The $1,600,000 Crypto SCAM in Rise of Kingdoms

a scammer on the internet made a cryptocurrency 
with rise of kingdoms nfts and they're valuing the   project at 1.6 million us dollars yes you heard 
me correctly what if i told you rise of kingdoms   was going to implement nft support so that way you 
could actually own charles martell and sell it for   dollars on top of that rise of kingdoms was going 
to implement a cryptocurrency to convert the game   into a play to earn experience well hopefully you 
would be pretty mad about that because that sounds   like complete dog [ __ ] to me boys now don't 
worry at the time of recording this lilith has no   plans of implementing any sort of nfts or crypto 
but if you happen to stumble across this site   rise of you may be inclined to think 
otherwise ladies and gentlemen this is one of the   biggest scams to come out of the rise of kingdoms 
community and today we're going to talk about it   so that way you don't fall victim to scams like 
this and also hopefully somebody at lilith sees   this video because this is well the owner of 
the site actually just stole all of lilith's   intellectual property in the form of images 
assets names copyrights logos you name it this guy   probably stole it for the sole purpose of scamming 
rise of kingdoms players and stealing their money   what's going on guys cheers so we got a little 
bit of a different video here for you guys today   alright this website came to my attention 
over on discord this is rise of   and this website claims that rise of kingdoms is 
an upcoming play to earn game four players from   novice to pro to test their skills and compete 
against peers now as you can see here apparently   the pre-sale for this cryptocurrency started on 
may 5th we're gonna learn a little bit later that   the official launch date is in july but um this 
may look a little bit familiar to you okay this is   this is alex and ragnar and boudica and takeda 
and that's that wait a minute that's the official   rise of kingdoms logo here and also at the top of 
the page so is this website run by lilith oh no   it certainly isn't which is what makes this 
probably the biggest scam that's ever come to   the rise of kingdoms community so today let's take 
a little bit of a closer look shall we apparently   the pre-sale lists the price of these tokens 
which we're gonna find out in a moment that it's   called the rok token that's what it that's what 
it's ticker symbol actually is rok and for 100th   of a binance coin you can get a hundred thousand 
rok tokens or even better for a tenth of a binance   coin you can have one million rok tokens and if 
you want to get crazy if you want to really well   up on this fake cryptocurrency program then you 
can use a single binance coin for 10 million   tokens boys now that sounds like a good deal to 
me okay i mean based on the images this game looks   like it's gonna be a good game this might actually 
be worth it until you scroll down and realize just   how many tokens they're planning on issuing when 
this cryptocurrency program launches so to speak   i mean at the bottom of the page they literally 
just ripped screenshots right out of the game and   are claiming that this is the game that they're 
bringing cryptocurrency and nft support to they   even claim to be partnered by binance smart 
chain binance labs coin gecko coin market cap   and all these other quote unquote reputable 
places and again they use the official rise of   kingdoms logo and at the bottom they say copyright 
copyright 2022 all rights reserved by rise of kin   ha-dums i can't tell if they misspelled 
kingdoms on purpose so they don't get sued or   they're just an absolute idiot which honestly 
both of those things could be possible but really   there's not that much information on this website 
about the rise of kingdoms game or cryptocurrency   or nfts or anything like that it's very shady 
all it does is give you an option to purchase   the the coins and also a an airdrop and a referral 
link okay so basically this is a marketing ploy   that a lot of brand new cryptos and nft projects 
use called airdrops where essentially they're just   gonna give away a certain number of coins or nfts 
or something like that to get interest into the   project so people at least maybe redeem it and 
sell it right away or at least they look into   the project and see sort of what it's about here 
so right now that you can get 30 rok tokens for   free by claiming your airdrop but again remember 
point zero one binance coin will get you 100   000 tokens so claiming 30 tokens for free is 
worthless guys .01 finance coins is three us   dollars okay for three dollars you can have a 
hundred thousand coins so a 30 coin airdrop is   basically zero dollars like it's so few it's it is 
so many fractions of a penny that it's essentially   zero okay and that makes sense because this 
project is [ __ ] fake and it's a it's a scam   it's it's worthless because it's worthless but 
great news if you refer someone to the project you   get six tokens sick dude we get six tokens when 
for three dollars i can get a hundred thousand   so even from a marketing and airdrop perspective 
this makes no sense there is no incentive here to   spread the word for this project when you could 
immediately get out well for a [ __ ] dollar   but let me just back up here a little bit okay 
let me just go ahead and back up because we've   started to rip into this program pretty hard and 
i got i don't want you guys to think that i hate   cryptocurrency or that i hate nfts in fact i own 
cryptocurrency i'm a little bit diversified i own   a couple of different coins and i own a couple 
of nfts okay i do and it's not because i'm a   crypto bro or anything like that i honestly think 
that it's sort of the wild west right now of the   whole web 3.0 scene and a lot of these projects 
