Research Aspects – IV (Byzcoin)

Welcome back to the course on Blockchain.
So, we are discussing about this is ah Byzcoin Consensus Mechanism. ah In the last class,
we have looked into a little bit of background ah of ah nice cryptographic signing mechanism
called CoSi or the Collective signing ah which Byzcoin uses ah for signing individual blocks
ah. So, today we will look into the details of
ah this ah Byzcoin mechanism; ah about how Byzcoin and ah how Byzcoin solves the problem,
which was there in case of Bitcoin and Bitcoin-NG protocol.
And Byzcoin is a nice architecture in the sense that it the combines the concept from
proof of work and PBFT together and it takes the good of both Bitcoin as well as Bitcoin-NG.
And by combining all this concepts all together, ah it designs a nice protocol and nice mechanism
for ensuring consensus ah in a Blockchain base system ah.

So, let us look into the Byzcoin
in details. Ah. So, ah if you remember the requirement
for a Blockchain Consensus Protocol that I have mentioned in the last class, the first
one is the Byzantine fault tolerance. The protocol need to be Byzantine fault tolerance.
The second one is it should provide strong consistency guarantee. The third one is it
should scale well to increasing work load and the fourth one was ah it should scale
well to increasing network size. Now, if you look into the Byzcoin protocol
the Byzcoin protocol will satisfy completely the first two requirements; that means, the
protocol is Byzantine fault tolerant and it provides strong consistency guarantee by avoiding
the faults; ah the second one, the third and fourth one ah that two requirements, it makes
the nice trade off between the performance, ah in terms of the transaction that can be
supported; ah transaction throughput that can be supported and ah the ah scalability
in terms of network size ah.

So, ah this is the Byzcoin protocol as I have
mentioned it takes the good for ah from Bitcoin as well as from Bitcoin-NG and combines the
concept of proof of works scalability and PBFT scalability; PBFT scalability altogether
to increase the scalability in terms of number of nodes as well as in terms of number of
transactions that can be supported ah. So, ah first let us look into the some problems
in Bitcoin ah which motivates behind the design of ah this ah Byzcoin protocol.
So, ah in case of Bitcoin, there is no verifiable commitment of the system that a block would
exist. So, for example, ah the Probability of successful fork attack, what we have learned
earlier that ah it decreases as the size of the block chain increases.

So, whenever you
have a large Blockchain with a longer ah during that time, you have the lower probability
of having a fork attack. But whenever the Blockchain is growing ah at that time, you
always have a possibility of the fork attack and fork attack actually preference some of
the valid block to exist in Blockchain. So, what happens that ah sometime it may happen
that well, earlier say this was your longest chain and after having a fork; it may happen
that this rate chain becomes the longest chain. So, in that case this two nodes, this two
blue nodes ah which were there earlier that they will be considered fork chain and they
will not be used ah in further. So, that is why we say that in Bitcoin, we do not have
any verifiable commitment of the system.

So, even if you have committed this block and
this block seems to be accorded block. But there is no guarantee that this block will
be a part of your final Blockchain and that way, ah it will it will be a kind of waste
of resources. So, because you know that Bitcoin anyway ah utilizes the significant amount
of mining power ah and the depending on the system power and your computation efficiency,
you are able to generate the mining block. Now, that tree is that you have utilised so
much of resource in the system, but ultimately the block that you have generated that block
is useless because it has become a part of the fork. So, that is one major problem in
Bitcoin. And ah in this case as I have mentioned that
this two block becomes for and they are not utilised any further.
So, ah that was the problem with Bitcoin and the problem is Bitcoin-NG as I was mentioning
in the last class that a faulty key block is verified only after the end of the round.
So, a faulty miner, it can introduce a number of correct micro blocks following a faulty
microblock in the system.

For example, in this case this particular key block, it has
been say introduced by a miner. So, this miner has introduced a number of correct micro blocks
follow, followed by a faulty microblock. So, this before is a faulty microblock.
So, in this particular case, ah you can detect that this miner which was here which has generated
this particular key block, ah it is the byzantine miner or it is the malicious miner or a faulty
miner only after it has generated this particular block.

