my prediction now is that I think the markets 
are bothering me and consolidating yep 100 and   this is the time I think to start nibbling and 
start getting ready to really rip the money in   billionaires are buying assets again wait till you 
hear their reasoning wait till you hear their why   the Investments that one makes in this period 
will probably be the best for many many years   to come because they'll have the most asymmetric 
upside I'm going to finish this clip in just a   second but first make sure you subscribe to our 
Channel we drop one video every day keeping you   informed on the entire state of the cryptocurrency 
market you'll be a whole lot smarter on crypto   if you subscribe to our Channel taking a look 
at Bitcoin before we play that clip from June   until October has required patience but that 
patience should be rewarded as we officially   head into October and towards midterms finally 
ethereum daily looking strong this is a great   way to start October not to mention this what if 
I told you that eth issuance is down 20x since   the merge and goes deflationary every time 
gas is over 15 gray bullish so billionaires   are buying assets again here is why here's their 
reasoning my prediction now is that I think the   markets are bottoming and consolidating yep 100 
and this is the time I think to start nibbling   and start getting ready to really rip the money 
in and I think there's enough signals every day   that kind of like tell me at least that on the 
margin it's time because I think the markets do   a reasonably good job of digesting news and then 
pricing the forward reality right like today's   price is really everything we already know and so 
the real guess is what's about to happen in the   future and from my perspective the markets are now 
starting to stabilize all the irrational Behavior   is starting to exit the system the party is in the 
last few hours volumes going down the alcohol is   being taken away people are hanging around with a 
little bit lights are coming on they're like I've   been here a little too long and I think that 
that's a very healthy process for an economy   and I think that that's what's happening right 
now so I'm constructive I'm a little bullish   I'll go I'll go out on a limb I think you know 
we could be three to five percent from the lows   but we're more near the lows than the highs the 
Investments that one makes in this period will   probably be the best for many many years to come 
because they'll have the most asymmetric upside   and that was true in 2008 9 and 10.

It was true 
in you know 2002 three and four you I mean you're   talking incredible companies just in those two 
periods think about this atlassian Tesla Uber   Google Airbnb Uber Instagram WhatsApp incredible 
businesses that have created tremendous value   Gary Gensler the SEC square has just went on TV 
this very morning to issue an update he's facing   criticism the SEC is facing criticism from 
their peers from the regulatory peers in the   space particularly people over at the cftc saying 
the SEC their approach is threatening the entire   cryptocurrency ecosystem a better path would be 
possible for crypto if the SEC was serious Gary   Gensler in this clip from this morning responds 
to exactly this the ultimate question is is the   SEC actually doing us good are they protecting 
us are they protecting the little guy that can   consumer the user well the only way to answer that 
is to actually talk about what exactly they're   doing again just from this morning before I play 
with that clip Kim Kardashian pays the SEC 1.26   million to settle ethereum Max charge so I want to 
hear from you in the comments do you think the SEC   did a good job with Kim Kardashian a middling 
job or a bad job Kardashian failed to disclose   a quarter million dollar payment she received to 
publish a post on her Instagram profile promoting   ethereum Max tokens with a link to the Project's 
website this was the crime the order by the SEC   finds that Kardashian violated the anti-touting 
provision from a federal Securities Law this has   been the case with other prominent cryptocurrency 
security violations involving the SEC in the past   Kardashian neither admitted or denied the sec's 
findings but agreed to settle the charges this   was broken down into about a quarter million in 
discouragement as well as 1 million penalties   Kardashian has also agreed not to promote any 
crypto assets until 2025.