are gonna go to zero they're just they just are   okay and i don't recommend you guys invest in any 
crypto or nfts unless you really have the income   to do so and you really know what you're investing 
in and you're okay with losing all of it okay i'm   not here to tell you that cryptos are a good or 
bad investment what i'm here to tell you is that   this is literally infringing on copyright and a 
scam and it's targeting you guys it's targeting   the players of rise of kingdoms it's trying 
to convince people that rise of kingdoms is   implementing a crypto and nfts and look again i 
believe in the future of crypto and nfts i think   there are legitimately there are legitimate 
use cases for the blockchain technology and   there's legitimate use cases for non-fungible 
tokens for various different reasons and i think   that in a few years we're gonna see crypto and 
nfts incorporated into a lot of different games   and a lot of different projects but this projects 
like this are what give crypto and nfts such a bad   reputation because it's literally just a scam 
it's literally just a scam that's all it is they   are literally just stealing the assets from lilith 
and then using the popularity of rise of kingdoms   to scam lilith's customers that's what they're 
trying to do and if i were lilith right now   i would be on the phone with my lawyer i would be 
going straight for the takedown of this website   because they're already trying to promote this 
fake coin the rok crypto coin on   and also it's already gone far enough 
okay it needs to be just nipped right in the bud   before this again gains any traction at all 
because people who aren't familiar with the   actual game rise of kingdoms are to see things 
like their twitter account and think that this   is a legitimate project i mean look at this it's 
rise off kingdoms they just added a little f in   there to make it look like it's a legitimate thing 
and then they bought probably 4 000 followers okay   that's what that looks like to me yeah it's gotta 
be bots i mean look at this it's just some name   with a bunch with a string of numbers i mean 
look at how many of them there are it's daryl   bunch of numbers elizabeth a bunch of numbers 
two look this is just uh this is like this is   almost like a crypto wallet as a username shawn st 
bunch of numbers this is how you know look at this   all of these are fake it's a name with numbers 
it's an it's a randomly generated twitter account   these are all fake bots and that's it's easy to 
tell they didn't even try to make these followers   look real there's probably maybe 50 or 100 real 
people here that just follow them because of the   hashtags they use they use hashtag bsc bnb defi 
these are all you know crypto hashtags that i'm   sure some people just followed them because of 
that but if you look at their twitter account they   literally just stole the rise of kingdoms videos 
like they they just straight up stole it they   just downloaded it and we're like yoink that's 
mine now we're gonna use that to promote my fake   crypto scam and again if people don't know about 
the actual game rise of kingdoms they're gonna see   videos like this and be like oh my god this game 
is really like it's in development they're really   making progress look at the 3d artwork look at the 
animations look at the art style look at how look   it even said lilith right there like look look 
at how look at how legitimate this game looks   and then they step they took this screenshot 
right this is an old beta screenshot that   i think is still on the google play store i mean 
this like it's it's so obvious that the person   who posted and made this scam doesn't really know 
what rise of kingdoms is they probably have heard   of it and they've just looked up a couple videos 
and stole it like look at this think about how   much time and money lilith invested in making this 
video and you might think like who cares right but   this person just literally stole it downloaded it 
and they're using it to promote look some sort of   giveaway for their rok coins referral contest they 
have an airdrop link to their uh to their telegram   group or whatever they're just using this official 
rise of kingdoms video to try to scam people out   of their money it's actually horrifying to think 
that some people are probably going to believe   this and look at this i love this this is their 
first tweet here rise of kingdoms no spaces by   the way rise of kingdoms is a money-making game 
look listen hey okay boys that's true we already   know they make money okay but it ain't what 
you think it is players transform into heroes   to fight each other and earn money in the game we 
invite you to follow and support the upcoming game   they're saying rise of kingdoms isn't even out 
yet and that you should invest in rise of kingdoms   coin because this new play to earn game is coming 
soon and this is what you can expect this is what   they're they're selling you on they're saying 
you can expect this game this is what they're   selling you uh and little do these people know 
the game already is out rising who's been around   for years now and you don't have to buy a crypto 
to invest in it and you don't have to spend any   money on nfts and i don't honestly i don't even 
think that the person who started this project   really understands what crypto or nfts even are i 
mean there's no reference of nfts anywhere except   in some of the giveaways one nft cao cao what does 
that even mean are they trying to tell you that   you get to own this asset in the game if you're 
the winner of the of the project like what are   they even talking about like look at this tweet 
price to own nft champions in the game announced   and then they link to their website that literally 
doesn't say anything about nfts at all it says   that there's going to be a house nft item this is 
