NFL News, NHL Picks, NBA Slate, 2/23/23 | Ferrall Coast To Coast Hour 3

on sporrid.alphas ak chicks stacks. YoI are make af to CoAlright, CarHigh L di the NBA gamght rs Yes N s fina back after six weeksoft like seeks. Denverevelanighe total Yea, uhoache ne I just I e is a betteeam than Cl righ I dw th sinnow tha yoknow, they're Moey a everythinge thatBut hahpickparem onenver. Tn In ath d puts balthwat ell th guy Adam Svsson is on thlist for lif herer himanceodayn .5 Road ticketfor thendupe n favos to 31. lfe tota Yeah, like I havlookedho'se thatatum and Brown are s tired a 1e are.thneakButf thingse norm, Boston shod win this game t know tha it's be a trying week oor a lot of theguys. I'mhi tonighmebodytosiouot these games. The Pistons rlandostagic To Magto ttol now the have been go, ta oe gh Yeah, likd the way,o one is sitting with you and I like fieldIor tht Halliburton.

I Catherin. st, Celheam . Maybethe a right.e so it's thim I'm on here. I oitk thmagicill roll them toght in Dis Theesnin rsrsus 3.5now toa k Stevendams, to be honest wit you with wt hese gl whatdoes in the londhe sek olwith him ifaus. He's a ive wide body thets guys lookss why I Bo with a gs that muchk and rolls wide bust a mmo bein Philly. I'm wi you on Sixers. I thinkat theover t n oreonto againsthe Raptor Tonigor . A half is the torn on this one. I'm gonna . The only guy worryutth a winh iswo of them i IngraMcCollum. e n sh ed on the Knicr Nets.

To bnest w Cnde's a t player. Iish they Josh Har and AlveKn thibesal of affiliatecoast tn a TdaS9 ts byline. o have with is to ts Yakvehoic Spurs an Dallasonightnstsrde e thisr to 3f is layingt kind ofno pa of NBA. I don't care pl'mng rois tik . I want to do just I wannothing tdo IrvSoI with tha team al. it staonight. I nothin to do wit llas Mavericssosth .it Ri The thunder are inahgainz I'm a shady guy, but ll goknow,e .arrit ht ng 5.5gainsthe Warto 38gie d'e Lakersan beat anyon by 5.5 ts, bu Iake him on a o winh Snt game oneneed him to win the wi I will lifekelotchse, u ow, yone thinks the going 16 and sevs s have alwad a goldhat'ss color aa o blue in thetreal,, white andlued the book.

Bring in ourman its b at home, misNorthweste S, mu s m sand next or deep el a thre danknow , just forennly on spts grid.ldre basket. How . The boes right up wiit right a basicall An allcan live allccesnld. estroyedklhi and s ouldedobert Young Cla SeyD , your 24s Wagering grid. Sportd , wiing three ftasy sposthe maft todayreally the onlereow h bl to be able to ge a sho thing. The amouney that e coming in through tho stello coastgh w I'v ever see my lifme tim decision tables a ing back live to what? justide with these primeimetdone. luckh overme live Whic only gd.ours, the winpe kCa High when I played golf every day o life, and I liv I was playwh moved to New Yo Ci, I never play a n able to. I cit a golfe couen ll. But . youo draw,assie go big balle teith, you know. righndesuy Tll h to lab. 100m hit right to le Andat's whyy . Beus ty can do things like is. Te right. Thlop. c thetcan be an eonelseI got very about Svenssollyn'td the dr wethe bolthe 17th green, yr maki p.

Up anwn, madepar on 17 a o drin some younger o his last h, I thinkopefully pick a couple he a quad lik a qgeyon 16urunket poor guy wal greenen the tell O, yeah, bdy,r n water. T guy had to lk bac the a comesou thesteam coming o side of the gre. Any puts again he's plus six now, ans tourna ieffectver. it's nnoud t d yousng, I've noted in days that ol man lookse he's aboutdone pls ghere, have a b anday eingle day of his le. Heoo like he a idnoth y would Immediately said to me . No no, he wants to play golf. Ht had quad. So I sa all Iway ke even want toe here. Mhile,esn't I 't had a. You d haveuads, use he's like, you know, onethe elder man. He's e an old . He's 43rs ou 20srs. So youuld think bows he a n e's a beer and he's like, Let me g down an have n ll at the rang. What a you feeliistakend a coupf Martinez. It's t for n he getsff the course right no't He aingetting inn any f ge NFLhe win bre Kinda Iwas throwin out t.

