Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for dummies (easy-to-understand)

people have always thought about ways of 
reforming the monetary system for years   however until recently success had proven 
elusive at the beginning of the 20th century   engineers and programmers finally did it in this 
video i'll explain in the simplest way possible   what cryptocurrencies bitcoin and blockchain 
are and whether or not you should invest   in cryptocurrencies when the engineers and 
programmers were reforming the monetary system   they had to consider three things one the emission 
of money must be uniform and predictable two   everything must be done within a decentralized 
platform open to all so that there's no need to   involve the banks three the security of keeping 
the money for the participants must be provided   so that no one can steal it now that you know that 
let's try to understand how cryptocurrencies work   a cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can 
be used to buy goods and services but uses an   online ledger with strong cryptography 
to secure online transactions oh   right let's make it simpler john and sarah 
are playing in the park with their friends   john wants to give ten dollars to sarah when 
sarah takes the money that's considered a physical   transaction they didn't need a friend or a witness 
to prove that the transaction happened they both   knew the transaction occurred this transaction is 
recorded in a trustable ledger for john and sarah   the ledger is a large collection of data in which 
transactions and billions of dollars are recorded   what if john wants to give ten dollars to sarah 
virtually as he did in the park it's possible   let's say there's a virtual controller between 
john and sarah which controls the transaction   oh but what if john or sarah tries to cheat or 
something goes wrong with the controller is there   any other solution well yes let's consider 
that both john and sarah have this ledger   what if their friends also have the same ledger 
so if the transaction is virtual everyone has   this ledger on their computer they all keep track 
of the transaction john or sarah wouldn't be able   to cheat the ledger since it wouldn't agree 
with everyone else in the system this ledger   will be very difficult to destroy especially if 
many friends of john and sarah are using it this   ledger system has a defined set of rules from the 
beginning everyone transacting within the ledger   can know how money is transacted if everyone 
within the ledger agrees to the set of rules then   everyone has trust in all transactions so there's 
not one person that has full control over this   john and sarah have id numbers in this ledger much 
like a nickname no one in the ledger knows what id   number belongs to john or sarah unless they give 
that information to whoever they're transacting   with this provides a layer of anonymity for 
john and sarah this is called bitcoin protocol   instead of money this system uses cryptocurrencies 
which are bitcoin ethereum ripple and many others   most cryptocurrencies do not belong 
to anyone and no one controls them   this means they are independent of local and 
international central banks no one has complete   control over this system everyone knows the 
rules and transactions are completely transparent   the total value of all cryptocurrencies on april 
13th 2021 was more than 2.2 trillion dollars   according to coin market cap and the total value 
of all bitcoins the most popular digital currency   was pegged at about 1.2 trillion dollars let's 
talk about bitcoin you definitely heard the   story about laszlo honyaks who bought two pizzas 
with 10 000 bitcoins in 2010 in 2010 the value of   a single bitcoin was only 0.0008 nowadays with 10 
000 bitcoins laszlo could buy one pizza for every   person who lives in italy bitcoin is the first 
cryptocurrency ever created all that changed when   satoshi nakamoto in 2008 published a document 
online this document is called the whitepaper   it suggested a way of creating a system for a 
decentralized currency called bitcoin satoshi   nakamoto created this system in such a way that 
there will never be more than 21 million bitcoins   let's compare bitcoin to the normal bank 
the bank's ledger is not transparent and   it's stored on the bank's main computer you 
can't sneak a peek into the bank's ledger and   only the bank has complete control over it 
bitcoin on the other hand is a transparent   ledger at any point in time i can see all of the 
transactions and balances that are taking place   this system claimed to create digital money that 
solves the double spend problem without the need   for a central authority at its core bitcoin is 
a transparent ledger without a central authority   here are some advantages bitcoin has over the 
current system one you have complete control   over your money nobody can access your funds 
nobody can confiscate your holdings also there's   no bank or government to freeze your account 
two in many cases bitcoin is cheaper to use   than traditional wire transfers or money orders 
today in 2021 you can book a hotel or order a   flight with bitcoin if you want also there are 
even bitcoin debit cards that allow you to pay   at any store with your bitcoin balance how does 
bitcoin work bitcoin works via the blockchain   but what is the blockchain the blockchain is 
the biggest innovation after the internet and   will affect everyone's life in a few decades it's 
a new way to store valuable data and transactions   the blockchain eliminates the need for an 
intermediary like a bank allowing people   to transact directly with each other blockchain 
technology can be used to transfer anything of   value not just financial transactions it's 
possible to carry out transactions without   the need to refer to a third party recognized 
by all as reliable transactions can be settled   between peers by the majority of network 
participants it's based on four fundamental   concepts decentralization transparency safety 
immutability how does it work the blockchain   is a database structured in blocks each block 
contains data the first hash hash of the block   the second hash hash of the previous block the 
