Bitcoin Mining is GOOD for the Environment! 💯 (21 Reasons Why)

Bitcoin mining is good for the environment 
bookmark this video for whenever somebody   asks you about Bitcoin mining because in this 
video I want to educate you on three things   number one the good Bitcoin mining is doing on 
a global scale country by country number two   the good that Bitcoin mining is doing in the US 
state by state and number three the good Bitcoin   mining is doing in general argument by argument 
like comment share this video on social media if   you want to help get the word out in this video 
I'm going to try and convince you 21 reasons why   Bitcoin mining is good let's start on a global 
scale Bitcoin mining is helping 1 600 families   in the mountains of Malawi Africa get cheaper 
hydroelectric energy the formula is this extra   sustainable electricity plus starklink internet 
connectivity plus Bitcoin mining profitability   equals cheaper energy for the Community I'm up 
here in the remote Southern mountains of Malawi   and you can see these beautiful rivers 
that are feeding a Powerhouse 1 600   families are connected to the power that 
comes from this Powerhouse and two others   this one has 50 kilowatts of excess energy so 
we've come in to work with the power producer   to make use of that energy for Bitcoin mining 
which makes them more self-sustaining and it can   also just increase the livelihoods or decrease the 
cost of power for those who are connected Bitcoin   is powered by volcanoes the tipaka volcano in 
El Salvador produces more clean sustainable   geothermal energy than the local community can 
even use mining Bitcoin with the extra energy   helps lower their costs and balance their electric 
grid in Lebanon the Lebanese local currency as in   the currency the regular people use to buy sell 
trade save has lost more than 95 percent of its   value pensions are worthless banks are shut down 
and ATMs are out of cash people are surviving by   mining Bitcoin listen to this after Decades of 
war and bad spending Decisions by the government   lebanon's economy is in ruin I'm speaking to 
people who have had their life savings wiped out   there are fuel shortages and power cuts a local 
currency that's lost 95 percent of its value and   crucially money trapped in the bank people are 
literally robbing banks at gunpoint to demand   access to their own cash and because of this a 
sort of Shadow crypto economy has emerged so we're   talking about locals mining for Bitcoin Dogecoin 
and Litecoin to earn money because they can't find   work others are getting paid in Bitcoin by finding 
freelance gigs on Reddit and then treating Bitcoin   like their bank because they think it's the safest 
way to store their savings overwhelmingly what   I keep hearing is that people are desperate for 
connection to money that actually makes sense and   decentralized digital currencies that are outside 
the reach of bankers and politicians makes a whole   lot more sense than the Lebanese Lira right 
now all right so Mike let's talk a little bit   about some of those crypto Minds you mentioned if 
there's widespread power cuts and fuel shortages   how does this actually make sense as a way to make 
money so it makes sense because of hydropower so   in certain pockets of the country like in the 
shoof mountain range with this which is south   of Lebanon there is abundant and inexpensive 
electricity being harnessed from the laktani   river now I spoke to Ahmed Abu dare he's 22 years 
old and he runs an expansive mining Network across   the country now he has 40 employees working from 
him some of his mining Farms are actually running   on solar power closer to the Syrian border 
and what I find especially compelling about   his business model is the fact that he allows 
people to remotely invest in his operation and   then earn a monthly dividend in crypto and some 
of his customers are at the opposite end of the   country from where these Farms are some are in 
Syria turkey and Egypt it's a really interesting   setup tepco the largest Power Company in Japan is 
mining Bitcoin tepco now uses their Surplus renew   energy to mine Bitcoin helping lower energy costs 
for consumers increasing profits and decarbonizing   the energy grid Bitcoin saved the day in Costa 
Rica for this hydroelectrical plant in the middle   of the forest of Costa Rica this was shut down 
for nine months because it could no longer make a   profit it's now back online generating sustainable 
energy and Mining Bitcoin defunct hydro plant   in Costa Rica is getting a new lease on life by 
powering crypto Mining and bringing clean energy   to a rapidly expanding business more than 650 
machines from 150 customers operate non-stop from   this plant next to the post River just outside of 
Capital City San Jose Costa Rica generates nearly   all of its energy from Green sources where the 