And the interesting thing is that by
the time it has already added this block to this blockchain because you have asked or
you have voted or better to say that the system has given the power to his miner to introduce
new block in the system. So, that way the miner has already added the block and after
that you are verifying that that particular block is incorrect.
So, that is the case now a fork alleviate this problem further because ah even if there
is a fork. So, it may happen certain forks are ah invalidated.

So, at this stage, if
it happens that another node creates the key block here that gets point at here. So, all
these valid block becomes ah invalid. So, we solved this problem by a set of PBFT
verifier. So, now, that idea that ah we talked earlier that before putting the block in the
blockchain rather than a single block or or a single node or a single signer signing the
block, you make a set of signer will collectively signing the block.

So, that is the solution
we are introducing here that you solve this problem by a set of PBFT verifier, who will
verify your block and then only the block is added in the block chain.
That means, we are not giving the power to a single miner to introduce multiple micro
blocks one after another. Although that miner will be the leader of the system, but a set
of witness which will apply this collective signing protocol that I have discussed in
the last class. They will apply the collective signing protocol and after applying the collective
signing protocol if that particular microblock is verified by multiple such co signers, then
only the will get added in the blockchain.

So, in this case if you look into the earlier
problem, this block before, it will never get added in this blockchain and at this stage
because other signers, they will detect that well see this miner is faulty. So, remove
this miner and adopt a new miner by introducing the proof of work mechanism to introduce another
new key block ah in the system ah. So, that way you can ah resolve this particular problem
ah in case of blockchain consensus.

Well. So, let us look into the solution of ah this
ah ah in details that how you can use PBFT in this case. So, ah ah in that Byzcoin paper
initially they have discussed about the straw man design which they call as the PBFT coin.
In PBFT coin their assumption is standard to the normal PBFT system that you have a
3f plus 1 fixed "trustees" who are there, who will run the PBFT to withstand f number
of failures . So, to sustain f number of failures as we have looked into ah the concept of PBFT
that you would require 3f plus 1 number of nodes in the system.
So, the same thing is use here.

So, this avoids the probabilistic strong consistency, ah it
in by introducing low latency in the system. So, why? Because say whenever you have multiple
signers, who are sign in a block and then, only you are adding a block in the system.
So, when multiple signer is signing a new block during that time, well if there is another
block which is being created by another side of the node; it is more likely that well this
signing will take some time and by that time one block will propagate in the entire network.
So, that way ah it avoids this probabilistic strong consistency that well. Now among the
set of miners who are there ah in the world, whenever a new block is being proposed then
those miners in the world. They are collectively voting for only one block and that particular
block is getting added ah in your system ah. So, so that way ah you can avoid this forking
in the system ah. So, this entire concepts; so, let me try to
explain it again with the help of ah one example.

So, the idea is there, you have now multiple
nodes in the network who are connected with each other say these are multiple nodes in
the network. They are assumed that they are connected with each other through some means
and now among them some of the nodes are working as miners. So, we have this nodes and then
some of the nodes were designated as miners node, where I am writing as M. They are the
miners in the system. Now, in case of the earliest case, it may
happen that well. This miner is trying to ah validate the new block or create the new
block by using the proof of work mechanism.

At the same time this miner is create a new
block. So that way, if both of them are able to successfully miner new block at the same
time; then, you have ah two different block which are pointing to the same pair in block
ah in case of blockchain. So, now, one miner is pointing to this block.
So, this was the previous block. Another was is pointing the block. So, I am just naming
them as M 1 and 2. So, M 1 has created this block and M 2 has created this block and both
are valid block pointing to the same pair of block. So, that is why we have the problem
of the strong consistency here that well, we are generating certain blocks which can
result in a fork in the system. Now, whenever ah in case of this particular
case what you are doing, you are running a PBFT among this miner. So, out of these miners,
you are taking certain miners who are? So, these are the miners which ah I have marked
as circle. So, these are the miner ah.

