Bitcoin Hashrate Explained #shorts

Bitcoin hashrate! What is it?! The blockchains that most cryptocurrencies 
are built on are global ledgers made up of   individual blocks which contain transactional 
data, and they are called blocks. The “hash” part of the term “hashrate” 
refers to the complex mathematical   problems that need to be solved in 
order for new blocks to be generated. These hashes are a string of numbers 
that are generated at random,   and it may take millions of guesses 
until the right answer is found. These “guesses” are generated by the computational 
power of Bitcoin miners, which compete to solve   the hash and find the block reward, which, 
in the case of Bitcoin, is paid in BTC. The more machines operating on the network,   the higher the total amount of computational 
power, and therefore the higher the hashrate. Bitcoin’s hashrate has been gradually 
increasing over the last 10 years,   and an increasing hashrate represents a 
more secure blockchain, because it becomes   harder for disruptive parties to capture 
the majority of the network. A strong hashrate ensures 
a secure Bitcoin network.

As found on YouTube

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