the company also announced a cross 
chain transfer protocol to streamline the movement   of usdc across networks so Circle the company 
behind the world's second largest stablecoin   announced on Wednesday that it will soon be making 
usdc available on five additional blockchains   by early next year usdc will be compatible with 
arbitrum Cosmos near optimism and polka dot quote   from circles VP of product extending multi-chain 
support for usdc opens the door for institutions   exchanges developers and more to innovate and 
have easier access to a trusted and stable digital   dollar usdc should function on arbitrum near 
optimism and polka dot by the end of the year   the company stated today compatibility with Cosmos 
is expected to launch by early 2023 so the writing   is on the walls my friend you can see the way 
this industry is trending you can make educated   guesses for the future of this industry being 
multi-chain cross chain Bitcoin ethereum chain   link and so much more subscribe to the channel we 
keep you updated on a daily basis see you tomorrow

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