Step Aside Bitcoin….This Altcoin Could Become #1 (America’s #1 Crypto)

The Bear Market is for the builders, the ones who 
carve out their own path, creating technology that   will change the future of tomorrow. They don’t 
shill, they don’t cry…they have their heads down   building and making the connections that will 
secure their blockchain infrastructure will   be used on scales we couldn’t even imagine. 
So are you ready to see who’s building like   Bob the Builder? Well you don’t really have a 
choice, because it’s time for Chico Crypto!! Sooo, to begin this episode let’s 
talk a little bit about Bitcoin.   Late last week, Thursday to be 
exact, Bloomberg Law dropped this   article “Crypto Miners’ Energy, Climate 
Costs Draw White House Scrutiny” Yikes, is the whitehouse coming after 
Bitcoin?? Well that was a good title,   to make it look like it, but if you dive deeper 
you get a clearer picture of what they are doing. The article states “The Biden administration 
is teeing up policy recommendations to lower   cryptocurrency mining’s energy consumption 
and emissions footprint” ““It’s important,   if this is going to be part of our financial 
system in any meaningful way, that it’s developed   responsibly and minimizes total emissions,” 
Costa Samaras, principal assistant director for   energy for the White House Office of Science and 
Technology Policy, told Bloomberg Law.

The study   aims to drill down into claims that have touted 
cryptocurrency as a societal benefit or criticized   it as a local nuisance and a climate nightmare, 
said Samaras. The team will study claims made in   recent months—in places like Texas—that mining 
facilities could provide grid operators with   flexibility by agreeing to temporarily 
shut down during times of peak demand.” Sooo, the aim of this is to reduce bitcoin 
and crypto mining energy consumption   and the emissions footprint.

will study claims that Bitcoin mining   is an energy hog or it can be a 
benefit to the environment and grid. Sooo I wonder who could be helping with 
this? Well in the same Bloomberg Law article,   they not only got comments from Costa Samaras, 
but from another person. Jesse Morris, CEO   of Energy Web. From the article ““I have a really 
hard time seeing some sort of a stick approach,”   said Jesse Morris, CEO of Energy Web, a technology 
company that works with utilities and consumers to   accelerate decarbonization. “I think the most 
bang for their buck is going to be on education   and disclosure of bitcoin mining—and 
that would send a huge signal, too.” Last month, Energy Web unveiled a scoring 
system that would show how Bitcoin miners—and   potential other industries—are using their 
consumption to drive lower emissions. Well, just as this article was released 
Jesse Morris tweeted “Major opportunity for  WhiteHouse to partner with the BTC 
community and transform corporate   renewable purchasing & disclosure.

energyweb and RockyMtnInst approach   we can incentivize companies to buy renewables 
that produce the deepest carbon benefits. Now, is this just a coincidence Jesse 
is featured in the article and tweeting   about it on the same day? Or does Energy 
Web have connections to the whitehouse? Well I’ll let you in on a little 
secret…it’s the latter. Energy Web   has direct connections to the 
Whitehouse on multiple levels. Sooo to begin, let’s look at a certain person 
who worked for Energy Web. As we can see from   the July 2019 whitepaper, Claire Henly 
was a part of the Energy Web Foundation,   and contributed to the creation of the whitepaper.

Well this Yale Business profile 
on Claire gives us a clear picture   of what she worked on. It says “Claire 
Henly directs the Energy Web Foundation's   technology deployment work, developing 
the frameworks, technical standards   and best practices necessary to drive adoption 
of blockchain technology by the energy sector.   Her portfolio includes EW Origin – a 
secure, low cost, public tracking system   for renewable energy credits, EW Link – a set 
of standards and best practices to connect   distributed energy assets to the blockchain, 
and the D3A Simulation – a tool to evaluate   the economic impacts of a blockchain based 
transactive energy model for electricity grids.” She contributed to the creation of the 3 highly 
important Energy Web technologies.

