CGi Artist Makes a Masterpiece Everyday For 12 Years (Today We Challenge Him)

Have you ever missed a day? No, I have not missed a day and so Here's uploading every single day. You've never missed. I didn't one do not believe I have missed a day So do you think you can make a pretty sweet-looking render in the same amount of time it takes people to make something Yeah Guess who's coming over today? Clothes peoples come into their office today you guys don't know people is I mean he's one of the most prolific digital artists of our time why it's because for every Single day for the last 12 years. He has posted and rendered some of the coolest abstract art and posted it to his Instagram Well, they just Instagram because he's been posting since before Instagram was a thing.

See this is the thing I'm so young that I wasn't even around when he was posting on these other platforms DeviantART, maybe but that's when he started posting pictures She's posted so many pictures that if you were to print out every single picture lay it across the ocean You can you could walk to Hawaii. It's true Hey Siri, how many days is 12 and a half years four thousand five hundred and sixty five so four and a half That's a lot of renders four and a half thousand pictures This guy has made every single day for twelve and a half non-stop years apparently He hasn't missed a day and apparently he doesn't have backlogs Apparently he makes each one the day it's posted one Last time you guys have done something every day consistently for the last month The point is today is special because he's going to come to our studio and make one of his cool pictures Wait, wait, wait, hold on that actually the opposite of special because he's made so many that it doesn't matter Do I have so many I have so many questions to him like right you what's your asset manager like? What's your what's your content browser look like in cinema 4d is probably curated like the most perfect library of assets Yes use in pretty much every photo He ever makes he's figured out a way to put in the least amount of effort to output the maximum picture maximum quality input and yeah He's a min put max.

Put tie guy, you know, like he's figured it out So do you think you can make a pretty sweet-looking render in the same amount of time it takes people to make something Yeah, I could I could probably make something pretty sweet Maybe maybe not some people quality, but I could render a sphere in a foggy room in 45 minutes guaranteed guaranteed What if like we each sat down and just try to do our own? I think we would all make something really cool in the time we have but I would love to see how much better his is I just want to see like what is his mentality behind like making something because you know you only have a certain amount of time because otherwise you would just burn out so you have to do it really quickly and Efficiently, right? Yeah.

Yeah. He actually should be here any minute. I've looked up to him for a while So it's gonna be an honor to have him in the office in the same amount of time that he's working on his every day We are going to compete and see if we can make one in the same amount of time what he doesn't know though Is that I've got a button that that will randomly turn off his computer Giving us an advantage I have a button that will actually like open up a gap in the floor and drop the seat into a pit So if like climb that go He doesn't know about this at all.

We decided to Shanghai Amana honors our boat Peoples here right now. Why are these guys playing Smash Bros? We got a people Like YouTube crew in America Six people that have 400 gone How much time like how much like captain do you guys like uploading like per week Roughly we put out 30 minutes of polished content last week and that's about our average. Yeah, so like 2 to 3 videos Like key on all things trick me just holy trick So I do have like a hard deadline to this and I usually I don't go like 2 minutes to midnight but it's like literally I have to like do nothing but focus on this that actually happens quite often where Have you ever missed a day? No, I have not miss a day and Uploading every single day.

You've never missed I even one do not believe I have missed a day. Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah yeah, do you ever Do ever stock up on That's every single day no, no No, there's definitely no stocking up Like it's definitely done that day and posted someplace by midnight and some one place by midnight So we will each have 45 minutes to create own little work of art if my can do it we can do it But we're going to only work with a small asset pack, which is a collection of 3d models from our own server It'll definitely push us to use our creativity In the most amount of ways since when we got so many objects to work with here other than that We're gonna be able to use whatever we want inside the programs here using cinema octane and so on and so forth wait Any ideas it's a little an idea to be in my brain my ideas let that happen I put a giant tarp over my computer's art isn't a competition.

It's a collaboration work on my screen These guys and copy my style, but I had an idea many times I Know I'm just thinking dude. I'm just being I'm a creative person. I just think about stuff all the time. Get out My strat I'm just gonna take one of those 3d models and a blind abstract material to it juxtapose the nature of industrialization with I don't manatee I know Sam that he's gonna take the motherboards model and he's gonna take like the cell phone tower model and you scatter on the Motherboard and call it a day. Oh, so that's where ideas come from Done and posted by the time this goes off Yes Mother composer this is it every day No, sir, stop crying what are you five minutes and then we're posting Okay, there we go 44 minutes in 30 seconds, oh boy, okay I made a plane people happen to return I do this Scott you real? I got your real friends in there They're already from the beat himself they have 38 minutes left to finish render and post daily follow it's going My octane scatter is not working.

Well, that worked. Don't that that work? It's already been a full 5 minutes and it's real quiet up in here hasn't been this quiet in this together Playing goddamn monkey balls or something Yeah, super monkey ball During the super monkey ball matches if I wear a blue color shirt cuz I swear that much You know how these guys they're always all about art Okay, that's all they ever want to do is just make art they brought in this guy, the thing is everyone in the studio looks at me as like just do the sponsorship segments and leave us artists to do our Job.

