
Welcome to another session of Blockchain Technology
and Application on NPTEL. So last time in the last session, I was talking
about Hyperledger Fabric. And I was talking about this execute-order-validate
paradigm as compared to order-execute paradigm in the previous blockchains that you have
seen. So going back a little bit. So Fabric actually distinguishes itself from
the previous blockchains that you have studied, like bitcoin blockchain or Ethereum blockchain
is that it follows the execute-order-validate paradigm and the transaction flow has three
steps. First executing the transaction and checking
its correctness. And this execution does not change anything
in the blockchain or in the state of the blockchain. It just in a sense simulates the execution
of the transaction. And then the transaction results are endorsed
by some of the nodes. They are called the endorsers, and then endorsers
send the result of the, of executing the transaction as read/write sets. And these read/write sets are then sent back
to the client which originally requested the or proposed the transaction. And the endorsement is also given by multiple
different nodes based on an endorsement policy.

We will see what endorsement policy means. And each endorser also attaches the digital
signature of that node so that others can check whether the right endorsers have endorsed
the transaction. Then the transaction when the enough endorsements
are collected by the original client, then it sends it or broadcasts it to the nodes
that are responsible for consensus. And here the consensus basically what it does
is that it orders the transactions. And the ordering of the transaction is based
on this read/write sets and ordering does not care what these transactions are about
what kind of domain it is being done on.

Like for example, it could be financial transactions,
it could be land record transactions, it could be other kinds of any other kind of transaction
about supply chain, it does not care. So transaction semantics is not looked into
by the ordering nodes. The ordering nodes basically run a consensus
algorithm and then they do decide on an order. And then once they have ordered the transactions,
then they will bunch them together from various clients multiple transactions will come.

If these transactions are working on the same
data then the ordering is more important. If the transactions are on completely different
sets of data, then their ordering is not that important, but in any case the orderer will
order the transactions. And then this ordered transactions are put
into a block. And we call it cutting a block and then the
block hash is computed. A sequence number is given to the block and
then the block is broadcast by the consensus nodes to the rest of the nodes. The rest of the nodes, not necessarily all
the nodes depending on what the administrator of the blockchain decided who should be the
nodes that are called validator nodes. The validator nodes will look into every transaction
and then look at the version information in the read/write set and decide which of the
transactions are valid and which transactions are not valid. For example, if the version number of a particular
data being read in a transaction does not match with the version number of the same
piece of data in the state database, then that is not a valid transaction.

Because that means it is reading a different
version value of the value of that particular piece of data. And therefore it will if you execute that
transaction, it will be bad. So those invalid transactions are then marked. And this marking is done by creating a bit
vector, such that valid transactions are set to be 1 and the invalid transactions are set
to be 0. Since the transactions are ordered we can
do a bit vector to mark it. And then everybody, every node that is maintaining
the blockchain will add that node to the end of the current blockchain and therefore, and
then update the state for the valid transactions. The valid transactions will write may write
on certain nodes, a certain date piece of data. So that will be written in the state database. So that is how the execution ordering transaction
execution ordering validation happens. And that is the end of a particular block
activity. In the meantime, the clients might have submitted
more transactions for endorsement.

Endorsement might have come and then they
were sent to the orderer. So these things are happening sort of in a
pipeline. So that is what is the execute order validate
paradigm means. So going back pictorially if you want to see
what this order execute paradigm is, which is first a consensus happens. So everybody gets broadcasted all the transactions. I am talking about bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. So everybody gets a copy of any transaction
that happens, then they will bunch some of these transactions together and they will
try to cut a block, but in order to cut a block, they have to solve a puzzle.

And once they solve the puzzle, then they
have won that round of consensus. Then once the consensus is reached, the winning
block is broadcast to everybody. And then everybody has to then execute the
transactions at their own nodes and make sure that these transactions are valid, they have
the right signatures, etc. And then they will update the state and add
that block to the end of the blockchain. So this is the consensus is ordering. This is the execute and then update or commit. You commit the those set of transactions. So that is what we saw before. So now we are we explained to you that we
do it differently in Hyperledger. Now let us see, let us discuss a little bit
on order execute in proof of work block chains like bitcoin or Ethereum. So we combine the consensus and execution
of the transaction as follows.