actually a good a good time let's take a look at   their roadmap okay let's see what's coming to rise 
of kingdoms according to this scam okay q1 of 2022   pre-sale listing on pancake swap okay that's a 
place where you can you can buy and sell nfts   and cryptos and stuff like that launching game 
and nft trading market and cex listing so they're   saying the game and nfts are coming in quarter one 
of 2022 but guess what boys we're out of quarter   twenty quarter one it's over we're done so the 
game should be out already based on based on their   on that road map okay and of course the game is 
out but it came out years ago and it has nothing   to do with crypto let's look at quarter two this 
is what we should be expecting now staking okay   great we can stake our our rok coins cool game 
content updates wow boys pvp and leaderboard chat   system pet renting system dude holy smokes we can 
get pets and rise of kingdoms for cryptocurrency   and then we can stake that cryptocurrency 
and we can be rich big ballers like baba   holy smokes i can't believe how lucky i am to 
stumble upon this project in early development   quarter three release big update whoa dude 
we're gonna get a big update quarter three holy   smokes dude i'm pogging so hard right now oh my 
goodness oh and then we're gonna get the metaverse   we're gonna get the metaverse in 2022 boys i can't 
believe it and then after that after the game is   launched after the cryptocurrency after the nfts 
after the pet renting system then the game is   going to come to mobile matt what the [ __ ] what 
are you talking about how are you going to release   the game on mobile after everything else how are 
you where are you putting the update where's the   big update gonna go if it if it comes out before 
the ios and android support like what are you   talking about quarter four game content updates 
great add new nft items add new level one new   level they're just gonna add one new level okay i 
mean we're already implementing a whole metaverse   uh in quarter three okay so we can only add one 
level in quarter four like it's just so this   person again i can't i can't even confirm if this 
person even knows what crypto and nfts are like   they're just using just buzzwords from the crypto 
scene oh staking we'll just yeah we'll just put   staking in there like okay let's just tell them 
about let's tell them about staking yeah let's   throw in metaverse let's talk about the metaverse 
and staking and and and you know maybe people will   buy it and then we'll throw tokenomic up there and 
we'll tell them all about uh you know how we're   going to just how many coins we're going to supply 
and it's insane it's in like when you look at   what they claim to be the supply of the rok coin 
like bro pre-sale alone is three billion coins   one one binance coin is 10 million tokens this 
is like 300 by the way so for you'll get 10   million tokens for 300 but the pre-sale alone 
is only six percent of the entire liquidity   pool and apparently they they're gonna have a 10 
billion supply for the play to earn players which   my god if our okay was a play to earn game i would 
quit that [ __ ] so [ __ ] fast it would be insane   but like what is this team three billion team what 
is team is that the people who work there but but   then we have advisors and partners that's 
500 million marketing they have 2 billion   listed for marketing but they're only giving 
them out 30 with 30 tokens at a time how many   [ __ ] people do you think they're gonna they're 
gonna get with this airdrop in order for them to   use all two billion coins on airdrops we have 
to have 66 million people redeem it bro what   what what do they think this is gonna be the most 
successful uh play to earn game on the planet by   a hundred fold what is ecosystem what does that 
even mean oh wait a minute airdrop is a totally   separate thing okay so what's marketing then 
if airdrop is this it doesn't make any sense   it doesn't make any sense the total supply of 
rok coin according to this chart is 50 billion   50 billion coins they're like competing with 
dogecoin for supply at this point dogecoin   releases 5 billion coins a year these guys are 
just gonna drop 50 billion just right in the   market like let's go boys 50 billion like what do 
you so hang on if the total supply is 50 billion   which we can count here on the table and they're 
valuing 10 million tokens as one binance coin we   can divide the total supply by 10 million tokens 
which gives us 5 000 that means that they are   valuing the entire supply of rok tokens as 5 
000 binance coins which at the current market   rate would put the total market cap of this coin 
at one million six hundred and thirteen thousand   us dollars where is the value coming from and on 
top of that they don't even explain anything about   the token like if i want to play to earn how do i 
earn it where does this come into play what can i   do with the coin how is that why is there value 
here other than what you're then just you saying   it's worth a one finance coin is 10 million like 
where did this come from how do you know what it's   worth why are you why are you starting it at that 
point and also dex liquidity how do we know that   this is decentralized who's who runs this why 
what how are you claiming to be decentralized   and then you have no you have no indication of of 
who's running the show or how is this is this like   obviously there's staking involved here are we 
doing proof of work or or what how does this how   does this work okay they don't tell us you want 
to know why because they don't know you want to   know why because it's [ __ ] fake it's a fake 
it's a scam and they should be ashamed and they   also should have legal action taken against them 
because again they're literally stealing assets in   order to scam people's money like it's one thing 
