Провал ИПСО Буданова против Швеца // № 418 – Юрий Швец

Hello friends today still February 2 is Thursday and I am fulfilling my promises some viewers to me have asked me to comment on a certain pamphlet that January 29 appears or rather circulates in the information space of Ukraine it started from the vipers that are underneath control Yermak and this pamphlet was called his was positioned as such by former KGB man Yuri Shvets is driving a wedge between the KGB and the CIA experts US intelligence community was positioned as a product of precisely cut of the community of the United States America that here I have been accused of this terrible and in this scary business hammering in Klin. And I'll tell you what it is. popcorn Get comfortable. But it'll be like… movie and so on Jan. 25 This year on my channel I am publishing 412 video which is called Exclusive United The States have opened a Second Front for Ukraine against her kleptocracy it was on the 25th 26 Washington The man who works for the young General Budanov calls American for lunch his contact They sit down at a table in a restaurant and the first question they immediately ask subordinate of General Budanov sounds like this you know Yuri Shvets the answer is know He works for the Kremlin answer you are crazy Yuri is a Patriot of America and Ukraine And what he doesn't like is the corruption and so he's fighting it to win Putin Next question subordinate Subordinate General Budanov A what such is Larionov's answer to the American and here this is the Kremlin Agent I know the name of this representative's position That is, this subordinate.

Budanov but I won't name him Because the people in the service he was carrying out order and at the end of the day there is in this hierarchy there are literate professional people who perform their duty properly and well and it's not their fault they're infantile boss to follow and wipe after him so I know I won't name it And then there's this encounter. took place on the 26th of the 27th on the internet page here of the United States called OBS lands article is published This is where the alleged U.S.

Industries are investigating me and blames I thought it was the day off on the 27th. and on the 29th this article is already in translation appears in Ukrainian space and that's where she was published by Ukr Inform at 21:54 and this article we have with her let's go through who I wrote on what site there's a mistake here it's a fake plywood but there in the Ukrinform version it is already a product of the intelligence community experts United States of America to which I reminder, that's where they come in It's not something to scoff at. it's very, very which includes 17 intelligence agencies United States here You know how it's all bloated the most high There's a little bit of that and there's a little bit of that.

Amplified which supposedly means the site organized by former CIA employees reflects the viewpoint of the community United States of America Well and beyond by text that is the United States America this article was published Four working days after the I posted two videos this is about your wall street article Journal which was based entirely on Budanov's interview in which he announced himself a savior Kiev who recruited Kireev As his Super Agent and for the first time.

In a few hours had received from him information about an enemy attack but the next day an article came out from of your post that repeated this already there was information about how the director of the CIA came to see you in January. who told you all this and in particular Gostomel and here I am these two videos who is not watching did not listen I recommend it because it's all over the place. arises from these articles so that's what it means. That's this pascal here on the site four working days later if you look at this article there is person who should have written This is the article as it is written He had to do a whole investigation. I've done dozens of these investigations in many so since about 1997 when I took up this case So I'll tell you So in order to To investigate these all the issues, but it had to be so if quick to do it all for about a month here four days of work, let's remember that it's very important the person who It's all did he allegedly allegedly did I between American allegedly the author of this article as far as I understand the Russian language is not knows anyway that there written in full testifies to that he's not even a birch in the Russian language understands what I was saying these are my video now let's go through now.

Let's see what the back is to the of the intelligence community that supposedly spawned this website what it is in Ukrainian version there it The CIA founded it and from which reflects the point of view community section of the oplense website is official information gathered from various sources its founder really was an employee of the CIA as I was told by people who would have known him when he he was in the CIA he specialized Iraq then his career there ended many years ago he worked in United States National Guard America Well just the National Guard There's every single person who reaches Enrolls in the National Guard all the male population and the female population practically male so exactly because my sons were recorded it's imperative That is not God's business He in no way high-ranking he's a former here in spite of opinion that former employees of Russian intelligence services are not the United States everyone who retired they are all former they retired all their contacts with the service ends up back on their doorstep not let in so no relation to the development of the society of the United States America he does not have And in general he actually founded this company.