I likemento to. I j t sopd informion because of I 10.5ere thnee siion.That lie s And whas it Was it for 6.5 earli 5.5 now 10. aanha sdey're notgea ifhey show up i Sacramento t 10.5land ts? Like flyg A Get off. Get on your luxury bus eve me, I td wi. Get theluxury y t r luxo play ballIt's not likethey'g aboutlardSord, guess i to a unlikelyo playht. nth5I ing too much for gamhe had too o that aft1 hoursppears sittina aneen ye fourfore fly off Umzers have electe they didn't ta o Theret gone plane. Whatl on the tiareal. E ply'n a plane for 12ours. Th had not pro Everyo in theirothera bet ay Sacramen onarlay unbelievablearleythehenkn ii Laeed thoth to win lify digger doesn cash becau m beh n is the kisof theres li Portland w 't h theuy lineupNFtuff for other tartn the ksndavhave allegedly beetalg , Scotty, buthe talkingisn'r Jackas repor Brownslliontsanteed d tAs e.

Alese quarterbacant now, Cleveland r opons on. A source Umoeava claims e anythisble. re to JaOkell, first of you Uh it's th is just asc it's a completld ine and , sd whateverou get, which igoing h new quartek thatan wraps f five But her.I thik quarteisr quarrback thamar Jack. truly b that thi think all aow t thackn . Okayo thea t g quarterbac, which is wha average thrower. ou an faitht? Miknk eragederstand.l don't und ed with a that wa a predator. With these w believeminute diit. stt. mean, he did they just ignoredl andve the stuff anhe andmassages andfs Sands thahe's areat 250lion. n'tth is a runner and It think h all.

And hein money guaranteI think 'd be u w hiey,hen just ade him and get a boaoad of pks and rebld thehole chio tveim thefi, ey n ythi Bease goes right ecauu atre it rigway as he co tip To me. Itn ou ilymocke s call Anll Americandgame accy Da, looking fsh toh came aa awket blue tt srted cti my . The Lakers sffrs oldand tk right re. It's right here . a fresegs tell Dathator h we. Onlyn sports grid.Do dtd the Brookl That's you, I can' fathoSe MtihoAl PariLe verng Clo they. And the went an got and K o coas only g 3 half, Ie apieranm nowtheenat iOT e pu A staddon Game liimetime onl l comes do this talking prregame pre ed ith game decisi, htcurrenrt etor gamo kn bor aam goes of the board with thst lips k ir d g upminute injury reports and e anal froideortsks tm wagering iers andindustryroy Right Sbler CSaltoDaow moree y aftern6 to 7 Ea 4t'e Oneort. k u I think that guy has bee there long eno And talking g him52 $ million a crib talen.

Ot guaranteeAndH even argue that I'm noid. Butle t to be a convtion upstairs.t says.n, he' thiyeeveron ag.t playerwin titles. ip gameseymat games My es he allney? ?haHen, h the rth. I mean, hontly. theere' w of the ings people say to side o which is T neiven a helpUm know, thever gotten hi playlyvers. He' are and people feel like he's hadacAlttteor Youknowi k withel he would be muchetter rorfootball i thingser himotherthuyFLry who nted unanimous M V p a few year ago.

I mean, umous MVP ngeah Ihinklooktin w litt bet thi he's plivcrw. I'm not. He'sow e besthrower inhe league.think t n corks littl and ballshere he can. Hn get th bter than hiYe I won't dI won't. Buthink that he's a little bitr than he tscredit. It beca anund. think that he'swortc Fair enoug seebecausetheyiven ivers aund hi You think worth ae Because I youguarane ow, ty eseet d ksight? Becausere trsay like is thisweren'onld w a I a might ant to gdo knowhey Watsonot gua not a lee thing whenobody give i miteedthhais ireg.

And I'll Waoe It's startn thatraerth ys are getting. ey're going toet there. 250 Plus aranteed. Do you thi Watso afte year froe scan b has rribleast year, th the goodwaslyood. Um. I don'tybe I i he was worth. Millionaranteedon0 million not anteed. No, I n't. Ion't dI don tnk i notgood as he's to going te. I mean, it Guaraor 1 30 ofarante Jel h so wil Falconht now.olutely.y'lliml a signedis deal two oray him gua? Nowtldet fully granteed? Patrick Mas without gooth 300 n. And don close to Patric Mes. Not en closeThat's the end. 50. So it's jurdeco. And I know Ada says it to yll time tu lot of thingof whack for other than rerting on it, Butnon thes aha I think a l o ofmeiss. sound decisions on how good toog tson isplayer person.

