How Does Cryptocurrency Work? (Explained with Animation)

Hey, in this video, I’m going to tell 
you how does cryptocurrency work! Nowadays, cryptocurrencies seem to be all 
around us – we trade crypto, transact in crypto,   send it to our friends and relatives, buy 
and sell goods and services for crypto,   and can even borrow and lend it out, too! As we perform all of those processes, though, 
do you ever think about what’s going on in   the background? I’ll let you in on a little 
secret – there’s a lot of stuff happening,   with every single transaction! So, then – let’s 
figure out how cryptocurrencies ACTUALLY work! Before that, though, I’d like to welcome 
you to Crypto Finally Explained – the   most crypto-friendly educational YouTube 
channel for *actually* learning crypto!   Here, I finally explain crypto topics using 
simple animations, visual doodles, and   real-life examples, so no matter if you’re five, 
or seventy-five, you’ll be able to understand it! In this video, we’re going to dive deep into 
the question of how does cryptocurrency work.   Specifically, we’ll explore what makes 
cryptocurrencies unique, what happens during a   transaction, and why these questions are something 
you should even care about, in the first place.

Let’s get to it! In order to really get a grasp on what is 
cryptocurrency and how does it work, you   need to first understand the underlying technology 
that crypto is built upon – blockchains. This is,   evidently, something that I’ve explored thoroughly 
in a separate video. If you still haven’t watched   it, do so – it will help you get a better 
understanding of what we’re talking about today! That being said, for the context of 
this video, we’ll focus on one of the   key functions of blockchain technology 
– automated and immutable bookkeeping. You see, a blockchain is simply a huge 
digital database. You can think about it as   multiple boxes, being connected 
by a single chronological chain.   Each box holds information about 
the transactions that you perform,   and the chain helps with keeping everything 
organized and, well… Chronological! This is the very first thing that makes 
cryptocurrencies unique – the fact that each   cryptocurrency is based on a blockchain, and that 
all transactions that involve cryptocurrencies are   recorded on the said blockchain, too. For a visual 
example, you can imagine it as a bank – every   money transfer and credit card transaction 
that you make is recorded by your bank! Now, admittedly, cryptocurrencies and crypto 
transactions are widely considered to be an   improvement over traditional banking institutions, 
and default money transferring methods.

One of the   biggest reasons why that’s the case is just 
that – transparent and immutable bookkeeping. Traditional banks can run into a wide array of 
troubles, when it comes to managing the personal   information of their customers. Data breaches, 
power outages, and good, old-fashioned human error   are just a few things that can go wrong! With 
blockchains generally being completely transparent   and decentralized, all of these aforementioned 
issues are, admittedly, non-threatening. Then, there’s the anonymity aspect, too. With your 
traditional banking institutions, anonymity is out   of the question – you have to identify yourself, 
be transparent about where your money is coming   from, who you’re sending your money to, and so on. 
So, if you have a friend named Tim, and want to   send him some money, you’ll need to tell the bank 
WHY you’re sending your money to Tim, as well as   make sure that Tim isn’t a suspicious individual 
who would be involved in some shady business.

Haha, now, sure, that’s an exaggeration, but 
you get the idea – with traditional banks,   everything is pretty strict, in this regard. 
With crypto, though, it’s somewhat the   opposite – the same blockchain technology behind 
cryptocurrencies aims to preserve your anonymity! Specifically, this is done with 
the help of cryptocurrency wallets.   Each wallet has a unique code associated with 
it – it’s called a “public wallet address”.   When you transact with crypto, while 
all of the information is stored on   the blockchain and is public for everyone 
to see, all that anyone will see is your   wallet address sending an X amount of 
cryptocurrency to Tim’s wallet address.

In other words, no one will know that 
it’s YOU sending the crypto to TIM. One last point that I’d like to stress, when 
it comes to cryptocurrencies and how they work,   is the fact that there are multiple different 
crypto projects, as well as blockchains out there.   Each of these crypto projects have their own,   special functions, and many of them 
have very unique working models, too. That is to say – in this video, we’re focusing 
on the general aspects of how does crypto work,   from the perspective of 
cryptocurrency transactions.   If there’s a specific crypto project that you'd 
like to learn about, though, make sure to leave   a comment in the comment section, below – I 
might consider making a dedicated video on it! That’s the general gist of things, as far as 
the unique features of crypto technology are   concerned. As you might expect, there’s a lot more 
to cover, in this regard, but as I’ve mentioned   earlier, it’s something for a different video, 
altogether. So, if you’re not familiar with any   of the concepts that we’ve discussed, up to this 
point in the video, check out my channel – I have   an entire catalog of videos covering each 
and every single of those topics, in-depth! Now that you’re familiar with the unique 
features of cryptocurrencies, in general,   it’s time to check out how does crypto 
work, transaction-wise – specifically,   what happens when you perform a cryptocurrency 

For consistency’s sake,   let’s stick to the same example I gave earlier 
in the video – you sending some crypto to Tim. Also, let’s say that you’ve decided 
to send Bitcoin to Tim – evidently,   this would work the same with most 
other cryptocurrencies out there,   but Bitcoin is probably 
still the simplest example. So, in order to perform this transaction, you 
will need to have a cryptocurrency wallet,   with BTC inside of it. Most wallets work the 
same – you enter the receiver wallet address,   the amount of crypto that you’d like 
to send, and pass a few confirmations.

