Namaste everyone, so in this video you will 
see a recording of a teaching I have done   in India during a yoga training class. So I am 
trying to introduce people to financial education   and cryptocurrency. It's a really quick training 
so I didn't go in depth, I just tried to give them   maximum knowledge in a minimum amount 
of time. Sorry for the sound quality I   didn't have any microphone on me It was 
not really planned.

So thank you enjoy   and don't hesitate to leave comments below to 
ask questions and give me feedback thank you.  I will introduce myself because some people don't 
know me here, so my name is here Julien Demaret.   I used to be a normal person I would say, with a 
normal occupation, I used to be working in water   treatment. I have a bachelor degree in 
water treatment. All this I learnt by myself   trying to change my life and be more 
free. So now I'm living with that,   thanks to that, and so if I don't work I still 
have income coming. If I want to work, I work,   this is work for me now, you see this is 
very enjoyable, I really like teaching. So I will try to be clear and concise 
Can i say that in english? Yes.

So   first I want to start with the definition 
of wealth. So, you can note down if you have   questions and we will do a Q&A session 
after, so try to not interrupt me,   at the end i will give you the opportunity to ask 
me questions. So what is the definition of wealth?   for most people maybe it's 1 million maybe it's 2 
million, whatever. Actually wealth is not a number   of money in your bank account, wealth is, if 
today you stop working, it's a number of days,   how many days can you sustain your lifestyle, 
without working. So wealth is a number of days,   if you stop working today, how many 
days can you sustain your lifestyle.   For example if you have just a normal 
lifestyle and you don't require so much   and you just 500 usd per month, I will talk 
in usd here please understand me, if you just   require 500 usd per month to sustain your 
lifestyle and you're earning 600 usd passively,   then you're rich.

You can live like this for 
all your life, so your wealth is all your life.   My case right now I would say 20 years minimum 
of wealth so if i stop working now, actually   i'm still making more income than what I use so 
actually I can maybe all my life but you know   you can have some ambitions to give 
also, wo we'll talk about this later.   So this is wealth, wealth is number 
of days not a number of money.   So everyday passing are you getting 
richer or poorer, this is what you   have to ask yourself. I will introduce you to 
the cashflow quadrant, this is owned by Robert   Kiyosaki, he has written some interesting books 
that I really recommend you, Rich dad poor Dad,   all I'm going to explain about finances is in this 
book, so just read this book and you'll be fine.   So the population is divided in 4 quadrants 
E for employees, S for self employed,   B for business owner and I for investor.

So you 
have to know that the left side of the quadrant is   95% of the population. This side business owner 
or investor is only 5% of the population. But   this side, 5% of population, 95% of the wealth, 
of the money. Money is this side. And this side,   95% of the population but only 5% of 
the money shared with everyone. So   if your goal in life is to be free, 
to not have to work all your life,   40 years or even more I don't know how it 
works in India, you have to go to a transition   to this side of the quadrant. So you will say 
ok maybe i have a job and i don't have time   I'm already working 8 hours per day. Yes, 
but what are you doing after your 8 hours,   this is when your real work starts, when you 
have to work for yourself so you have to start   a business, at least part time job is your job. 
This job is not your job, if you're an employee,   you're working for someone.

you're not working for your dreams,   someone else will hire you to work for his dreams, 
i have chills when i say that. So this is very   important to understand, if you want to be free. 
I'm not saying being an employee is not good,   you should actually target your job to learn 
skills, not to be paid. So you learn skills here   and you apply them this side, you start doing 
your own business, it can be many things,   you can start learning many things online. 
Nowadays, online business like this crypto,   do a shop on shopify you can try to do 
dropshipping, and you can try and fail   and this is how it works, you will try and fail 
and try something else and learn again, and one   day you will find your thing and it will work for 
you, but no one has succeeded for the first time.   You can see only the top of the iceberg, you 
can see me right now, but you never seen me   when i was alcoholic depressed so this is the 
bottom of the iceberg, really deep, so you   can try and fail and learn, and one day you will 
succeed, if your goal is to be financially free.  So this is for the introduction, 
I'm going to talk about crypto,   a bit of history to understand, in 
1971 in the usa Richard Nixon decided   that the creation of usd will not be linked 
anymore with gold, so you have to understand   FIAT currency, usd, euros, INR, indian 
rupees, this is FIAT.

