How To Register .XCH Chia Domains via NamesDAO + Chia Name Services Pawket +

All right folks today, we're looking back at name services xch I'm going to log exit.xch through names, now we're going to cover the current state of where name services are in Chia. We're going to outline some of the good things that I think could be improved some of the things that I think could be improved and some of the things I'm confused about that will get us started, you can see I'm actually in the middle of this step now in the new studio so I'm a little bit of a mess, But I'm going to be that little guy in the corner so let's start here, okay, so we can see that I actually have the opportunity here for L Spaceport This is from a previous video if you don't see where we were with that was basically a placeholder and that's it single underscores so if you have one underscores now you will be able to score that during this time period and that is kind of a hold system , and we'll log both and I'll show you how you can easily cast from dot xch2.xch after that's done and also we'll take a look at the ecosystem for everything else that's going on, so one of the first things you'll notice is that we don't have in our Shea reference wallet named uh integration now I don't know if there is a limiter for dot xch registrations, I think this is one of the goals of many different services vying for dot xch registration type if there is overlap it can become a confusing case for people registering domains so it would be interesting That's the thing I'll dive into more next but for this moment I'm going to assume that you only have the Chia client installed and not any of the other possible ways that would be the Chia nameplate reference.

x folder names under CL Me or Evergreen mobile I'll go with Chia CLI because that 's basically the best way in my opinion for everyone to definitely get access to those who are interested in this and once you're in your app think Asar if you're in Windows it's something you can find Going to a relative path very similar to this look at users whatever your username and app data folder if you don't see you can just type app data in all caps and you'll be able to go into that folder but once you go open a terminal window here when you run this it will actually be running against the command line so they give you the transaction type of format you will need send now we will take this you sent enough to get this done and then we should be good let me make sure this is the wallet The correct one with that number indicates 7575 yes I'm not sure if this will matter or not I really hope in their service that it doesn't and it will result in both ball result this is something that definitely should be included and will ask us again about the wallet and we will only use the ones that We're in it right now and we can check the status of the transaction and it's in the mempool so this transaction is in progress and registration should be in effect soon for El Spaceport, and while that's up to the MIM pool, there are a few things you'll definitely want to read here uh make sure to let nft to settle in any wallet that was for a short while before you actually go and register it because this is something that can be problematic if you don't and it 's definitely something that this registration is secured so there is a one year window on that registration so once you start you will have a registration that you will need To do every year so add something to the calendar I'm not sure there is something sophisticated enough yet that they have developed based on looking at the website here I'm going to guess now for the media This is also a very decentralized scam with a focus on super privacy scammer so It kind of works and we'll definitely dive into this because saying this is privacy focused is one thing, let's explore all the ways how privacy focus works with a little xch point here but for sure this is one of the things that I think can definitely improve the general look and feel what's going on with the website and so we can see that the memo is already served here with this transaction so it needs to be confirmed at this point and if you check your wallet the non-underscore dash and I can see here El Spaceport Done ElSpaceport.xch confirm by having nft in the wallet so that once you confirm is ok how do we know we have secured our names The best way to do this is to go to a name style website again I think there is a lot of room for improvement in terms of the look of the website , and its coherence is not built with a CMS or any kind of framework that seems to me at this point in time, so there are a lot of page types that come in like this sometimes and they can be kind of orphaned, so hopefully something very good will happen.

In this regard very soon and checking this address and we can see that this page actually belongs to the same one too so everything seems to be working as intended and that's fine but I would also say there's a chance here and that's fine so let's Then take a look at To actually take advantage of this domain service to send a transaction uh this can be done through the Dao GitHub name repository, they have a blockchain and a GUI that they forged from Chia and not necessarily in my opinion a great idea, there are things you definitely want to worry about if you install g that you might want to Edit the code, go for it, make sure there are no changes that can harm you, I can't parse that for you, and I can't help you with that, this is not an endorsement either for integration into the actual wallet by chip suggestion which probably allows a choice of different name registration services Or working with other competing dot xch name registration services is perfect in my estimation and also there are other domain services that will be available so we can see like uh josh's go4.