So, let us use a different colour. So, these are
the miners who are authorised to sign the block. So, we are applying this kind of collective
signing concept. Now this miners, now they will run a PBFT protocol among themselves.
So, this miner create another level of hierarchy. So, they will run the PBFT among themselves
to add a new block in the system ah. So, that way every time, you are making a
consensus among the miners that which block is going to add in the system and that way
you are preventing multiply block to get added ah to block chain at the same time. At that
way you are preventing the fork to be happening ah um and which in turn gives you a strong
consistency support in the system well. So, that is the broad idea here that we are avoiding
the forks in the system; so, this blocks we are added only after verification from the

So, here these are the set of nodes who are
working as the miners and this miners are arranged as a set of which we call as a set
of trustees, who collectively decides that which particular block need to be added to
the system and that particular block is only added to the ah existing block chain ok. So,
that was the solution using PBFT. Now let us see the problem here.
So, we have certain problems of PBFT which are there ah which we need to tackle in this
particular scenario.

So, the first problem is that PBFT requires
a static consensus group. ah Now, in case of a proof of work based system, we do not
want a static consensus group. Why? Because the ah ah it is open environment and anyone
can join as a miner. Now say today I am joining as a miner, if there is a static consensus
group; then, what is the guarantee or when I will get the chance to join to that particular
consensus group. So, our ah basic idea that the system will behave like a open environment
in case of proof of work ah what we called as a Permission List Blockchain that concept
of permission list blockchain gets wide, if you are thinking about the ah about the static
consensus group.

So, that is one of the major limitation for this PBFT type of protocol.
Now, this PBFT type of protocol ah because of it works on this message passing architecture,
it uses a static consensus scope and scalability in terms of number of nodes it is also a problem.
Because ah PBFT it uses O of n square communication complexity and O of n verification complexity.
So, if you remember the PBFT mechanism that every node in the prepare and the comic phase
every node need to sends the messages to all other nodes ah in that closed consensus group
and they will get that message and only then, they will be able to verify it.

So, that way
your communication complexities now O of n square; under verification complexity of this
O of n because because that particular statement or the particular block, need to be verified
by all the nodes ah in the system. So, that is the two major things and the third
problem in PBFT is that you do not have at a third party verifiable proof; that means,
if you remember PBFT, PBFT uses Message Authentication Code. So, in case of Message Authentication
Code, you have share secret between any two pair of nodes, if you have share secret between
any two pair of nodes; that means, if you have some miner in the system done. Then,
every pair of nodes every pair of miner, need to have a share secret among themselves which
is a overhead obviously, for the entire system and which prevents the system to behave like
ah ah open system. And another problem which can be there in
case of PBFT is the Sybil attack. Now in case of Sybil attack, ah a node it can create multiple
pseudonymous identities.

So, the node can create multiple such identities to subvert
that the 3f plus 1 requirement of PBFT. So that means, I assume that a malicious node,
there is malicious node and that malicious node creates some 100 different identities
ah which apparently looks different. So, if you are getting the message from those
nodes and that Sybil attack becomes prominent even if you are using an open environment,
where any malicious node can join in the system and can then subvert the entire system by
applying this kind of Sybil attack by faults; the identities multiple faults identities

So, to the other node it just looks like that it is receiving the message
from 1000 other nodes, but actually 1000 other nodes are pointing to a single malicious node
ah. So, that is the kind of Sybil attack which can happen in case of ah this kind of ah PBFT
based consensus groups. Now, to solve this, our first target would
be to open the consensus group. So, how will you open the consensus group? To open the
consensus group, we use the proof of work based system. So, we now use the proof of
work based system to give a proof of membership of a miner as a part of the trustees; that
means, we utilise proof of work to determine who will be getting the membership in the
trustee board or in the group of trustees ah.
So, I will I will explain that with the help of a diagram, but before going to that this
particular architecture, it it maintain a balance of power within the BFT consensus
group. So, how it maintains this balance of power? So, it uses of fixed-size sliding window.
Each time a miner finds a new block, it receives a consensus group share and this share provides
the miner's membership in the trustee group.

So, let us look into an example to make that
him much clear . So, here this is the sliding window, this is my current window where I
am considering that which are the miners who will be there in the trustee group. Now here
we see that well this particular miner, it has mined this 2 blocks; ah then this particular
miner, it has mined 3 blocks and this particular miner, it has mined 2 blocks. So, within this
window; so, here the window size is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. With this ah ah window size of 7,
so it gets the share of 2. This gets the share of 3. This node gets the share of 2 . So,
this is their voting power or the power to participate in the set of or the group of

So, in this particular window, who are the
ah in the last window who are the who has mined the maximum number of blocks they become
the part of the trustee group ah to vote further or to sign further the about of validity of
a particular block. Now, here whenever you are generating a block
say after this whenever a new block will be generated, this new block obviously, will
be generated by this leader. Here written as L, but this block need to be collectively
signed by this leader along with all these two signers ah who are there and who are the
part of the miner. So that to way, we are distributing this entire power among a set
of trustees and at the same time, we are preventing inactive miner to be there in the part of
the trustee group.

