AXA XL: How Cyence Supports our Cyber Work

Cyence has really underpinned a lot of
the cyber work we've done. In particular, when we've launched a new SMB product.
What was really exciting is that we got that product to market in three months.
Cyence was actually critical in helping us understand the data that we
need for that, creating the APIs so we can actually create that digital
experiences underpinned by the Cyence data. Threats are changing on a daily
basis or if not on an hourly basis. This idea of re-underwriting on an annual
basis is completely out of date when it comes to cyber. What Cyence brings is
this ability of having a real-time analysis of digital cyber profile of a
customer and then using that to help our clients address some of those security
risks and then we can provide insurance and wrap insurance around that. How we
structure the coverage can actually be tailored to the underlying risk that
Cyence presents. Data is the real secret source of how we drive insight, how we
engage with our partners, how engage with our clients.

Through the use of
artificial intelligence, through the use of algorithms, through the use of better
insight and data, we can try to consolidate that to a form to augment
what the underwriters are doing. And really what we're creating is the bionic
underwriter of the future..

As found on YouTube

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