state has a monopoly on energy distribution the   company invested five hundred thousand dollars to 
venture into hosting digital mining computers is North Vancouver set to become the first city 
in the world heated by Bitcoin mining this will   create heat for the city using sustainable 
energy and Bitcoin mining to lower the cost   Zimbabwe Bitcoin is used to crowdsource solar 
panels in Zimbabwe 1900 individuals across 98   countries funded the nimway fresh project at 
grower of berries and vegetables made up of 250   small holder Farmers this was only made possible 
thanks to bitcoin Intel the superconductor giant   is building energy efficient Bitcoin mining 
chips Exxon Mobil uses Bitcoin mining to   reduce harmful emissions now let's focus on 
the U.S Bitcoin mining is cleaning up toxic   waste and saving taxpayers 5 billion dollars at 
least in this Pennsylvania Town check this out   well it could be part of the future of digital 
currency or it could be a new way to clean up   the environment or it could be both Action News 
Anchorman O'Donnell pays a visit to the Panther   Creek Plant in Corbin County PA which uses the 
waste from old coal mines to power a Bitcoin mine   it is 2 800 miles away from Silicon Valley 
and yet the borough of nesquahoning tucked   into a valley in Pennsylvania coal country 
is the site of America's newest large-scale   Bitcoin mine what do you think about the Bitcoin 
mine here didn't know they had a Bitcoin mine I   thought it was a minor years ago but as far as 
what you call it I never heard of it that way   publicly traded stronghold digital mining 
purchased the Panther Creek energy facility a   defunct coal plant in town to power its Bitcoin 
mine energy industry veteran Bill Spence says   he came up with the idea to make money on digital 
currency while also cleaning up his home state of   coal refuse I think I'm curious painfully curious 
you get the Bitcoin you get rid of that absolutely   there's a direct correlation in art with us 
with Bitcoin and cleaning up the environment   workers transport the coal waste from several 
sites the largest being the sweiersville dump   site near Wilkes-Barre they separate usable 
coal from the massive piles and use it to   generate electricity some power is sold back to 
the grid for profit most is used to power and   cool this field of computer servers all hooked 
up to the blockchain to help process Bitcoin   transactions all around the world the blockchain 
and automated computer Ledger for Bitcoin grants   stronghold fractions of Bitcoin as a thank you in 
return that is the digital mining park there are   80 trailers on site each containing 64 computer 
servers all of which have been mining Bitcoin for   the two hours that we've been here and in the span 
of that time stronghold estimates that they had   mined about one Bitcoin which according to today's 
prices means they earn more than nineteen thousand   one hundred dollars it's a more sustainable way 
to do transactions Bitcoin mining is coming to   New Hampshire governor of New Hampshire recommends 
the department of energy review how Bitcoin mining   can help stabilize the energy grid build more 
sustainable generation projects and lower the cost   for consumers governor of Texas says Bitcoin is 
good for the power grid we are promoting Bitcoin   we are advancing it we are providing a platform 
for it Bitcoin is The Cutting Edge of innovation   in the world we see the the future of what Bitcoin 
of what blockchain means uh to the entire world   Texas wants to be the centerpiece of that and so 
we we're promoting it we are advancing it but I   will say we're providing the platform uh for for 
those who are involved in blockchain for those who   are involved in Bitcoin to make sure that they're 
going to have a location they can come to that   does not have the sense of friction that comes 
along with high regulation so that makes the   ease of business far better and it promotes that 
Innovation so what we will continue advancing   in Bitcoin and blockchain is The Cutting Edge of 
innovation in the world right now Bitcoin mining   is helping balance Texas's energy grid and is 
driving more renewable energy opportunities   into Texas the CEO of Texas energy grid Brad 
Jones explains this at Texas blockchain Summit   so for many years orcot was had been looking 
for loads of scale that could really respond   in a demand responsive way that could help us 
balance our grid back in 2015 you may remember   we started the process of setting up loads in 
skid it was through I think about 2016 or 2017   no one showed up at first there just wasn't any 
loads that of scale that could really help us in   that market but it's here now and it's a great 
thing for helping us to balance the grid helping   us to manage all of our resources uh the the 
