*THIS* Catalyst Will Trigger a Bitcoin ‘Mega Bull Market’! (+ Algorand, Cardano, & Ethereum)

billions of people will use blockchain technology 
soon adoption in the next four to five years Dan   Morehead head of the institutional asset manager 
Pantera Capital thinks that there might be many   distressed financial sectors in the years to come 
but the digital asset industry will not be among   them welcome back everybody to altcoin daily you 
subscribe for daily videos keeping you informed   on the entire cryptocurrency Market Dan moorhead's 
exact quote on CNBC Squawk Box the important thing   to keep in mind is crypto is such a disruptive 
thing it's going to change so many aspects of   our lives in the next decade we all are used to 
using Bitcoin as a proxy for blockchain there   are hundreds of really interesting projects let's 
watch this 30 second clip with the prompt and his   response Bitcoins down from over sixty thousand to 
eighteen thousand I mean or nineteen thousand and   you need to be prepared some stocks do that too 
I think zooms down more than that but you know   obviously it's hard to just assign a clear value 
to crypto yeah I think the important thing to   keep in mind here is crypto is such a disruptive 
thing that's going to change so many aspects of   Our Lives over the next couple decades it's in 
a secular bull market and it does occasionally   get caught up in these cyclical downdrafts of 
risk assets but I can easily see a world a few   years from now where risk assets themselves 
might be still struggling but blockchain's   back to all-time highs and doing its own thing 
based on its own fundamentals and that story is   hundreds of millions of people use blockchain 
today I think in four or five years it's going   to be literally billions of people and the way to 
Value things is supply and demand if you have a   billion people that want to buy a fixed number of 
coins the price probably goes up cardano Creator   Charles hoskinson has also named a catalyst that 
he believes could end the cryptocurrency downturn   and Trigger the next Mega bull market this 
is what he says creator of cardano says that   he has identified the Catalyst that would end 
the cryptocurrency window and Spark a massive   industry-wide I'd rally in a new interview 
with cheeky crypto Charlie hoskinson creator   of cardano the smart contract platform says that 
if the U.S government were to pass the financial   Innovation act the crypto markets would begin 
a mega Bull Run hoskinson says that the passing   of this act would prompt Blue Chip investors to 
flood the cryptocurrency market with capital as   well as reduce the regulatory risks associated 
with investing in digital assets quote I've been   through seven bull bear markets since I joined 
the cryptocurrency space and this current market   is no different it could last 18 months it could 
last two years it could end at the end of the year   who knows it's Any Given Sunday but if America 
passes the financial Innovations act we'd probably   see a mega bull market because a huge amount of 
institutional money would enter and also all of   the regulatory risk with crypto would disappear 
if you're unfamiliar the financial Innovations   Act was originally proposed by Republican senator 
Cynthia Loomis of Wyoming and Democratic senator   Kirsten gillibrand of New York in June it aims 
to create a comprehensive regulatory framework   for the digital asset industry now that's the mega 
bullish case that would flood the cryptocurrency   market with money that's the mega bullish case 
hoskinson however also noted that it's possible   for the markets to go the other way if certain 
Regulators such as U.S Securities and Exchange   Commission chairman Gary Gensler are further 
empowered quote if people like ensler are   empowered we could see a mega bear Market happen 
as a massive amount of litigation occurs in all of   these poor entrepreneurs just basically get put 
out of business by the heavy-handed government   let's go back to Dan Moorhead the CEO of Pantera 
Capital he's going to give his thoughts on this   scenario Gary Gensler the SEC and his overall 
thoughts on the entire regulatory framework of   the cryptocurrency space listen what do you 
hear in terms of the regulatory landscape in   the United States for example and how do you how 
do you prepare for that Gary gensler's not going   to be there forever I don't you know neither you 
know the makeup of the senate in the house who   knows but but what do you expect down the road is 
it positive that we get some you know we finally   understand exactly what regulation looks like or 
is it is it going to be a detrimental to crypto   when it finally comes well you have to view it 
as a glass 7 8 full seven out of the eight big   agencies in the US have already ruled on crypto 
and they ruled quite early some like the IRS ruled   in 2013 and all those rulings are literally the 
best possible rulings so the only one left is the   SEC it would be helpful if they gave more guidance 
on what is the security and what is not a security   and hopefully with in the next year so that will 
come out taking a look at bitcoin's current price   chart look you do not have to buy Bitcoin sub 20K 
but I don't get who's selling down here either   we're a week away from October and it's all going 
to plan we even got the s p to land at a major   horizontal support commenters reply guys you have 
about another week to tell me I'm wrong in altcoin   news Al gorand rallies 27 percent as FIFA launches 