EW Origin,   EW Link, and the D3A…which is now known 
as the Grid Singularity energy exchange. Although, before Energy Web 
we can see from the profile,   she worked for RMI, the Rocky Mountain Institute, 
for a whopping 5 years…and if you didn’t know,   Rocky mountain is one of the two co-founders, 
of Energy Web along with Grid Singularity… So there is no doubt Claire is connected 
to Energy Web on a level that goes nearly   a decade deep!! I wonder what Claire 
did while working for Energy Web?   Well in 2018, she testified before the US Senate 
on using blockchain in the Energy Sector…well   did she stop there with the government? No, 
No, No my friends…she joined the government….

Checking out her Linked’n we can see works 
for the Whitehouse as a whitehouse fellow,   serving in the executive office of the president.   Placed on the special Envoy for the climate, 
being a direct assistant to John Kerry. Energy Web has a mole in the Whitehouse…so   the next question is are they 
working on anything together? Well, we gotta go back to this tweet 
from Energy Web coufounder, RMI,   back in February of this year. RMI retweeted 
the whitehouse and a press release from them   on the buy clean task force.

RMI said “The new Buy 
Clean Task Force will support low-carbon materials   made in American factories. RMIemissions is 
working to advance the decarbonization of   industrial materials supply chains with blockchain 
tech and data transparency. Onward! WhiteHouse” Hmmmmm…now if we dive into the press release 
they retweeted and scroll to the section on   the buy clean taskforce, the whitehouse 
says this regarding it “The Council on   Environmental Quality and White House Office 
of Domestic Climate Policy are establishing   the first-ever Buy Clean Task Force, which 
will harness the federal government’s   massive purchasing power to support low-carbon 
materials made in American factories. So who is helping make this a reality? Well they 
say “and the State Department and U.S. Special   Presidential Envoy for Climate are 
securing corporate purchasing commitments   for low-carbon materials and technologies 
through the First Movers Coalition” Yes, the US special presidential 
envoy for climate, the same one   Claire Henly was appointed to, as 
direct assistant to John Kerry…. So is RMI and Energy Web building this? Well, 
going back to RMI’s retweet of the press release   we can see below RMI says “We use 
#blockchain to help our friends new   to this tech understand the main message.

proud to partner with Energy Web on this work!” So what is the work?? Well remember the Whitehouse 
Buy Clean Task Force is made to support low carbon   materials made in American factories. Going to 
RMIs website and their Supply Chain emissions   initiatives, we can see they highlight 
something called COMET…which is creating a   universal greenhouse gas calculation framework 
that can be used in all industrial supply chains. Now if you scroll down, they say this too 
under digital infrastructure and exchanges   “Improving emissions accuracy by working with 
the Energy Web Foundation to create a blockchain   platform that will digitally track 
emissions through a supply chain” Sooo does COMET have any government connections?? 
Of course it does.

RMI is in direct contract with   the SEC, in regards to the President's executive 
orders on Climate. Here is the letter from RMI to   the SEC. They say “I am pleased to submit comments 
in response to the Request for Public Input on   Climate Change Disclosure on behalf of RMI. We are 
encouraged by President Biden's Executive Order on   Climate Related Financial Risk and the G7 Finance 
Ministers and Central Bank Governors Communique.   The Securities and Exchange Commission's 
(SEC) commitment to enhance corporate   disclosure on climate risks will be 
critical to support these important   commitments and help mitigate systemic 
risks associated with climate change. Now guess who had a talk in February of 
which the SEC attended? February 24th,   Energy Web hosted the Make Money Green ESG & 
Financial Regulation event and yup, as you can   see the SEC was there…specifically commissioner 
Allison Herren Lee, as an official guest. Now remember the beginning of this episode, 
it was the whitehouse investigating bitcoin   mining…well look at what we have here.

pinned tweet by RMI, released last month   May 9th…It says “Proud to announce a new approach 
to decarbonize electricity-intensive industries   in partnership w/ Energy Web. The approach is 
applicable to any sector and EW is currently   trialing the approach in the crypto sector with 
a link to learn more about their case study.   Going to this….yup it’s green proofs for BTC. 
It says “to maximize the impact of renewables   used to power Bitcoin and bring greater 
transparency to the networks carbon footprint,   Green Proofs for BTC combines Energy Web’s Green 
Proofs technology solution with a new assessment   approach co created with GMI for determining the 
impact of different renewable energy purchases” How do you like them apples? Green apples to 
be specific!! Cheers I’ll see you next time!

As found on YouTube

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