How Does Bitcoin Work? Simple and Precise Explanation

What if I told you that Bitcoin doesn't work 
like money? Bitcoin is just transactions. Suppose that Alice, Bob, and 
Doge each possess 1 bitcoin.   They have one piece of paper each, in which 
they have written that they have one bitcoin. Alice wants to give Bob half a bitcoin. 
She writes this on her piece of paper   and she tells bob and Doge, so they can update 
their own piece of paper with the transaction. Now Bob writes in his piece of paper that he gives 
1 bitcoin to Doge, and he tells Alice and Doge. Doge, who is the most generous,   writes that he gives 2 bitcoins to 
Alice and he notifies the others. Everyone’s piece of paper is now a ledger 
of transactions that looks the same,   and it looks like this: If you calculate what this means you 
find that Bob has half a bitcoin,   Doge has no bitcoins, and Alice 
has 2 and a half bitcoins.

Bitcoin works exactly like this. There 
is a digital shared record, a ledger,   in which all the transactions are kept, and 
they determine the amount each participant has. The ledger is kept by every 
participant independently.   A participant is a computer in a network. 
Therefore there are many copies of the ledger. But how do we determine if a transaction 
is real? If “Alice gives bob 1 bitcoin”   is written on the ledger this should be a 
transaction created by Alice and not by Bob. This problem is solved with 
signatures. The transaction   “Alice gives Bob 1 bitcoin” must be followed by 
a unique signature that only Alice can write.   In bitcoin, this is accomplished by 
something called a “private key”. If Alice writes a new transaction 
and she wants to sign it,  her private key and the transaction are 
given to a function that outputs a signature,   and this signature is practically impossible to   reproduce without the private 
key from which it is generated. Private keys are also used to generate public 
keys, which are used by the other network   participants to verify the validity of the new 

The public key, the signature,   and the transaction are given to another function 
that checks that the signature has been generated   by the private key associated with the public 
key and with the transaction given in input. Public keys are also used to generate bitcoin   addresses, which are simply the 
destinations of bitcoin payments. Programs that store private keys and public keys 
and sign transactions are called bitcoin wallets.

But there is another problem: 
how do the participants of the   network update their own ledger 
with the incoming transactions?   In what order are transactions updated and 
what if there is conflicting information? First, we need to know how 
the ledger is organized:   the ledger is divided in blocks linked together 
and forming a chain of blocks (a blockchain!).   Each block contains some transactions 
and a code. The code is generated using   the content of the block and the content 
of all the previous blocks in the ledger.   Generating the code is very hard and 
uses a lot of computational power. Let’s say that Alice and Bob broadcast their 
transactions because they want them added to   everyone’s ledger. The other participants of the 
network, after receiving the signed transactions,   generate a new block and try to find the code for 
it, in a highly computation-intensive process.   The first participant who is able to find the 
code broadcasts the new block to the network.   The block is then added to the 
ledger of every other participant.

Generating the code validates the transactions 
in the new block with “proof of work” which   means that computational power has been used. The 
new block also contains a special transaction,   which rewards who found the code with 
new bitcoins created from scratch.   Validating new blocks by using computational 
power to generate codes is called “mining”. Miners also receive transaction fees.   Transaction fees incentivize miners to include 
the transactions in a new block earlier. If someone broadcasts a block with a transaction 
that conflicts with other transactions,   that block will be stored alongside the 
others, forming another chain of blocks.   After a while, the chain that becomes 
longer gets considered the valid one.   In this way, the group of miners with the 
most computing power decide which transaction   history is the valid one because they will 
be able to mine new blocks faster. Therefore,   the transactions considered valid are 
the ones with the most proof of work. In order for a single entity 
to break this mechanism,   it would need more computing power than 
all of the other miners put together.   As the network grows it becomes more 
and more practically unfeasible.

Now that you probably understand 
more, here is a clarification.   Thus far I called anyone who somehow 
interacted with Bitcoin a “participant”.   But you don’t need to mine bitcoin if you want 
to use the network. If you want to make a bitcoin   transaction you just need a wallet. You can 
also decide to just store the whole blockchain   on a device and keep it updated. Or you can 
decide to be also a miner. It’s up to you. If you liked this video I encourage you to share 
it with a friend who might enjoy it, or on social   media.

If you want to support our work, we have 
set up a Patreon page. Or you can choose to donate   to us in bitcoin. You can find the Patreon page 
and our bitcoin address in the video description. We are also Brave registered creators,   so if you are using the Brave browser 
you can choose to donate to us in BAT..

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