But I d care aboutl thae erhi else. Drugs domesc vienmurder. I m name it.rayer. I do thiou can argue And Ihink that the oneghat f compar thosewouys thelths viousl gonna biggest thin, the is thein u l and Watsons hon hasn't and I tt p e dn't gett recently. And all know iecently he's othit k t ng him all tha mon When he r f a the guy the timaecaue is not aaflace , t's going to League. If y happen. wilbety life T Jalents willet wrong. The p one s nef em Anyone that r t ball, Michael Vick orerwise eventuall liand th e itit.

This is aangeroigh speed lYou run enouonna g t's how it go That's for se backoney. . Waas p. When hme back. as obviou uh Tough s called, you know, he's all normaoff season no numb otook etcetera, etceta, etcetera He' to come bay likid n o and behatd orlse they're g to really ldSo he's whole off the resage I'ven to no, no , no on no. Here we Rodgeft the dat i place has got th phonegoing tinging t's out where turn off andnowhat akeattress as sc sot will be This iluonOksten Ye, list, , I had alemou know, it retreat.

I mean, you wonder why ths TV shows on aboute thingow,r g paere's all ofleasure. Jt t fstic a ns a, yo lobotomy and everying els Iur b w . He'sarnivalr. I don't t to hear itI'm er. An if I haveo power a my house, why do you thin got ner Youe an idiot. I don't what ann l youaca d rm foout m . crack andYou'r idiot.don'tJesi somezendooker i I'm a darkoo for , I'lll yom notnyite ys in daness, ev not evenpace. ForoncosoachanRe he was coordina Son. Wegack toDenver ae That's jusrange. Where the head there. You got fired . You'reonna go back a t's jtof w e lik these. You what I do when se stori about ass coache tpe u. now who it is. I knowI know. Yesterhe Titans Robertoods, Taylor Randyt t cap.

N W werlkingou golf ow ear, k Mahomes, cousinsMarcuso, to seag too a show with guys. his wacko, sisr and ber.Sunday h hendtherdo to watchreality showt loves. The 1000 sis,let's just 8 to fish. Evenhat around here finish his couple h couple get Yeager n sfinish thing We'llk. Luckyy Every doe love hock XFL gameX . If youe tot involv de t. he inside the0 because their wasno. That'se abl is ason t t in t of irot heading job immeeaFarr to . 33 a with l rd. go Evenfus the point and a happn Iight nowpingawaators. do Ghe mer That's live prime only sports gri t s op the mning aft too sed with , s really tnly guyreou throoune tall and relike, allyot ihose That right? The was thest H I'v seen lec through tabl a gng back u in the gamevel acces.

K with gam e, j't ticketsthe winninithich only sports How is th ad one an e oab shos po me. anio boy o o f seo t is basicallyll Americans on srts . The i are f o draft Now ar yr nave to hmighevens the earlye o sports gporid, thlyports y Netwah You got yoursyour I.s sml Thur nightFLamefwould ale h the ST Ltlehawks. uryeeattleigfr th teath. McCa dcrazy ln 4 oi crsio You knoweyid all thatnot crn DeNu. Jo Gordon r Se last we. He had a of ca a nc of obamethe enre leagued. DeNuccieam wik dioy're both one a no big Thursy night otball b5 a attle then Ion eve know what is the D ? like a mo in the Iuess, I n't kw. guess they had to do someg cracking was ken. Soockeyeam t tt's why theyad to go with seagoe 10 mes of this minute othat game.'t stick I orit Yeahed for watch a little bit tght tonight,h.

We'll see hooing on a d header NBA. I got ndy. have tonigEverybody s hockeyt Td with the Jets haveyough thed periowhco pug Island ahe good on M th sinto the skaow it'sThere y go. Veryiting. Ithir y whacked. T game. Th 3n secon e goal and a h game pointh ak. Just. MeanDallaskh were down three ing to the stars i t second pthat's wheyour boy Pattt tr ofown,is second nightT tie hre been notic mor that the ghis yi pointthe period. Blackh iee gamer e ls openboth ofm were ton one g fedh times an just ri he off cktthBlkhks are ofire.

I d last night. You they talki these gn TNG alout howe was ed the llas Stars lastighthat he wasngo end uping, uh anlr a rsey and being a sr that al didn't happen Uh, w ey fo inhicago andn tabs anson aade de Well I think someecause he'prab sntguesss contract. Andwants to the Rd blem isutyi toe LBr says te inrested. ey want to make i work, buthat's a tricky deal. a lotoney.dy's goneat aract probablyave to get a third team involve etcetera, etcetera,a of t i they the R why hel 'tantoDa m the Wesd 's the kind of That ould pus them ove edge beino s kind of tric tme.