So every peer assembles a block containing
valid transaction. To establish the validity, you already pre-execute
the transactions. You execute the transaction and you only execute
the transactions if the signature matches and the output the you know coin is going
to the going to a valid public key etc. The peer then tries to solve the proof of
work puzzle. And if the peer is lucky, and win the puzzle,
it disseminates a block to the network via gossip protocol. And every peer receiving the block validates
the solution to the puzzle and all the transactions in the block. And doing so they have to also execute the
transaction. Every peer repeats the execution of the lucky
peer from its first step. And that means that we are doing this execution
again and again and again in all the nodes in the system to although it is happening
concurrently, but within each node, the execution of transactions are happening in a sequential
manner. But if you think back about what I said about
Hyperledger, I have a transaction I am getting endorsed. You have a transaction you are getting endorsed,
maybe by the same set of endorsers, maybe a different set of endorsers.

So I can have the execution of multiple transactions
in parallel. Because if my endorsers do not overlap, then
those transactions can altogether be endorsed and sent back to the respective clients. And all the clients can then submit those
transactions to the ordering service. So therefore, and then afterwards, we do not
execute the transactions, we only use the read/write set to update the state if the
transaction is valid. So therefore execution happens before ordering
and before validation. And these executions can also happen in parallel
in concurrently on behalf of multiple different clients provided the endorsers are not all
common. So that is the difference that throughput
for blockchain that are order-execute based their execution of all the transactions even
though those transactions came from different clients into the system, they are all executed
once a block has won, that block’s transactions are all executed sequentially. Whereas here in Hyperledger, I can have parallel
execution of transactions. And then I do ordering and then I do the validation. And then after validation, everybody updates
their state. So that is one advantage that Hyperledger
has in increasing the throughput of the transactions.

So as I already hinted, that this can be viewed
as a limitation of the older order execute paradigm, the transaction’s sequential execution
by every peer after the block the POW problem has been solved is bad for the effective throughput. Now POW itself takes time as we know and then
on top of that everybody has to execute this transaction sequentially. So therefore, the other problem that can happen
is among these transactions remember these transactions are being set as in case of bitcoin
through bitcoin scripts. And remember the transaction execution would
mean that I put the scriptPubKey and ScriptSig of the previous execution, previous transaction
associated with this transaction’s inputs together and execute that. So each transaction execution is basically
executing a small program. In case of Ethereum each transaction would
be executing a function or multiple functions in the smart contract and therefore, if this
smart contract is written in bitcoin, this is not easy to do or not even possible to
do because you cannot have loops in a bitcoin script. But in case of Ethereum, what you will you
could do is that if you are a bad player, you could put a smart contract and convince
everybody to execute a function in that smart contract in and the function itself may have
an infinite loop or whatever.

And therefore, you can launch a denial of
service attack. Of course, Ethereum solves it by limiting
the gas etc. But if you do not have a native cryptocurrency,
in your blockchain, then how do you price the gas, right. So therefore, it is a free for all. You can actually make the system execute very
long functions and therefore slowing down the throughput very much. So Hyperledger does not have a native cryptocurrency. And Hyperledger is even allowing writing smart
contracts that are not even in a stylized language like Solidity.

It is it could be C, C++ whatever, where you
know very long loops can be possible and there is no notion of gas or gas limits. So therefore, executing a transaction sequentially
by all nodes would not be a good idea, because very easily one can do a DOS or denial of
service attack. So that is the idea, one of the limitations
of order-execute paradigm. Another issue, we are already hinted about
that in the last session is that you cannot have non-deterministic programs as smart contracts
in the Ethereum or non-determinism in the bitcoin because if the transaction execution,
non-determinism means that the same code gives you different result at different times, right. For example, the function if you call random
function twice in two different nodes, it will give you different results. So therefore, if you want the blockchain not
to get forked because the value the result of a transaction is different in one block
and they are different in another block then you must make sure that your smart contracts
or scripts are deterministic.