Bitcoin has the nature of really turning down   when prices begin to rise in a way that we 
can give that power back to other consumers   and at the same time as we bring more and more 
Renewables into the state it becomes a driver   of more Renewables because right now if we bring 
in all the Renewables that are signed up to want   to come to our state there will be a significant 
depression of pricing during the day by having   Bitcoin there to assist and to stabilize those 
prices throughout the day it's going to drive   more Renewables into our system and that's 
good for Texas green Bitcoin energy coming   to Montana a company wants to build a massive 
solar project in Montana of course it's for   crypto it also promises green electricity for 
the rest of the Montana Community the oldest   hydroelectric facility in the United States 
was going to be turned off forever built in   1897 Mechanicville hydroelectric plant could 
no longer make a profit Bitcoin mining saved it now let's talk about the arguments why is 
Bitcoin mining good the United States House   committee on Financial Services wrote 
a letter to the EPA in this letter it   says quote most importantly digital assets and 
their related mining activities are essential   in the economic future of the United States 
Bitcoin keeps things warm Bitcoin mining is   keeping this 40-room hotel warm during 
the winter and lowering energy costs this person found a way to help stray cats in the 
winter by using the warmth of Bitcoin mining and   earning a profit at the same time who likes fish 
by using the warmth of Bitcoin mining Engineers   are able to build profitable and sustainable 
hydroponic fish hatcheries and heating systems [Music] [Applause]   heat your home heat your barn recycle the 
warmth of Bitcoin mining and grow flowers still not convinced let us convince you this 
testimony in front of U.S Congress explains   how Bitcoin mining is a net positive Brian Brooks 
thanks so much for having me to your to talk about   the energy impact of blockchain technology and 
related cryptocurrency activities and particularly   Bitcoin mining Bitcoin is important because it 
introduced the world to the concept of a fully   decentralized secure trustless system of financial 
value exchange that turns on proof of work not   as a necessary evil but as a positive feature of 
its design and I look forward to exploring these   concepts with you today my name is Brian Brooks 
and I spent much of my career in traditional   Finance culminating my service as acting U.S 
controller of the currency I also served as   Chief legal officer of coinbase and currently 
serve as CEO of bid Fury group bid Fury directly   and through our subsidiaries is one of the most 
energy efficient Bitcoin miners in the US and   globally more about that in a few moments I view 
the subcommittee's topic today through two lenses   first in assessing environmental concerns about 
Bitcoin mining or frankly any other energy use   not all not all energy consumption is created 
equal would we care for example that an activity   consumes a lot of energy if a hundred percent of 
that energy came from renewable sources presumably   not so if Bitcoin consumes an energy mix that is 
roughly twice as sustainable as the U.S electric   grid as a whole that is a more relevant fact than 
the mere amount of energy that it uses and even   more important are the incentives that Bitcoin 
creates to generate more renewable production   the second lens is we're a market economy in 
this country so we should think deeply about   the economic productivity created by Bitcoin 
or anything else per unit of energy consumed   thus for example if Bitcoin competes as a store 
of value with gold does the energy used in Bitcoin   mining produce more economic value per unit of 
energy than gold mining or if Bitcoin competes   with traditional Finance as a means of payment 
or as a source of credit does Bitcoin produce   more economic value per unit of energy than 
financial services the answers might surprise   you as I'll point out in a moment now to be 
sure bitcoin's energy consumption is not trivial   but it is very small compared to many other energy 
uses that no one questions now I'm not going to   belabor the usual comparisons that you hear to 
clothes dryers or holiday lights or that sort   of thing that would trivialize an issue that the 
committee is talking about which is an important   issue but what is clear is that the 188 terawatt 
hours used by Bitcoin last year out of about 155   000 terawatt hours consumed globally for all 
uses was sourced more sustainably than other   uses on average so for example the Energy Mix used 
by Bitcoin mining was about 58 sustainably sourced   last year sustainable under the International 
Energy agency definition including wind Hydro   solar nuclear and with carbon offsets compared to 
