Amazing Science Behind Air Conditioner Cooling || Air Conditioner Working 3D Animation

The temperature of an outside box of AC is 80°C, whereas the unit which is installed inside the room provides us 16°C How AC cool the room with such temperature variation The outside unit of an AC is known as Condensor. The basic meaning of a condenser is to cool the gas and convert it into liquid AC mainly has four units which cause cooling Compressor works first, it is filled with gas called HCFC( hydro chloro fluoro carbon) and this gas is known as refrigerant The way a piston works in a car engine in the same way a compressor pump refrigerant When a compressor pumps refrigerant, the pressure of refrigerant will increase and temperature of refrigerant will go up to 80°C To cool down this high temperature refrigerant, it goes to a condenser unit, which is also known as a heat exchanger Inside the condenser unit copper pipe are installed, which is also known as coil, through this coil refrigerant flow To throw out heat of hot refrigerant fan is installed which absorbed the heat from copper pipe and threw it out That is why the temperature of the condenser mainly doubles from the atmosphere temperature when refrigerant comes out of the condenser, it is converted into liquid and its temperature is reduced by 50°C.

When gas loses heat, its kinetic energy becomes low, due to this it is converted into liquid In the reverse order, when a liquid absorbs heat, it evaporates and its kinetic energy is high Liquid which comes out of the condenser unit goes to the refrigerant expansion valve. Expansion valve has thin pipe, when refrigerant passes through this narrow pipe it expands Due to this expansion, a drastic reduction occurs in the pressure of refrigerant. With the decrease in pressure, temperature also decreases When refrigerant passes through narrow area this liquid refrigerant will again vaporise and converted into gas Expansion valve works like a water sprayer. In a water sprayer, water comes out from a very narrow sized opening when these small water drops travel in the air, it becomes cool In the same way the expansion valve works and after vaporizing the refrigerant, it cools the refrigerant up to the required limit The refrigerant that comes out of the expansion valve is very cold and then it goes to the evaporator Evaporator is one of the units of AC which is installed inside the room The evaporator also has a coil through which refrigerant flows the coil of an evaporator is so cold that it absorbs the heat of the room Coil is installed with cylindrical fan which spreads the cooling of the coil inside the room when the evaporator coil absorbs the heat inside the room then water droplets will accumulate around it which are drained out by using a pipe Similar phenomena happen when cold water from a fridge pours into a glass, then water droplets forms around it This same thing happens in the evaporator coil whose water is drained out Heat absorbing capacity of an evaporator is also known as tonnage of AC.

1 ton AC has a power consumption of 3500 watt Compressor can only pump gas. Even one drop of water will make compressor unserviceable At most care should be taken when refrigerant comes out of an evaporator, it should go into a condenser in only vaporized form. Expansion valve is fitted near evaporator coil before the fitting of coil, which converts back the refrigerant from liquid to vaporized form Expansion valve is connected to a sensible heat storage which senses the heat. This heat-sensitive device is fitted at the output of the evaporator Let us suppose that we set the temperature of AC on 16°C when the temperature goes beyond 16°C, this heat-sensitive device senses the temperature. This device also has a refrigerant inside it which evaporates after heating and forces the spring downward When the spring gets down, more refrigerant will pass form this side, which increases the cooling of the evaporator and the temperature again reached back to 16°C When the cooling increases, the liquid inside the heat-sensitive device starts getting cold which causes the spring to move upwards and the flow of refrigerant will reduce.

In this way AC is set at required temperature Now you are thinking that the expansion valve changes the temperature of an AC but it's not like that Expansion valve only vaporise the liquid refrigerant to restrict the flow of liquid into compressor Compressor controls the temperature of AC Capacitor start induction motor is used inside the compressor which helps to flow the refrigerant through the coil This type of compressor is known as a Reciprocating compressor.

But now in modern days Scroll compressor is used, whose other name is Inverter AC In this type of compressor gas will enter in this way flow from center point and will continually flow in pipe at front side. This compressor will increase the efficiency and reduce power consumption when we increase or reduce the temperature, we actually control the motor speed of the compressor When we select the temperature at 30°C then speed of motor will slow down and compressor will reduce the pumping of gas which results in low cooling In Inverter AC it is easy to control the speed of compressor whereas in non-Inverter AC compressor case, when the temperature of room is reached at required level, compressor will cut off.

And when the temperature of the room increases, then the compressor again starts working at full power but in case of Inverter AC compressor, it doesn't stop when it reaches the required temperature. It just reduces its power and continually going on In these two graphs you can see how both type of compressors works If you feel this video is good and helpful. Please subscribe to this channel Thank You.

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