The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Ordinals Bitcoin [What They Are and How They Work]

nfts on bitcoin what there's nfts on bitcoin 
that is the Talk of the Town as of this week we   are going to go deep into what does it mean to 
have nfts on bitcoin and what are they there's   something called ordinals that people are talking 
about we are seeing crypto punks being sold on   the Bitcoin blockchain for tens of thousands 
of dollars are they Originals should you be   buying them and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff 
happening with this new innovation called ordinals   and we're going to cover all of this and more 
on today's episode of goats and the metaverse   and of course I'm joined by none other than my 
esteemed colleague Stanley how are you my friend   are you buying Bitcoin nfts you know just when 
I think I wrap my head around of what's going on   in the market and what to buy what not to buy 
what does the future look like curveballs get   thrown and I'm boom boom I have no idea I I am 
lost this is a this is an educational show for   me just like it is for you uh or the audience or 
if the audience knows please let us know in the   comments uh give us more insights about it but 
uh I'm interested to discuss explore learn um   but let's before we do that let's take a look at 
what the market is doing what is the market doing   what is the market doing let's see Market is down 
uh we had each touching close to a thousand seven   hundred dollars down to one thousand four hundred 
and eighty six dollars eight point holding around   about the five odd dollar level and Solana down 
to 20 daughters uh we're having downward pressure   across the board we are seeing some movements from 
the SEC coming after a whole bunch of companies   like Kraken settling with Kraken uh on their 
earn program canceling or getting busd taking off   um and say giving them uh documents saying that 
busd is a security so definitely a lot of stuff   happening in the regulatory environment and that 
is putting down some pressure on crypto prices   let's see what does that mean for our fancy nfts 
our lovely jpegs pretty much down across the board   as well interesting to see that uh generally when 
we see some downward movements in the um you know   crypto pairing prices we see nfts holding strong 
so we are still in a pretty skittish Market we're   still in a wouldn't say we're in a full-bone bear 
Market but we're certainly not in a bull market we   are still people are still a little cautious 
Stan what do you think yeah and I think that   we're not seeing a lot of movement from anybody 
right like there's not that many things happening   um I think we all got used to kind of that quick 
satisfaction and like constantly things happening   and there's not that many things happening 
right these brands are taking their time to grow   um and when they do make announcements 
it moves very very very very very slight   um so what does that mean I don't know uh um 
but if you're looking at it from a long-term   perspective this might be a buying opportunity 
or maybe this is the height we don't know Bobby   for a doodle four and a half e for a clonex where 
are you putting your money my friend me personally b-a-y-c-m-a-y-c um those weren't the options five eats for a 
doodle or four and a half each four clinics   you're not buying either I'm not buying you know 
and it's funny because I always I was I'm not   a clonex holder I'm a Doodles holder and I've 
been looking at clonex for a while and I'm like   price seems cheap right Nike Nike but it's 
I don't know they can't put it together they   can't get it they can't get it together maybe 
it'll happen uh if I pick one I'll pick clonex   because I do believe they have more upside 
even though the Doodles Community is stronger   um but I just haven't seen enough out of Doodles 
across the board for me to get excited about them   what about you Doodles did make the big 
announcement that they are moving on to   the flow blockchain so that they could have 
far more cost effective transactions uh met   with some skepticism and some excitement uh from 
that community and but we've seen some downward   pressure in the Doodles processing so we'll have 
to see what is coming from the Doodles team it   was a big announcement for a project of their 
size to be saying they're moving off ethereum   and talking about moving off chains onto other 
chains the biggest news of the last week and   really this happened on Friday so this is brand 
spanking new stuff is the launch of ordinals   and if you don't know what that is I'm not 
surprised ordinals is a way to inscribe   inscribe transactions on the Bitcoin chain and 
people are inscribing jpegs onto the Bitcoin   chain so it's been called the nfts of Bitcoin and 
how does that work well ordinals what they do is   they use a mechanism within the Bitcoin contract 
within the Bitcoin smart um the Bitcoin consensus   protocol uh within Bitcoin you have satoshi's 
there are a hundred million satoshi's behind every   Bitcoin think of them as cents to your US dollar 
there's a hundred cents to a dollar there are a   hundred million satoshi's to a Bitcoin and you can 
inscribe information onto a particular Satoshi and   what ordinals does what this technology does is 
it allows you to inscribe a JPEG onto a Satoshi   so think of it this way every dollar bill that 
you have or maybe every penny that you have has a   unique number on it and if someone could inscribe 
an image onto that penny that penny is no longer   just an ordinary Penny it is a penny with an 