31 percent for the U.S energy grid as a whole in   bit Fury's specific numbers are in line with those 
rough ratios now even more relevant than bitcoin's   current energy use is the incentive effect 
it has on the future production of renewable   energy Bitcoin miners seek low energy costs and 
the lowest cost always comes from excess capacity   which can include wind and solar energy and energy 
lost in the transmission and distribution process   among other things as just one example in 2020 
in California where I live one and a half million   megawatt hours of solar production was curtailed 
meaning wasted because production exceeded demand   and the U.S grid loses literally thousands of 
terawatts a year due to inefficient transmission   now because Bitcoin miners are easily able 
to locate near the source of production these   kinds of excess capacity sources can be turned 
into economic value through Bitcoin mining and   this has the effect of taking what can be 
an unprofitable business for example solar   and making it profitable put differently if we 
want more wind and solar in this country with   less need for government subsidy Bitcoin can be 
part of the solution now Bitcoin mining produces   a series of other secondary effects which I 
detail in my written testimony these include   grid stabilization incentives to improve Asic chip 
efficiency by multiple orders of magnitude and new   technology development for things like immersion 
cooling something that my company has innovated   now an idea sometimes circulates that somehow 
we could have all of the positives without the   energy usage if we would just abolish proof 
of work and migrate blockchains exclusively   to proof-of-stake protocols as I noted in my 
written testimony proof of stake is terrific   but it is not a substitute for proof of work 
which exists for an entirely different set of   purposes and without which Innovations like 
decentralized Finance would likely not exist   let me just conclude by comparing Bitcoin to the 
economic value of other uses of energy because   that ultimately is the question for the committee 
Bitcoin uses a certain amount of electricity to   produce a trillion dollars of value and what 
you will find as noted in some of my testimony   is that the aviation industry uses something 
like 50 times more energy per unit of value than   does Bitcoin the Global Financial Services and 
insurance industry uses roughly the same amount   of energy per unit and you will note there's a 
little bit of glitchy data at the very end of my   written testimony which you've corrected now in 
the record but I look forward to talking to you   about the economic framework within which energy 
usage for Bitcoin mining and other usages ought to   be talked about U.S senator Cynthia Loomis says 
don't judge Bitcoin mining as an energy bad guy   there's a lot of innovation going on that proves 
otherwise listen to this there was research at the   University of Cambridge that showed that Bitcoin 
mining uses about 40 percent renewable energy   and in the non-bitcoin mining economy it's only 
12 percent so Bitcoin mining is already more uh   environmentally uh adapted uh to uh non-uh 
carbon emitting uh energy sources let's talk   about methane emissions methane emissions come 
from places where no other Technologies can   reach there are no pipes connected and it's 
too remote of a location to build anything   else Bitcoin mining recycles harmful methane 
emissions and turns that into profit foreign we're seeing some real innovation in that 
field for example in my state of Wyoming   where oil and gas is produced when you drill an 
oil well a gas well for a while it's not hooked   up to a pipeline so the product especially 
gas is being vented into the air well now   these Bitcoin miners are pulling in a trailer 
hooking up to that vented gas and using it to   mine Bitcoin so they're mining to help mining 
exactly and doing it in a way that keeps carbon   out of the air and uses it to produce another 
product Bitcoin so there's a lot of innovation   that's happening behind the scenes President 
Biden and the White House released a report   last year on Bitcoin mining and the environment 
this was a quote from said report crypto mining   operations the capture vented methane to produce 
electricity can yield positive results for the   climate new research and data shows that the 
global Bitcoin mining industry produces less   CO2 emissions than both computer games and Holiday 
Lights here we're consuming or comparing Global   Bitcoin mining versus other Industries around the 
world and again what we see here is that Bitcoin   mining is really an inconsequential Target the 
reality is is that Bitcoin mining emissions are   or consumption of energy is is primarily closest 
to things like computer games and Holiday Lights   these are two things that you really don't hear 
