🚖🚕 Cómo Pagar la Gasolina Subsidiada con Pago Móvil Usando BiopagoPDV si no tienes Saldo en Patria

Hello crypto entrepreneurs, welcome once again to your crypto entrepreneur channel, today I have good news for all my followers of this channel, especially all those who are from my country Venezuela, thanks for all the support you have given this last year to this channel and don't worry if you are not from Venezuela because remember that this channel is about the ecosystems of cryptocurrencies, of the blockchain how to learn to work and invest in this fascinating world however I have a commitment with the entire community of all the countries but my followers from Venezuela have written to me insisting I have answered more than a thousand messages to all the Venezuelans who have written to me if there is one that I have not answered it is because they have not done it in a respectful way so after analyzing all these comments I am going to make new content updating the first videos that I uploaded to the channel for Venezuelans but don't worry because I will also be creating tutorials short how to work with everything that has to do with binance and all the networks that exist to connect to binance from the centralized network of other exchanges as well as the decentralized network DEFI or decentralized finance we continue working we remain connected with you my dear friend many Venezuelans watch the videos and don't subscribe so subscribe subscribe to this channel take advantage of all this content but the first thing you have to do is subscribe activate the bell that is here below hit subscribe and well if you liked this video hit like, yes You don't like it, there's no problem, nothing has happened, we are improving our content every day, if you have something to comment on, you can also do so .

I am back to you Venezuela I will create content for you about all your concerns but I will also be creating Going all the content related to all the communities and followers that follow me around the world, especially also with my new subscribers from Brazil, hey I am very happy very happy with my new followers from Brazil for the last video I recently uploaded about an interview that I made to the CEO of an important platform in Eastern Europe so thank you very much, thank you very much Brazil thank you very much, without further ado let's start thanks for the three minutes you gave me to listen to my message as an introductory part of this video let's get to know the different options that exist to pay for subsidized gasoline in Venezuela based on the information that was recently published on the homeland blog this information was published on March 26, 2022 pay attention because this information is very important that you can understand it and know the different options you have for you to pay for subsidized gasoline If you are in Venezuela and if this is your case , of course we are going to read and then analyze advancing in the optimization of the fuel marketing system, it has been decided to simplify the payment of the liter of gasoline at the time of receiving the fuel to speed up the service in the service stations that supply subsidized fuel in this sense, the payment in bolivars will be eliminated and only the payment of liters of the homeland platform will remain through the biopagoPDV system, what does this mean that all those who are receiving their liters through the homeland system will be able to make use of these liters and pay exclusively through the biopagoPDV keep in mind that the biopagoPDV is an application that is connected to the Patria ecosystem, therefore you have to be within the entire ecosystem and Patria is connected to the petroapp and is connected to the bank Venezuela, then what do I want to tell you with this that only you will be able to use your liters and pay exclusively with e he balance you have in the country, but we are going to continue reading this payment in bolívares, which currently represents 0.11 bolívares per liter, equivalent to 5% of the price of international gasoline, will be made from April 2, 2022 to the date that I am recording this video this new payment method has not yet come into force if you are watching this video after April 2 this should already be working keep in mind that all this is an ecosystem it is a system and they are making many changes to it and this was One of the reasons why I stopped making content related to this system because many modifications had to be made, many changes due to the whole situation that all Venezuelans know, I follow all the users of our platform in this way when it comes to accepting subsidy from must have the required amount in any of the purses of the home platform, the home platform will make a cash advance to facilitate that People who do not have a balance at the time of receiving the allocation can receive the quota without setbacks, this cash advance will be made in digital bolivar as long as the purse does not have a negative balance greater than the amount allowed for cash advance and there are no resources in other purses of the homeland platform, be careful here it says it very clearly that if you do not have a balance in any of the purses that you have in the homeland system and as long as you do not have a negative balance greater than the allowed amount , homeland will give a digital bolívar cash advance how are you going to do it? the system will determine automatically and later when you have a balance I must assume that this balance once you have a positive balance either because it is transferred to the homeland system for different modalities that exist or you receive a bonus will be deducted, I am saying this from According to the knowledge that you can obtain regarding how a platform works , how a platform should work, but I am reading what the page says and it is the analysis that I am doing at this moment for the case of people who receive a transfer of gasoline from other users or institutions or a spending authorization no payment is required either at the time of receiving the transfer or at the service station well this would have to be analyzed later to see how this is going to work because it is assumed that the person who goes to supply gasoline in a subsidized manner, it must be clear that it has to have a balance now when it receives a transfer here does not explain us does not give us clarity if the payment is charged to the person who is making the transfer or the person who is going to make use of those liters of gasoline does not say it here Finished !! Once this update is carried out, the value of a liter of gasoline in the gasoline wallet will be updated and will be the same as the price of international gasoline, and in this way it will be considered for the payment of the invoice to PDVSA by the service stations that supply gasoline to the company .