It's coming from latin,   so it is decided by governments. FIAT currency 
normally is emitted according to a stock of golf   of every country in his national bank. Gold is the 
measurement of wealth for a country. According to   that stock of golf you can print bank notes, 
but this was before 1971. in 1971 Nixon said   we are going to print money without any gold to 
back it. This is magical money, this is how it   works now since 1971. So this creates inflation. 
Inflation is you have no wealth creation but you   are doing more bank notes, so there is more notes 
in circulation but the wealth is the same so   mechanically, the value of one note is going 

So i hope this is understandable. So FIAT   currency creates inflation. Also it is unlimited 
because now they can only print it when they want.   You know TESLA without the magic money of the USA, 
there is no TESLA. TESLA has not made any profit   yet, they are just fed by USA. actually they are 
stilling money from you. If you just save money,   this money every year is using 
value. So if you just save money   actually you are loosing money. 5% per year 
at least. You're loosing when you're saving.  Also it is centralized, because 
emitted by the government.   They control, the population is not 
controlling, the government is controlling.  So in 2008, the sub primes crisis occured, big 
recession in the USA, because of this magical   money, banks were landing loans to people who were 
not able to pay off their debts, so the prices of   real estate were going very high.

was getting a loan, so everyone wants to buy,   if everyone wants to buy the prices go up, 
prices were going dramatically up. But when   it was time to pay off the debts noone could pay 
the banks so the banks crashed. After this event,   someone or a group of individuals who is calling 
himself Satoshi Nakamoto, they decided to create   Bitcoin. Bitcoin is born from this fiat currency 
recession. This is why bitcoin is here now.  The purpose of bitcoin is to give money, 
i'm talking about bitcoin because it's   the first crypto, it's the king of 
cryptocurrency and the first one.  How bitcoin decided to counterbalance 
the negative effects of fiat currency.  First it has a fixed supply of 21 million 
bitcoin, there will never be more bitcoin.   you cannot print magical bitcoin.
now 19 million in circulation,   every day new bitcoin is mined and estimation 
in 2100 more, all the bitcoin will be   mined.

Fixed supply is preventing inflation, if 
you have a fixed supply and people want to buy,   there is no offer but there is more demand, this 
is the law of market. I hope you are familiar with   offer and demand,
like mangoes during mango season, mangoes are very   cheap because there is a lot of offer but no one 
want to buy it because there is so many so price   are going down. But then when there is scarcity, 
when there is limited supply, prices are going up. Then it is decentralized, it means it is not owned 
by someone, it's not decided by a government.   Every minor in the world, they own the blockchain.
How does bitcoin work? there is a mechanism   called consensus, proof of work. it is exactly 
like gold if you make a comparison, why are we   indexing fiat currency on gold? because gold   is a proof of work also, gold is very hard 
to extract and concentrate, so you have to   produce a lot of work to do this, to do the 
final product. It takes time to produce,   this is proof of work. It is exactly the same for 

It means that people, anyone, were just   hosting the blockchain.
I have explain first   what is the blockchain. Blockchain is 
like an electronic register in which   every transaction from the very beginning 
of bitcoin is written. This wallet A   has sent to this wallet B one bitcoin, and 
this, from the very beginning it is written.   This is owned by everyone who has the blockchain 
on his computer, so the more people have this   blockchain on their computer, the more the 
network is secured, because you cannot falsify   every version of everyone. So it very hard to hack 
bitcoin because nowadays there is a lot of people   involved. Proof of work is, you 
are dedicating your computer power,   electricity, your computer calculation 
system is calculating equations to solve,   you have to be the first one to solve equations 
to be paid in bitcoin, solving equations actually   allow the transactions to be done.