So, if you put in a inactive miner in that
set of trustee group, ah you have a question about the validity of that miner because that
miner has not proven enough or given a proof that it can sufficiently or it has the sufficient
resource or sufficient motivation to generate a new block in the system well. So, that is
the idea of opening the consensus group. Now your consensus group is not limited to a set
of miners rather dynamically based on the miners to a generating the blocks and their
share in the current window, you are deciding that which miners will part of this witness
group will be signing a new black. Well, then the second is our problem was with
the Message Authentication Code because the Message Authentication Code used private key
cryptography, you need a shared secret between any 2 pair of the miners.

Now here we are
utilising the core size protocol. So, you substitute them at with public key
cryptography, you can utilise this Elliptic curve based cryptography or ECDSA mechanism
to provide more efficiency say to use the BLS, ah you can use normal signature or to
have a more scalability in the Cosi-architecture in the tree-based architecture; you can use
the BLS based encryption. So, it is start part verifiable, you have a public key. So,
once every node has the public key, now in the key block rather than put ah rather than
putting the public key of just a leader, along with that you also put the public key of all
the witnesses who has signed those block.

So now, if you remember ah in the Bitcoin-NG
key block structure; so, in the Bitcoin-NG key block, you had the key of the leader.
Now apart from the key of the leader you also add a the key of all the witnesses say W 1
W 2 W 3 who has collectively signed a block and here, you can use a specific topology
like ring, chain this kind of topology for the collective verification. Say if this miners
are arranged in a chain kind of topology, then during the verification, you can pass
that particular block to this miner.

So, say they have signed.
So, you had this blog B in the collective signing say if it is first encrypted by or
signed by say ah K L, then it has been signed by K W 1, then it has been signed by K W 2
if that is the case; then, in a reverse order you can just keep on ah checking the verification.
But we can again apply the concept of CoSi here to have a scalable approach of verification.
So, let us see how? So, how we are improving efficiency using Cosi? First of all ah for
the communication complexity, your standard PBFT protocol was O of n square communication

Now, we are thinking of well even if you are going a linear complexity by utilizing
this chain base system, can I improve the complexity further and the answer is yes,
you can do it using the tree based multicast protocol which has been utilised in CoSi.
So, you can share the information in the tree with O of n log n message complexity.
And then, for the verification, you can use this Schnorr signature out the BLS for verification,
where you have a way of combining all the keys together, ah all the public keys together
and get a final public keys.

So, if you remember the BLS encryption if g to the power x and
g to the power y are the public key, then from there you can generate the combined public
key as g to the power xy. So, with the help of this combine public key, you can directly
verify the message without going for the chaining procedure that I have explain just a couple
of minutes before and with this combined verification with the message complexity of O of n, O of
1 with a constant message complexity or constant complexity you can verify the signature.
Now, this multisignature and the community tree, together it uses this ah CoSi protocol
and this CoSi gives you a ah scalable way of doing the signing performing the signing,
with O of login complexity and verify the Si with O of 1 complexity.

Now ah if you if
you just remember the key block. So, let me go this Bitcoin-NG architecture.
Well, before going to that as we have mentioned earlier that um this CoSi; ah in CoSi protocol
you can implement PBFT with ah 2 subsequent CoSi rounds ah with prepare and commit.
So, if you remember the CoSi description that we discussed in the last class that in the
first round ah. So, every round has 2 phases; one downward phase and one upward phase. In
the downward phase of first round, the leader it shares the ah statement to all the nodes;
that means, my S and in the upward phase of the first round everyone generates these values,
individual values and the combine keys set every round. So, here ah this nodes generator
their own keys, share the public key with one; one computes the combine key.
So, that way this combined keys are created.