And they use the payment system, this one must do this regarding what it has to do with the payment of the invoice, what do the owners of the service stations have to do with the PDVSA company? Well, if you have any questions, write, write me in the comment To answer you according to this news I cannot give an answer that is not framed what this web page says and this web page is the official page this information is not being obtained from any other page I am obtaining it from the official entity of the homeland blog.

What are the options you have to send balance to the home system? there are many ways in a simplified way you can do it by buying petro through the Venezuelan bank once you buy petro it automatically appears in your petroapp and from the petroapp you can change, send your petros to the homeland system but also this ecosystem you can send cryptocurrencies to an address in your wallet in the petroapp and exchange it for petro you can still send it to the homeland system you can also make a mobile payment to the petroapp account that has your number registered we are going to know how this is done, that is, there are many ways to fund to send money to the petroapp and from the petroapp to homeland but to avoid inconveniences and understanding the complexity of all this and what is sought according to this information is to optimize the system my recommendation is that you have a balance regardless of this announcement maintain balance in your homeland system, which is the mission of this video, there is a lot of information on how you can e pay i'm going to simplify i'm going now to the petroapp you need to send funds to this petroapp concentrate on sending funds to the petroapp because here is the starting point for you to do what you want when it comes to getting the bolivars you need to pay or get the petro to pay the first option that I give you quickly is to send cryptocurrencies, be it bitcoin, litecoin dash and convert these cryptocurrencies to petro and then send these petro to homeland is the first option, the fastest option you have without loss of time is to transfer or mobile payment of course we are going to select the mobile payment option we give you to deposit bolivars here on the left and we give you the mobile payment option and here the system automatically gives you the bank details of the mobile payment and it validates the number that you have registered in the petroapp attention if you send a mobile payment from another number that is not the one that is registered in your petroapp it will not work for you It has to be the number that you have registered in your petroapp I am going to make a payment, the minimum payment of 5 bolivars I am going to make a payment to be able to make the example and you can see it and make this video more didactic the fastest and most practical way it is to make a mobile payment as long as you are verified in the petroapp and you are registered and your data is verified ok you cannot do it with another number it has to be with the number you have registered in the petroapp ok once you send your payment The amount of money that you have sent will appear in your mobile phone, then you proceed to give the option to change cryptocurrencies.

In this option, you choose the type of operation if you want to change Bolivars to Petro or Petro to Bolivars as you wish, but for the case of the payment of subsidized gasoline choose the bolívares petro option we are going to convert bolívares to petro because the system is not designed to send bolívares directly to the patr platform ia from the petroapp in this case they put the amount and they give you to exchange to do all these operations that I am mentioning and bring you the information already verified and verified I am going to show you the movements that I made a few hours before recording this video I sent 8 bolivars and then as you can see on the screen I made a change from bolivars to petro it appears 7.92 because it deducts the corresponding commission now what do I have to do after I have my balance in my petro wallet here I have a balance and I can send these petro to my homeland purse I paid attention you can't do it with the application for now for now you have to do it with the website maybe from a week a few months I don't know this has already been corrected in the application at the moment I'm recording I this video the option to transfer to homeland by the application is not enabled you have to do it through the petroapp of the website domain petroapp.petro.gob.ve ok let's go Then we will proceed directly to send our balance of bolivars exchanged for petro to our homeland system, we will transfer to the homeland option, we will send everything that I have as a balance, I will give you the total amount, we will place a description of anything you can place and we will give you accept there is a minimum service fee before I am going to open the homeland page so that you can verify that I do not have a balance in the digital bolivar wallet this is the wallet where all Venezuelans who meet the requirements that I just will recharge balance to mention a moment ago from the homeland blog I have the petro wallet this account has a balance of 0.0 22 petro and this person his gasoline wallet has 120 liters look that now there are four wallets: the digital bolivar wallet, the wallet of petro, the gasoline purse and the sovereign bolívar purse we are going to make a summary I already mentioned all the options that exist and we chose the fastest option and it is oy doing step by step for you to understand; we made a mobile payment of 8 bolivars from our venezuelan bank account we did it through the venezuelan bank after it arrived in our bolivars wallet we changed it to petro and now we are proceeding to transfer those petro to the homeland system we are going to proceed to transfer it we say YES your transfer to the homeland wallet of 0.03 petro is in pending status automatically I already have my balance in petro and that's all gentlemen once we have our balance as you can see the 0.03 has already arrived that was a matter of seconds and I can now use my balance that I have in the petro wallet or in my digital bolívar wallet if that is the case to pay through the biopagoPDV subsidized gasoline if you liked this video give it a like if you want me to create a video with the registration process in the petroapp and how to configure it with the venezuelan bank write me in the comments anyway these videos already exist on the channel it should be reviewed and updated because it is The videos were made more than a year ago and well, my subscribers, you as subscribers are the ones in charge, you ask, I evaluate which video you want to be associated with the cryptocurrency ecosystems, that is what this channel is about, and well, I will gladly give it to you.

I'm preparing pending that all the binance tutorials are coming, binance tutorials how to use this fascinating platform so subscribe subscribe see you in the next video that will be shorter all videos will be short this video because it is the first of many to come and it was necessary I promise that all the next videos will be short and concrete.

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