As it appears from public sources he's basically doing right now. cryptocurrency as you understand very far from all the spy stuff on this site is editor there are two people there at all he doesn't 181 The editor of this site is a woman who sits there. who specializes in writing books about children but apparently good at writing she sits there as an editor Apart from that there there 32 counterbrewer or write in Ukrainian So it's not that it's not a correspondent it's a it's not the staff of this publication it's the people who may from time to time write if there's something you want to send to this editor he will bring the normal the state this is published well in Ukraine there are probably a lot of sites like this and Internet resources that are out there 2123 editor and all that is it is not a website employees Yes where the employees work U.S.

Intelligence community there is one editor there a the rest are completing the [music] what this site says it publishes over the past year these dosers are or contributors have spawned as many as 11 articles original this site for the year they have 11 no there views can be determined there are commentary information to these articles, if there are any. zero comments on these articles under the article under the postpel which wrote about me it was published 27 numbers I looked up as of 9:00 p.m. 43 minutes past the 31st Commentary 0 Nobody didn't notice that So you feel Yes What interest and What impact does this site have and information that appears there 0 Well the site is moving the page is updated Empty spaces need to be filled with something not The wisdom of the sly editor who said she fills articles with references from other sources and since it's lazy there all the rest is from Radio Liberty all as one page So it's all coming from Radio Liberty from above who is It's horrible to eat them even lazy to go to other sites and find Some other information they understand Because if Radio Liberty she information from them she free and if you take it there For reputable sources you have to sign up money is not good so In terms of information impact result 0 Instead it means the money must be want to earn so that somehow support from the site They sell There baseball jerseys and caps When Trump was president these All T-shirts were all symbolic of Trump but now this has all been removed there are other but trying to sell but judging because their don't know at all because the information that is not generated by produces no interest apparently and trade with t-shirts and caps it's not going well now I decided to see if these 11 articles is some kind of super after all.

Analytical which reflects the point viewpoint of the community of the United States America has a company that is independent in the USA company that is engaged in verifying whether the facts are true published on this or that online resource here's what they write about the opslans website the information published is original not Radio Liberty what they themselves They've got these, let's say, 11 articles h11 last year information published by this resource causes low Trust the factual side of this information Sorry for the tautology. writes What yes sells t-shirts here and pro-trump accessories. how public they are I don't know we must be Who was in D.C. Especially in a summertime touristy like this. you know, the season there especially in the center cities you can find these That is, mobile ones like this The carriages are small and there is one person there. he's pushing him all over the place t-shirts sneakers there for three dollars a pair So then it's like this roughly this level of trade the first review of this site is an organization made back in 2017 of the time than she was doing they were promoting conspiracies election fraud conspiracies here This story about Trump allegedly lost because he's a crook rigged this election the second they also promoted misinformation about COVID-19 we will remember that these are all theses Kremlin propaganda Kremlin propaganda The Kremlin helped 2016-2020 information published on this site often has no credible sources that is, this site has a strong right-wing bias and publishes information that is borderline questionable So let's sum it up.

Summary far-right distributes has no credible sources promotes misinformation and conspiracies In short, if there's anything you can read and understand It's a dump but now let's move on to the alleged author whose name is bard carrot 2008 he was an employee of United States Department of Energy States of America Has since resigned. Tried to be A particular job is hard to find He tried express his opinions in one edition then in another So this is the one on Twitter where he indicates the permanent location of his main work is this particular site about which I just told you about in last year on this site, he's been making a lot of noise. two articles under which 0 comments which did not elicit any interest this year The same organization already We gave birth to two in February articles, one of which is about me on period as of January 31, 21:43:43 there were 0 comments too Twitter person So you can do conclusion means that the main job is this this site he's had for the past year made two information now 3 Well that is you can understand it is not constant work Yes a person without a certain kind of occupation if he is a mainstream worker Produces two articles a year on Twitter at the very beginning under the last name where the person there indicates who he is what his Life Credo What he does he just like that hashtag writes Maga I guess that's it for my viewers now.

Should be clear What's a Maga Now its says a lot and in detail this very Ukraine's dreaded enemy right now whose representatives right now Congress are screaming that not a cent to Ukraine and which they want to turn into these inspectorial oversight over the use of American money taxpayers in Ukraine into an excuse to to stop it altogether are the people who are in the information space they act pits too about that's what the biggest fact American mass media of information was directly researched by about how the same Tucker Carlson promoting the same talking points that in Moscow advances on the Nightingale by honeysuckle and Skarabeeva So it's one Duda and it blows one and the same music and it's the worst enemy of the Ukraine and as I read today in previous video I told you that the inspectors who visited visited Kiev was not warned that it is very difficult With the next tranche this year will be because these people over there are from over there.

