Ethereum BULLISH 🚀 – Corn Stocks 🌽 – Republicans & Crypto ✍️ #ethereum #stockstobuy

Let's take a look at Ethereum, and often times I 
look at this price range. And we saw Bitcoin make   a new low. But it only came down, approximately, 
roughly, depending on where you measure, -10% from   its previous lows. And its right on par with its 
June lows. And then, today, you had news come out,   this is labeled November 16th, today…we kind of 
heard some rumors for a bit… Gemini, BlockFi,   which we knew about BlockFi, and Genesis. So it's 
really Gemini and Genesis, is halting withdrawals,   new restrictions, FTX Contagion, blah blah blah, 
the world is ending. Same old bull 💩 that we hear   everyday. We've heard it forever. We actually 
heard it for 5 months. But look at Ethereum!   June is still the lowest lows for this. Could it 
go down lower?! Absolutely! That potential does   exist.

But, your'e seeing very strong buying 
volume that is coming in, AFTER the whole FTX   collapse. And its only down -5% from the bottom. 
Ok. From this bottom range right here. After that   push up. So its holding June highs. So overall, 
again, this is why I talked today, do's, do not   run away from crypto right now. This is a great 
time to be accumulating cryptos that you believe   in. I would love to melt up tomorrow. I would 
love that. It's probably not going to happen.   I have accepted that. But if you are avoiding 
crypto, and you are waiting for "solid price   action" by the time you see the bottom, which 
may be here in June for many of these altcoins,   your'e going to miss 50%, 70% of the run, 
whatever that run is.

Ok. So this is not   a time to be running away. Overall on the daily 
chart, Ethereum, just kind of holding this range.   Of course the market is still on edge. When we 
hop over here, I want to point out this though.   On the 4 hour chart, what are we seeing here on 
the oscillator? Higher low, higher low, higher   low. ok. Higher low, higher low, higher low. ok. 
So we're getting really positive signs there,   of a push upwards. We also had that breakout. 
There was a bearish pennant forming on bitcoin   but it broke up, and its utilizing the top of 
that pennant for support.

So, I have to say it,   like, I am STILL YOUR PERMA-BULL! If you want some 
hopium, this is the page to come to! Ok. This is   the page. Now we talked about this, if you didn't 
know, it's all over the news, Republicans secure   the U.S. House majority; and again, we don't talk 
politics on this page, please keep your opinions   to yourself on that. Politically speaking. But 
I do want to say how this impacts crypto. Ok,   and there is 2 big names that come to 
this. California republican Mike Garcia   won re-election in the states 27th congressional 
district giving the party the 218 seats needed   for control. Alright. This is a big deal when 
it comes to House Committees, specifically,   House Financial Services Committee, and the House 
Agricultural Committee, which is kind of weird,   that has to do with the CFTC, down here.

I want to focus on you know, Representative   Patrick McHenry. Just as an example. If we look 
at, you know, what is this person's background,   what have they done in the past for crypto? 
Its actually really optimistic to see a name   like this going into the financial committees, in 
the house, for crypto. And this statement here,   this was back in 2021, November, so about a year 
ago. Blockchain cryptocurrencies and decentralized   finance may still be relatively new, and 
evolving, but congress must recognize that   these technologies, are some of the most important 
innovations to come along in a generation. So,   good vibes there in terms of supporting the crypto 
industry. But do note that these individuals will   not start work until January 3rd. A thousand 
things could happen between now and that point,   however, the long term future, going into the 
next year, looks pretty good.

That there will   support. The other representative, Glenn 
Thompson, a ranking Republican, also in   the past has been supportive of crypto industry. 
Again, now that they have control of the house,   from a cryptocurrency standpoint, that is a really 
good sign. Now, we have talked about corn. You   know, I just talked about…you've heard me rant 
several times, commodities, cost of production, is   down for all of these producers. ok. All of these 
different companies.