its nft Marketplace FIFA plus collect went live   September 22nd bringing historic FIFA moments 
in the form of nfts to collectors the Genesis   drop launched with about half a million editions 
will allow collectors to own and trade these nfts   Al gorand is the winner here being the official 
blockchain platform and it noted a surge in buying   pressure Rising 12 percent in a span of 24 hours 
good win for algorand in other news again with   Charles hoskinson making news cardano founder says 
cardano's staking method is better than ethereum   on the one hand of course you would say that on 
the other hand let's hear him out then you tell me   what you think hoskinson shared that while working 
with ethereum he found out that while ethereum has   a layer one programmable blockchain that Bitcoin 
lacks ethereum does fall short in his opinion when   it comes to scalability and status as a proof of 
concept as a result it is not the most ideal for   usage when it comes to large-scale government 
level or Enterprise level applications moreover   Hoskins and states that ethereum's proof of stake 
mechanism favors hypercentralization with poor   staking economics this discovery inspired him to 
create the cardano ecosystem granting a superior   proof-of-stake framework proper decentralization 
and staking economics in his opinion you tell me   what you think in the comments below to Charles 
hoskinson I say it sounds good now let's see   cardano start really gaining market share from 
ethereum in other news kraken's defiant new CEO   will not file with the SEC I'm listening incoming 
Kraken CEO Dave Ripley says that his company   Kraken does not intend to register with the SEC 
he insists that Kraken does not list assets that   are securities and says that it has no plans to do 
so Ripley currently serves as kraken's coo he will   secede succeed Jesse Powell as CEO as announced 
this week Kraken will not register with the SEC   because they do not list Securities I love it 
my question to you is Kraken lists a lot of   different coins take a look at your screen Kraken 
lists a lot of different coins telling me that   none of these are potentially unregistered 
Securities or Securities of any kind hey   okay sounds good but again tell me what you think 
in the comments below speaking of unregistered   Securities xrp jumps 44 in a week after Ripple 
moves to dismiss SEC lawsuit just updating you on   the Ripple case both the SEC and ripple have filed 
motions for summary judgment each asking the judge   to rule in their favor without a trial finally 
I want to share a clip with you the end game for   chain link the end game for chain link is for the 
network to provide all of the data and computation   that blockchains and Trust minimized systems need 
but cannot produce themselves clearing the path   for a world powered by truth take a listen to 
this clip chain link founder Sergey and tell me   what you think this is an update on the direction 
that chain link is going hope it provides you with   value the end game is that Oracle networks 
provide all the trust minimized computation   that blockchains and Trust minimized systems 
need but that blockchains do not produce right   so blockchains will produce ownership token 
transfer State changes private key signatures   multi-sync they will continue to produce all of 
these computations in in various collections of   blocks whether those blocks are on a main chain 
or whether they're on a collection of smaller   chains connected to a main chain and and that 
is where a certain core logic certain transfer   of value certain Key conditions to private key 
signatures will continue to become fulfilled   but then all of those conditions will 
continue to need more and more data   more and more trust minimized computation and more 
and more cross-chain communication those are the   first three big categories that the chain link 
network is focused on and then many of them has   a leadership position anywhere from the 60 to 90 
percent plus range in terms of the value secured   in a specific vertical or by user count and this 
is because um well we've invented this new form   of consensus we've pioneered it together with 
a lot of great academics that that we work with   um from the top universities and now it's 
kind of becoming expanded to do more and more   advanced computations more and more advanced 
data and soon relatively soon uh cross-chain   communication which includes token movements but 
actually allows people to string together those uh   different contracts on different genes much as 
I was trying to string together many different   blockchain protocols into a single useful 
application many many years ago so this is   not I would say a new idea for us it's an 
idea that has formed on the basis of what   um is needed to build useful smart contracts right 
so our goal is to enable the larger industry and   the world really to have useful smart contracts 
and while tokenization is very useful it's a   very good beginning for our industry I think 
it is probably a single digit percentage point   of the total value that will resign in the trust 
minimized systems of our industry like blockchains   in order my name is Aaron at altcoin daily thank 
you for tuning in subscribe to the channel join   our team tap that like button if you appreciate 
the daily content and I'll see you tomorrow

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