Trading Review & Tutorial

What's up guys, this is Jordan, and today
we're talking about Capital, the trading platform I've been using for more than three years. In this video, I'm going to walk you through
the process of opening an account with Capital step-by-step, and before the end of the video,
I'm going to share the details of a single trade that turned $234 into $5,000 over the
past five weeks. And no, it's not crypto. So if you're ready to get started, click the
special referral link in the description below so you can skip the line and open your account
with me in real time.

Let's do this. OK, now that you clicked the link to skip
the line, we're ready to get started. So if you're on desktop, go ahead and click
Trade Now. But if you're on mobile—I'll show you what
it looks like on mobile here—you're going to actually have two options here that say
Get The App or Try Free Demo. If you're on mobile you have to click Try
Free Demo, because if you click Get The App, you'll open the app but you won't be able
to actually trade and get into an account. So click on Try Free Demo if you're on mobile. I'm on desktop here, so we're going to go
through it that way. Let's click Trade Now, and it's going to ask
you to sign up using an email and password.

So I'm going to type that in here, and then
we’re opening up our account. Now it says Complete or Go To Platform. Let's go to Complete, because we want to finish
this up right away here. It's going to ask us a series of questions. First, you want to put in your residence address. Let's just say, you know, for someone in the
UK. I'm not a resident of the US for tax purposes. Continue. Of course, you're going to fill this out based
on your own information, not based on mine. Why am I trading with them? I'm looking for short-term intraday trading. How much have I traded over the last number
of years? More than 30 trades for sure. I personally have a bachelor's degree. I am employed. I'm in finance and law. And I guess the best one here would be an
analyst. Annual income, let's say $25,000 – $250,000. Source of income is a salary. Current value of wealth, let's say this one. How much are you willing to invest? Let's say 1,000 to 50,000. So, by the way, there are some skill-testing
questions here to test your knowledge of finance and trading.

So if you open a €100,000 position with
1:100 leverage, what is your margin? So in this case, it's €100,000. Will a stop loss order limit the negative
exposure of your position in a volatile market? Yes. How would you describe your risk tolerance? I generally click this one. I'm comfortable with the risk that comes. And it says congrats your account has been
opened. So now you just need to put in your name. OK. Residence address. Plop that in there, and phone number. OK. Accept the terms and conditions here. Let's just speed through that and accept. And the account type. This is it important. You want to click CFD. And the account currency that you choose.

I prefer to use US dollar because that's where
most of the assets that I'm trading are in dollars. But if it's really important to you, you can
choose pound sterling or Euro. For me I'm going to choose dollar. Now there is ID and address verification here. You're going to need to choose one of these. You can upload a photo of your driving license
or your passport. This is very standard for opening an account
with a broker. So, let's say you want to choose passport,
you'll just put in a photo of the information page of your passport, and that's the very
last step as you can see up here. I'm going to choose upload later, just because
I'm not going to throw my passport in there right now, but you should put it in there
and then you'll be completely ready to go.

Oh, then there's the proof of address, I forgot
about this. So, you know, just something like a bank statement,
water bill, credit card statement, you know, any of these official statements. Again, very standard. You can upload that. And I will just click upload later. And then it just brings us right into the
trading platform. Alright, I just jumped right into my account
which I already had set up from before, because I've been trading with Capital for more than
three years.

So, let's look at the top dashboard first. You can switch between light mode and dark
mode here. Personally, I like dark mode. You can also look at your key metrics at the
top, and if you want to move them you can kind of turn them on or off here. Right now, I don't have any trades, so my
profit and loss is at zero, and same with my margin. You can switch between demo and live mode
here, and the demo mode is extremely powerful with Capital. A lot of other brokers just have been a very
limited demo mode, but with Capital you can do basically 99% of what you can do in live
mode, you can do it in demo.

The only thing that you can't do are there
are a few assets that are unavailable in demo, and those are generally new assets to the
Capital platform. You other thing you can do here—I’ll switch
back into Live mode—you can change your leverage. And we’re going to talk more about leverage
with a few examples in a minute. It's important to know that you can change
them from very high like they are right now— 500, 200, 20 to 1 for crypto—or you can
change them all the way down to 1 to 1 if you just want to trade normally without leverage. On the left side here, there's also a lot
going on in this menu. We're in the trade tab right now.

There’s discover, which will give you some
news and a lot of information about the assets that you're looking at. Charts: I find that this is just basically
the same as the trade charts, but there is some more functionality. You can see it in a bigger screen. My portfolio, I don't have anything open right
now, no positions, no orders. The reports we're going to look at in another
video, so I'm not going to get into those now. You can deposit money here using a credit
or debit card. You can use Apple pay or a bank transfer,
and depending on where you are in the world, there will be other options here such as Trustly
for me.