We gave gasoline the exxon   mobile example at the beginning. But where, 
corn? Corn is one of the most consumed items,   right behind rice. Rice is number 1 most consumed. 
And corn, down -20%. Are you paying -20%… at the   grocery store? Probably NOT! ok. So again…this 
is what drives me over to companies like General   Mills. Which utilizes a lot of corn products. 
What is the 2nd biggest thing that comes out   of corn? Ethanol! And thats why we're going to 
take a look at Constellation Brands, which is   a major alcohol producer. So these are different 
brands, like, Wild Horse Winery, Corona, Modelo,   etc. etc. Ok. So a really big name in the 
alcohol industry. I know there probably some   people excited in the stream for that stock 
pick! But General Mills, we talk about these   costs of production, commodities coming down. 
And General Mills is no different. $4.5 billion,   $4.8 billion… this is the number right here, 
this is actual revenue that is coming in….$4.7   billion, had a little bit of a tic backwards, but 
however considering those prices are coming down,   for raw goods like corn, which is not the only 
one by any means for this company, it does   show that there is going to be a continuation 

Ok. Hop over here to the weekly chart.   And we see that the RSI is still getting higher 
highs here on the weekly; so we're not getting   any form of bearish divergence. Not to mention, 
these types of stocks pay out a dividend. Ok,   so here, we see about .54 cents, yea, and it's 
very consistent. .51 cents. That is really   good. I actually have a friend from the Naval 
Academy….I hate to say it…Ive met very few   people better at investing than me, he is very 
solid. He lives completely off of dividends now.   But anyways, dividends are not something 
to shrug your shoulders at.

They are much   more reliable than the outrageous APY you often 
see in crypto. But overall this is a great long   term hold, a long term investment. We look at the 
trajectory of this thing on the monthly timeframe,   even with the pullback, the last couple of 
months…what did this do? It pushed upwards. So,   overall, General Mills looks really good. Now, 
Constellation, we were just talking about it,   because corn, produces ethanol, ethanol for 
alcoholic products. But when we look over   here on the daily chart, same story. We look at 
their revenue thats coming through, $2.1 billion,   crazy! That much alcohol sold! $2.36 billion, 
$2.65 billion. So we can see that sales are up!   And people are continuously drinking. That is 
a great sign. However, for this stock, unlike   General Mills, is looking a bit more down-ish. 
We look at the daily chart, your'e getting prices   oscillating to the up side, your'e getting 
P shaped volume profiles, and the oscillator   coming down, I do expect Constellation to actually 
come down. Not exactly sure where, I would say the   first target somewhere around $229. You can see 
that price over here on the right.

So, overall   General Mills good long term buy, constellation 
I'd wait for this one to come down a bit,   Ethereum….holding its June lows…June highs*… 
which is really good. And DXY, it continues to run   downwards. Which makes me very happy. If this 
is your first time joining the stream, remember,   that as the value of the dollar shrinks, these 
fund managers are going to look for discounted   assets, to push into the market. And thus, driving 
price UP. A lot of the economic variables have not   changed. Now, if you didn't see my video earlier 
about Binance, you've seen it all over streams,   get off exchanges! ok. And I am in support 
of that. I've gotten off of Binance.US,   I have some holdings on Kucoin, for my micro-caps 
that are over there. I am ok with that, I have   accepted the risk that comes along with being 
on that exchange.

But, this person over here,   Ken, on twitter had a really really good point. 
Okay. And we dissected the letter on youtube   this morning from CZ, saying that, you know, you 
basically shouldn't trade with users funds…no 💩,   you shouldn't use leverage…no 💩, you should 
increase security consistently, which should be an   iterative process. No 💩. Excuse my language. But, 
Ken had a really good comment, he had it all right   there, should we trust Binance? Should we trust 
CZ? In October, hacked for $570 million dollars.   Deposited mobile tokens as helium, and losing 
another $20 million. Kicked out of Singapore,   denied a license to operate. Singapore is one 
of the wealthiest countries, if you've never   been there. It ranks up there with countries like, 
or like, Dubai. ok. A lot of money, and the fact   they are getting kicked out means that either 1. 
Someone did not get paid off, or 2.

There is some   issue that exists there. Thats my speculative 
theory. Pumped their trust wallet token during   AMA, and dumped on retail to stay afloat. Thats, a 
bit of a speculative statement. Heavy ties to FTX.   Obviously, they had FTX token in their portfolio, 
ok, so he is right in this. So, Ken if you are in   this stream, thank you for this tweet, you kind 
of wrapped it all up there. Again, I would love   to trust Binance.

I would love to trust CZ. But 
there are a lot of points, maybe not necessarily.   This goes back to that talking point, don't invest 
money that your'e not okay with letting it sit   off to the side. Because Binance is still in the 
cross hairs. Their SAFU fund was advertised for $1   billion. It's actually at $735 million dollars 
because of market conditions. And it's filled   with things like BUSD, Bitcoin and BNB. It is the 
exact same scenario! okay, so keep that in mind..

As found on YouTube

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