people talking about as overwhelming threats to   the planet as things that are areas of concern 
yet their energy consumption is very similar   275 to 214 terawatt hours between Bitcoin mining 
and computer games again reminding people that   if if we are going to be going after you know 
Industries this is a very inconsequential one   you know if you have a one percent Improvement 
in Energy Efficiency amongst those residential   buildings category it will more than offset 
the entire energy consumption for the entire   Global Bitcoin mining industry as a whole 
and so residential buildings are going to   be a much more impactful Target followed by road 
vehicles non-residential building and other forms   of travel Bitcoin energy is sustainable Bitcoin 
is estimated to use 58.9 percent of sustainable   energy this makes Bitcoin mining one of the most 
sustainable Industries in the world don't believe   me check out how Bitcoin compares to sustainable 
energy from the top countries when we look at our   energy use we can break it down to not just as 
a Global Perspective but also in comparison with   other countries this is something that we've seen 
repeatedly in news articles where Bitcoin mining   is compared with relatively small countries and 
small levels of energy usage and consumption but   what we see here when we look at the chart 
comparing it to the primary energy consumers   of the world and really you know countries like 
China and the United States are are the largest   producers and consumers of energy and really if a 
chart goes in an exponential scale downwards as we   continue moving down this chart these numbers 
would drop off considerably further until we   finally hit that 275 Global Bitcoin mining the 
the real quality here is that this is just an   inconsequential amount of energy usage in addition 
to being an inconsequential amount of energy usage   we're also using a high amount of sustainable 
energy here we have a chart that shows both   the Bitcoin mining council member data as well as 
the extrapolations for the entire Global Bitcoin   mining industry as a whole and they stand at 63.8 
percent for the Bitcoin mining council members and   58.8 percent for the entire industry here when we 
compare that across these different uh countries   from Germany and EU South Korea we can see that 
Bitcoin mining is really outpacing most of these   countries in terms of their sustainable energy mix 
and utilizing the sustainable power resources and   the reason for that is because Bitcoin mining is 
very location agnostic and it's very flexible load   it's also highly incentivized to seek out the most 
overlooked and underutilized sources of electric   and energy in order to remove and reduce cost 
so we are incentivized as industry players to   go after these remote energy sources and these 
sustainable energy sources that simply can't   power a lot of the energy consumption that takes 
place in a place like Germany or South Korea in   large metropolitan areas get your tickets to 
bitcoin 2023 Miami May 18th through 20th Miami   Beach this year use code altcoin daily 10 off 
this is the biggest Bitcoin Conference of the   Year ticket prices continue to increase as we 
get closer to the event use code altcoin daily   10 off get your tickets now it's no wonder that 
bitcoin's hash rate Bitcoin security continues to   climb towards all-time highs as people continue to 
turn on their mining machines even Goldman Sachs   starting to notice Bitcoin top performing asset 
of the year if you got value in today's video   join the altcoin daily team subscribe hit the like 
button support the channel support the video and   let us know going forward which cryptocurrencies 
do you want us to cover in future videos because   we cover the whole cryptocurrency Market thanks 
to documenting BTC on Twitter for putting together   today's research give them a follow in conclusion 
here really the Bitcoin mining Energy Efficiency   is improving tremendously fast uh we're estimating 
as a council somewhere between a three and two   times Improvement in mining efficiency over the 
next couple of years and following that about   a six-fold improvement over the following four 
years after that when you combine that with the   fact that there is a having built into the Satoshi 
protocol that reduces the energy consumption and   will reduces the incentive to consume electricity 
basically in half every four years really the the   guaranteed or the combination of of dramatically 
Improvement in Hardware as well as the reduction   in in energy through the economic incentive 
of the having means that Bitcoin money is   guaranteed to be dramatically more energy 
efficient in the next eight years and and   basically every year Rolling forward this is 
not a trend that is ever expected to to change

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