So to do that, to ensure that what you do
is you create special languages in which there is no way to create non-determinism right. So now you might say that if I limit my language
will it still be Turing-complete and turns out yes, it will be still be Turing-complete
and but you do a domain specific language and then force people who will write smart
contracts to program in that language. Now when you want to bring a new now there
are a lot of solidity programmers because Ethereum got popular. But if you start a new blockchain like Hyperledger
and say that you have to program it in a very specific language, then there may not be any
takers and therefore, the blockchain may not become popular and it will die. So therefore, you have to allow anybody who
can program in any language to be able to write contracts. And therefore, and then if you do that, you
cannot stop non-determinism because those languages will have non-determinism as a built-in

So therefore, what Hyperledger decided is
that they will not worry about non-determinism because their final result does not depend
on determinism and non-determinism because if the transaction is non-deterministic, then
during the execution itself right, by the endorsers, when the endorsements come back,
you will see different the client will see different results coming from different endorsers
the read/write sets and this transaction will be discarded.

So therefore, we do not have to limit the
language and still have determinism in the blockchain state. Another issue is confidentiality of your IP. So suppose you are using Ethereum and you
are creating distributed application based on multiple smart contracts which are meant
for supply chain management. Now Ethereum has, you know other nodes which
are not interested in your application but they will all get all your smart contracts
because all smart contracts are part of the blockchain. And so they can see how you have what your
business logic is.

If they you know take the byte code, do reverse
engineering, they can see all that. They will also see the results of all your
transactions. In fact, they will execute all the smart contracts. What that gives you is that, so in such a
system in a public blockchain, you cannot keep confidentiality of your IP. The IP means intellectual property the way
you run your application. So that basically means that if you want confidentiality,
then you have to have in such that your smart contracts are not part of every node or it
is not part of the blockchain. So who has the smart contracts in them, the
endorsing nodes.

They execute the transaction, so they have
to execute the smart contracts. So if you trust the endorsers, because they
are part of your business environment or business entity, and those who run those nodes are
also having real world identity associated with their identity. So therefore, you can have the endorsing node
know your chain code, which is the smart contract in Hyperledger, but no other nodes the orderers
do not need to know your smart contracts. The other nodes that are keeping the blockchain
do not need to know your smart contract. And Hyperledger was specifically thought about
as a way for multiple businesses to work together on workflows and data sharing that is meant
for inter business activities. Supply chain management is an inter business
activity. Banking between multiple banks is an inter
business activity. So you may trust all the nodes that are associated
with your bank, but you may not trust the nodes that are associated with another bank. So these kind of environments will be supported,
if you have this, cannot be supported on say Ethereum but you can support this on Hyperledger. Now you might say that well in I can do lot
of, you know very complex use of cryptography, zero knowledge proof etc., to ensure that
kind of thing the confidentiality and probably yes.

But it will have a lot of overhead of running
cryptography, running zero knowledge proof which basically has heavyweight cryptography. So therefore, that is not a very good solution. So what Hyperledger decided that all you need
to know for all you all the every entity needs to know who is the purveyor of your business
blockchain is the state, what state be after every transaction, the system goes into. And what transactions were done, but the transaction
ID, etc., who did the transaction, all that stuff. You do not need to really have the transaction
details or the code for the smart contract and every node.

So that is the basic idea. The other thing that again, we discussed,
you know superficially last time, the trust model. So blockchain in bitcoin for example, you
do not trust any of your peers. All the nodes are untrusted and therefore,
you have the consensus algorithm, which is very complex, very expensive, with proof of
work etc. In Ethereum again the same thing. Now in a private version of an Ethereum, which
is not public, you can simplify the consensus process if you trust most of your nodes. And then you can use something like a proof
of authority proof of you know other kinds of consensus techniques. But in a public blockchain, your trust is
with no, you do not trust anybody. So that is the trust about the consensus,
like how the consensus making nodes are trusted among each other. That is one type of trust. The other type of trust is the trust of the
business application, right? So do you trust everybody to faithfully execute
your transaction, everybody to not breach the privacy of your code, not breach the privacy
of your activities, etc.

