*This* is why Crypto is PUMPING!! (August Expectations) Bitcoin News

wow welcome back everybody to altcoin daily 
we have a lot to talk about in today's video   most importantly let's answer the question why is 
the market pumping what are the big takeaways from   what we learned what's happening in the world 
today just like always guys we're gonna break   it down for you news opinion perspective this 
is why you subscribe and let's start right here   the biggest news of the day is the fed the federal 
reserve released policy for the short term future   the takeaway is actually what a lot of 
people suspected the federal reserve   is delivering an interest rate hike of another 
75 basis points today lifting the target range   of its benchmark interest rate to between 2.25 and 
2.5 percent of course if you follow us on twitter   by the way we just reached a major milestone on 
twitter 1.2 million followers if you follow us on   twitter you already know some of this stuff but in 
today's video gives us a chance to break it down   if you appreciate that smash the like button and 
let's get into a few of my thoughts so first of   all what everybody was expecting to happen did 
happen about an hour ago so here's six takeaways   number one the market was expecting a 75 point 
hike or so so alone this would not come as a   surprise or shock to the market and it didn't as 
a matter of fact as i'm saying this the market is   slowly going up so what exactly does a rate hike 
mean well bank lending requirements are tightening   and that process will accelerate this means 
less and less money for risky investments   don't know how much institutional investment 
is going to change though and we little guys   are mostly out of cash anyway so there's that 
number three if second quarter numbers look grim   at least worse than everyone is predicting in 
addition to a rate hike it might push the market   down further and again so what we're seeing with 
the fed raising interest rates tightening getting   more responsible usually means that risky assets 
are in trouble usually would mean what we've been   seeing bitcoin going down yet bitcoin went up but 
there are a lot of factors contributing to this   so part of where the market goes from here 
is going to be the same as the stock market   it depends heavily on how well the fed can 
manage inflation i mean that's the big one   if the fed rate hikes prove to be successful we 
might have better days ahead if not well it will   not be only crypto which would go to doom spiral 
i suppose so the next few hours the next few days   in fact are going to tell us where we stand and 
so far it's looking pretty good you do you but   i would not buy until i see a nice dive which 
actually might never come so anyways who knows   for now it's nothing new nothing game changing 
has been added to the picture what we expected   to happen did happen if the situation keeps going 
like this i expect to see a relief rally which in   fact we may be seeing tell me what you think 
in the comments below so what are some other   takeaways again the federal reserve is recognizing 
that inflation is running at a 40-year high   so to combat this they have raised interest rates 
again 0.75 percent the largest hike since 1994.   usually this would see bitcoin and risky assets 
go down but bitcoin went up why is this perhaps   it is because there is no denying inflation 
now bitcoin up 7.5 percent combined with the   fact the world is getting more digital and we 
need a permissionless way to transact and all   this stuff i mean people are just realizing 
what bitcoin is and that it's here to stay   so this is a big takeaway today should emphasize 
that even if the fed isn't yet pivoting and may   not pivot for longer than expected meaning even if 
the fed isn't going to increase the rate of money   printing at this moment in timer isn't going 
to decrease the interest rates at this time   when this happens when the fed pivots bitcoin 
will launch big time i tend to agree with this   so now that the fed meeting is over it's back 
to longs and accumulation at least for the next   few months even if it is just a relief rally the 
next consumer price index numbers will be better   bitcoin back to pumping right on schedule and 
another three charts which are actually incredibly   revealing so this is total altcoin market cap 
this is total bitcoin market cap and this is dxy   basically the dollar index notice something 
notice how the alt coin market cap in the bitcoin   market cap they're both at pivot points looking 
likely that they're about they've been going down   looking like they're about to hit an inflection 
point and start rallying up at the same time   when the dollar is looking like it's hitting an 
inflection point and might be due for a correction   so this makes me bullish for august either way 
inflation is happening and people are realizing   what an incredible problem this is that the few 
can control this for the many and the poor are   the ones who get devalued so yep just in due 
to inflation kanye west says one good girl   is now worth 1174.32 [ __ ] rather than a thousand 
but it's important to remember that bitcoin is   available and the inflation rate of bitcoin is set 
in code for the next 10 000 years and you are here   and it's not just bitcoin i'm so excited about the 
future of this space in general i mean ethereum   going into the merge is looking great ethereum 
number of addresses holding just one ethereum   just hit a new all-time high so people seem to be 
buying in and behind the scenes people are working   on policy and building and all sorts of stuff 
behind the scenes even if you're not working on   cryptocurrency every day people around the world 
are working on cryptocurrency in the future every   day let me share with you a couple stories number 
one first of all u.s senators proposing bill   to cut taxes on 50 crypto payments so senators 
patrick toomey and kristin cinema have introduced   a new bill to the u.s senate to exclude small 
crypto transactions from capital gains tax   requirements this is i mean obviously this 
is a no-brainer right the bill would apply to   transactions worth less than 50 with a provision 
to adjust that benchmark alongside inflation   50 is okay i prefer the 200 you know similar 
bills putting the benchmark at 200 have been   introduced to congress in the past but either way 
this stuff is getting worked out every single day   behind the scenes and we are here for it most 
people are going to wake up one day and just   realize that this is all part of our daily lives 
you and me we're getting to witness it happen on   a daily basis for instance university of tokyo 
to offer engineering courses in the metaverse   so the university of tokyo will offer a series 
of engineering courses using metaverse tech the   courses which are projected to start being offered 
later this year will introduce students to the   subjects of engineering and will combine this 
knowledge with skills to handle metaverse-based   worlds to manage the digital transformation that 
work and educational environments are undergoing   very interesting the future is metaverse my 
friends august is looking bullish to me just an   opinion anything could happen and new information 
i change my opinion but august is looking bullish   to me at the very least i'm seeing a relief 
rally as we go into the merge nfts looking   like they're about to start popping off august is 
my birthday i hope it's a great month for crypto   that being said my name is aaron at altcoin 
daily subscribe to the channel like the video   we drop a video every day we keep you informed 
on a daily basis join the team see you tomorrow

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