And there's also insights here, but I never,
ever use this tab. So really the only one that I use here is
Trade, and we're going to look at that right now. So, there are tons of assets you can trade
on here,right. All the stocks, ETFs, indices, crypto, tons
of forex, there's so many different things you can trade here. Commodities. I was into commodities for quite a while,
and I still trade commodities today, but I want to show you what it looks like if you
want to trade with leverage, because leverage is the real power of Capital. It's a great platform that you can trade non-leveraged
on, but if you want to trade with leverage, then this is where the platform really becomes
extremely powerful.

So let's look at an example. You know, I've got Bitcoin up here because
I was trading that quite heavily. By the way, I can change the the width of
these candlesticks here based on the amount of time. So now, each one is worth one hour, or I can
change them to a day or even down to a minute, where you'll be able to see them move in real-time. But if we want to trade Bitcoin, right. Let's say I want to buy Bitcoin. And I want to buy—let's say I want to buy
it when it goes down to $50,000, right. And if I want to buy, let's say, 20% of a
Bitcoin, right, 0.2. Then that means it's going to cost me $500
in margin. How does that work? Because, as you saw up here, we've got a 20
to 1 margin on crypto right now, right, which means that for every $1 I put in, then Capital
is going to put in $20. So, look at it here, and this is what the
trade size is going to be, $10,000, which is 0.2 of $50,000 of Bitcoin.

And I only have to put in $500 here. So what it means is that if I want to set
a take profit here at when it hits $60,000, which it’s almost at right now, then I'm
going to make $2,000, of course, because it's a $10,000 profit between 50 and 60, and I
have 0.2 Bitcoin. So that's pretty amazing. I'm putting in $500, and I'm going to earn
a profit of $2,000. Of course, you can add some additional options
on here. If you want to add a date of cancellation,
you can put that on there. If you want to close it at a loss, maybe,
when it goes down to $40,000 or something, you can set that, so that's your stop loss. But really, that's pretty spectacular that
you can earn $2,000 on just a $500 investment, right.

You're going to 5x your money in that case. I want to show you how this can work with
forex, because with forex it can just become so much more powerful. So we go to trade. Let's say we want—to buy I'm looking at
Euro to USD—so if we want to look at €1,000,000 here, and let's say we want to buy it at 1.2.

It was at that level very recently. This is one minute but we should look at it
maybe at one hour or, really, one day is more reasonable here. So where was that at 1.2 it shows at this
line right here. So, literally, I'm recording this on the 9th
of May, this is on the 6th, so just 3 days ago it was there, and it's a weekend right
now so that's why the market is closed. But if I want to buy it at 1.2, then I can
buy €1,000,000 for just $2,400, and the reason, again, we go into the options here,
is that my leverage on currencies is 500:1, so I need to just put in $1 for every $500
in the value of the investment.

You can see that right here. So if I put in $2,400, then I can buy €1,000,000
which is $1,200,000, and if I want to close that at a profit, let's say at 1.22 where
it almost is right now, then I can earn a $20,000 profit on that, on this little movement,
right. It almost did that just in a single day there. I could have made a $20,000 profit just by
putting in $2,400. If we looked at it from back here—you can
see the current price over here when I move my mouse—so it's about 1.17. If I had bought it at 1.17 and held it until
1.22, which is basically here, this is about five weeks, this is the start of April until
early May: $50,000. With a $2,340 investment. I made $50,000 on that trade. Well, I didn't, but you could have. You might be thinking, OK, you know, that's
a little bit too high-stakes for me, so I'm going to tone it down a little bit.

Instead of €1,000,000, we'll look at €100,000,
and now if you put in $234 and you held it until the price where it basically is right
now, then you would have made $5,000. I mean, the numbers are the same, just divided
by 10. But $234 investment that you put into your
account and you can make $5,000. Wow! Guys, these are the sort of gains I'm talking
about with Capital. Turning a $200 investment into $5,000 can
change your financial life. So if you're ready to get started with Capital,
click the special referral link in the description below to skip the line, create your account,
and start trading in less than 5 minutes. If you run into questions, leave them in a
comment and I’ll help you out.

And if this video helped you in any way, show
me some love and smash the like button below, it really helps out the channel. One last thing: I just finished shooting another
video specifically about trading with leverage, so if you want to learn more about how to
achieve massive gains with a small initial investment, check that out here. That's all for me, I'll see you in the next
video. Peace..

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