Prime Numbers & RSA Encryption Algorithm – Computerphile

tim welcome back to computer files slightly 
different circumstances we were doing   mega fave numbers in the last one right 
that's right yes i was talking about   my favorite number um which many people 
were disappointed i didn't know by heart   um but it is still my favorite topic to talk 
about big numbers um in the video i mentioned   uh prime numbers in particular and the big 
number i selected for that video was a prime   number and i said i'll come back and talk 
about how they relate to computer science prime numbers in computer science 
are interesting for various reasons   one of them is it's not always easy to find 
whether something is a prime number or not   and if i give you a number not like 91 can you 
instantly tell whether it's a prime number or not   um then again if i tell you that 7 times 13 is 91 
you can quite quickly verify that that's right and   therefore 91 is not a prime number um so there's 
various shortcuts that people found to quickly be   able to determine whether something is a prime 
number but no one has found a shortcut to be   able to find the actual prime factors so telling 
that 91 is not a prime number is fairly easy for   a computer to do finding the number 7 and 13 is 
relatively difficult of course i say relatively   here because for a computer it's peanuts to 
find seven and thirteen um so that makes it   interesting for computer science um but what 
makes it even more interesting is its application its application is mostly in cryptography 
if i want to communicate in secret with you   then i want to be able to do that so one example 
of where prime numbers are used in cryptography   is the diffie-hellman key 
exchange which is something that   mike pound was spoke about about three years 
ago on this channel a very interesting video   watch it but another important application that 
uses prime numbers is rsa which stands for revest   shamir edelman the three developers of the 
algorithm and it's heavily based on prime   numbers we see rsa everywhere don't we it's 
connecting to the internet we are almost always   using rsa at some point is that would i be right 
in saying that exactly right yes thank you um   so public key cryptography is the general class 
that rsa is in there was a video about this   a long time ago by robert miles and he explains 
what public key crypto is but one of the most   important modern applications i would say crucial 
to the internet is the fact that https is built on   top of this kind of technology now there are 
two main flavors to implement it there's rsa   which is the older more established algorithm 
and there's elliptic curve cryptography again a   topic of a different video and those are basically 
the two competing algorithms and of the two rsas   based on prime numbers which is why i'm talking 
about those today in fact i would like to give a   quick demonstration of how rsa is used by going 
to our university's website so the browser i'm   using is firefox but all browsers will have 
this functionality what you can see is this   little padlock in the top left next to the 
address which means that your connection is   secure now you can actually investigate how the 
connection is set up by clicking on the padlock   clicking on the right buttons and then here's a 
button that says more information and then there's   the option to view the certificate which is what 
we're going to do now and here we see information   about these certificates and the relevant 
information that i want to talk about is right   here public key info and so it says the algorithm 
is rsa which is the algorithm i want to talk about   it says something about the key size being 2048 
bits then it says exponent which is roughly 65 000   and then there is this number which is the modulus 
which is a massive number it's cut off here   in hexadecimal and if we translate this to 
a decimal number the number we end up with   is this number so what you end up with is this 
600 digit decimal number it's a massive number   and it's not a prime number actually but it is 
the product of two very very large prime numbers   and two 300 digit prime numbers now the idea is 
that nobody knows what these two prime numbers are   if you can figure out what these two big 
300 digit prime numbers are that make up   this larger number i will offer you a fully funded 
phd and a guaranteed spot in the newspapers and   perhaps even a big prize here and there and on 
top of that you get to hack the nottingham website   but how come then this idea that it's difficult 
to find prime factors actually lays the foundation   for a cryptographic protocol in order to explain 
how it works we need to talk about a slightly   different topic first it's called modular 
arithmetic now it sounds complicated but it's   actually very easy in fact we do it every day if 
we're using an analog clock because a clock every   12 hours it goes back to its original position 
so if i ask you what is 15 hours on the clock   you will know it's three hours because it's the 
remainder after division by 12.

We do it often for   24 hour to 12 hour clock conversions but you can 
even do things like minus one hour which would be   11 on the clock or 25 hours which would be one 
on the clock now the clock we are going to be   talking about is not a 12 hour clock but a 91 
hour clock because 91 is the product of the two   prime numbers we're interested in the magic 
that actually happens is that if you think   of a magic number between 0 and 90 then i can 
instruct you to take that number and raise it   to the fifth power so can you think of any number 
should we go for let's go for number 18.