In the third ah in the in the downward phase
of the second round; that means, in the phase 3, the leader sense a challenge by using this
combine value and the corresponding ah block statement that you want to validate that gets
propagated. And in the final phase; that means, upward phase of the second round, you are
generating these individual signatures with the help of R and C's ah. So, that way ah
you are ovulating this ah ah behaviour of PBFT using the 2 downs of CoSi protocol.
Now, as I have mentioned, it also takes the good thing from ah Bitcoin-NG. So, Byzcoin
also uses the Bitcoin in this idea of separating out the transaction verification and leader
election. So, here again you have the key blocks and a micro blocks and individual key
block, now the difference is here. ah Earlier this individual key blocks, ah they were containing
the key of only 1 node or only 1 miner. Now rather than having the key of only 1 miner,
you have the combined key of all these nodes which are collectively signing all the microblocks
which are there.

Now, say in different rounds different ah
ah Bitcoin-NG round or here, I will say the Byzcoin Byzcoin round ah at every round you
say this are the individual rounds. Now at every round among this set of miners, 1 node
becomes the leader. So, if I consider this round, in this round; this node has became
the leader L. This yellow node as became the leader L and it has generated this 2 microblocks
and both of these microblocks are now collectively signed by this 3 miners ah who are the part
of this witness committee. Now in the key block rather than putting the key of this
node you are. So, if you are using a BLS signature in the earlier case, ah you have put just
the key of say the key of this node is g to the power x, the key of this node is g to
the power y and the key of this node is is g to the power z.
Now, in this key block, you are putting the combined public if you are using BLS; you
are putting the combined public key which is g to the power xyz.

Now using this key
everyone can verify that and whenever a micro block is generated; by utilising this tree
base structure you are verifying you are getting this microblock verified by this witnesses
who are there among the miner and then, only adding the micro block in the blockchain.
So, that way it solves the entire problem of ah of Bitcoin-NG as well as the standard
Bitcoin ok. So, let us look into the performance aspect.
So, in the performance aspect this shows the block signing latency. So, here if you look
into this line; so, this is the line corresponds to Byzcoin. So, if you look into this line
this line is as you increase the block size, this line is less than the other protocol.
So, this is the standard CoSi ah or the flat CoSi; that means, it is not utilising the
key base structure that are the flat structure in O of n it is performing and a verification
and O of n square it is performing the signing.

Here it is done by the tree-based protocol
and ah this particular line corresponds to the standard PBFT protocol. So, you can see
that it is significantly reducing the block commitment latency as you are increasing the
block sizes. The second thing if you look into the transaction
per second which was our major concern. So, ah if you look into this ah Byzcoin performance
of ah transaction per second; so, so, this particular lines, this this 2 line this lines,
this lines they shows the transaction per second for ah this coin with different numbers
of miners and ah this is the standard ah ah CoSi protocol and this is the Bitcoin protocol
the ah standard proof of work. So, you can see that well this ah Byzcoin,
it is significantly able to improve the transaction per second which is ah supported by the consensus
protocol. So, for Bitcoin the standard ah block size that they have considered up to
8 MB ah which is now standard for proof of work based protocol. You can go up to 8 MB
of block size.

Now if you increase the block size further, you can get ah around say if
you think about the people ah the which is the standard transaction platform ah. So,
people supports around 500 transactions per second. So, with Byzcoin, you can reach up
to ah that scale with block size of 16 MB or 32 MB.
So, that way we see that well Byzcoin was able to significantly improve ah the performance
ah in terms of transaction per second that can be supported ah in the system and because
it is a proof of work based protocol, again ah you can support large number of nodes or
you can work on top of large number of nodes ok.
So, that is ah about the Byzcoin protocol; 2 interesting things that I want to share
with you.

So, this particular the first preference ah ah the first preference, it provides the
original people of Byzcoin. So, the original talk from the ah authors of the papers are
also available there. So, I ah suggest all of you to go through that and you also have
the Byzcoin source shows publicly available. So, you can run of Byzcoin network and look
into the different performance aspect of Byzcoin by exploring ah that ah particular architecture.
ah That is all about the Byzcoin. ah In the next
class, we will discuss about ah some of the other protocols which ah recently people or
the researchers have developed to tackle the ah this ah scalability problem in Blockchain
based network. Thank you all for attending this course..

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