Part #2 – What Is A Bitcoin Public Ledger Or Block Chain? – (Bitcoin For Non-Technical People)

When Satoshi Nakamoto, the guy that
invented Bitcoin… Let me put his name down here though… When somebody is this
revolutionary we need to give them credit for it, okay? Now a lot of people
say that that Satoshi Nakamoto… Let me spell that correctly here… So a lot of people
say that they don't know who he is because nobody knows, okay?
And after he invented this he released it to the world and no one ever heard
about him again. A lot of people say that it's a CIA job or an NSA job or
some secret service job or FBI or government project, okay? I
really don't care about none of that.

All I care about is that what it's
going to do to revolutionize and help the other 99% of people that's on Wall
Street, okay? I mean on Main Street! So these are the 1% that's on Wall Street
and I'm going to call these people like you and I who is watching this video. The
chances are if you're part of the 1% you're probably not going to be watching
this vide, so that's why I'm not afraid about giving away these secrets
to them, so let's just say that we are part of the 99% that's on Main
Street. So apparently Satoshi Nakamoto, a lot of people say he's
Japanese because the name sounds Japanese and a lot of people say it's a
guy. I'm just going to go out on a limb and since nobody knows if it's a
guy or a girl who it is I'm just gonna refer to it as a chick because I think
that's way cooler than referring to it as a guy. A lot of people say,
"Hey, only guys can come up with this kind of stuff", but I think in this day and age
I think women can have the mindset to come up with this stuff too.

It's possible, but hey who's to
say I'm wrong or I'm right. Nobody knows who the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is
so I'm gonna refer to as chick. So this chick Satoshi Nakamoto, she must
have been working inside the banks as somebody that has to deal with security
and somebody that has very very good computer science and mathematical skills otherwise they wouldn't have come up with some of
this stuff. It has to be something that works in the finance in the banking
industry a lot of people say that Satoshi came up with it just
by accident or by luck. I don't believe that. I don't believe in anything as
revolutionary everybody comes up by accident by luck because like Mark
Twain says, "luck is when
preparation meets opportunity." So somebody that was working as a
cryptographer or as a computer scientist or computer security person that was
very very intelligent.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Satoshi was one smart
chick. So what she did was she worked in here and she saw what happened
with what the 1% was doing to suppress and take away power from the 99% that's
on Main Street so she thought about it and she thought about it and she kept
thinking like okay what can we do to get rid of these one is to get rid of
these third party people. Why is it possible that we can send
messages, emails, text messages, pictures live streaming, video, everything across
the world to the other side of the world for free at no cost or anything but why
is it that we have to pay a fee or transaction fee or bank fee to send
money from one person to another across the world or across the state lines or
across country borders.

So that was one of the things that frustrated
Satoshi is that the 99 percent of people have to pay these expensive bank fees to
transfer money around. The other thing too that was a that was a concern
for Satoshi is that, why is it possible that the banks and the powers
that be, the government, the man, the corporation, however you want to call it. I
don't want to get all conspiracy theory here in this video, but you know the 1%
can look inside the ledger and determine how much money everybody has, how they're
spending their money and everything. However, we as you and I as the private
people the 99% that's on Main Street, we cannot view this we cannot see
eachothers accounts. We cannot see the accounts of what the president's making or how
they're moving money around or with the governors are doing or the
congressman's are doing and all the rich people are doing, so what Satoshi
proposed was this was that we take this public ledger right here and we make it

When we operate under
this system up here under the Fiat system the one-percent system that's on
Wall Street, what happens is everybody that you don't want to look at your
account has the ability to look at it. What what I mean by that is like
the FBI can look at your bank account, the CIA, the NSA, all these homeland
security, immigration, and the IRS that tax people. Everybody that you don't like in the
government has the ability to look at your bank account and all the
people that you don't mind looking at your account cannot look at it. Whereas
on the 99 percent here, okay? We cannot do that with these people. So what happened
was what Satoshi did, I think that she did some that was brilliant was that she
made the the bank ledger public, so that was the first thing that she did.
She made it public so that every transaction that's in the Bitcoin world
that you buy.