data that's stored inside a block depends on the   type of blockchain the bitcoin blockchain for 
example stores the details about a transaction   such as a sender receiver and amount of coins 
a block also has a hash you can compare a hash   to your dna it identifies a block in all of its 
contents and it's always unique just as your dna   once a block is created its hash is being 
calculated changing something inside the block   will cause the hash to change so in other words 
hashes are very useful when you want to detect   changes to blocks if the dna of a block changes 
it no longer is the same block the third element   inside each block is the hash of the previous 
block this effectively creates a chain of blocks   and it's this technique that makes a blockchain 
so secure if the second hash of the block is   bound to the hash of the previous block what's the 
second hash of the first block now the first block   is a bit special it cannot point to previous 
blocks because it's the first one we call this   the genesis block now let's say that you tamper 
with the second block this causes the hash of the   block to change as well in turn that will make 
the next block and all following blocks invalid   because they no longer store a valid hash of the 
previous block so changing a single block will   make all following blocks invalid but using hashes 
is not enough to prevent tampering computers   these days are very fast and can calculate 
hundreds of thousands of hashes per second   so to alleviate this blockchains have something 
called proof of work it's a mechanism that slows   down the creation of new blocks in bitcoin's case 
it takes about 10 minutes to create a new block   for a transaction to be processed and considered 
valid it must be grouped with other transactions   to form a block each block is added on top of the 
previous block each block refers to the previous   block number thus creating a link between all the 
blocks making up the chain the first block in the   chain is called the genesis block each block of 
transaction is validated by the network itself   and constitutes an archive of all transactions 
of all the history of each transaction anyone   who's part of the network information about the 
transactions that take place within the network   itself completely decentralized all information is 
present on all the nodes that make up the network   and therefore cannot be changed once a block 
of transactions is added to the blockchain it's   difficult to go back the more blocks are added to 
the top the more difficult it will be to reverse   the operation until it's completely impossible if 
you want to make a change you'd have to change all   the previous and next blocks by distributed 
consent we mean the fact that most computers   must agree on the validity of a transaction 
before it's accepted in the blockchain   mining is the process of validating transactions 
and adding new blocks to the blockchain for a new   transaction block to be added it must be checked 
validated and encrypted to carry out this step   it's necessary to solve a complex mathematical 
problem that requires a high expenditure of   power and processing capacity the solution to this 
puzzle is called proof of work it's difficult to   solve but easy to prove and it provides proof that 
computing power was used to help build the network   small cryptocurrency rewards are awarded 
for each new block added advantages of the   blockchain transparency transactions are visible 
to all participants compared to existing archiving   and recording systems the blockchain offers 
significant improvements in terms of transparency   removal of intermediaries allows the 
removal of intermediaries involved   in the archiving and transfer of goods 
necessary in conventional transactions decentralization it can work on a decentralized 
computer network reducing the risk of hacking   server downtime and consequent data loss 
confidence increases trust between parties   involved in a transaction through greater 
transparency and decentralization of networks   safety the data entered in a blockchain or 
immutable the data cannot be manipulated   each transaction leaves a clear trace from the 
start so it can be easily reviewed and verified   wide range of uses anything that has a value can 
be registered on the blockchain easily accessible   technology blockchain technology facilitates 
the creation of applications without the need   for significant investments in infrastructure also 
thanks to recent innovations such as the ethereum   platform cost reduction transactions that require 
multiple ledgers can be resolved on a single   shared ledger reducing the cost of validating 
and confirming each transaction across multiple   organizations increased transaction speed removal 
of intermediaries and regulation through shared   ledgers allows for faster transaction speeds 
than most existing systems should you invest in   cryptocurrency cryptocurrency is an incredibly 
speculative and volatile buy stock trading of   established companies is generally less risky 
than investing in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin   cryptocurrencies may go up in value but 
many investors see them as mere speculations   not real investments the reason just like real 
currencies cryptocurrencies generate no cash   flow so for you to profit someone has to pay 
more for the currency than you did that's what's   called the greater full theory of investment 
contrast that to a well-managed business which   increases its value over time by growing the 
profitability and cash flow of the operation   are cryptocurrencies legal there's no question 
that they're legal in the united states   though china has essentially banned their use and 
ultimately whether they're legal depends on each   country also be sure to consider how to protect 
yourself from fraudsters who see cryptocurrencies   as an opportunity to build investors as always 
buy or beware thank you guys so much for watching   let us know your thoughts with that said have a 
great day and i'll see you all in the next one

As found on YouTube

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