BITCOIN & CRYPTO HOLDERS…THIS IS HISTORIC!!! (Eminem, Coinbase, & Samsung)

i encourage people to buy and hold i encourage 
them to say bitcoin for their retirement for   their future and that's because as the congress 
spends trillions and trillions of dollars and is   flooding our economy and the world economy with 
u.s dollars there's no way that we cannot debase   the value of the us dollars welcome back everybody 
to altcoin daily you subscribe because we keep you   informed on a daily basis everything going on in 
cryptocurrency let's everybody take two seconds   smash that like button of course who we just 
listened to is none other than senator cynthia   loomis a huge advocate for bitcoin and crypto not 
only personally into it but also writing policy   for it she was just advocating for buying and 
holding bitcoin for the long term and again it's   not just her rhetoric she's living this and lemus 
practices what she preaches she's an investor in   bitcoin as well i buy bitcoin and i hold bitcoin 
you buy bitcoin oh yeah you have bitcoin i do how   much bitcoin do you have well i only have i think 
five bitcoin so only five bitcoin but she bought   them in 2013 for about 300 each so she can now add 
a couple of zeros to that number and wyoming is in   the process of setting up its own crypto banking 
system that lummus hopes will become a model so   in the short term bitcoin is going down bitcoin 
broke below twenty thousand dollars and is still   just a hair under twenty thousand dollars today 
let me know what the price is when you're watching   this video but the reason that cynthia loomis and 
myself advocate for buying and holding is because   the people who have been in the market for longer 
periods of time understand this chart where in   short term sometimes the bitcoin chart looks like 
this but over longer periods of time the bitcoin   chart looks like this this is a chart of bitcoin 
zoomed out and using the average four year price   buy and hold so much is happening in 
cryptocurrency let's get to the recent news   first up and this is happening tonight eminem and 
snoop dogg are performing an nft board ape yacht   club themed show on mtv's video music awards the 
other side metaverse is set to be heavily featured   tonight in the hip hop superstars mtv video music 
awards performance tonight so what can you expect   the nft scene is hitting mtv hip hop megastars 
eminem and snoop dogg are slated to perform   a live other side themed show this sunday at mtv's 
video music awards the performance which the press   release called one of a kind is being developed in 
partnership with yugo labs the stage is expected   to be transformed to reflect the design studios 
metaverse aesthetic and nfts according to the   announcement this will mark the first time 
an award show hosts a metaverse inspired   performance how cool is this literally a first 
of its kind performance with two of the biggest   stars of not just hip-hop but stars of popular 
music in general they'll be showing off things   in the board ape yacht club so like what other 
side metaverse mutant dapes land plots apecoin   these are all things that we can find in the 
metaverse and might be featured on tonight's show   tune into this and let me know if it's as cool as 
it i think it's going to be in other news coinbase   is quietly or maybe not so quietly setting 
themselves up to be a major powerhouse   in crypto even way more than they are and have 
been for the past several years check this out   coinbase files sec petition calling for 
fair crypto regulations yes coinbase   coinbase one of the world's largest and most 
powerful digital currency exchanges is not happy   with the securities and exchange commission 
the sec claiming the agency has not implemented   efficient crypto regulations the company has 
now filed a petition criticizing the sec and   calling for fair regulation within america's legal 
spectrum yes we all need this we all want this and   coinbase is one of the people leading the charge 
so this gentleman chief policy officer at coinbase   explained in a recent statement that the u.s is 
falling behind when it comes to cryptocurrency   regulation he stated that many countries in europe 
for example were beginning to see official crypto   laws being implemented that will ultimately help 
the space become more legitimate and mainstream   on the continent he says if the us doesn't 
get its act together and fails to implement   appropriate crypto based laws soon the nation 
will fall behind and will no longer be a major   financial competitor quote when it comes to crypto 
securities there is a significant foundational   hurdle that has prevented the market from maturing 
the hurdle is the fact that the securities rules   simply do not work for digitally native 
instruments crypto assets that are securities   need an updated rulebook to help guide safe and 
efficient practices crypto assets that are not   securities need the certainty of being outside 
those rules anything short of that will have the   effect of entrenching incumbent technologies at 
the expense of innovation and ultimately consumers   do you agree with this do you think what coinbase 
is doing with the sec is needed is necessary   i do and then this right here is another primo 
example why i say coinbase is quietly positioning   themselves so they can be even greater powerhouses 
in this space coinbase introduces wrapped staked   eth token c b eth will act as a liquid wrapped 
token allowing users to move their staked   eath why are they doing this well the company says 
that it will compete with another major liquid   staking platform lido so they see that different 
products in this case lido have big market share   in the space and coin basis well why can't we do 
that tons of people are staking and will stake   on our platform why can't we set up a lido like 
instrument so people can still use their eat in   d5 even when it is staked coinbase announced on 
wednesday that it will introduce a token called   coinbase wrapped staked eat cb eats cb eath will 
be liquid and users will be able to exchange   or send the asset elsewhere coinbase notes 
that this will help users exit staked eath   use the token as collateral in d5 
and transfer or gift staked eath   coinbase again working with paypal now 
to try to push this industry forward   paypal joins coinbase's trust network paypal will 
work with dozens of other companies on compliance   with the travel rule so what are we talking about 
here paypal is collaborating with coinbase on   regulatory compliance according from a statement 
from coinbase earlier this week paypal has   joined coinbase's travel rule universal solution 
technology the trust network the trust tree with   the rest of the trust network paypal will work on 
increasing compliance with the so-called travel   rule required of u.s financial institutions by 
the bank secrecy act this rule requires financial   institutions to share information about customers 
when those customers make transactions over   a certain amount so you know you can have good 
feelings about what's going on here bad feelings   the bigger takeaway in the positive is that 
these big companies paypal coinbase are laying   the foundation for the next 10 20 30 years in 
cryptocurrency to make it so not just five percent   10 percent of the world owns crypto everybody will 
be using it for good or bad they're complying with   the rules either way will continue coinbase's 
trust network aims to disclose the necessary data   while protecting user privacy it will avoid 
using a central store of user data and ensure   its members are trustworthy through a compliance 
and risk management solution and it's not just   coinbase several other top crypto exchanges 
such as binance us gemini kraken   are involved in the trust tree alongside coinbase 
other firms involved in the network include usdc   issuer circle the investment manager investment 
manager fidelity digital the stock and crypto   trading app robin hood and crypto lender nexo 
so i'm just updating you this is what's going   on in the world this is what's going on in the 
world samsung working yes that samsung working on   south korean cryptocurrency exchange so samsung 
starting a an exchange in the asian region and   you know this is a continuation of the trend this 
is not their first foray into cryptocurrency for   instance they're making bitcoin mining chips 
samsung for instance they are launching bitcoin   and cryptocurrency exchanges samsung their 
consumer electronics president met with buchelli   you know individually are these things a big deal 
but all together this is a pattern this is a trend   probably something let me know in the 
comments my name is aaron sub to our channel   we keep you informed on a daily basis 
hit the like button see you tomorrow

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