How to Get Started with Bitcoin (2022 updated)

So you’ve heard about Bitcoin
and cryptocurrencies but don’t really know where to start? I’m Nate Martin, and we’re going to cover exactly
what to do to get started with Bitcoin in our 2…minute….tutorial. Here are three simple steps
that will get you on track – even if you’re just starting out. Before doing anything else, you should start by educating yourself
about what Bitcoin is: why was it created,
what gives it value, and what separates Bitcoin
from every other cryptocurrency? Understanding the answers
to these questions is crucial to helping you
make better investment decisions.

Now, we may be a little biased, but we think a good place to start
would be our own free, seven day Bitcoin crash course. If you watch just one video each day, within a week you’ll know more
about the topic of Bitcoin than most people you know. Once you’ve gotten
your basic education, it’s time to get
some hands-on experience by conducting your first
Bitcoin transaction. For first timers we suggest downloading
a free software wallet like Exodus and buying just a small amount
of Bitcoin for the experience. Some reputable places that will sell you
small amounts of Bitcoin are Coinbase, CEX and Coinmama. Going through
your first Bitcoin transaction will put into practice what you’ve learned
in our course and will give you a better sense
of how to make your first purchase, how to find your Bitcoin address, how long it takes for a transaction
to be confirmed and more. Now that you’ve finished
your crypto bootcamp it’s time to stay up to date
with the latest news and updates so you can understand
and anticipate market movements.

Along with our own YouTube channel, there are several other good resources
you should bookmark and subscribe to. One example is Altcoin Daily, which is a great channel supplying
super informative videos on a daily basis. Additionally the Bitcoin subreddit is the place to go to connect
with the vibrant Bitcoin community. So there’s your “getting started” blueprint. For more information about each
of the steps I’ve just mentioned just visit the links
in the description below this video. Once you’ve finished these three steps you should feel pretty confident
about what your next steps should be. We hope you’ll take us along as you embark on your new
Bitcoin adventure and I’ll see you….in a bit. If you've enjoyed this video,
leave us a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe
and click the notification bell so you don't miss a review,
news update or the clearest information about Bitcoin
and cryptocurrencies anywhere.

As found on YouTube

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