I'm the one who's going to be comparing all this stuff here pretty soon so let's pretty much the only thing we can do at this time is to go and check out the CLI, where you can read the entire CLI code so this is in If you can read python then you can read this and look up The pgp key they signed and they also built like I said a huge amount of security in this so they have hidden registrations so you can encrypt your actual registration request in the mempool this may become important as you go on and you have people trying to do mempool sniping for a higher fee To put someone else uh it might be someone who just creates a script and it's set there and looks for all.xch records if they're in clear text they'll be able to say hi no, I'll pay a higher fee, maybe I can have this block instead and win it, So there is the possibility of a snipe for MIM pools uh this is something you should definitely consider is hidden recording let me say this is not consumer friendly and not at all ready for production so I feel there is a huge rush this was the first and I'm not sure what feature They are already available, so I would suggest people refocus some efforts on creating a consumer friendly experience because the consumer friendly experience will definitely have Horizon in the long run better than anything you rush and at the same time a Chia customer which de facto majority of people will be using a Chia customer or customers Chia mobile is like pocket and other ozone there will probably be there will be some others that continue to develop and release as well but for sure the focus on consumer experience is something that should start happening at this time I feel this is a group of engineers that got together maybe some engineers which all came together and they literally engineered something without necessarily thinking about customer experience, which is definitely not something that I think is easy to use, and as a result I had to say things like you should go through and read Python and that's not a start like that it shouldn't happen So working with Chia is something that I would urge them to do if they haven't already reached out to see if they can get a chip proposal in exchange for, uh, you know, register a neutral, uh, resolver to be tested.

Include it in the solution module selector to be included in the Chia client because still to this day for better or worse, the Chia client is the actual client used in Chia and will be used by the vast majority of people working towards a win-win solution is important Rushing to be first makes in my estimation not much of a problem the reason is that I can't think they would show preference if they include which they may not merge I'm not saying they will or won't merge but if they include I would imagine the best result are most likely they are already looking for a neutral seller for a uh way to handle this because xch does you don't have an official tilt you won't get an official tilt so either that won't happen and that 's another thing I would say there's no need to rush about the registrations and you don't So first of all you always gain the advantage you might think you have by having a better product, you probably gain all the advantages and that's something I would urge that the names of the staff have a very different perspective on how they approach things and they already have a DOT m extension e , so it can be resolved globally so that they don't have the same burdens as a DOT xch service you might encounter but I know pocket is also running on an ecosystem.

xch and kind of polished production friendly to end users if you haven't reached out to Seth Jenks you should probably consider reaching out to Seth Jenks asking him for some design review about the things he does and I think he'd be very open to that uh and I mean I have to be honest , I have a fear of running code that I don't really want to review if you're comfortable, I'm not saying you should be comfortable in fact, I'm saying you should be uncomfortable and you Shaw let's take a lot of you know that this touches the computer you're working on my wallet and it's Something you feel comfortable doing there is definitely room for improvement as I mentioned everywhere so they have a link to download the names.