Okay 18.   so what i instruct you to do is to take the 
number 18 raise it to the fifth power but do   that on a 91 hour clock so this is like 18 times 
80 five times and then so it will always be a   number between 0 and 90. for a human this is a bit 
complicated i don't expect you to know the answer   but the answer will be 44 which is you know it's 
a normal number between 0 and 19. and then what i   do is i take that number 44 and i raise it to the 
29th power so i multiply it with itself 29 times   on the clock and the number i end up with is 
18. so i know in normal arithmetic you have this   idea of inverse operations is that a bit like 
that have we got back to the start doing that   yes that's exactly right so 29 is a magical number 
that we found that will reverse you're doing the   power to the s taking the number to the power five 
so whenever you take a number to the power of five   if i take that result to the power 29 the result i 
end up with is the original and it will always be   the case on a 91 hour clock so that's something 
special about 91 hour clocks and i know they're   different numbers for different clocks that's 
right so it's a special property of 5 and 29 and   if you can figure out that the number in question 
is number 29 you can read the secret messages   so it is important that no one knows the number 

Um so let's there's three questions we can   ask ourselves when when we see this equation the 
first one is where did the magic number 29 come   from how do we get that the second one is how 
does the computation work why does it reverse   the operation and number three is is this secure 
why is this secure let's answer question one   so question one is where does the magic number 29 
come from now to see where it comes from we need   to construct a different clock so we had a 91 hour 
clock which was constructed by multiplying the two   prime numbers 7 and 13. we're going to construct 
the different clock by taking the number before   the prime number so 6 because it's 7 minus 
1 and 12 because it's 13 minus 1. multiply   them to get 72. so we're going to work now in 
a 72 hour clock and then we're going to pick a   prime number which does not divide 72 so we're 
not allowed to pick two of three because they   divide 72 but 5 is allowed so let's say we pick 
the number 5 that is our encryption value e   and that is the 5 that we saw before we took 18 
to the power 5.

So that's an arbitrarily chosen   number to some extent but the number 29 is not 
arbitrarily chosen because what we want to do is   we want to valid find a value d such that e in our 
case 5 times d is equal to 1 on our 72-hour clock   now finding that by computer is very easy it 
uses an algorithm called the extended euclidean   algorithm i'm going to give you the answer because 
we know what the answer is going to be it's 29 a   computer can find it quickly and indeed if we 
multiply 5 times 29 what we get is 145 which is   one more than 144 and 144 is a multiple of 72 in 
other words 5 times 29 is indeed equal to 1 on a   72 hour clock and this is where that magic value 
29 that we used before comes from so that brings   us then to the second question how does it work 
we came up with this magic value 29 and and it   it has a property that five times 29 is equal to 
1 on our 72 hour clock right um so what this means   is that if we subtract 1 from 5 times 29 
what we end up with is a multiple of 72.   now let me just tell you what e times d is without 
any clocks it's 145.

So on a 72 hour clock okay   we go once around we go second time around and 
then we have one hour more okay works perfectly   so if we subtract one we end up with the 
number 144 so 5 times 29 minus 1 is a multiple   of 72 but that also means it's a multiple 
of this number six which is seven minus one   and it's a multiple of uh 12 which is 13 
minus one so eb minus 1 is a multiple of both   our left prime number minus 1 and our right prime 
number minus 1 7 and 13 respectively now because   it is a multiple uh of both of those numbers for 
each of them individually we can apply a theorem   known as fermat's little theorem fermat was a 
famous mathematician living hundreds of years ago   never having heard of cryptography of course yet 
his results are very useful today so using that   we can actually deduce that this value m to the 
power e d minus one simplifies to one on our clock   now because we have this minus one we have 
one little m left over so what we end up   with is one times m which is m uh which is how 
it cancels out in the end okay so that's quite   difficult to to follow i would say but it's 
quite elegant like things that are not clear   somehow fit together as puzzle pieces and they all 
cancel out and what we end up with is exactly our   original value now there's one remaining question 
is it secure so we know that it works we know why   our magic numbers are chosen the way they are but 
the question is is is it secure so how come that   i as in this case the university of nottingham am 
able to deduce this value d but strangers cannot   now if we look at the way in which the magic 
numbers were chosen remember that we found   the number 72 by taking one prime number seven 
subtracting one and the other part number thirteen   subtracting one and multiplying them how will you 
do that if you don't know the prime factors of 91   so you cannot find number 72 simply because 
you don't know the prime factors of 91 and we   established the very beginning that finding prime 
factors was a difficult problem but computing a   number which consists of two prime factors is an 
easy problem so the university of nottingham came   up with two 300 digit prime numbers multiplied 
them which was relatively easy found the numbers e   and d the magic numbers and then forgot about the 
prime numbers because they are no longer relevant   and then it's secure because only people that 
have the numbers p and q will be able to deduce   the secret magic numbers and nobody else can know 
the magic numbers if i go to the site will i see   those same magic numbers do you see what i mean 
so you will see two of the three magic numbers   which is the product p times q but you won't 
know what the original values p and q were   you will see the number e which in our little 
problem was in number five but you will not see   the other magic value which in 
our example was the number 29   so the number e is usually a small number and 
the number d is usually quite a large number   so that's why we found for nottingham that the 
number e was 65 500 something but the number   d which is a secret number could really be 
any number that is roughly 300 digits long   we have no idea which number it is you're 
not going to be able to search them all   quite quickly 2 to the 16 operations 65 000 
operations even on a laptop not going to take   very long so i go through and i find all the 
possible x's that means that any device which is   keeping track of time in that way will get really 
confused and we basically get the millennium [MANUAL PUBLISH]

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