Did the SEC do good   or did the SEC do bad I would say it errors on 
the side of good right we don't want stuff like   this happening around us but another way to think 
about it Kim Kardashian has 330 million followers   on Instagram and she was fined 1.2 million by 
the SEC for Shilling a crypto asset to them Kim   has a net worth of 1.8 billion that's the same 
as somebody worth 100 000 receiving a seventy   dollar fine I'm sure investors feel protected 
now so is the SEC doing good they could be doing   a lot more and that's not just coming from the 
cryptocurrency community that's coming from the   cftc Commissioners former Commissioners people 
high up and Gary Gensler responds to criticism   to opinions held by the cftc in this clip listen 
to the question and listen to Gary's answer chair   Gensler we had chairman rosston Benham from the 
cftc on with us last week and he made the point   that good man yeah the cftc should be regulating 
all of these things when you start to build up   I guess some case law of some examples of people 
who have agreed to settle with you like this does   that make the case more affirm that the SEC would 
then be the place where these are all regulated   look our agency is an agency that oversees this 
basic bargain when a group of entrepreneurs   is raising money from the public The public's 
anticipating a profit they need disclosure full   fair and truthful disclosure and that's the core 
bargain in our Capital markets you get to take the   risk but the person raising money or the persons 
raising money has to disclose various information   to you that seems how our Capital markets work 
best the SEC is very good at this and that's   what we do and the case law is clear on this the 
law is clear new information continues to come out   on stuff just like this every single day make sure 
you subscribe we keep you updated every single day   new info Alex machinski withdrew 10 million from 
Celsius before freezing customer accounts before   freezing user accounts and filing for bankruptcy 
new reports indicate that the former Celsius   CEO withdrew 10 million from The Firm yet Bitcoin 
crypto just continues to power through Bitcoin   lightning Network layer 2 capacity strikes 5 000 
Bitcoin the growth in Bitcoin added to the layer   2 Lightning network has electrified over the past 
year hitting 4 000 Bitcoin less than four months   ago bear markets are for building out capacity 
on the layer 2 Lightning Network despite macro   economic headwinds and sluggish price action the 
lightning Network the layer 2 payment solution   for Bitcoin continues to flourish the Bitcoin 
lightning Network reached a milestone capacity 5   000 Bitcoin 96 million in effect more and more 
Bitcoin is being introduced to the lightning   Network payments channels worldwide as Bitcoin 
continues to support the growth of the network   you'll love to see it you'll love to see bitcoin's 
hash rate look like this while the UN is telling   the world to Halt interest rate increases the 
Bitcoin Network keeps on hashing the future is   multi-chain not 20 or 30 chains but multiple 
blockchains will succeed that's according to   the Phantom Foundation CEO which blockchains 
will succeed hey if any of us knew the future   we'd all be rich chain link staking Early Access 
eligibility app is now live as you know chain link   is switching to proof of stake you'll be able 
to stake your chain link if you're a holder an   educator a builder you could get early access 
to this here's how first of all with the chain   link staking Early Access eligibility app now live 
please be diligent about any potential scams about   staking that may pop up the app only requires a 
signature and not an on-chain transaction here   is the criteria for chain Link's Early Access 
period for chain link staking this December this   is coming up in December you can start staking if 
you're an educator if you're a builder or you're   probably just a hodler and that's fine if you 
hold 7 link between these dates you can start   staking your link this December there's also a 
general access phase after Early Access period   ends the staking pool starts at 25 million link 
and will scale to 75 million link over time note   that early access provides an opportunity but 
not a guarantee to stake when staking version   0.1 launches in December the pool is initially 
capped it will be early access then open up to   General access congrats to those who have met 
Early Access criteria so much is happening in the   world of cryptocurrency blink and you might miss 
it Japanese prime minister just today says the   government investment in digital transformation 
will include metaverse will include nfts the   Prime Minister of Japan since 2021 has said the 
government will be making efforts to promote web 3   services including those dealing with non-fungible 
tokens or nfts and the metaverse in an October 3rd   speech before Japan's national diet the Prime 
Minister said the government's investment in the   country's digital transformation already included 
issuing nfts to local authorities using digital   technology to solve challenges in their respective 
jurisdictions he also hinted at digitizing   national identity cards in addition the Prime 
Minister said the cabinet would promote efforts to   expand the use of web 3 services and utilize the 
metaverse and nfts great messaging around becoming   more digital using nfts using web 3 a whole lot 
better than let's just say Gary Gensler right   Bank of Russia adds digital assets to banking 
chart of accounts I guess we could do this in   America if Gary Gensler would come around in 
the SEC Central Bank of Russia has introduced   digital assets including the digital version 
of the Russian Ruble to the recently published   draft of the new banking chart of accounts 
in the future financial institutions will be   able to provide data about operations with these 
assets the docks are getting put in place people   are making sure everything is good on the back 
end because cryptocurrency is here to stay and   if also get your tickets to the Future blockchain 
Summit in Dubai October 10th through 13th we are   speaking we'll see you there link below if you 
want to be a part of the Revolution subscribe to   our Channel we keep you updated on a daily basis 
like the video if you got value see you tomorrow

As found on YouTube

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