Well, guess what today? Well today is no different. This video is sponsored by Squarespace But while I'm doing this segment, I'm gonna beat them at their own game art All right in order to become an artist it's real simple Jake you only have 45 minutes you don't worry. Don't worry color contrast Canvas, it's pretty much it Okay, so let's get started now because today's episode is brought to you by Squarespace The piece that I'm gonna make is gonna be inspired by Squarespace now first things first guys Squarespace is beautiful award-winning templates mean that whether you're an artist like me or you're a Musician or you're an online store you've got access to make one of the best websites people are gonna see with Squarespace Okay now that I've made the square I'm just gonna clip the edges and then that it'll look like a ticket the next thing I need to do is show how Squarespace allows you simultaneous posting from your website to your social media profiles like Twitter and Facebook I'm gonna put a gradient background behind my admin one ticket in order to represent that symmetry and that perfect balance The next thing I need to talk about are the traffic overviews that Squarespace allows you to view I think the perfect thing to represent that is just the classic artistic image of the all-seeing eye the final thing that I really need to add into this piece here is this idea of multiple contributors and Personalization with Squarespace you see? Here's Jake with his Personalized website, but it's also pointed to the all-seeing eye because he can allow multiple other people to contribute That's about it guys.

I'm gonna render this out And if you guys are interested in creating your own awesome Website go to slash corridor crew and you'll get 10% off your first purchase Okay, the final render is done. Let's check it out You know I I think that the metaphors here are so high concept that it might be a little bit difficult for the guys to understand Yeah, this is really probably I'll save this one. Maybe I'll show maybe like maybe when he leaves I'll shove it I've never felt fear like this before I'm just trying to mark direct this but I got I got the final vibe in my head I just need to just need to execute.

All right, I just read over some simple Composition and symbology here. Just try to make something kind of cool and makes it go Oh neat, it's cool You put them together like that and that's gonna be extended my project Are you feeling it 2/3 of the way done I feel pretty good I got my direction I got my vibe I just need to add some stuff and dude got a post-it man.

Got a pretty pose. You see how everybody else is different 2850 Feeling mildly confident Consuming me right now everybody's really focused right now the man himself how you can arable terrible who's a god-awful pile of garbage Everyone seems to focus right now. Like legit gonna be a total pilot. Do you usually go into your compositions with some sort of idea? Yeah, usually like look around and get like some sort of like concept of what I'm gonna do So not knowing anything of what these Assets are that is not you know how I like normally work and whatever but I think it's fun to like try things like this Once in a while because just fun and like it helps you to not always take every piece of art So seriously that it just can just be like a fun. Good thing. It doesn't have to be this big scary Thing that you know, you're intimidated to create this is absolute garbage Being able to do this well because I'm just fucking spending 45 minutes on it. Yeah, that's the thing I think people's expectations are too high.

It's like okay. I don't know what you expected like in 45 minutes You're gonna come up with this just amazing thing. I mean, maybe these guys will start crying. What's up that kid? Dylan isn't pretty sweet now. I think just kind of like taking your like expectations down to kind of a realistic level for for something that you're spending a Small amount of time on each day is the only way that you'll like keep up with it. I can assure you of that I always had the mindset that this was like each day is one piece So this picture that I'm making is one right now one force thousand of the project So that's in some ways how much I care about it because I look at the project is like the everydays It's a weird mix of like not giving it but also super caring to continue like to do it Kids look sweet.

Okay new direction copying this guy Japanese caffeine gum son keeps me going in the competition I didn't she just used my brain. Hopefully my simulation ends before the timers. Okay, this is serious business Final stretch here. I just the red buff to render out getting my fog right and I'm about to render out Yeah, not good. Terrible, Tara. What stage did you say you're at right now? They'll fail stage fail Just under 14 Gary man, I think I'm just gonna let this render out. Let's do it home stretch baby home stretch. I know we won't save Any winder hopefully it renders out. Okay, I'm stepping away I'm making no further changes of this but I gotta let it render out and get my axe out ready. I'm shakin 30 minutes 45 I'm just on the hashtags 2 minutes 40 seconds a hashtags. Let's go. You ready to email this to myself? Quite quick render with the W That's actually very good Yeah Oh My god, I can't hear that Started that's what we agreed to you.

Just agreed to 12 years Twelve years an artist Will see yours last all right This one was the one I did nice nice work Are those just cylinders with an emission texture on it? Yeah, I did that same thing. Yeah That's awesome. You know, I read some things basically the exact same thing is Sam does like hearts around hearts? That's the best I could do Is that you getting shot with a laser The photo scan of me in the mix no and got like a running pose out of it. Yeah The Irish mist that you were once lost in I know I Don't know I put a motherboard in you're like You didn't use the heart this is a mixup on it, you know, like everyone Like some like techno like thing and then it was just like we have time to actually Like sort of make it good or make sense what it is dawn Done doing anything is better than nothing I mean having that like 45 minute like limit really just made you focus on like.

All right, don't worry about anything ambitious Yeah, it's like can I just get out there? Yeah, yeah Yeah, I think it's just like really dialing the expectations to like how much time did you actually put on this? What do you really expect the end piece to be like 45 minutes to me is a sketch dude Like what you made what you made what you made they're all awesome. Like I'm legitimately impressed Thank you for giving us this experience and insight into your philosophy. That's super cool. Yeah Thank you guys, like this place is insane. You got a you got a stockpile there Just amazing what you guys have like built like super super appreciate the opportunity like I'm still jazz You guys are a day mm Sorry to beyond this so follow follow Mike at people underscore crap on Instagram, it's a great handle I Think it's just people on Twitter, right? Yeah.

Yeah on Twitter. It's just people thank you guys My takeaway is that when you do something every day for 12 years really really counts toward something, you know I think he really proved a point Which is he's able to accomplish way way more in 45 minutes than what we can the big thing is take away from Mike's visit Here is that it doesn't have to be perfect Just make it just go to make it every ask us like, what do I need to start making movies? What camera gear do I need is like you have a phone just just go do it the best works of art were created with A pen and paper. I'll go do it go get your message out there.

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