LaBitConf 2022: Is Rootstock the Best Bitcoin Sidechain?

I am here at LaBitConf Buenos Aires with my 
good friend Sergio Lerner. Sergio Lerner is   a legend. he's the Chief Architect behind 
the Bitcoin layer 2 system Rootstock. he's   found probably more critical bugs in Bitcoin 
than any other person so he saved all of our   asses and he does a mean stake right? all right 
so now what we're going to do is we're going to   ask him about those things maybe we'll get to 
the Asado at the end. So Sergio one of the core   components of Rootstock is the PowerPeg right? The 
ability to securely and in a trust-minimized way   tie Bitcoin down on Layer 1 and represent it and 
it will make it transferable to Layer 2.

What   makes PowPeg superior to other forms of peg? 
what makes it better than wrapped bitcoin or   other types of two-way Peg? so the rootstock Peg 
uses the strategy of defense in depth. defense in   depth is a common strategy where you protect one 
layer with another layer so if and for any reason   one layer fails and this can be you know because 
human errors humans make mistakes and you have to   protect yourself from your own mistake from new 
classes of bugs new classes of vulnerabilities   that you don't even know they exist. so we put 
layers on top of layers, and each layer protects   you know the other layers. So basically you have 
the pegnatories you have a kind of a federation   but even if all these Federation members go rogue 
and become malicious they couldn't even access the   private keys to steal the Bitcoins. So in order to 
corrupt the system and steal funds Not only would   I need to corrupt the majority of the pegnatories 
but I would also need to corrupt the majority of   the hardware secure devices which probably means 
each device individually.

Exactly that's what   you need and you know maybe the governments I 
don't know the CIA I don't know maybe some of   them will be able to corrupt one device but 
to get access to the device they need also to   corrupt the pegnatory so it becomes really really 
hard to corrupt both. the honesty you know of the   pegmatories and also these devices. And we plan 
to add more layers for example we don't want to   stick with a single uh Hardware manufacturer. 
we've discussed why stealing from powpeg   very difficult.

But recently we had a different 
kind of exploit which people don't talk about as   much right? we had peg out was halted right now 
I always imagined pegout could be halted because   maybe the pegnatories go offline but we actually 
saw a different way that this happened today. How   should we think about this risk and mitigating 
it? yeah so first some words about what what   actually happened we have a number of integration 
tests that the core developers run uh before they   make any change to the bridge – this bridge is 
the most delicate part of the of the rootstock   blockchain for sure uh delicate in terms of 
complexity not delicate because it's going to   break but but really really it's it's really it's 
really well I mean you know we've seen bridges   are always among the most if not the most 
vulnerable systems out there it's kind of   amazing that POWPeg has held up as well as it 
is right I mean that's that's the that's the   magnitude of the challenge yeah five years and and 
it's been you know no hack at all and almost 100%   until this event it was a hundred percent uptime. 
so what happened is that we because of the will   of the community we wanted to add an emergency 
signature an emergency Federation to be able to   in any event because these devices really have 
full control of the private key I don't know if   if any other uh project in the ecosystem is under 
this stress that's if the device has any bound you   know the funds are locked there's no one that 
you you can call.

So so we wanted to make sure   that in that particular event we would be able to 
recover the funds one year later I mean after a   lot of discussion with the community and how this 
process will be done, we wanted to make sure that   that we would be able to recover These funds. so 
we added the emergency multisig in a very similar   way that it was added by Liquid but Liquid uses 
a two-week period and we put a one year period   this is this changes. so uh Lliquid is using 
SegWit which allows them to have in this in this   um in this script a number of um of uh signatures 
well we've tested this on on testnet and it worked   perfectly but we when we move it to mainnet 
we realized that there was kind of a bug in   the Bitcoin core that when it enforces is this 
bug number 10 that you're finding? yeah but it's   it's not actually a bug but essentially when 
you execute this script on SegWit it works   but when you execute this in a in a pathos 
script hash it doesn't work because it counts   more signatures than there are actually been uh 

So you mentioned liquid they also have   um a federation they also have hsms they also have 
a similar idea of emergency uh withdrawal how do   you see POWPeg being different from what uh liquid 
have? okay so liquid design is closed source okay?   the hardware the hardware boxes is that they sell 
or they they yeah they sell them to the to the to   the functionaries it's closed source so that's a 
radical difference. all our design is open source   you can go to the repo check the firmware report 
vulnerability if you find one uh look at the   audits that we made with different companies and 
it's all open source. um also they what as far as   we know because it is closed source they are not 
using secure elements because they are running a   full Bitcoin inside these boxes and you cannot do 
that with a secure element so all the security is   based on more like being tamper-proof than being 
tamper resistant so essentially if someone tries   to Tamper one of their boxes probably they will 
notice but it's not resistant to tampering which   means that someone could take a private key and 
run away right? so that's another huge difference.   um that I would say that the third difference 
and this is going to be more important in the   in the following years is that we use off the 
shelf uh a hardware wallet made by one of one of   the main manufacturers of Hardware wallets so that 
everyone will be able to participate in the POWPeg   just by buying one of these devices plugging into 
the computer and installing the correct and do   you imagine that uh that is up like what would 
we need to do in order to make that a reality?   well I think that there is a two researchers 
working in AI relapse research and Innovation   team that they are working on moving the all the 
script to segwit and then to top root so they they   uh published like three articles about how they 
Envision this to happen to be the minimum risk for   roostock so one we move this to taproot, uh then 
we are free to add more pegnatories.

Awesome all   right this is Sergio he and his team have built 
what is probably right now the most secure not   just Peg but bridge in the world. the reason I 
hesitate around most secure bridge is because I   think there's one type of bridge which might be 
more secure zero knowledge proofs totally though   they're essentially the zero knowledge proof is 
a what is called a consensus Bridge a consensus   Bridge is a bridge where you have two chains and 
each one of them understand the consensus of the   other essentially running a like client inside 
consensus essentially the problem is that the   standard consensus the bridge requires a lot of 
gas to verify the the other blockchain blocks   that's where zero knowledge proofs of proof of 
computation Integrity which is basically the   property that we want can help to shrink these 
products and and make it more make it cheaper   obviously this is Bitcoin soft fork and that's 
a tricky part you know there are a lot of people   that don't like that is working on on roll ups 
for for Bitcoin and I hope this gets you know   developed And discussed in the Bitcoin community 
and that would be really awesome to to be really   trusted Bridge but you know we try to build 
a fully consensus Bridge with ethereum in the   past and we found it also very difficult because 
other chains changed their consensus algorithms   too fast they're not permaware Yeah so basically 
why would you build a you know a permanent fully   decentralized bridge that you basically have 
to throw away or upgrade which means there's   someone having a private key uh if the consensus 
changes? so in terms of consensus we have in the   in the case of rootstock we are very very aware 
of not changing any part of you know the block   heater anything that can essentially prevent any 
other automated system for working for roostock   essentially the HSM has a rootstock likee 
client so we cannot change anything so we've   become essentially kind of as a conservative as 
Bitcoin to not to you know to be compatible with   the Power HSS if we break compatibility 
with the power HSS it's game over right   right so uh yeah so I'm super excited about uh 
xenological computational Integrity proof apply   to the Bitcoin good fantastic thank you very much 
Sergio looking forward to what you guys do next

As found on YouTube

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