How to Earn Passive Income from Cryptocurrency? | Lend Bitcoin, USDT, Ethereum & Earn Money

In India more than 10 crore people have invested in cryptocurrency it could be possible you also are investing in cryptocurrency but today I am going to tell you that on that investment how you can get additional income. How you can earn passive income through cryptocurrency See in cryptocurrency world right now there is a lot of noise you already know that but there are many people who are believers, who think cryptocurrency is the future and in the near future prices of cryptocurrency would Rise and as I would take an example of Robert Kiyosaki You would have heard about Rich Dad Poor Dad, which has been a best seller on international level.

So the author of that book, Robert Kiyosaki, he thinks that in next five years Bitcoin according to him would be of 1.2 million dollar it means that the value of Bitcoin which is today of 40 lakh would be 1.2 billion in the next five years So now this is the believer category. If you also believe in cryptocurrency that is why you would have all the investment in it so if you have held investment or you have done investment in it so you are in the category of hodler. I haven't written wrong here people will say it is hold or people will say its holder why have you written hodler.

Well it is hodler a very famous person in cryptocurrency world who believe in cryptocurrency and they have done investment because in recent time Crypto world is gonna touch the sky. So the people who think that in the coming time that in whichever crypto they would have invested, their prices would rise so they have held their positions because if you have held then this video is for you because I am going to tell you something interesting.

Definitely when a cryptocurrency would rise their prices would increase. If today you have invested in a cryptocurrency is hundred rupees is considered, one coin is of hundred rupees and in a year it would be of 200 rupees so your money would be double but there is one more additional benefit of passive income and that I tell that you can get interest income. How would it be? You would say it would be nice because on our money also we want that we get interest, if we have done investment somewhere on that also we get interest then it would be very amazing so here in our technical world we call it lending. Now you do lending of money but you can do lending of cryptocurrency also many people would already know about this but some people would be there who would not have this concept cleared.

So I will clear this concept and for that I will take you to my computer screen. Right now there is no law on cryptocurrency so buying selling holding and trading in Cryptocurrency is legal as of now. So here if I go on the website of coinDCX you can also open your Demat account very easily. I will keep the link in the description and comment box when you will open your account then you can come on the website of coin dcx as here I will do a demonstration in front of you. Same process you can follow so link of coindcx is in description and comment box.

I will also give your promo code with which will give you Hundred rupee Bitcoin as a welcome gift for that you have to do KYC and minimum you would have to do one trade so you can start investing in coindcx with hundred rupees and you can even trade with 10 rupees if you did 10 rupees trade also then you will get 100 rupees Bitcoin here. Now you see when I will click on pro you will see lend option there it is written that earn annual attract interest. You are getting yearly interest now what is this interes,t I will tell you so here you will see a lot of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, binance, ethereum you can see many coins there.

Then you are seeing different annual interest of all of them. If you have done FD this is not FD but this is lending here you are lending I will clear that concept of lending step-by-step, whatever question is you are getting in your mind I will clear them, if you have a bitcoin so it is with you and you think that tomorrow its price would increase so you just don't get the benefit of price if you lend it then 4.75% additional annual interest would be given to you and maximum amount of how much Bitcoin you can lend and that is 407.48, similarly it is different for different coins. For example, on ethereum you get an interest of 6.58 % annually. Similarly there are many people who hold usdt so if you have USDT in your account then you are getting 14.01% annual interest which is more than one percent per month so here for example if we lend it then you can select the quantity as much quantity you want to lend, duration is minimum of 7 days for less than 7 days you can't lend it, if you break your FD before 7 days then you will not get interest.

If you take your money out of lending then you won't get interest for if you keep it for more than 7 days then you will definitely at the rate of interest as promised here. So here you can put your quantity, your duration and you will simply lend and as many days you will lend that, for example, 90 days then after 90 days you will get those cryptocurrencies with interest in your account. So it could be your question that the money would be in form of money, the answer is no. It would be transferred in your account in the form of cryptocurrency at that time if the price would have been increased then you will get cryptocurrency with that increased rate. Now there are some of your FAQs. Are my funds secured? yes your funds are secured because no single person has access to them for all the crypto assets in world.

Now if you see interest rates why are they good on coindcx because why are Are there so attractive interest rates? Its because here there is a feature of margin if you want that people trade and are earning money in cryptocurrency on that also I will make a video then you can comment below I would try to cover the topic. So here the margin that coin dcx provides to their users and it gets income and for that they give you interest rates because the money you have lend on cryptocurrency that only is being provided as margin to people. Do I need to do KYC? if you are doing trade of less than four Bitcoins per day then you don't need KYC for lending and here you can see that, Is there any lock-in period? yes lockin period is there of 7 days if you take your money out before 7 days then you will not get any interest so I hope you understood the basic concept of how you can do lending and if you do it then how you have to approach it how you get the interest income is received.

CoinDCX is a ISO Certified company. Ror new people and existing users doing trade is easy, here you can 24/7 deposit your funds you can withdraw your funds along with it you get multiple security features like two factor authentication and withdrawal password, so your funds are safe and Secure to learn more about cryptocurrency and blockchain you can go on their platform dcx learn I will put its Link in description and comment box and finally their tagline is this is the future. So finally link is in description and comment box. promo code is on the screen. How did you like this video please tell me in the comments below. If you have any questions for ask them in the comment box, next time through those comments only we will try to make video. To give your love to this video click on like, share this video with all your friends finally if you are watching this video on Facebook click on follow. If You're watching this video on YouTube click on subscribe and Bell icon. I will see you in the next video till that time you go self made

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