So what Hyperledger decided is to split this
notion of trust of the business application and notion of trust in the infrastructure. The infrastructure, which is responsible for
consensus, there the nodes may all trust each other. Or the nodes may have some assumptions about
trust, like we only we trust everybody, but some of the nodes may be compromised. So we only trust maybe one-third of the nodes,
two-thirds of the nodes, etc. And accordingly, you can design your consensus
algorithm. But the trust mechanism at the business level
would be enforced by a notion of what they call channels.

So what the channels do is that they separate
the on the same infrastructure you can run multiple blockchains. So one entity might be running a supply chain
application, and one the same entity can run the supply chain application and some entity
can run the banking application or monetary transaction applications between the same
set of businesses. And they do not need to see each other let
us say or they do not trust each other because these are two different entities. One may be audited another one may be for
internal purposes etc. So you have this notion of channels. So the channels basically maintain separate
block chains. Every channel has a separate blockchain, same
set of nodes are running. The contracts, smart contracts associated
with each channel are also different but they are running on the same node, but on separate
dockers. So they are completely separated. But the ordering service which is transaction
agnostic, semantics of agnostic, they do not care what business it is and so on.

They just look at the read/write set the version
numbers etc., and do the ordering. So they can be common between the two because
you are never sending your code or you know you do a semantics of your data to them, you
are only asking them to do the ordering. Now that set of nodes which are doing ordering
has a business semantics agnostic infrastructure activity, which is to order transactions. So they can order transactions for this application,
they can order transactions for that application, it does not matter.

So that split of trust is possible because
your execution is never happening by the same nodes who do consensus. So that is the other idea that is not possible
in the order execute paradigm. And the final thing is that the in bitcoin
and blockchain the this thing is hard-coded, the order-execute blockchains they have the
consensus algorithm hardcoded. Which means that bitcoin has proof of work,
Ethereum has proof of work, but if it wants to go to proof of stake, it has to do a hard
fork. So whereas here since you your ordering service
or consensus service is agnostic of the business application, therefore you can decide the
system configuration person or the blockchain configurer may decide that I will use simpler
consensus mechanism if I trust all the nodes that are involved in consensus. If I feel that there I need crash tolerance,
I will use a different type of consensus mechanism.

If I need Byzantine tolerance, then I will
use a different type of consensus. If I trust if I do not worry about crash and
Byzantine behavior then I can even use a single node which will do all the ordering, which
is called a solo. So that also is this consensus is pluggable. So now let us talk about this state machine
replication model. Because blockchain as I have mentioned the
most of the technology that is used in blockchain is reincarnation of many things that the cryptography
community, digital cash community and distributed algorithm and distributed computing community
has invented over last 40 or more years. So replicated state machine is one such model
for distributed computing. And then the idea is that if you have a database
server, and that database server is actually in the database server, you have you have
a dedicated service that accepts your transactions and then execute them on the database and
then sends you back the results or success or failure etc. So that service, if it is a single service,
then it may crash. So therefore, people have started thinking
about primary backup etc.

So primary backup would be that there will
be a primary for the service and there will be a replica for the service and the replica
will be having the same set state transitions as state changes happen in the original primary
service, because, if suddenly it has to take over from the primary because the primary
crashed, then it has to be in the right state to continue as if nothing has happened. So therefore, the question is how do you make
sure that one or more replica are in the same state and every time they decide to do the
same activity all the time.

And this is where the original problem of
consensus came about. So each replica and you cannot have a leader
follower thing all the time, because you have to then also elect a leader right, which basically
is another way another form of consensus mechanism, that who would be the leader and who would
be follower to follow the commands. So therefore, it is best that there should
be a way that everybody independently come to the same conclusion about something. It may be that about choosing the leader and
then follow the leader all through, or it may be that in every step, you want to build
a consensus about what to do next, or what state to go to next, and then go there everybody
independently goes there.

But there has to be a consensus. So let us look at some simple animations to
understand this. So what but before that, we will take a break,
and then when I come back, we will start with the animations. So we will see you next time..

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