This is a 
bit technical I don't have time today to explain   deeply. So basically If I want to send money to 
Maheesh Ji, i'm going to tell my bank to send   to his bank to send to him. The blockchain 
is removing third party trust, because it   is written and everyone can see online. You don't 
know wallet A belongs to who, but you know wallet   A has sent to wallet B. Everyone can see I have 
sent, no one can know it's us unless we say it's   us. This process is possible because people 
are giving their computer power to enable this   transactions to be done. So this blockchain is 
allowing bitcoin to be decentralized.

Why? because   every time one block is created,the block is 
just a succession of so many transactions,   when this full block is done the person who has 
resolved this equation is paid money in bitcoin.   This is how the 2 million remaining will be 
delivered because people are mining it so there   is incentives to encourage you to mine. If you 
stop mining, I will start mining because nowadays   there is a lot of competition so 
it takes a lot of electrical power,   people have full buildings of computers, 
you cannot do it alone anymore. Before   there was no competition you could do it, now you 
have to be associated with people so it's very   conccurential. So if you stop doing it , it will 
be less expensive, i will start doing it. This is   how this network is keeping 
decentralized because everyone can   be part of it and no one is ruling it. That's 
how bitcoin stay stable and decentralized. So this was just a little explanation 
about bitcoin so now you have to know that   it started in 2009 it was worth nothing, 
like 1 cent usd, today it is 30 000 usd,   it has been to 72 000 usd.

So ATH all time 
high value of bitcoin some months back   72 000 usd so it is going higher and higher 
because more and more people are getting   interested. Adoption phenomenon is starting 
to come. And because of the limited supply,  more people are buying so the price goes up.
It is actually giving back the financial power   to the people, it's not in the hands of 
the government anymore. That's why a lot of   governments of earth don't like this. They are
very opposed to it.

People who are ruling the   world today, keeping you poor on purpose, 
they are loosing their power with this and   they cannot stop it. China tried to stop 
it for example. We don't allow mining  in our territory anymore. Minors just unplugged 
the machine , went into another country, plugged   the machine, this is bitcoin. If every 
country in the world is trying to prevent it,   maybe they can stop it. !97 countries need 
to agree. Now in Salvador, they have already   recognized Bitcoin as a legal official money 
because they have a lot of problem with inflation.  Fiat currency is worth nothing, it is just a piece 
of paper, if the gold in stock in the bank of the   country compared to other countries, your money 
is dropping so much there is no value anymore,   so bitcoin is a solution for this also that's 
why it's already official for some countries.

There is also other cryptocurrencies, but most 
of them will not survive, it's like when internet   was created a lot of website starting going 
out but now it's only google amazon facebook.   So now we are more than 20 000 crypto in 
circulation. a lot of them are just shitcoins   as we call it. anyone can do a crypto easily. 
without any project. Bitcoin has a solid strong   purpose behind it and everyone 
understand it that's why it's   the king of the cryptocurrency, there
are other leaders of the market also.   Basically the top 10 top 20 top 50, 
like ethereum, is allowing other crypto   to be hosted on its blockchain. So you 
have bitcoin with bitcoin blockchain,   then ethereum with ethereum blockchain, they 
allow other projects on their blockchain   and other cryptos are doing as ethereum but not as 
good as ethereum so maybe they will not survive.

I will talk about the prerequisites to invest. 
Let's say you are right now like 95% of the   population you are an employee or you are self 
employed. Employee you're working for someone,   self employed you are working for yourself.
But still this is very important,   here you are selling your time for 
money, so when people are hiring you   and sign a contract they are telling you 
your life is owrth 5 dollars per hour,   you sign and you say yes. So this is what 
happening with 95% of the popoluation.  You're just selling your time for 
money, but time is limited like bitcoin,   you have 24 hours in a day so by selling your time 
and being paid by the hour you will never be able   to be financially free because if you stop 
working tomorrow there is no more income.  On the other side, investors for example, 
like me, using their money to make more money   so I am not working for money, my money is working 
for me.