to like make your own thing and scam people that's   horrible right but this is just laziness on 
another level they're just stealing all this   stuff from an already popular game and the most 
shameful thing is that their their header puts   khan and edward as this to your commanders above 
saladin and leonidas and charles martel that's   the biggest sin that i think they've committed 
this entire time it's pathetic so i tried to do a   little bit more research into who is running this 
website and of course it's redacted for privacy   makes sense i i expected that it looks like this 
website is 25 days old rise of is 25   days old it was created on may 5th which is 
conveniently the first day of pre-sale which   guys you know if you're gonna have a pre-sale you 
probably want to start like marketing before the   pre-sale right i don't know maybe i'm an idiot 
this is registrant country code is that's iceland   beyond that i have no more information this is ip 
location south carolina greenville they bought it   with namecheap it looks like that's where they got 
the domain from honestly lilith if you're watching   you gotta you gotta buy these domains okay 
you rise of should just redirect   to liliths website that that's what it is 
because otherwise you get websites like this   that look like massive scams that could be 
legitimate because the website is so similar   i also did a reverse ip look up and i have a 
couple of websites here that also came up from   this individual it turns out these websites no 
longer exist probably because they were pump and   dump rug pull scams however i did discover that 
loe game dot io is still online it looks like the   legend of that's offline it looks like 
they've transitioned to loe game dot io and what   is this a horrible image by the way um this is yet 
another fake nft cryptocurrency scam website it's   the same thing oh look at that it's using binance 
smart chain that's interesting oh look it's a play   for money game another play to earn game very very 
interesting oh my goodness look at this it's sort   of like the exact same breakdown as the as the 
rok coin it's like this guy is literally just oh   oh chaos mode dude he's going chaos mode bro this 
guy is is just pumping out these websites where   they're stealing real game assets to promote 
a fake cryptocurrency and look at this he said   our team what are the odds okay what are the odds 
that these are real people [ __ ] zero okay these   are stock images with fake names that he just 
threw up here to get you to believe that there's   real people working on the website okay and look 
it's a little bit diverse we got a couple women   couple men looks good bada bing bada boom look 
at this it's the same [ __ ] man it's the same   and this loser has botted the telegram group that 
he listed on the website that's right there's an   official telegram link okay right here you can 
click to join the telegram and they bought it   over 8 000 users that's crazy and basically this 
is just copy and paste of of their twitter okay we   got 8 000 subscribers really 8 000 subscribers and 
they go by the name of rise of kingdoms official   like they're really just stealing everything from 
lilith and claiming to be a real thing and they're   hoping that they get your money out of it they're 
hoping that you know a fool and their money are   easily parted and of course that's true and this 
is an attempt at just robbing rise of kingdoms   players blind that's what this is there's a 
screenshot here of whoever joined the airdrop guys   you know i i'm telling you these most of these 
subscribers are probably botted some people may   have actually fallen for this scam some people may 
have actually fallen for it and there's no way for   me to know um there's no other information on the 
website we've literally covered everything here   but this is this is a huge problem and i really 
hope that lilith is aware of this and is taking   the steps and taking action to removing you know 
scams and and fraudulent activity that is stealing   their assets i mean if things like this happen 
often it looks bad for rise of kingdoms so i'm   sure that lilith will be interested in taking 
down projects like this and hopefully none of   you guys fell for this and hopefully nobody else 
any anybody fell for this obvious scam and i just   wanted to make this video to bring it to your 
attention so you guys are aware of this and of   course if you want to i'll have a link over to the 
coin vote website where you can go over here and   you can report this coin um you can report it 
for whatever you want it's obviously going to   be a rug pull or something else obviously it's 
you know it's copyright infringement as well so   there's a lot wrong with this token okay um 
but if you guys want there'll be a link in   the description maybe in a pin comment as well to 
where you can come to this website and report the   coin but also spread the word of this okay if you 
want to share the video or send this to lilith or   something like that but somebody at little needs 
to know and of course i'll reach out to who i   can to let them know as well but i would hate for 
anyone in this community to get taken advantage of   by scammers like this it's honestly horrible 
and hopefully with your help we can get it taken   down guys with that being said if you enjoyed the 
video go ahead and hit the thumbs up button it'll   actually push this video out into the algorithm so 
other rise of kingdoms players might see it and be   warned of this scam subscribe to the channel 
if you're new here and click the bell to be   notified the next time that i upload a real 
rise of kingdoms video and with that being said   guys thank you so much for watching this has been 
Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace

As found on YouTube

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