Colorectal cancer surgery – Open procedure – 3D animation

open colon surgery is the traditional method used 
by most surgeons to remove a segment of colon this   technique requires a large midline incision and 
is an invasive procedure resulting in a large scar   open retractors are used to expose the abdominal 
contents with the small bowel and colon seen   here in this case a colon mass of the sigmoid 
colon is identified and isolated for removal once divided the specimen is removed from the 
abdominal cavity a surgical anastomosis is then   performed by joining the two ends of the colon 
together retractors are removed and the abdominal   wall is closed the incision is then approximated 
with multiple sutures or staples over time the   typical resulting midline scar is noted here open 
colon surgery typically results in a large scar   prolonged healing and a lengthy hospital stay 
as opposed to open colon surgery at colorectal   Surgical Associates we perform the majority of 
our colon surgeries using minimally invasive   laparoscopic technique these techniques results in 
a small scar less pain in quick patient recovery

As found on YouTube

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