And if you buy anything or make any type of transaction with
Bitcoin it is recorded in this public ledger. Now some of you in the
Bitcoin world, this public ledger that records all the Bitcoin transactions
that's made between people. This Bitcoin ledger is referred to as a blockchain.
Let me just erase this and put it down here. Bare with me here, okay?
I can't talk and write the same time, okay? It's called a blockchain. Yup,
it's a fancy term and what happens is the reason why it's called a
blockchain is that every ten minutes. Let's just put it over here. Every ten minutes, what happens is all
the transactions in the world that happened with Bitcoin, if somebody in
China buys and it uses a Bitcoin to buy anything or selling anything. If
something in America and France and Europe and South America and Africa. It
doesn't matter where in the world the transaction occurred. If there's a
transaction that occurs that involves the use of bitcoins it is recorded in
this block of information.

Now every ten minutes all these transactions are
compiled, processed and recorded into this. And then after ten minutes
goes by, the system… The Bitcoin system, the way it was
set up is it allows another ten minutes for all these computers in the world,
these processors to gather these things together and put that
next block of information together in the ledger, in this public ledger
called the blockchain. And then it goes on it goes on. So every ten minutes you
you can expect that a new block of data or information that contains all the
Bitcoin transactions in the world, record it on there and it's the next one.
So just be patient and I'll explain later on who is the people that's
processing all this transaction information, okay? So in this first part
here, let's just wrap it up because I don't want to get too far and get you too
confused, but what this payment system does is, it
takes away power from the central bank's and all the big banks on Wall Street and
the 1% of the population that it benefits by taking away their
power to print money.

So no longer when you're here… You can no longer just
print money at will (with Bitcoin). There's only a set number and that's 21 million bitcoins.
There's only going to be 21 million and no more and I'll explain that in a
future video why it's only 21 million, but at that point none of these folks
here can print that money no more. The second thing is that the people down
here and 99% here like you and I, we have to work
9:00 to 5:00 every day to produce an income to produce money. Whereas
these people don't. So Bitcoin eliminates that, okay? It eliminates the the
1% from just sitting on their butts doing nothing and getting paid all these
millions of dollars. The other thing too is it takes away their monopoly.

They can
no longer control this money and this debt. When the people in the world,
whoever has control the money, they control the power. I think that
some of you guys have heard of the Golden Rule and they say, "do unto others as you would have done unto yourself." I think that was like the version that was out when Moses or when the Bible was written or something like
that but in today's times the Golden Rule
actually means that whoever holds… Whoever has the gold has the money
or whoever has the money has the power. So what Bitcoin does is it takes
away the central bank's and all their affiliate banks here their ability to
just print money at random without having to work for it or give value to
another human being to get that money.

It takes that power away from them so they
no long control the power and it gives it back to the 99% of people that's on Main
Street, okay? The other fourth thing is
that it takes away the third party. No longer do you have to have to waste a
portion of your money going in two different third party people just for
you to send me money. So that's very very important and I hope that
gives you a start in the first video here. In the next video, what I'm going to
talk about is who are the people that are processing all these transactions
and why are they doing it for free.

Why are they turning on their computers and
jumping in and helping to process these Bitcoin
transactions that's being used around the world. Why would someone go out of
their way to go and do this for free and for nothing, okay? So in the next video
we'll explore that and I hope you enjoyed this video. Give any questions or any comments about Bitcoin or the tools that will help you reach
freedom. That's what my blog is all about; the tools and technology
and the strategies to help people find freedom in their life.

Just leave a
comment below this video and I'll be happy to answer it in my next video or
in a future video. Thanks for watching this and if you haven't subscribed I
invite you to go to my blog "PrisonOr" and sign
up for my freedom newsletter and I'll share more this information with you in
the future. Thanks for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one!.

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