Is now trying to try this whole thing. stop it I mean he's magagon magahawk he's still a fan is the one who is in charge the spreader of Kremlin propaganda. now the United States of America he is still hated by the administration Ukraine's main allies which provides her assistance now political position in general here I found only one interview with him on his website on Nara's Twitter web page. proud of him because the Interview was also I guess so On the eve of the election, literally on the very Just before the election, it is still hangs there That is the Greatest of his achievement in his opinion he gave TV network called TV Channel which is called One American Network or Who wants to go to Wikipedia There they'll tell you very briefly So on the eve of the presidential election he says Referring to him talking about Biden the candidates then five more presidents Biden and Kamala Harris Here's what she doesn't say this left socialist Marxist candidates who are trying to knit us a Marxist system The key element of Marxism is authoritarianism And their goal is to seize power take away all future voting rights is what's at stake here.

Card Well, I get the impression that the person when he's talking about Marxism he's in general doesn't know what he's talking about I say modestly a little bit understands because graduated from soviet union university Patrice Lumumba where Marxism was taught great attention I graduated with three degrees. University all with honors and polyeconomics the part that is capital Marx Marx Well and then generally the rest of the articles have become Karl Marx were studied there like this evangelicals study the New Testament well That's not bad it's another thing studied so Here Let's analyze this is it statement first from the point of view of analyst what analyst this carrot who uttered this phrase means he's actually saying here that the purpose of since they are socialist Marxists their purpose is to take over the power to take away all future voting rights and thus means to usurp power here it's been two years these socialists Marxists In Power And I don't see it being taken away from us here the right to vote any other rights I don't I see While the election last midterm were held went well there The Republicans won as they won Well a little bit so they won, but no one they weren't challenged by any sign of That in the presidential election all will go well unlike [ __ ] by the way this one gave in October in late October '16 and already at the end of November his idol Trump in general grave stooped to rigged to overturn a legitimate past elections what his idol was doing the same in what poppy carrots blamed on Harris and Biden so it turns out that as an analyst 0 what he was afraid of it did not come true And it did, but it did and tried to make it his idol Trump But now the main thing is so in general this very As a person I'm sure I know better than this kind of thing can only be extracted by loudmouth, to put it mildly, who does not knows what he's talking about blabbermouth propagandist A fierce hater of the Democratic Party Who talking nonsense.

Who scares the common man with nonsense which, by the way, is completely echoes the propaganda of the Russian of the special services, which at the time was all worked In the information space and not only the United States of America helps Trump win this election i.e. analyst 0 of the broader I mean about Marxism its 487 I have a saying about Marxism such a word in America [ __ ] which translates into Russian as [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot dummy A man who doesn't know what he's talking about says I showed this article about me and let me look at this excerpt to an American friend of mine who In politics all his life has known well and all the moves and exits say so what are you you can say but he said the first phrase he said called begins with a letter words obscene bring and the second [ __ ] [ __ ] shorter to put it mildly blabbermouth.

Blabbermouth So let's summarize. intermediate As an analyst 0 person without definite occupation without definite without any experience in the field of intelligence working on resources and associated with resources that [music] by independent agencies in the United States qualifies as almost like an information dump like resources that give out misinformation here he supposedly wrote an article about me disclosure, so to speak, by the way for to bring this whole thing up further To make it clear he was interviewed by this company Need to tell a little bit because well it'll give you a better idea You can go to Wikipedia and get to know it.