So let's say today you're an employee,  if you want to financial freedom you have to go 
to the other side also, you will tell me ok my   time is limited, but what are you doing after 
your work, are you watching netflix or whatever   useless things towards your financial goals. 
I'm sure you have more time, 2 ,3 ,4 hours in   a day to work for yourself.
here you are not working for   yourself you are working for others.
So if you first have no debts,   if you owe money to someone there is no reason to 
invest, first you need to give back the money. I   am not talking about loans to buy a house, but 
all the other things like credit card in the USA.  In the usa they never release chains on your feet, 
because from the childhood you don't have finances   after you go to study and you take a loan to 
study, when you start working you are paying back,   then you take a loan for your house, then they 
tell you if you have a bigger loan you will pay   less taxes, so you take a bigger house, and this 
is all becoming very crazy so please don't go in   this vicous circle if you can avoid it.
So you are working you   know that you can plan you have monthly income, 
it's going well, also you have started a business,   maybe you want to be a yoga teacher you can start 
doing yoga business online using social media, you   can instruct and make a course and sell it, this 
is passive income, once you have worked hard to   design your course, people are buying it they are 
watching your videos you can do something else.  so there is many way to build this. 
So now you have steady income,   control your expenses, if you are earning 10 000 
usd and you are spending 10 000 usd, then you   have nothing left to invest.

So you have to know 
what expenses are very necessary and what is not.  It is just about your focus, 
do you want to work smart   and also hard for 5 years of your time and after 
you can relax, or you want to enjoy a bit everyday   let me look netflix let me party with my friends, 
i have time. Then all your life you will struggle.  Easy choices, hard life, hard choices easy life. 
I have done some hard choices and now i have easy   life, it didn't come like this, i wasn't born this 
way and my family is not rich, so everyone can do   this, no matter your citizenship also.
on your phones you can choose to look at instagram   or you can try to use your phone to get some 
knowledge and do something with your life.

Now that you have done all this and you 
have extra money that you don't need and   can afford to lose it, and still 
able to pay your rent, to give   food toyour children, complete your 
duties. Now this extra money you can   invest if you can be relaxed with your emotions.
If you are emotionally attached with your money,   investing is not for you. Or find some investments 
that are safe, but bitcoin is not for you.  investing is the end of the 
game so first you need to do all   this steps, also have 3 months worth of savings.
when you start investing, the end of the game is   crypto, crypto is very volatile very risky so 
first you need to know yourself as an investor,   you can start playing around with 100 
usd and just see how your emotions are,  can you sleep at night, if you wake up in the 
morning and first thing you do is look at bitcoin   price, this is not for you.

Know yourself and go 
for more secure investments, there is always risk   but the risk is according to the reward. The ratio 
risk and reward, you have to go towards low risk   low rewards if you cannot handle your emotions,
or if you can handle your emotions you can use   some of your money to go into volatile 
investments. So you can take your money to go   for 10% per year profit, and then with those 10% 
per year profit you can go for volatile things.  There is no way you put all your money into 
bitcoin, you have to diversify yourself.   Also i should have mentionned this before I am 
not a financial advisor, this is just educationnal   purpose, I am not telling you to make investments.
i am not givinv advice I am just giving knowledge.  This is how to be reasy to invest, when 
you are ready how you can invest in crypto,  you have to pay yourself first.

It means when you 
have your income you should know your expenses,   know how much money you can take, but 
don't save it at the end of the month,   take it from the beginning.
pay yourself first because otherwise   you are paying everyone. first you are paying your 
country, because even before you see your income,   taxes are taken, after you work for your bank 
to pay for your loan, at the end of the month   nothing left, and you have not even paid yourself, 
so for who are you working? pay yourself first. The compounding effect, there 
is a book called like this. 10%   saved every month invested 
on a 10% per year profit for   40 years becomes very significant money. So let's 
say 100 usd per month, you place this into a 10%   per year profit investment, for 40 years, becomes 
more than 1 million usd. This is the compounding   effect because you do 10% on 100 usd but after 
you do 10% on 110 and after you do 10% on 121   usd. You're not doing 10% from the beginning, it's 
always going up and you 10% on the growing amount.  This is very powerful. So don't think 
that 10 usd is not significant.