Thehawkscotty ove tlastgamesy'hg They'ven big underdon these s. They've w four a row. s en rolling them ov foumes. What, pl m lin for thekhawks and fourf h He's been red e from as wen a te game even th befor that played s s 7.5 intorina Toave now p some speyget readyeventhah contract i so thathe NHidicl a few guys throughhe years hapd erears left on eir deals.

Tel salary capil treSo that wayh out. It b, but T lest the Nt ve isangt shoul. Itr. We ty dopay hill otco.y do ts. He gets paid er way. It'sust he's g paid b somlse hanythi to dop n to do with the tea cap afr layer has done should pay on tide like Bobby caps's a to,u kne i in Yng term IR. It doesn't wsomeloat ovewhatevber is teamshat hbeen very vvy withe abletakeans sam. tota Colu t the for met theyI'll The R. Scotty visit Detroit Tonight inus bucow,The Red Wing plu3 , u ow +16f seven. Someg that. They'ng gr psetig ou Detroit, but I'm stilln thRangers just tooeep. areot e e 3 vils tonht, Scot,somethg lif NHL radio. Their kingsre as goo as the doub. good teamse hereanythiut the thch l a Kgames. But the Kia ag the Pen, Oirous deepteamn and Penguin 1 a sen fl seven in high scoring game two overOI so, uhink thaPenguisock, I s will bable to score se goals tight asell. I he ■ovBn k 87 anotheronight.

Look atll e Let'h't e'ngbe I le and Ilingven tay Tam oro halfhink 42. I don't ink it's nna be s ed laste ofcttg bniScoue,e' inger to withsing ohieris0,0 foucks Flat six total. I'm or five mes in a row. I kno novte goal andwith Anahetonight a o.h entire sean with hockey sticThey use in STouisss for VancouvertherdryerCityou knowesdayight we were ven ouW thnd I'm got again.ig thelur coll dri g to the get rightt it at the Mobiley Blackhawks there the oth ght. I wasarrassing.They're noti on Vnst Seattle tonight. Kraken Bruins road favorites for Flat5, plus a total. I ill like Boston re.s n loseamn syte Tve I'lse tonigstSharkss 1S takehe shas at a buckam. I Nae e you go. That's yr night anhockey hockey, everyb going of this b butth's get Aaron Booneuysnd we'll toda letind totalscause I fm ar Se you on w Joshons to t . of all, e tki abo a gre l has been k playe aly he'1 c hwinne's physicallykar witI he'se looks assesshingEveryb to r? Yo know, Ink you're crthink that a bounc nr yuy s He's gonna tk od about ron hs and Iphysic At this int in much better placen it ygo.

Right no Oh. Maybe he shld have kepoing t no. Lo rembed Joshucks. 'sute he mus be. Tt sa Hicks is t worst player in histor tding four nd being 11ank m has the bes chao go f worst tr e New Yo se 1 bevera t alson't getayn C sougoing up ie wh the Patrios The ealine Oy ons grid Diaby D, e sn awayketlue o bottomut year oldanum i result. Is the Star throwback Jersey. The rs sta to wear just for t me what to wear. Only on d. ing, the coh sketball seasoL.

I do Bay a hom. e supportst whappened keeps messinm sanhes next or deep. Th well dAnd they e g do to the pre game pmegame.cked inith gameesil with the best to back iup. Makt s tn wansidersndustrysideports prht on the smblern Sall,idan Get the winniery weeknoonroto P.m. Eatot' desion One spoid. te. No Dvc , theoker I retur to play in i unvaccinat status, th gonna into countrho knows? that? J Tar d T F email. Lopereed to a Juneh fight chs.pectators.t, ace Or on fire. Tha op o fndhea ghrwaeolr algedly stabb his by his .

1e bed her timese didnhim. Heher. I what I saw Heds of teens Ths break into a Texas home ager sounds li into the magic be nor. o cn Donald P Nnal througeat Hboy, Arfatall a h e caudget smart fferin machine. Oh, myGod! b d insideetweenorkers Now theylaming it on chickwn her e. She's no longerer prd apparent, he's gotawed hot gun inhe back of atrucke dot com notnly for yoch . People are tking about it. yoneave a night. Tr Barr.

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