It says it all. The company that's here after Trump in the last months of his presidency has gone completely off the rails and even the Force has turned its back on him That's it. OAN became his only Trump dumpster dumpster I mean, it's such an over-the-top magician's channel By God they have an audience like again an independent agency evaluated can be seen on Vic Wikipedia I have 14,000 people in America I have about 10 percent of all my viewers subscribers whose is already over a million 250 people approx. one million two hundred fifty thousand percent Of which the United States of America more 120,000 at this one whose interview is proudly shows off the carrots on his tweeter. page there 14,000 What does Wikipedia say they are it's one of those terribly misinformed resources of the United States of America there's a whole study of the whole canvas goes on about what they've been shoving in the ears of their listeners, and there's only 14,000 of them… all over America there are decent people their don't listen as far as Russia is concerned some journalists from this oaen were simultaneously working for the Russian propaganda state channel satellite The Kremlin's main propaganda resource they distributed were demonstrating on their screen documentary which then American intelligence community made a statement they qualified it as product made by the secret service Russian Federation which to a large extent has been was made with the help of Andrei Derkach which was later announced by the American Intelligence community as an FSB agent sanctioned is now in running and the other such Kilimnick too you probably know also declared Americans An agent of the Russian secret services who also who is not wanted and is now also in on the run, but there's a whole plume of of those talking points that Russian Propaganda has been pushing in the United States of America and this one he as a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda Go in if you're interested read that has said it repeatedly this it's a fact now by which there have been carried out there the widest global study by the normal means of the of information that these extremely right-wing resources and in particular this om is a tool of Russian propaganda and what this is what it's all about nobody knows it's so trashy in which they sell bonnets baseball jerseys and this and that there's an article being published We'll go over it in a moment.

Who is Yuri Shvets begins great start and I liked it that it was quoted in the Inform. dumpsters that are under Andrew's control. Andrey Yermaka and all so Oh the same that's how most Americans have never heard of Yuri Shvets here starts this one in America the beginning or generally this kind of staging question is called That is, it's a squeaky-clean competition. ant that offers compete with the other one to pee the furthest. meaning if no one ever has never heard of me about Yuri Shvets he must be better known But if you look at the number of his followers or subscribers to the There's about 5,600 of them on Twitter. Only in the American audience more 120,000 That is, if no one ever in America has never heard and Yuri Shvets such a bard brand it doesn't exist at all then he's a myth and if you look at what means media published it and me, it's heaven and earth as I've shown he was published in the dumps and I was published in major media mass media United States of Great Britain twice was on this highest flight with Extreme 60 minutes CBS is the most rated program of all time and peoples I would be twice although every politician he would consider it an honor.

To show his face there at least once and yes of these two broadcasts in general were devoted by me to So the test song about Mr. Marcoy somehow didn't happen He goes straight to the point from here. to the Litvinenko murder Well, that's the point You can find it all on the internet read all this stuff here in this paragraph in this section Schwetz and Litvinenko's polony murder is all lie from beginning to end which again, here's what causes me to suspicion just suspicion because But you can't be so stupid as to, well… give out in the first place it's not a situation It's slanderous and to give it away like that. Well in general, all twisted then there's a point at you a few paragraphs at a time when world focused on Putin's role in the both murders But she's the one Politkovskaya though what do i have to do with politkovskaya and Yuri Shvets appeared on stage who claimed to know everything from the inside This is some kind of nonsense Kraynaya Politkovsky had nothing to do with it at all.

The scene of Litvinenko's barely murder, I showed up. not random not when the whole world has already investigated I got a call on the second the very next day after Sasha passed away, a representative called [music] anti-terrorist center talked to me and a week later they I already had them here. I've been here twice We've worked here several days all the work was done via U.S.-British agreement on cooperation and went through the Ministry of U.S. Justice they were coming to me British delegation representatives from the FBI and I've been asked for a lot of information here major television networks in particular refused because there is an investigation going on and all The only thing that was announced at the time when it was leaked that the British had arrived.

Someone's talking to me then stated that the FBI had also entered investigation did the training this Sounded to me like a sensation Further about That I was trying to distract from. the main culprit of the number of Sasha Litvinenko that is Putin and tried to take him to another unfit facility again [ __ ] because the information is out in the open including my performance I was alone of the key witnesses in the murder case. Sasha Litvinenko where we asked me was question as I remember now whether you think That this murder may have been committed without the knowledge of the way yes I said No way this murder could have sanctioned only by Putin So that's the way it goes from here, which means which the thought is not clear to him And the second of these lines my involvement in the Litvinenko case no was simply self-serving fawning over Russia and distracting attention from Putin's role in these murders that's just nonsense, I mean it's like this Using this wording I can just formulate it in this way is not clear to me now this is what just quoted it wrote [ __ ] Pick any [ __ ] [ __ ] degenerate [ __ ] who hasn't found them for himself he didn't find it necessary to bring up the relevant material they public or if he was too lazy to do it Tolin didn't read it at all and didn't want to to do He was texted by others or if it was others he did it by selfish motives I don't understand at least I would have called me I would have called him I would have explained to him further Further he goes and mine participation in the book I took part in what I am proud to write this book American Kompromat it says famous American writer.