Just   start now, the best time to start investing 
is today, if you have the prerequisites.  DCA is dollar cost averaging it is the easiest way 
to invest in crypto if you don't have knowledge.   There is no investments risky for 
everyone, or not risky for everyone.   The more knowledge you have the less risk 
there is in the investment you're doing.  But you can start investing in crypto 
with very basic knowledge with the DCA   method dollar cost averaging. At the beginning 
of each month when you're paying yourself first,   you can try to focus at least 10% of your salary. 
If you cannot save at least 10% of your salary   you have to do something different in 
the previous step i explained before.  this 10% you buy at a fix time 
every month the top 10 crypto   for example.

They are the rulers of the market 
mostly the chances are they will keep going. By   buying at a fix time you will do an average 
between all the prices of the market that are   fluctuating. It's always going up and down but 
if you just ignore the fluctuations and just buy   on fixed term every month, you 
will make an average price. IF you don't know you have to go 
for long term, all the markets   always go up on the long term. 
So markets are doing like this.  Financial markets most of them 
they do like this, very simplified.   IF you look at s&p 500 for example, the 
500 most powerful companies in the USA   it is in average taking 5 – 10% per 
year. On the long term you will always   be successful, no matter the entrance price.
Short term is for people who are skilled, you   just buy and hold for 5 10 20 years. If you want 
to do more than this you have to have knowledge. Fear and greed , when you enter the market 
you have to hold as i said. if it goes down   fear is coming "bitcoin is dropping it will never 
come back again" and everyone is selling when   the price is low and then everyone 
"bitcoin is waking up again, so i   should buy now because it will go up even more" 
and then everyone is buying when it's high.  When I'm saying high and down, there is no such 
thing as high price and low price on the long term   but if you look at the all time high of bitcoin 
72 000, what i call a high price is close to the   all time high what i call a low price is far to 
the all time high or close to the all time low   so right now bitcoin is around 30 
000 it is more than 50% discount   compared to the all time high so
i would say it is correct price.   Once more i'm not telling you to buy 
anything i am just giving knowledge.  on the markets you have to go against 
the normal people, as i said before, 95%   of people are selling their time for money, ifyou 
want to be rich you have to go with 5% people.  same here 90% of people on the market are just 
loosing money because they are listening to their   emotions, fear when it's going down and fear of 
missing opportunity or greed when it's going up.  In your life in general, if you just do the 
opposite of the average people, look at the   average person, are they happy are they fullfiled 
in their life? Most of the people are like this.   Most of the people in the world are very miserable 
in their mind or in their physical life, whatever.  just try to do the opposite as everyone does, 
you will be fullfiled.

You are already doing   the opposite, you came here to learn yoga, most of 
the people don't care about it. So you are already   part of this 5% people. Now you just have to 
push it forward in other fiels of competence.  Now very practically speaking how 
you can buy crypto, it is very   easy you can look on youtube tutorials, 
there is a difference between   CEX and DEX, centralized exchange 
and decentralized exchange,   for example binance coinbase, the 
leaders, they are centralized exchange,  you can send your Indian rupee on the 
exchange then you exchange for bitcoin.

On a   centralized exchange you have a wallet, it 
is not your wallet, please understand this.   If you are on a centralized exchange it is owned 
by someone, it is not your bitcoin it is mine.  Of course we are centralized exchange that 
are very popular and can be trusted. But still   bitcoin on a centralized exchange it is 
not your bitcoin, so you can just use it   to buy your bitcoin, and after you send it to a 
decentralized wallet, this wallet is your wallet.  your wallet is only 12 words on 24 words, this 
is a seed phrase, if someone has these words,   he has your wallet. So when you have a 
decentralized wallet, you have a private key   and you have 12 or 24 words this 
has to take very confidential,   don't put it online don't take a photo of it.
Don't put it on your computer write it down on   a piece of paper and burry it into your garden. 
One day it will come, everyone will want to join   the train of crypto, there will be no space 
for everyone anymore.