Now, as soon as you send that BTC, your 
transaction will be submitted to the network.   In the case of Bitcoin, it will need to 
be verified, in order to be confirmed.   This is the core security measure that’s 
employed by blockchain technology – it’s called   a “consensus algorithm”, and it helps keep the 
cryptocurrency network secure and fraud-resistant. It’s a really intimidating-sounding 
term, but what it boils down to   is a method of how the blockchain confirms the 
validity of a transaction. Different blockchains   use different methods, and with Bitcoin, the 
consensus algorithm is called “Proof-of-Work”. Have you ever heard the term 
“cryptocurrency miner”? Well,   this is what Proof-of-Work refers to – 
miners are people who employ their computers   (or other special devices) to earn cryptocurrency 
for them! Miners earn crypto for confirming   transactions happening on the blockchain – such as 
your transaction, where you send Tim your Bitcoin.

As you might imagine, this is an entire, huge 
topic, in of its own! For now, though, just keep   in mind what I said earlier – when you perform 
the transaction, it’s placed in a queue, on the   blockchain, and awaits confirmation. Now, if your 
transaction is legitimate, it will receive all of   the required confirmations, and the Bitcoin that 
you’ve sent will reach Tim’s wallet in no time. On the flip side, if you decide to 
“trick the system”, and try to perform   some sort of a hacker-like faulty 
transaction, it will get denied,   pretty fast – that’s the magic of consensus 
algorithms and blockchain security! You should be aware of this entire process 
if you’re looking at how does investing in   cryptocurrency work, as well. As you purchase 
crypto, or perform any other transactions,   many of those processes will 
be happening in the background! All of that being said, that’s essentially 
how crypto transactions work! Mind you,   as we’ve established earlier, each cryptocurrency 
is going to have this process look a bit different   from the other, especially nowadays, with so many 
new blockchain projects constantly springing up,   all around.

The premise, though, 
will remain the same, either way! So, then – now that you have a general idea 
of how cryptocurrencies work, it’s also worth   addressing the “why” – specifically, why it’s 
important to know this, in the first place! Naturally, since you’re watching this video, you 
do probably already have some reasons of your own.   However, the point that I want to 
emphasize is that EVERYONE should   learn about crypto – how it works, what 
happens during transactions, and so on. The biggest reason for why that’s the case is 
pretty simple, actually – with crypto becoming as   popular as it is, it’s also being integrated into 
our everyday lives, too! While the integrations   are still very slow, I urge you to think about 
it – the simplest example would be major payment   gateways, such as PayPal and Visa starting to 
accept and perform cryptocurrency transfers.

Following that, if you understand how 
cryptocurrencies work, you will also have   a much better chance of protecting yourself 
from potential scams and hacking attempts.   No malicious individual or organization 
will be able to come in and trick you,   since you will already understand the differences 
between a normal cryptocurrency transaction, and   some shady dealing happening in the background. Lastly, learning about how cryptocurrencies 
work is also one of the very first steps   that you can take when it comes to 
studying the crypto world, as a whole!   Cryptocurrencies, and the blockchain 
technology behind them, are some of the core,   essential elements that 
make up the entire industry. This is very true if you want to look into how 
does the crypto market work, or even how does   investing in cryptocurrency work, as well! When 
you understand the technology behind crypto, and   what happens during transactions, you’ll be much 
better-equipped to start your investment journey! All that you need to do in order to understand the 
importance of crypto tech is take a look at DeFi,   or decentralized finance.

It’s a new-and-emerging 
form of finance, and one that already houses some   huge investors, and incredible amounts of money. 
Well, no matter if it’s a cryptocurrency lending   platform, a gambling game based on blockchain 
technology, or some sort of a wallet project,   everything essentially boils down to the very 
fundamentals of how cryptocurrencies work! I sincerely hope that, after watching this video 
on how does cryptocurrency work for dummies,   you can now proudly say that 
you know how crypto works,   especially when it comes to 
crypto transactions and transfers. If, while watching the video, you’ve come across 
some terms or concepts that sound alien to you,   please make sure to check out my channel – on it,   you will find videos on all 
of the topics mentioned today!   Don’t forget to subscribe, too, so that you 
wouldn’t miss out on any future uploads! All of that being said, thanks for watching, 
and I really hope to see you in my next video!

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