xch wallet I don't do this because I won't install 3rd party wallets I don't proofread the code on my computer here there is a lot of risk to be honest with you I don't feel like it. It's something I'm personally comfortable with if I 'm going to run something directly I'd probably go to the names under the CLI and use that by itself and that's something you can do from above here , but I don't think I need that right now and to test that this works as a parser on Some level here we'll go with another with the digital space port . xch and we'll just leave this blank and send a test transaction uh mojo here I'm going to put that in no charge, sign that and send it fine so let's come back here and see what we can do See as far as a summary of the incoming which should check that the actual service is working and there we go, It just came if you can see this down here it looks like that amount has been deposited so it's actually a possible thing to take advantage of Gobi if you have money in Gobi even though it's not directly incorporated into Gobi at the moment uh that's something they let you Through the website to take advantage of, uh, send and receive in order for the service to work, uh, now let's talk about some of the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities that this ecological environment presents, so first you have to see something more user-friendly than namestab, this is definitely a harsh experience I don't think most people They're going to want to share a rough experience at this point in time uh I think that's going to prevent mass adoption and use because frankly it's a bit confusing for everything you need to do, and there's a lot of steps that aren't straight forward and also it's complicated, it's not Very integrated and explaining things to people accurately uh something I think would be very desirable for a photo guide on your website or a video guide that you can produce and host on your website these are the things that I definitely think would help people get traction as well because the person Who has done a lot of professional web development, the initial experience I get from a name style website is a couple of ambivalence to build trust and so people will make a really quick assessment on the website whether they trust it or not, and I mean if I don't really know the company Orc properly and exciting and things I'd probably be a bit hesitant to even try it probably wouldn't work for me and moving forward is one of the things that I think is critical to working on in the very near future is to have a more polished presentation Accurate info you got sure if they are looking for people to help get to Chia Seth Jenks you can find them on Twitter and he might be very happy to help you out with some concepts for a good user experience here and also So if you're looking for the benefits you get by being up early, I don't necessarily think that's huge and I think we risk here at 0.25 xch of having an offer that's too expensive for some people , if there are a lot of .xch services out there so this one I'm just a consumer uh And certainly I think if I have to register .xch domains in multiple places just to book I don't want someone impersonating me and that's why I'm registering myself at this point is I don't want impersonators to be my biggest motivator at this point I'd love to see Something easy to use up front that could make my life easier in terms of remembering addresses and I think this should happen in the main xia client now to take a look at some of the other ecosystem players in this field and read the xch central article which I will link to in the description below for more information Also it was an interview style but I think JM would do a bit more of a type of it so let's take a look at some of the contests here so if you go for me here and go to your digital spaceport which is your @twitter account I know Josh is working on some things but this Its actually fairly simple if you focus on Twitter but there is a lot of the world that will not be the center of Twitter at all, certain parts and regions of the world may be blocked from accessing Twitter, so definitely expanding the service into something bigger is The thing I am looking forward to and the adjacent products that can be brought on board definitely there is an advantage in having the dot me extension because this is already in the recognized tilde and as a result it should be resolvable by name servers all over the world automatically which brings a lot of The possibilities and capabilities of web 2 and integration with future things that are web 3 Centric in a platform that can be used easily and I would love to see things like vanity uh that would be really nice to have vanity here because I just forgot that it's actually your Twitter address which is Twitter Centric at the moment isn't just something you can specify in there and I don't think Digital Spaceport fits in with character height either, so that's probably why there's no room for that if I remember correctly that I chose to collaborate Filled with my twitter all the limits of cute characters you might think we could get a little bigger but like everything is fine and I'm sure there is also a pawket app and this is a pawket dot app and seems to be an experimental development site , let's We go ahead and see what we can find out here as well and we'll go ahead and then run the beta mode here and go to the test site I haven't seen that they have xch point integration here yet seems like one of the things we don't see happening at the moment what happens as a result whether the team pawket fetching xch point in it or not it may have an advantage in the sense that they have captive point IOS and android app which is why I'm talking about things like focus on customer experience because the journey through it this app is still not one hundred percent optimized which is a very good view case for the user Final, so preventing a usable interface versus offering something complex and difficult to use can actually be what wins in the long run so I challenge the Name Stats team to focus on that, as they move forward, let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments Below I hope everyone can get their xch domain names they're looking for as we enter a new phase of what's going on with Chia As a result, we should see some really interesting things that additional links to the data layer could be possible, and we can also see some Really interesting hosting possibilities and reward motivating coming out of it, these are just a few things off the top tell me in my head what's on top of your head and we just got a notification today that sometime a new 16 and 18 will arrive so be sure to check out the Digital Spaceport store at the end of this week if you are interested If you are a channel member you can get 3 per cent off trainee level and 5 per cent off captain ie $1.99 or $7.99 for membership all is well and i hope you have a great day you can press @gospaceport I think you can hit me up on Twitter sometime at and hopefully we can get some sort of MySpace, that's what I really hope a show like MySpace can do on g for me, the platform Which can be a really attractive experience and also the names now, the decision to send and receive may be interesting as well well everyone make sure you hit like and subscribe and we will check you out next time

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