Angel this book is on amazon still is on sale and it was a bestseller amazon had a section of it in their section espionage intelligence a few weeks the first week she was in first place then she stayed in the top five for a few more weeks got very high here if you look it up in amazon. readers' rating of 4 out of 5 very good positive feedback I gave dozens of interviews here United States of America so very positive means what the alleged author writes these lines Craig is a known conspiracy theorist. angel was working on a book about the president Trump and Russia known conspiracy theorist is says the man who blamed of being a Marxist and wanting to take over the power in order to deprive Americans of the right to choose and to take over in general her forever who is tied to the dumps which by independent agencies qualify As exactly dumpsters as sources false unverified direction information without information he still speculates about the conspiracy of an angel The famous American writer of the book whose books are bestsellers So I gave away some of the Not About similar statements about how he knows about similar they are or are not taught from whence the concept of ex-employee at all Department of Energy can say something about what's in there that is implausible or not when speech is about undercover intelligence further goes on to my The information I've been telling you is video where we are talking about budanov which the sharp jordal boasted that first information that he is the savior of Kiev Since he recruited Kireev Kireev a few hours before the Russian invasion brought him this information that attack will be prepared the game is all that is the Guru is arranged everything saved Kiev even though the next day he said that this information not in a few hours but back in January brought himself alerted above management country director Well, and here you remember we were discussing this the video here means it's didn't find yes What it says is what it says the author or whoever is credited with this text quote he cites allegedly what good is in our military intelligence if they can't distinguish between Kireev and CIA Director Bones it's me and he's me repeating his thesis In a generally nauseating way nauseatingly for a soporific 45 minutes here's my question again Here's what person is changeable Generally or not also at me under these videos have time codes which Well clearly shows that I haven't repeated this question for 45 minutes Well Why so blunt is beyond my comprehension.

The stupidity of this whole piece These two videos were watched in total 1.7 million people in total All in all, these two interviews videos received over 120,000 likes it was clear to these people they understood and didn't fall asleep and then the clowns show up. United States of America still means me told you that between my interview about the arrival of the opening of the second front at ride of the inspectors and the appearance of this article four days had passed in those four days he allegedly investigated my involvement in the case. Litvinenko who led the anti-terrorist squat of Scottland Yard it's all there Investigated it turned out I don't know of the Russian language he listened to heard what isn't there and didn't hear what was there Here's the wording Well and then Shvets uses his YouTube channel to promote toxic KGB-style conspiracy theory. he doesn't write yes or supposedly he the man who gives the interview TV network that they write about that it's conspiracy conspiracy company that promotes conspiracy theories on his website on which he posted this one.

The scribble says so and says that it's spreading conspiracy theories And now this [ __ ] claims that I did it. Passes the most important thing me I'm just amazed at the stupidity of it. stupidity of execution and here's the important thing also an example of this stupidity that he still counts it important Emphasize that the GUR played an important role or was instrumental in winning the battle for Kiev I wonder how he knows which what role did the GUR play in this battle that is I first heard it from the words of the Budanov declared themselves as the saviors of Kiev. second of my interviews in general I I wasn't talking about the cucumber I was talking about where and these are slightly different things because well let's just say GUR before Budanova or GUR after Budanava These are different organizations by and large so that's where the legs aren't growing out of.

