Fool You or Be Fooled? | Fibbage with MaxwasPio [*Chess Giveaway at the end*]

we started the stream by listening to the Little 
Mermaid playlist it was just fitting the theme   is your max though that you want the Hoff on 
Kevin's head we could put him maybe next to   him we're gonna play one more game hoping that 
Kevin and Max can join us are gonna put the half   here two in between us as the third wheel that 
he is everybody's in let's get started also you   don't know who max is you should watch more call 
me Kevin videos I'm to pick the first category   let's go for the CEO of uber Travis kalanick 
has another claim to fame although it doesn't   pay nearly as well he was ranked the second best 
blank in the world the second best okay the second   best programmer taxi driver delivery driver driver 
it's gonna be something that driving okay this is   a lie max you have fooled me lemon well done and 
also great job with the Fenner and I really like   them a V tennis player September 2014 Will Smith's 
son Jaden tweeted I build blank constantly write   your lies will mrs.

Son official jaden tweeted 
I built okay I built pyramids constantly I build   Bitcoin miners constantly I built IKEA shells 
constantly he built this country constantly I   built fans constantly I did castles in the 
sky constantly I built lies constantly I   built paper in my volcanoes constantly my 
my future and I need and also real quick   max stop calling me Kermit's the truth Volta 
is the perfect wrinkle treatment for people   who don't mind smearing their faces with cream 
derived from blank very nasty nail Lucas cow   skin for skin snails marine soy copies all right 
guys max no stop fooling me okay this is going to   be derived from I'm gonna go for but there are 
so many other disgusting ones home video yeah   that's a good question if I'm gonna get back 
to the Mongolian beams yeah I would like to in   the future I just didn't want it to be always 
monkey island then launches dreams so I thought   for skins yeah because penises aren't wrinkly at 
all okay that's one talking about monkey island   oh great eight ten minutes and three seconds 
the longest time on record for a panda sex   [ __ ] on fire holding ones breath not breathing 
hiccuping wrestling a bear polka sticky holding   your breath spinning on one's heels I'm gonna 
say it was in Greece Chris Joe completely lost   the big gap between everyone and me pyramids 
hella Gator call me a friend submarine experts significant so to say you're fed okay 142 
years old oh is that the answer blind oh   no that could be the right answer now that 
you guys are saying I'm gonna I'm gonna go   for join you guys convinced me I don't even know 
the rest not able to drive alone a male Canadian   six feet tall a man blind underaged a sexual 
predator for a minor one is it a sexual predator really it's all right max I feel your pain 
guys we need to score in this round this   is our last chance so what's the number – 
winning a pie-eating contest run a marathon   attending woodstock 2015 driving through 
a garage door go on the El Camino living   in a canno home but hopefully is not Jim 
Pickens so then it's not burning it tried   to come but maybe winning a pie-eating 
contest oh oh I've just lost 1500 for   picking that concert I think I'm lost again 
driving through a garage door that could be I think I'm lost I think I'm just again the winner 
from the very box office 500 it's better than my   first game I got zero points in the first one 
thanks everyone for joining you've all done an   amazing job fooling me and the game has fooled 
me two thumbs cup the spills congratulations do   Patrick that was five max on the podium Oh 
slow swing spills Park lemon everyone else   doing an amazing job fooling me getting all 
those lies in my face making me believe that   they are true yeah thanks great to have friends 
all right pass Donna you're a loser current a   nice somewhat better at least she has something 
cool to gifting you guys my photographer friend   Nicky riga has created this twenty20 calendar 
out of some of her favorite chess photographs   including the World Championship match pictures 
with Magnus Carlsen Fabiano Khurana it is an   amazing calendar I think she has some stunning 
photographs included portraits and general chess   photos I'm loving it and she sent me two copies 
one for me and one for my community so if you   want to get this calendar my signature in it cuz 
I'm gonna sign it personally to you if you are   the winner all you need to do is comment below 
this video your birthday not the year but the   birthday so that I can mark it in the calendar 
and why your love chest just in a phrase or as   long as you want if you want to write a whole 
letter or a book about it but even a few words   are enough about what is it that you love about 
chest so your birthday and why you love chest   I will do a random drawing of lots among all the 
commenters in this video and of course you should   be a subscriber to the channel so subscriber who 
comments on this video about what he or she loves   about chess and hopefully this calendar with my 
signature and a drawing next to your birthday I   think I'm gonna draw a birthday cake for you 
if you're the winner right on the months and   next to the day that belongs to your birthday 
look at this there hope you guys enjoyed this   video and I want to do more giveaway so this is 
a chess giveaway because it's a chess calendar   obviously but I also want to do items that are 
not related to chess so I am going to come up   with a few more ideas like this for future videos 
stay tuned for that but in the meantime thanks   for watching and comment below if you want to 
get this lovely calendar bye from Fabiani Oh

As found on YouTube

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