image on it or if you think of a dollar bill   dollar bill has a unique number on it if I was to 
sign in that dollar bill with my signature it'd be   worth a couple of more dollars in my books uh or 
if Michael Jordan was to come along and sign that   dollar bill well that dollar bill is no longer 
just a regular dollar bill it is a dollar bill   signed by Michael Jordan and now worth far more 
money now that is what is happening with Bitcoin   and satoshi's people are now able to inscribe 
onto a Satoshi a particular image character or   anything and that is what's happening here with 
for the first time you have this ability to have   Bitcoin nfts uh by using the native Bitcoin 
script so what is interesting about this it   means it's all Unchained it means that this is now 
permanently on the Bitcoin blockchain and whatever   is inscribed is inscribed there for life so we've 
seen a lot of copycats we've seen a lot of people   saying okay well I'm gonna take crypto function 
I'm going to put them on the Bitcoin blockchain   I'm going to take peppers and put them on the 
Bitcoin blockchain Moon Birds Etc all going on to   the Bitcoin blockchain with this kind of idea that 
we want to be one of the first 1000 inscriptions   and we are seeing things like Bitcoin Punk selling 
for tens of thousands of dollars one of the first   projects called ordinal punks came on to the 
scene 100 Punks on the Bitcoin blockchain selling   for 2.2 Bitcoin 50 000 and a new all-time high 
sale of nine and a half Bitcoin 250 000 happened   on Friday Stanley's got a question so there's a 
thousand punks that are now on the blockchain so okay and what about if I wanted to create 
my own Punk and put her on the blockchain   can I do that you can you can well that is the 
thing these are not the original punks this is   not coming from lava lab this is not coming from 
yoga labs this is somewhere I get it who just said so why does it make it so interesting why is 
it interesting well I don't think it's actually   interesting that punks are on on the Bitcoin 
blockchain and I think people who are buying   and speculating in the 30 stages are going to 
lose a lot of money by trading ordinal Punks on   uh on bitcoin but what is interesting is that 
this now opens up the entire Bitcoin Community   the entire Bitcoin Market of which there are 
many more people who hold Bitcoin than they are   who hold ethereum and now they have the ability 
to collect jpegs collect contracts to inscribe   certain attributes onto the Bitcoin Network the 
most secure decentralized network that we know   to date that isn't controlled by any entity or any 
individuals uh now has this ability and capability   built into that now that is pretty interesting not 
I don't think for something like putting Punks on   it or Moon birds or anything like that anyone 
going into that I believe six months down the   line those things are going to be worth zero but 
there's going to be new Innovations coming out of   this technology so it's important to experiment 
and to learn it and to understand it right now   it's very clunky to actually use those people 
are trading using spreadsheets and doing OTC   deals there's no marketplaces for this there's no 
open C equivalent what people are actually doing   is they're they're minting on an ordinal block 
they're creating an ordinal drop and then they are   um bridging that onto ethereum or wrapping that 
in ethereum and trading it on an e token don't   worry about the complexity of it but in essence 
it's so so early that there is no infrastructure   to support this but very rarely it could be 
something really interesting happening so not   to be the pessimist but I do want to play Devil's 
Advocate so we're at a point where you know   we're we always talk about it we're still so early 
into this industry we're in the first inning we're   nowhere close you know we have people to come on 
all the time talk about it and I do believe that   does it complicate growth because you know the 
common the average Joe who maybe is interested   in learning more about jpegs and is trying to get 
onboarded now somebody's saying well now you could   do it on bitcoin and now there's all these other 
Punk and you're kind of like and that person's   like whoa how do we go from you know ethereum is 
the network this is where everything's gonna be   now we're going to bitcoin there could be jpegs on 
here there's no trading platforms there's all this   complexity that most people don't understand does 
it over complicate like growth for the industry   because somebody's like I'm trying to figure out 
metamask I'm trying to figure out a hard wallet   I'm trying to figure out open C and now you're 
making things even more and more and more complex   what are your thoughts there certainly adds 
complexity and this would not be the starting   point if I was new to the world of crypto new 
to the world of nfts I'm not sure I would start   with Bitcoin ordinals although you would be very 
early so if you do immerse yourself in the world   of Bitcoin ordinals you can become a pro you 
can become an expert faster than anyone else   because it's literally four days old so there's 
new innovation happening that you could become at   the Forefront of and be an expert in this space 
if it's in the ecosystem well there's a lot of   people that are already in the ecosystem looking 
at different Tech Etc so that might be your Edge   that might be well many people don't understand 
this let me be the person who understands this I   heard a story of an individual who had never used 
Bitcoin before a little bit of a developer so I   had some scripting knowledge heard of ordinals 