Of the customer if you remember that the whole story begins with lunch on which calls American means American's person is called by one of the Budanov's subordinates and so the GUR played an important role in winning the battle for Kiev gratitude was the [ __ ] writing this or is it being viewed some commercial material interest in this case is unclear that's as good as it gets to me. Well, in the course of investigating all this. I had to talk to a number of former employees United States community discharge Which unlike the Marcoi they are experts and they don't work in dumpsters. Internet dumpsters they work in. by experts on serious American media outlets like this. reported to me that there are serious problems. among U.S. government employees. who must come into contact with representatives of the state institutions of Ukraine Because it is believed that state institution of Ukraine to the highest Russian secret services and here we should call there to ask some kind of question but I have serious concerns that you call you a Russian Agent. of the secret services that work Under Under the guise of a government position in the Ukraine and he may know your name You must introduce himself he knows in your name surname next you have to ask a question then it all goes away and then God forbid it will somehow come out somewhere all over again career people are afraid to call Because like I said serious grounds suggest that Budanov personally dragged into the SDG cadre of at least two people who and every reason to believe that they are connected to the Russian special services one of them is Kireev the second one is he's sitting there now assistant whose wife works at the secretary of the presidential administration who was present at this The ill-fated report put the Wagners on which then went information to Moscow And after that her husband Budanov takes over as an assistant probably arrested officer rank understanding What he does Budanov me at least two years were tested before take their time to work And here live together work together tested will not verify who tested it afraid of people from Washington Call already and finally me rebuke means not to blame me for the fact that I trying to sneak ah yes Sparkles here he writes that Ukrainian GUR obviously warned both the CIA and kireev successfully repelled Russian attack on Kiev airport where does everybody know About Kireev it's from Budanov's words he takes it on faith As far as the CIA is concerned, it's the director of the CIA not personally Yes gave the Ukrainian power at all at the highest level warned about this case from which Confidence in the words of Budanov C why would it How to explain it How do you explain it? I'm afraid to think just but can't be and then he says I'm typing it in.

The wedge between the CIA where I was hammering I reasoned I said abu yes So I'm trying to wreak havoc. of this one and to drive the Wedge in when there isn't any. No sign of a rift between the Ukraine and western allies And I used to I used to say that there's a rift. How many viewers can hear me The opposite of what everyone is saying is that America is most importantly the only ally is the biggest critical with whom one must deal in every way possible cultivate a relationship rather than kill it corruption In short Here Here's Gentlemen like this situation Well, what can I say from this general overview unit must end conclusions for me an analysis based on the information presented I believe it is possible to arrive at the following by a preselection of the conclusion First is an active event Yes and PSO which has been held to implement directly under the direction of Budanov, but given the way she was promoted in Kiev the case was under control there Yermak It happened after I uncovered with my video of Budanov's lies about his save the day about saving Kiev but the case directly spun after the after I announced the arrival of the opening second front to fight corruption and The arrival of the auditors is when the already the scandal was blazing with golden eggs these eggs with my announcement of the arrival of the revision they they've been flamed out or they've been pinned down badly steel vise The operation was carried out completely ugly you know any Such an operation.

Active action And this is an active event where you can call his face it has to be done in a way that doesn't the performers' ears don't stick out of there and so that the source would be sterilization through which you implement which cannot be interrupted impossible to interrupt Use the man who works for exposing me to conspiracy theories can't Use a man who works on dumpsters that are independent U.S. media qualifies as disinformation centers spreading disinformation Russian secret services But these are no gate is not fit then the time factor but could not man who doesn't know Russian could have done this.

Such an investigation in four hours in four days and write and write this scribble and then United States zero interest in her no one is paying attention to her zero all the dumps under Andrew's leadership Yermak in Kiev are buzzing and the intelligence community US community weighing [ __ ] touch and then you will say that I I'm going to put it to the americans that what they didn't do and what they didn't will thank you because they're spreading slanderous fabrications without foundation By some such sneaky letters this it's fraught with danger and in time of war last question which war arises intelligence must to do serious business and the officers the same thing and in the meantime they are running around on United States in order to to organize this thing. in Kiev at this time, General Budanov is giving mind-blowing interview announcing himself the savior of Kiev Ukraine You guys have a bullet out of your head was talking about this expression which us is ingrained in the analytical U.S.

line division. Get the bullet out of your head Come to your senses stop these games in the children's sandbox. it's not the 95th quarter anymore. war the americans said the fate is decided Ukraine on this road finish this video To express my deep conviction that that no matter what the enemy will be defeated victory will be ours Glory to Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Mordor As before Carthage will be destroyed and wish you that we will win good luck to all and see you all again soon.

As found on YouTube

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