Do You Run a Bitcoin Full Node? [Monthly Costs & Basic Node Configuration in 2 Min]

[Question] Do you run your own node? I 
wonder if you run your own nodes and,   if you do, do you have a particular 
preference for its configuration?   [Answer] That's a great question, Antonio. Yes I 
do. I've run a node since the very first moment I   got involved in bitcoin. My first interaction 
was with a full node and I've been running   a full node since. In fact, for a variety of 
reasons I actually run several full nodes. Some   of them are pruned, as they call them, which 
means that those don't have a full historical   copy of the blockchain because those nodes are 
used to do validation of current transactions,   for example in an e-commerce environment. But 
I also do keep fully archival nodes that have   every single transaction from the genesis block 
and a full transaction index, and on top of that,   a full UTXO database that I use an electrum public 
server to run, so that i can interact with my own   wallets, and also interact with programmatically. 
When I need to do some kind of analysis of the   blockchain, or look at a specific transaction, 
etc, i always use my own authoritative   full node that I've configured myself. 
The configuration really isn't very   different from the defaults.

The defaults 
actually work really well for most people.   I either use a cookie authentication mechanism 
or a much much stronger password than you might   anticipate for the RPC interfaces so I can ensure 
that those systems are secure. I also use some   basic packet filtering and port filtering to 
ensure that my node is only accessible on its   RPC interface from the correct places. But other 
than that not much different. And, of course, all   of my nodes are available both on IP as well as on 
TOR, the onion routed network. And they they serve   gigabytes of data out to nodes that are 
bootstrapping or wallets that are trying to   gain access to the bitcoin blockchain.

At the last 
estimate, because of the number of nodes I run and   because of the amount of bandwidth I serve, it 
costs anywhere from three to five hundred dollars   a month in bandwidth costs and such. I run nodes 
both on popular cloud systems, like amazon cloud,   as well as on dedicated privately 
owned computers on their own dedicated   systems and internet connections. Thanks 
for watching. If you'd like to support me,   please consider subscribing to my 
channel and supporting me on

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