uh put up his own Bitcoin node and moved 100   Pepes onto the ordinals blockchain sold 50 of them 
kept 50 made 350 000 in the process so if you're   fast and you're moving there is innovation 
happening there but to your bigger question   these are networks and anything can go on to 
these networks that can be scripted onto them   so there is a market out there that says well 
I want to be on the network well I want to put   some kind of information that can be extremely 
critical a picture of a JPEG may be not that   critical but if it's my title if it's my property 
uh if it is my ID maybe I want this inscribed on   a chain like Bitcoin that to date has never been 
hacked has no vitalik who could maybe change his   mind on how things get done or a community of 
people that have one way or another it's seen   as the more secure chain now they may change 
over time but that's the opportunity that is   being presented here with something like Bitcoin 
um so yes certainly more complicated but also   Innovative in terms of what it enables you to 
do I mean listen I I I love it I get it and   I love the story of a guy making 350 000 that's 
no idea what Bitcoin even is but he's early and I   think you know from an entrepreneurial standpoint 
of you this is all great stuff but at the same   time if you're building a business you're not 
you're not building you're trying to onboard   right you're trying to capture who your customer 
is you're trying to you know train that customer   onboard that customer and now you're you didn't 
even sell your first you know your first product   you're already selling them the next three four 
products and from from a business standpoint of   you I think it hurts I think it hurts us right I 
think these are things that somebody might be like   I'm confused I I don't want to go down this route 
anymore I was starting to finally Master this or   finally feel comfortable with this now I'm but now 
you're telling me ethereum is not the most secure   network now there's Bitcoin now everything's 
going to move to bitcoin do I really want to go   what do I do with all my money that I have in here 
this is the curse of technology and Innovation I   remember when the internet came out I was like I 
don't want to put my credit card on the internet   like what what happens if something goes wrong I'm 
never gonna buy online that was what people were   saying and now you pick a button on your phone 
and something delivers to your door or you're   calling a car and if you're not at the edge of the 
technology if you're if you're constantly uh kind   of resisting then you're going to be left behind 
and this is what this industry is showing that   the industry does change and you do need to keep 
abreast of it doesn't need to be your starting   point I don't think so unless you want to be that 
leaning on the innovator side of things but what   we're talking about is that we have hundreds of 
millions of Bitcoin wallet holders who now we've   seen with ethereum we've seen what it looks 
like when you have the ability to trade jpegs   and you have the ability to do more interesting 
things than just be a financial instrument how   much activity that drives on the network Bitcoin 
may now be getting that same type of innovation   that drives a lot of activity on that Network 
indirectly then making it a more sustainable   Network we will see what happens but I'll 
leave you with this with this one last thought   and I I agree with you right like technology is 
crazy we could literally buy something on our   phones by pressing a button we don't even need 
a credit card anymore we don't need anything   but do you how easy it is to use is is 
why we're using it right sure we're now   trained that we could press a button on our 
phone and buy anything we want in the world   I think what's happening in crypto it's it's over 
complicated like it's really it's not overcome   it's hard it's really really hard to onboard 
because I onboard people you know every week   and there's nothing when they say this is hard 
I don't want to go and remember this number and   Seed phrase now you're telling me I need this 
wallet and I need this hard wallet what is a   hard wallet what is it called wallet can I do this 
so now you're making it even more more complicated   more I remember when when I first got an email I 
had a telnet onto a server it was all plain text   you had to know what time it was you need to 
know what server you were logging on to what   you're using in password is you ever knew how to 
pipe through your email to be able to actually   get to your email it was extremely complicated 
but with the passage of time things got better   and easier and that's where we're going like at 
the same time things are getting easier there are   applications there are tools this is the bleeding 
edge of the Innovation uh spectrum and we are here   to tell you about that full spectrum to tell you 
about the bleeding edge and the Not So bleeding   edge and where you should be paying attention 
and focus and you can decide where you're gonna   be putting your Bitcoin or your ethereum and 
whether you're going to be buying any shiny   jpegs on either Network and we'll be here to 
tell you about everything that happens on both   well I learned a lot and uh if you learned 
something on the show leave a comment let us   know if you're going to be buying nfts on 
bitcoin or if you're not I hope everybody   enjoyed the show and uh we'll see you guys 
later this week have a great one everybody

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