0 | Introduction | The purpose of creating the channel Understanding Bitcoin

Hi, guys! I'm Slava. First of all, excuse 
me for my english, especially for my grammar   and terrible pronunciation. Unfortunately, I'm not 
a native speaker, but I'm doing my best to improve   my language skills, so, sorry about that. Well, 
anyway, I extremely love Bitcoin and I think that   Bitcoin is our future and I'd like to contribute, 
to bring this future to our life as soon as   possible. Unfortunately, on the Internet there is 
not enough information about Bitcoin.

Yeah, well,   actually there are lots of videos which tell or 
show you something about Bitcoin, but, you know,   it's just the tip of the iceberg, or it may 
be videos about investments and trading or   other stuff. People have tons of questions, 
but unfortunately they cannot get answers,   and as a result, they may think that Bitcoin is 
something supernatural and they won't be able to   understand it. Well it's not true. I've been 
studying Bitcoin for about two years now and   I was at that stage and I know what 
questions people have. That's why I've   decided to create a channel "BTC info" 
and to try to answer your questions,   to show you some special instruments or to tell 
you about some tips or other interesting things.   I'll try to explain you like to my parents, 
so, don't worry, that will be easy and I'm   sure you'll get it. Also I want to point out that 
I'm not a historian, I'm not an economist, or a   professional IT specialist, so that's why I guess 
I'll make some mistakes or maybe inaccuracies.   Also, I do not know every single technical detail 
about Bitcoin.

However, I think that nowadays in   our digital world and digital century it's very 
important to share knowledge with each other, so   I really appreciate your feedback, your comments, 
questions, or suggestions. Also if there will be   people who know something that I don't know, 
I'll be really grateful if they share with me   some information, or links, or maybe materials. 
I'd like to continue learning something new   about Bitcoin. Well, all in all I hope that 
everyone who visits the channel "BTC info"   will find something useful and interesting for 

Let's together do our world a little better!.

As found on YouTube

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