You can choose to go   in crypto consciously or you can go in crypto 
forcefully because you will have to use it later.  There are lots of tutorial on 
youtube, you can find a lot of books,   there is a indian centralized exchange Wazir X, it 
is very popular and has partnership with binance,   you can trust, you can go and buy from this and 
after you put on a decentralized wallet like   metamask, you can just search on internet.
Everything i said today is on internet,   i just tried to make it easy to be grasped.
So now questions and answers. "Why shouldn't we sell low and buy high?" So when it's going up it's not time to buy, mostly 
people will do the opposite of what's necessary.   When price are going up like this,
do you think it's a good time to buy? If the   prices are going up, it's not a good time to buy. 
but most of the people because they are afraid   of missing an opportunity, because they think 
it's going to higher quick, they want to buy.  But this is when you have to sell. 
I didn't talk about the smart money.

Smart money and normal people. normal people 
are loosing and smart money is winning.  To sell you need someone to buy, so 
smart money is creating enthousiasm   around the market so that normal people will buy,   so that they can sell to someone.
after when the prices are going too much up,   they are selling everything and they want 
to drop because the prices are too high,   so they are ceating an atmosphere of fear around, 
and then when it's dropping they buy again.

Questions about CEX   and DEX.
When you have a wallet you   are using an app or you phone or a website, when 
you're creating your wallet, you will be given 12   words or 24 words like rose window house chair, 
this will be a succession of words. These words   are the access to your wallet.
Anyone having these words have your wallet.   These words you will see them only one time at 
the creation of the wallet, when you see them   write it on a piece of paper, not on nothing that 
can be hacked, keep it with you and you share it   only with your son or your parents or your 
lawyer or someone organizing your succession   if you die.

That's it. Nowadays you need to have a bridge between fiat 
currency and crypto, between your rupees and   crypto, you need a bridge, it is the centralized 
exchange. you need this to enter the market.  Decentralized exchange is only between 
cryptos, but not fiat to crypto. If you want to go in the market or out 
of the market, centralized exchange.   In the meantime, you hold in decentralized wallet. don't keep on centralized exchange if 
your goal is long term. Short term,   6 months one year you can keep on 
centralized exchange like binance or WazirX.  because also there is transaction fees. Bitcoin 
blockchain is like 20 usd per transaction,   some blockchains are very low, some are very high 
so if it's only short term there is no need to   move it too much.

But short term is for people 
who know what they are doing as i said before. questions about Wazir X and sending 
money from indian bank to wazir X. Unfortunatly because i am not indian 
myself i don't know the options you have.   Maybe you can just find a bank that is 
crypto friendly in India and send your money   on WazirX through this bank. So, this a phenomenon I was talking about 
before, because bitcoin is giving back financial   power to the people, banks that are normally 
the one who have power, they are against it,   so they are not letting you easily into it, but 
you have to find a solution there is a solution   for sure. You can go online and 
find some indian crypto investors,   community online that will be able
to tell you what to do. It's only profit,   if you buy 10 000 usd and you sell for 13 000 usd 
you have made 3000 usd profit you give 1000 to the   government, this is like this in france also.
In Thailand if you don't have your money in   Thailand you don't have to pay taxes.

About dogecoin and shiba inu So this is as I said before it was a joke but 
because Elon Musk twitted it went up, dogecoin   can have a utility because it is very fast ans low 
cost transactions.

But I have no opinion on this.  And as i said before I am not financial advisor 
so i'm not going to tell you what you have to do.  If you want to be a bit more safe in your 
behavior you buy top 10 crypto top 20 crypto. "Bitcoin   is too expensive" You can buy any part of bitcoin you want, the 
smallest amount of bitcoin is one satoshi,   100 million satoshi is 1 bitcoin, you can buy 1 
satoshi. So with 50 dollars you can buy bitcoin  you don't have to buy 1 bitcoin.

You can buy any 
amount of any crypto with any amount of usd. If   you want to buy 50 usd ethereum, you will have 
0.0… you don't have to buy 1 full bitcoin. WazirX in India is good, it has a partnership 
with binance, binance is the biggest in the world.  If your bank is not allowing you to 
go directly from your bank to wazirX   you find another bank that is crypto 
friendly you send from your normal bank  to the crypto friendly bank and 
from the crypto friendly to wazirX. I will put this video on youtube, if you type my 
first name and last name you will find my channel   and if you know telegram, I'm using 
telegram to communicate with people.

As found on YouTube

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